Tag Archives: Ebooks

Think Like A Boss MRR Ebook

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Among the hardest transitions for individuals is to move from the employee to the entrepreneur mentality. The idea of getting on your own, getting your own business is fantastic.

It's the desire of a lot of individuals to leave their jobs and get to be successful business owners.

However, is there a transition that has to be made from the employee mentality to the entrepreneur mentality?

It’s really exceedingly crucial that you bear this entrepreneur mentality to succeed in business on your own…because most of the principles you'll need to succeed are based off of being a true entrepreneur.

And there are gigantic differences between that and an employee mentality, I’m not pulling your leg …and we will look at it here.

Think Like a Boss

Develop The Right Mindset To Transition From Employee To Entrepreneur

Chapter 1: Which Mindset Do You Have


Many small business owners and enterprisers got their beginning as an employee. They worked for somebody else. The issue is, if you’ve been an employee for years, it may be difficult to shake of the bonds of the employee mentality.

What does this mean?

If you've an employee mentality, you're more likely to look to other people to tell you what to do. You’ll find it difficult to take responsibility for the success and failure of your endeavor.

You see, as an employee, you've no say about how the business is executed. You just work hard to prove your value so that you can stay employed.

Which One Are You

If you're an entrepreneur or business owner, you think much differently. Essentially the buck stops (and begins) with you. You're responsible for the success and failure of your endeavor. And you are the one who makes all the huge decisions (including who to designate littler decisions to!).

To discover if you're thinking like an employee or an entrepreneur, take this fast quiz:

- Do you confine your tasks/responsibilities to a subset of what is required for your business to flourish?

- Do you base your life-style on your revenue?

- If a money setback happens, do you shrink your budget to adapt to the reduction in revenue?

- Do you constantly seek outside advice to make even daily decisions?

If you responded “yes” to most of these queries, chances are you've an employee mentality. Here’s why those with an entrepreneur mentality would answer “no.”

Do you confine your tasks/responsibilities to a subset of what is required for your business to flourish?

Entrepreneurs understand that occasionally they have to do things in their business that are “higher up” or “beneath” their skill level. Their mental attitude is if it has to get accomplished, get it accomplished

and they're not adverse to bundling up their sleeves and getting their arms dirty.

Do you base your life-style on your revenue?

Entrepreneurs will seek to develop their business, enlarge their line of products and broaden their services when money setbacks happen.

They don’t let themselves get to be or remain a victim of fiscal conditions.

If a money setback happens, do you shrink your budget to accommodate the reduction in revenue?

Entrepreneurs send out the payments for themselves first. They center on bringing in the money that supports the life-style they want and invest the rest into their business. That stated, they're likewise cognizant of and accept the fleeting sacrifices that may need to be made in order to achieve a goal.

Do you constantly seek outside advice to make even daily decisions?

Entrepreneurs handle their time and take responsibility for their actions. While they might seek out mentors to guide them to expanded growth, they're in control of their day-to-day actions and don’t need somebody else to tell them what to accomplish or prompt them to accomplish it.

Let’s look at some more differences Monday mentality

- Employees fear Monday. (Or, whatever the beginning day of their work week is.)

- Entrepreneurs are not bolted into a work week. They approach each day as a different chance to go after their dreams.

It’s not my problem mentality

- Employees have this mentality they view everything on the job by whether or not it's their problem.

- Entrepreneurs view everything as their duty as they have ownership of what is happening in their business.

T. G. I. F. (Thank Goodness It’s Friday) mentality

- Employees are constantly looking forward to their off days.

- Entrepreneurs are forever seeking ways to extend their business even when they're not “working” they're considering ways to extend their entrepreneurial talents. They look forward to each day!

When am I going to receive a raise? mentality

- Employees think that raises ought to come according to the calendar, instead of according to their work.

- Entrepreneurs seldom consider when they'll receive an increase. They realize that the more they work towards helping other people the greater their reward will be.

Oh no, what now mentality

- Employees set about meetings with an “oh no” mentality.

- Entrepreneurs set about meetings with a mastermind mentality.

They realize that excellent ideas come out of these meetings.

There are a lot more mindsets that we may compare. As a matter of fact if a few have come to mind for you as you read this write them down.

High Ticket Clients Secrets MRR Ebook

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Chapter 1: Why Go For High Paying Client

First of all, why we go for high paying clients? Who are these people? They are not just your average customers. Instead, they are those who are willing to pay you double, triple or even 50 times more than what you would earn from your average customers at the same amount of time invested. Why is that? It is because they are the high-end clients who understand more on the value you offer.

Besides, these people are who we see as “ideal clients” and “long-term clients”, who you can make a difference with and you love to work with. Let us see to these options here. Coaching 100 or even 1000 separate low ticket clients and coaching one high paying client to earn the same amount of money. So, which is more efficient to you?

Everyone only has 24 hours a day, no more and no less. Thus, our goal is to make the most profit possible with the least amount of time. Be productive by using fewer sources to produce more output. As you are working with the ideal clients, they are cooperating with you to make notable changes in their businesses and lives. In order to produce a very good result, you can say that they are actually “growth-oriented” and will go for it with the help of your expertise and support. Thus, by working longterm with these people, you will get to know and understand their needs better.

Also, you can earn more and at the same time able to have the time freedom to travel around the world, spend time with your loved ones and enjoy the life that you want. When you charge more, you will feel that you are being valued for what you are worth.

You could provide them with a better service and make a better impact without worrying that you are being taken advantage of. Not to mention, you will gain more satisfaction as the work you are doing is actually makes a difference!

Chapter 2: What It Takes to Close

High Paying Clients

How many of you ever think of “It is impossible for me or I am not sure whether I get to close high paying clients.”, “I am an introvert person. I am too shy or not comfortable to talk to those high paying clients that I need to deal with the selling.”; “Selling is not my strength. I am not good enough in selling and I will never able to sell to high paying clients.” So, with these negative and disturbing thoughts, you become not confident and automatically downgrade yourselves that you cannot do what you actually can do. Not finding anything that could act as a booster will only make you keep feeling discouraged and afraid to do things. “Do or do not, there is no try.” is one of the most famous quotes from the Star Wars series that each of you seems to know. Hence, the first step that you should take in order to sell to high paying clients is to work on your belief system.

Belief System

If you have limiting belief in yourself, it will not bring you far. This is one of the key factors that holding most people back from closing high paying clients. Marketing and selling high-end services is not something that you can make a 360 degree change to overnight. Yet, it is still possible to have a sustainable business that is more rewarding and satisfying. Attracting more high paying clients is an option as it will not happen accidentally thus, needs to be done by design. If you dedicate to developing and implementing the design consistently, there you go! Most of your clients will be high paying clients in a year or less! Now, let us take a look on what is meant by belief. Our core belief system has been constructed and shaped throughout our life based on numerous events we have experienced that we perceive as true or false. Do you realize that most of our beliefs are shaped by others; such as parents, TV and social norms? However, the challenge is, most of us are unconsciously decide what we are going to believe. Instead, our beliefs are often the misinterpretations of past events.

As an illustration, let’s take a look to this analogy of belief. Think of a belief as a tabletop. Without any legs, the tabletop won’t even stand up by itself, right? So, what if belief has legs? Here is when you want to believe in something, you have the references to support the idea. The references are the specific experiences that back up the belief where by in this case, the legs are the supporting evidence. These are the legs that make your tabletop solid; and thus, it makes you certain about your beliefs.

To put it another way, I am going to give you an example just for you to get the idea of belief. Let say, if you believe that you are not good at Mathematics, you are probably have a lot of references to back it up. Maybe you have answered wrongly in class for several times, you failed the last two tests; or maybe your mother said something like this “I’m afraid you got my genes in the math department, my dear.”, and it could be many other reasons that you could refer to make a stand on your belief. So, based on the references above, you can find experiences to back up almost any belief that you hold on to.

The Power Of Belief

Let us see how strong the power of belief is. It is either your belief helps you or hurts you; or either it can empower you or cage you in forever. This short story will show you the effects of beliefs. Elephant keepers have an interesting way of keeping their elephants from running away. They tie them to a wooden peg with a rope. It doesn’t make sense on the surface, since a rope like that has no hope of holding a grown elephant. But ask any elephant keeper and he will chuckle and explain: “When a baby elephant is born, the herder ties it to a peg with a rope. At this point, the rope is strong enough to hold the elephant. The baby elephant quickly learns that trying to escape the rope is futile. And he keeps that learning with him, even as he grows up and the rope becomes far too weak to hold him.”

One day, the circus accidentally went on fire, and the elephant died. He was enormous, and could have easily ripped the pole out of the ground to run away to safety, but there was a SELF-LIMITING BELIEF in his mind that told him he would not be able to do it, and so he did not even try. Like the elephants, we often form beliefs that might be useful at first, but then hold us back in life, long after the original reasons are gone. This can be concluded by a quote by Anthony Robbins – “Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy.” Back to the famous quote on belief from the Star Wars series which I have mentioned earlier, the lesson to be learned could be related to a scene where Master Yoda uses the force to lift the entire crashed ship out of the swamp, moves it through the air and gently places the ship on firm land as light as a feather. Luke Skywalker stammers “I… I don’t believe it.” and the Jedi Master replies “And that is why you fail.”

A Belief That Empowering You

Again, I would like to highlight it here, despite the question of whether we could achieve the targeted goal or strategy, it is normally our skepticism or doubt that restricts us from fully dedicating which eventually becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy when things fail to work out as we thought they would. Our beliefs somehow affect how we apply ourselves and will eventually give impacts to our success. So, how to turn your self-limiting belief to a belief that empowering you? When there is a little voice say that you’re not good enough or you are not able to do it, turn it to this: “If I could help someone to get the result for themselves faster, easier and more efficiently than they could do it for themselves, that’s all the credentials I need.”

Internet Success For Beginners PLR Ebook

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There is no argument that the online marketplace is one of the most rapidly burgeoning markets today. In fact, a great percentage of businesses today have some sort of an online presence. Therefore, learning how to sell products on the internet is not a skill that is optional; it is a necessary skill particularly for new businesses that do not have the luxury of an already established distribution chain.

Admittedly, learning how to sell your products can be somewhat of a daunting task to many; this is regardless of whether you are tech savvy or not. Of course, there are a few advantages to being tech savvy but that should not worry you at the moment. You need to figure out what your product is, how to come up with the product (whether to purchase or manufacture), how to market these products and finally how to sell and distribute them online. No matter the size, whether it is a main source of income or a side business, building a business can sometimes be a very overwhelming task, and more often than not time is major constraint as there are other things in play such as increased competition and costs.

However, thanks to the advancement of today’s technology there are countless ways that this particular process can be made so much simpler for you. A couple of decades ago, in order for you to make any money from your small business then you would have to go through the cumbersome task of locating and negotiating a lease for a store front. You would also need a warehouse if your business handles large amounts of inventory, hire staff to help you run the business, and spend countless nights awake wondering whether the tens of thousands of dollars that you have invested in the renovation of the physical store is going to have any substantial impact or not. Businessmen in the world over can now exhale a sigh of relief that these days are finally gone.

One of the key benefits of conducting an online business is that a substantial portion of the overhead costs that are associated with the business tend to be minimized as compared to a situation where one would be setting up a physical store. This portion of your budget can now be transferred elsewhere where it can serve in growing your business substantially.

By mastering the art of selling products via an e-commerce website also confers the benefit of mitigating a substantial amount of financial risks that you would have otherwise been exposed to. It eliminates the need for you or your business to have a form of physical location or to pen down an expensive multi-year lease.

You should note that this information is not meant to imply that maintaining an online business is a walk in the park. It is, however, true that through the application of the technology that is at our disposal today, you are capable of creating and growing an online business with increased expediency as compare to what it was like a couple of decades ago.

How is Technology

Chapter 01 - Benefits of Technology for Selling Online

One of the reason the internet has grown in popularity as a medium for conducting business is the fact that it can allow you to have an easy access to millions of shoppers worldwide. Moreover, because of its global reach an online business can literally be open for 24 hours a day every day. This is tremendous firepower in business and if utilized in the right manner it can help you reap serious rewards.

Admittedly, technology has its limitations as it cannot possibly guide you on tough decisions such as the kind of business to be in, the services to offer, products to sell, or how to manufacture your products in an efficient manner. However, what it can do is offer you with the capacity to present your products to a huge number of prospective customers online and simplifies the process of getting money from the customers’ pockets into your own.

In business there are a lot of tasks that are mundane but are important to the business, quite frankly if we all had a choice we would prefer not to do them. Luckily, with automation you have this choice and you can now free up a substantial amount of your time and devote it towards performing more important tasks in your business.

Each and every day, there are millions of shoppers that visit online market places with the intention of finding the right product for them to buy. There are businesses that have already set up their structure to meet this demand and they are moving tons of products already. This goes to show that there is a lot of potential in selling products online.

If you have already come up with your business model and have products ready to sell, there are a number of sizeable market places which provide you with the opportunity of uploading pictures of your product and commence selling them on the spot. Examples of some of these marketplaces are Facebook, Amazon, Alibaba, Etsy, and many more. The benefit of these sites is that they are capable of matching the overwhelming demand with the appropriate product. Therefore, you will always have a market for your goods thus enabling you to move them that much quicker.

These kinds of marketplaces are great as they provide you with an easy opportunity to market your products online. However, they are not always free and this will eat into your margins. Furthermore, it takes out a little bit of brand image when you use third party marketers. Your business stands to benefit greatly if you are able to create your own e-commerce website. How this can be achieved will be discussed in detail much later.

Building Great Landing Pages That Convert Resale Rights Ebook

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Introduction to Landing Page

Before you begin the attempt to build a successful list or create a powerful sales page, you will want to start with a rigorous introduction to landing pages. In stark contrast to undifferentiated, unfocused home pages, landing pages focus specifically on capturing leads for a newsletter or making sales for a specific product – and make no attempt to give visitors a different option.

Another common word that is often used to describe landing page, is “squeeze page” (or “lead capture page” in some circles). A squeeze page is a page designed to get names and email addresses. Usually, however, a squeeze page is usually a smaller type of landing page, which usually has an opt-in form in sight when the page loads.

So what is important to learn in an introduction to landing pages? First, it is important to recognize that all successful marketers use these. If you plan to sell a product over the Internet, you will want to use one, too, rather than relying on sidebar opt-in forms and unfocused pages that do not convey a single point and a single call to action.

Another important thing you will want to take away from this introduction to landing pages is that every landing page contains the same parts and is focused on a SINGLE goal – getting the visitor to become a subscriber or buyer.

These parts are as follows: an opt-in form (or sales prompt), a brief or lengthy introduction, a picture of the list/product owner, the signature of the list owner, and a call to action (or multiple calls to action).

Determining which model will work best for you can simply only be done through testing. While many boast a conversion and attribute it to the shortness of their introduction (many will be one short paragraph), otherwise will boast a high conversion rate because they use lengthy, thorough, and compelling copy.

If there is anything you absolutely must take away from an introduction to landing pages, it is that you cannot create a landing page or squeeze page that isn't focused.

The Landing Page System

The landing page system provides a uniquely powerful system through which you can derive profit from multiple streams. This article will briefly discusses some of those different streams – and how you can manipulate them.

Let's start with the landing page itself: all traffic is sent to the landing page. From there, it will have a number of options, depending on what you have given them. Many marketers suggest that your landing page should always be an opt-in form. Others will suggest that it should simply be a sales page.

Whether it's a free newsletter or a product for sale, the landing page system you create should include a “one time offer,” which will compel them to take action – subscribe, buy, etc.

Once they subscribe or buy, the landing page system you create should then re-route them to a thank you page, which opens up more means through which you can up-sell. One quick way to up-sell is to simply include advertisements on your thank you page for related affiliate products or for your own products. Here, again, you will want to give them a one-time offer.

Also, if you haven't yet asked them to join your mailing list, this is where you should do it – on your thank you page. Once they opt-in to your list, you now have a whole new option you can use in conjunction with the landing page system to generate revenue.

One such option is selling ad space in your newsletter or e-zine. The more people you have reading your newsletter, the more you can generally charge for ad space; however, you will want to avoid overselling to your list to ensure your advertisers actually make money.

Your next option is to endorse a product as an affiliate. You can tell your subscribers how someone has just created a brilliant product – and you can offer it to your subscribers through an affiliate link. You may even want to use other products you have has bonuses to give them something extra.

The last and most profitable way in which you can generate revenue through your newsletter is by creating and selling your own products to them.

It is important to note that you don't have to use all of these means to generate revenue; however, the more you use, the more you earn in general.

Your Landing Page
Your One Time Offer
Sell Ad Space in Your eZine
Endorse as an Affiliate
Back-end Ads & Selling
Sell your own product
Thank You Page

What You Need Before Getting Started

Before you get started building your landing page, you will need a number of things to a) make your offer actually have a point; and b) facilitate the creation of your landing page.

One thing you absolutely must have before you get started is an auto responder. Without any auto responder, you are tossing potential bags of money in the garbage. Rather than creating a relationship with customers and potential customers – and giving yourself the opportunity to attempt future up-sales -- you're allowing them to leave and never return.

In addition to an auto responder, you will need to have an actual offer that people want to buy. You may want to develop a product, such as an E-Book or a piece of software.

If you don't have the skills to do either, you can always hire a professional to do it for you through Elance.com or Guru.com. You will then either want to sell this product and attempt to get subscribers from your thank you page – or you will want to get subscribers by offering the product for free (which is what many Internet marketers now do).

Another thing you absolutely must have before you get started is a check out service. You may want to consider Paypal, Click Bank, or 2 Check Out. All of these services will allow you to make transactions quickly.

Another thing you must have before you get started is a set of graphics, which usually includes a graphic header, a check out button, background wallpaper, and a half-decent picture of yourself. You can probably provide the picture of yourself, but you might want to hire a professional to do the rest.

Another thing you will need before you can get started on your landing page is some way in which to create a realistic signature. http://www.vletter.com is probably your best bet; but, if you're on a budget, you may want to opt for simply using a word processing program.

Searching For The Perfect Niche Resale Rights Ebook

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A Step-by-step Approach to Finding the Best Niches in which to Market a Product or Service

Niche Finding Blueprint

When selling a product, a lot of people make the mistake of developing their product first, and then trying to find a market for it. Of course, the process should be reversed.

Find a market first that spends money, then find out what they want and give it to them.

It is certainly easier said than done, but there are a lot of places online where you can do your market research for free. They've done most of the work for you already. You just need to know where to go and what to do to connect all the dots.

Let me show you the process I go through when I'm trying to brainstorm for ideas.

For starters, I'm always aware of trends and current events in the real world. I read several newspapers each day, many magazines, both general and niche-specific, I watch the news, I listen to the radio. Occasionally something that I hear or read will stick with me. I may record my thoughts on my portable voice recorder; jot down some notes, whatever happens to be convenient for me. Sometimes I'll call my office voice mail and leave myself a message.

But at some point I'll have several broad ideas to research. I want to look deeper. And I want to make sure there is a good market for them before I even think about creating a product.

So I'll begin completing the following steps:

Google Zeitgeist-


To begin with, I check out the hottest search trends at Google Zeitgeist. If I am targeting the US market, I’ll click on “U.S. Zeitgeist,” otherwise I’ll look at “Zeitgeist Around the World.” At this point I am just looking for ideas.

If I see that a particular topic is hot, I’ll make a note of it and look at more targeted sub-niches later on at more specialized sites (which I’ll show you shortly).

Lycos Top 50 - http://50.lycos.com

The Lycos Top 50 is another site, like Google Zeitgeist, where I will review the latest trends and look for hot topics to explore further. I will also look at Yahoo! Buzz for ideas as well (see below).

Yahoo! Buzz - http://buzz.yahoo.com

eBay Pulse – http://pulse.ebay.com

The eBay Pulse site is a great place to start looking at sub-niches. What I will do is select the category first (using the topics I’ve gathered from looking at the previous sites), then look for profitable sub-niches by then selecting a sub-category.

The best chance for success is if I am as specific as possible with my niche selection. In the example below, I don’t want to sell to the “crafts” niche.

I want to sell to grandmothers who enjoy giving their latch rug hooking gifts to their families and friends. Whatever. You get the idea.

Also, I’ll always check the largest stores as well to see what they’re selling. There has to be a reason they are the largest stores. They must be doing something right.

eBay also puts out a PDF report of their hottest categories each month, available at http://pages.ebay.com/sellercentral/hotitems.pdf.

Now that I have some potential sub-niches to work with, I want to see how much of a market there is there.

Just because a sub-niche is popular doesn’t mean people spend money on it.

Amazon - http://www.amazon.com

Amazon is a great place to see what currently exists for any given sub-niche.

Chances are, the more books there are written on that subject, the more that market spends on those topics.

For example:

First I specify “Books” to search. Then I enter my niche, in this case “crafts.”

Uh oh. There are WAY too many books returned. This niche is not targeted enough. It is too “mainstream.”

Much better! There are possibilities here.

We now suspect the following:

1) This sub-niche may be targeted enough.

2) This sub-niche may spend money.

Time to scope it out a little further.

We want to be as certain as we possibly can that our niche is focused enough but big enough, and that the people in that niche spend money.

So next I head over to the Overture Resource Center (http://searchmarketing.yahoo.com/rc/srch) and click on the “Keyword Selector Tool.”

Then I enter my niche and see how many times that keyword and all related keywords were searched in the previous month.

I like to see at least 10,000 searches for all keywords combined, but not more than, say, 50,000 or so (although I do have profitable niches that have only a few thousand searches at Overture, but they are the exception rather than the rule).

Youtube Success Guide MRR Ebook

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YouTube – You What?

Have you heard about YouTube.com? Maybe you are scratching your head, wondering, “What is it”?

Is it, a catchy name for a catchy service?

Is it a marketing tool?

Is it a website for novice filmmakers?

The answer is yes, yes, yes and then some. You see, YouTube is many things to many people, depending on how they use it and their purposes for its use. You can define the website’s purpose tradition-ally as:

“YouTube.com is one of the many Web 2.0 sites popping up on the Web. It is a “video sharing” website.”

However, YouTube.com, like many Web 2.0, sites is much more than a site allowing individuals to share video clips. It is a place for public commentary, a place where people can review the latest and greatest info products, a place where people can network and share common interests, goals, and opportunities.

The best part? YouTube.com is not too complicated to use, driving away hordes of novice users. In fact, the opposite is true. YouTube.com is easy to master. This website allows just about anyone to sign up for an account, upload, share video clips, and view other people’s video clips. Sounds neat, huh?

Just like many popular sites, registered members can rate videos, or find out how many times other people link to a video clip for their viewing pleasure. YouTube.com provides and publishes this informa-tion for your convenience, for its loyal fans. Have you heard about Netflix? The idea is the same. Netflix is an online video “store” if you will, like Blockbuster. Registered members can log in and rent videos sent directly to their home. They can also rate and review the videos they see.
That way, the public has a better feel for what videos are worth watching (and whether there are some videos they shouldn’t bother with).

The site can also tailor its recommendations to you depending on how many videos you rate. The big DIFFERENCE between a site like this however, a static site, and YouTube.com, is using YouTube, and you can watch video clips right from your home computer. There is no renting, no late fees and no charges to become a member.
Will you watch a full video? No. You will watch a video clip. In the ten minutes of time a user has to make a video clip however, you can be sure they will input as much valuable and telling information as they possibly can. So, a visit to YouTube.com is well worth it.

Is YouTube.com popular? Yes, and not just among the young. In fact, the young and old alike are enjoying their newfound “celebrity” status by posting their own video clips to the Web. And, speaking of celebrities… YouTube is popular among web fans, your average Jane or Joe, and celebrities getting in on the action. Just like MySpace.com attracts many public figures interested in connecting with their fan base and audience, so too does YouTube appeal to the same crowd for similar reasons.

Alanis Morissette (a well-known singer, just in case you don’t know) just did a spoof of Fergie’s (another young hip-hop singer) “My Humps” video. It’s pretty funny, if you have a good sense of humor. “You love my lady lumps?” What isn’t funny about that? Even if you never heard the original song, you will get a good chuckle out of it. It is also a great example of a good video, and you can use it for a model when trying to create your own video clips for YouTube (we’ll get to that later).

Check it out:

There is no cost just to listen, and you will learn a great deal.

Of course you can just type it (my humps) into Google and find about another dozen sites promoting the video. While YouTube.com is fun, it can also be an extremely useful tool for promoting your business, your website, and for networking and connecting with people around the globe. So why write a guide on YouTube? I’ll tell you why…

Here’s the point.

YouTube isn’t just for fun, though we have focused so far on some of the funnier and entertaining features offered by the popular site. But, just as YouTube.com is fun, you can just as easily use it to promote your website, advertise your business or simply publicize what it is you have to offer. For that reason, people are jumping hand over heals to get their hands on it. Large corporations including CBS, NBC, Sony BMG and others, people that once opposed the site, are clamoring to get in on the action. The reason?

Millions of consumers are logging in every day to catch a glimpse of what YouTube has to offer…

YouTube may become the most popular Web 2.0 site on the Net. The sooner you get in, the faster you will start realizing the benefits YouTube has to offer.

Want to see just how useful YouTube.com can be to the ordinary politician, small business owner or marketer? Check this out:


Consider YouTube.com a platform, one you can use to connect with users in a meaningful, directed and intimate way. YouTube.com offers something for just about anyone.
What does YouTube offer? Among the material posted on YouTube include many TV clips, multiple music videos, and much amateur content, content from bloggers, and content from Internet Marketers interested in getting in on the action. Celebrities, news organizations, and even musicians are now allowing users to upload short video clips of their works to this incredibly fast-growing website.

When Did It All Begin?

Here are the facts about YouTube.com as a business and rapidly growing enterprise. Started in February of 2005, the site gained massive media attention and popularity, in part because it was some-thing fresh and new. It also brought with it some controversy, as many of the more popular and successful websites do. Time Magazine suggested it was the most popular invention during 2006. Of course, it is not to say YouTube is not without its share of controversy. Quite the opposite is true. We’ll learn more about the ups and downs YouTube has experienced in the next section.

What is important for you to know now is YouTube is a power-house, a weapon anyone can use to gain free publicity. It even captured the attention of industry giant Google Inc.

Google Inc. bought the company for just over $1.5 billion dollars in late 2006.

Infusing the company and website with even more capital and resources, there is almost no limit to what YouTube can do in the future, and where it will take its customers.

Be aware, we’ll use the terms YouTube and YouTube.com inter-changeably throughout this guide. This is not because we can’t decide which is better, it just helps make the reading a tad more inter-esting. OK, now that you know “what” it is, I’m sure you want to know how you can jump on the bandwagon and become part of the next generation legacy YouTube has to offer, right? Here’s how…

How To Become A Part Of The Legacy

Everyone wants to be part of a legacy. If you bought this guide you are considering what exactly YouTube has to offer you. You can use it as a source of entertainment. If you are an entrepreneur, business owner or marketer, chances are you want to know how to use YouTube to connect with your target audience. The good news is you can easily to this. In fact, joining YouTube is easy, just as easy as it is to sign with other popular site.

Now, to get “in” on the action, you will need to register. If you just want to find out what all the fuss is about, you can tour the site and check out popular video clips free of chard. That’s right… you can watch videos free on YouTube, you don’t need to register.


If you want to upload videos, promo your site, brand your name or get the attention of others, you will have to register. Don’t worry, registration is easy. We’ll talk more about that later too.

Teleseminars Explained MRR Ebook

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At first thought, the idea of holding your own teleseminar might seem as out-of-reach as starting your own professional basketball team. As you'll discover in the next few pages, however, that's simply not the case. Teleseminars aren't just for the likes of Tony Robbins, John Grey, and Suze Orman. In fact, thousands of internet marketers, small business owners, and solo professionals regularly use telesemi-nars to reach new audiences, establish themselves as experts, and create new products.

And so can you.

Some people charge thousands to teach you how to master the fine art of teleseminars, but you really won't need to spend that kind of money to learn the ropes. Teleseminars don't have to be flashy events with slick graphics, big-name speakers, and four-figure price tags. Instead, most of the best teleseminars are much more down to earth. They're a lot like traditional seminars, except that they are usually less formal and presented over a teleconference or bridge line rather than in person and at a physical location.

It's easy to see the advantage of teleseminars. You won't have to limit yourself to the number of people you can round up and lure into a hotel room or lecture hall. Instead, you can draw your audience from all over the globe and connect with them by phone.

And it doesn't have to be fancy either. In fact, any time you're on the phone, talking about your products, services, or on anything else related to marketing your business, you're conducting a teleseminar. Of course, you can also host teleseminars that are more formal and require more planning and care in execution. And that's what you're going to learn in this report.

First, I'm going to cover the basics of teleseminars: Why you should incorporate teleseminars into your marketing mix, how you should set them up and promote them for best results, and how you can leverage the power of what you have created. In a matter of days, you could be producing top-notch teleseminars that grow your busi-ness as well as your bottom line. Let's get started.


From the day the first caveman tried to convince his cohorts how great saber-tooth tiger tasted once it had been cooked over a fire, humans have been “selling” their ideas to each other. The practice of sharing with and educating others hasn't changed. We just have a whole lot more options when it comes to choosing the medium.

With the ready availability of low-cost (or no-cost) long-distance service and conference call lines, teleseminars have become increas-ingly popular. Instead of spending thousands of dollars traveling to give an in-person presentation, you can meet your customers and prospects right where they are, without even having to change out of your pajamas. Here's what you can do with teleseminars:

Introduce new products

Get known in a new market - and get to know that market in turn
Explain how a product or service works
Interview experts and share their knowledge with your audience
Answer questions about your area of expertise

IN ADDITION, teleseminars can help you do the following:

Sell more. By presenting a sales presentation over the phone, you offer much more interactivity and a stronger personal connection than you can through a website or direct mail piece.

Create products. The calls themselves can be turned into products or classes. You can sell access to your live events, or you can record them and sell them later as CDs or audio downloads. And that's just for starters.

Get to know your audience. Being able to interact with your audience in real time allows an unprecedented level of market research, right in the moment.

Establish yourself. If you interview experts in your area, you will quickly be seen as an expert by association. Build your list. Teleseminars are popular ways to introduce yourself to a new market. It's easy to invite people to your free events -- and as they sign up, they become part of your list.

Create trust. Trust is crucial when you want to do business online. And one of the best ways to build trust with your audience is to interact with them directly. As they hear your voice live on the call -- and as they ask questions and get answers right then and there -- you become "real" to them and they'll be able to bond with you. This is something that's much harder to accomplish through sales letters and emails.

But what about skills? Don't you have to have some kind of “chops” to host a teleseminar? Stop wondering! If you have enough experience to start a business, you have enough experience to produce and host a teleseminar. Read on and I'll show you how.


In order to pull off a great teleseminar, you'll need to plan for success. Sure, there are things that can go wrong, but if you plan your teleseminar well, most of them can be avoided. Let's review what you need to do to ensure your teleseminar will go as smoothly as possible:

1. Choose a good topic. Choosing a topic for your teleseminar is much like choosing a topic for a blog post. You don't want something too broad, or you'll have no focus. And you don't want something too narrow, or you will run out of things to say. Instead, you want to balance your need to cover new ground with your need to keep the length and breadth of your teleseminar manageable. For your first go-round, I suggest keeping things tight and focused. You should also plan keeping your call to an hour or so. Any longer and you may burn yourself out or run into more problems than you're prepared to deal with!

Healthy Habits MRR Ebook

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Due to the damaging impacts of negative behaviors, countless articles and books have been written on how to identify them, their triggers, and how to overcome them. There is no doubt that these efforts are commendable, and many people have been able to improve the quality of their lives by leveraging the tips in these materials. However, the fact that many writers and readers fail to see is that bad behavior is essentially the absence of healthy ones. Therefore, if good habits can be promoted, they will automatically eliminate and replace destructive ones.

This conviction is the reason behind this project. Health is the most important thing in this world. Sadly, many people don’t realize it until they lose it. The reality is that our health will deteriorate as we grow older and move towards the end of our lives. Nonetheless, we can choose to age gradually or look older than our real age due to poor health management. Healthy habits ensure that you will be able to stay more away from the doctor and have the strength to carry out your daily activities.

It is high time you prioritized your health. If you are sick, it is going to be difficult for you to achieve and live your dreams. Your loved ones need you to be healthy. If your physical health is affected, it will affect every other aspect of your life including your mental and social health. Life becomes colorless and meaningless when you are not healthy. What is the way out? Leverage the tips in this book.

Chapter 1: What are Healthy Habits?

It is logical to start this book by investigating healthy habits. Indeed, they are numerous. So, we will highlight the characteristics of healthy habits and remind you about what really matters the most in life.

What Matters the Most in Life

In the midst of the craze and rush of the modern world, many people forget the most important things in life. Many never learn to value those things until they lose them. It is this lack of getting our priorities right that is responsible for the rate of depression in the world today. Many people are unhappy despite the money and achievements they have. They keep wondering what is missing. The answer is not farfetched. They have forgotten how to live.

Here are some of the most important things in life that many people neglect.

Loved Ones

The desire to be rich and famous has made many people forget that it’s lonely at the top when you’re not there with your loved ones. Some people cry on the days they receive awards because they wish their friends, families, and any other person that matters to them were present. In reality, there are some situations in which we lose our loved ones to accidents.

However, in some cases, they leave us because we are selfish and don’t have regard for them. We are busy chasing our dreams while making them feel that they take secondary places in our lives. King Midas, in ancient Greek mythology, learned the hard way that no amount of treasure in this world could replace his daughter. You don’t have to lose your loved ones before you figure that out.


Happiness is the greatest pursuit of man, even though many people don’t realize it. The reason you want to chase and live your dream is that you want to be happy. Sadly, many people get all they want only to realize that they don’t want what they got. In other words, they chased the big life because they thought it would make them happy only to realize that they felt hollow and empty after achieving their targets.

You don’t have to possess a private jet or wear expensive clothes to be happy. Enjoying the camaraderie of your loved ones is enough to make you happy. The issue is that many people have friends that don’t value them because of the things they don’t possess. Still, if you find yourself among people who love and respect you regardless of what you have, you will understand that happiness is in the simple things of life.


Note that health is not simply the absence of diseases, according to the World Health Organization. It also refers to your mental and social life. Your health is very crucial to the quality of life you live. It is harder to be happy or enjoy the company of your loved ones when you are sick. So, you should never toy with it.

Your job schedule must not make you have less regard for your health. If you don’t treat your body well, it will soon “go on strike” or “evict you”. Your body is that landlord you shouldn’t mess with. It wants to be respected, and you will wake up to a rude shock when you aren’t doing what you ought to do.

Health is Wealth

Many people say the above maxim is almost becoming a cliché and losing its relevance. Nevertheless, it remains an important truthful statement that you can only treat with levity at your own peril. Health is wealth and there is no doubt about that. At least, you need it to make wealth. You cannot go to work if you are sick unless it is very minor. Even when it is minor, you will still find it difficult to be at your best when you don’t have sound health.

Moreover, you need to be healthy to enjoy your success. What is the point of making all the money only to spend it on sickness? You should take an “excursion” to the hospital once in a while to learn some vital lessons in life.

There are many rich people in the hospital who are there battling for their lives. They have money but they don’t have the sound health that money cannot buy.

The fact that you can afford an expensive meal doesn’t mean that you should buy it. You should consider the health implications of the things you consume rather than their prices. Success is only worth it when you are in good health and can enjoy it with the people that mean the world to you.

What Makes a Habit Healthy?

We will end this section by identifying the qualities of healthy habits in order to help you identify them and avoid destructive ones. Healthy habits have the following attributes.

Beneficial to the Individual in the Long Run

It is crucial to mention that a habit should be beneficial in the long run before it can be considered to be healthy. There are many things we do that gratify our desires in the short run but are disastrous in the long run. For example, smoking settles the desire to feel calm in the short run. However, it affects the lung and other parts of the body eventually.

So, if a habit cannot make you stay healthy in the long run, you shouldn’t let the short-term benefits blindfold you. Lack of consideration for the future consequences of an action will only bring tears and regrets eventually.

Beneficial to Others

When something is beneficial to you but hurts others, it’s not a good habit.

We have to be conscious about how our actions affect the people around us.

This is the reason the government of some nations restricts the activities of industries. The fact that a company is boosting the economy and raking in a lot of money doesn’t mean it has the freedom to jeopardize our health.

We should apply the same principle when evaluating our habits. For example, sexual promiscuity might make you feel good immediately.

Nonetheless, it will hurt your partner emotionally when he or she finds out.

In some cases, it might even affect the person physically if you infect him or her with sexually transmitted diseases from unprotected sex.

Your First Physical Product MRR Ebook

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Chapter 1: Why Create Physical Products

There are many attractive reasons to work online. There’s the freedom, there’s the potential for big earnings and there’s the sense of satisfaction that comes from choosing what kind of business you want to run.

But for some of us, the biggest draw of making money online is that sense of accomplishment. We love being able to tell people we’re ‘entrepreneurs’ and we get a thrill out of earning a living on the back of our own ingenuity alone. But perhaps you’re getting to the point where that isn’t quite enough? Because sometimes, selling digital products and running blogs can start to feel a little empty… while you might be creating value, at the end of the day you’re still just selling ideas and text and nobody actually gets anything physical to hold at the end of the day.

When you tell someone you’re an entrepreneur, what springs to mind? Most likely, they’ll imagine that you’re an eccentric inventor – someone who comes up with gadgets, gizmos, ideas and more and then uses those to make people’s lives better and make a bit of money on the side. We think about people like Arthur Fry – the inventor of post-it notes.

When you say: ‘nah, I run a website’, you can almost hear them deflate with disappointment.

Oh, that kind of entrepreneur…

Make no mistake – making money online is a fantastic way to earn cash while enjoying the lifestyle you want. And it’s incredibly skilled, talented and impressive if you can do it.

But at the end of the day, it’s not quite as exciting as creating a genuine, physical product.

Imagine being able to hold something in your hands that you dreamed up. Imagine being able to use it as part of your routine. And imagine visiting a Big Box store and seeing your product there on the shelf…

Imagine your product taking off and becoming incredibly popular. Imagine walking down the street and seeing lots of people using your item.

With a physical product you can quite genuinely change the world and make a much bigger impact than you can with an ebook.

Physical Products for Profit

But it’s not just about the noble cause of getting to feel that sense of accomplishment. Making a physical product also makes a lot of sense in terms of money.

That’s because physical products are still where it’s at when it comes to revenue and that’s not likely to change any time soon.

For starters, physical products have a much wider appeal and can sell to a significantly bigger audience. Even through ecommerce, physical products sell significantly more than digital products. Why? Partly it’s just because people like to hold something in their hands when they’ve spent money. Have you ever bought a digital product online and then felt immediately empty? As though you haven’t really gotten anything worthwhile for your money?

Now imagine trying to sell an ebook to people on the street. How many people would be likely to go for it? Or even be interested?

A lot of people would never buy an ebook and certainly not one on making money online. In fact, the vast majority of people would never consider that. They’re not getting anything tangible that they couldn’t find for free online, they don’t like reading books on their computers and they’re not interested in working online.

Compare that with a physical product though and you now have something with obvious value to a large audience. If it’s the right price, then there’s a chance anyone who passes on the street will be interested.

Imagine just showing your Grandparents what you make for a living. Show them a book you wrote on the computer and you’ll get an unenthusiastic ‘that’s nice dear’ if you’re lucky. Show them that you’ve made your own toy, gadget or item of clothing though and you’ll have genuine interest.

That’s the difference with a physical product.

And then you have the ability to scale. The most scaling you can do with a digital product is to get it on JVZoo or another affiliate marketing platform. That way, you can get countless other marketers helping you to promote your product in exchange for commission. That’s good – but it’s not quite as good as having millions of units selling through countless high street stores around the world…

Why Now is the Best Time

So with all this in mind, why is it that most people don’t create their own physical products?

Why is it that most people will settle for ebooks or just placing ads on a website?

The answer is simple: they think that creating a physical product is beyond them. The assumption here is that companies like Apple, Microsoft, Hasbro, Ikea, Nike… They make the physical products because they’re the huge, multinational corporations. They have manufacturing plants, patents, shipping deals, huge amounts of marketing and more – and they poor billions into market resource, focus groups, R&D and more.

So how can one person do all that? How can you possibly compete?

Well, that’s where things are changing. And that’s where all this gets very exciting.

Because right now, it’s actually incredibly easy to create and sell your own digital product. If you’re willing to make something simple, then there are options that will allow you to start selling physical products from your website today.

But I’m not just talking about those simple ideas. I’m also talking about the ambitious ones. Want to make your own smartwatch? Well you can do! Want to make some kind of device for opening jam jars and sell it from major stores?

Again, you have that option.

It takes a little bit of work – and that’s why I recommend creating an online business first and using that to bootstrap yourself (although we’ll see how you can avoid the need for doing that too).

Ultimately though, the web is the ‘great equalizer’ and has closed the gap in many ways when it comes to creating hardware. It’s now more possible than ever to not only do all this but to do it from the comfort of your home without ever stepping foot outside. You can outsource your manufacturing, you can outsource your shipping and storage and you can do all your marketing and selling through the web.

Today, just one person can have the same kind of impact with a physical product that a large company can. And it’s only going to move more and more in this direction in future. And actually, that’s an incredible thing.

There is a genuine hardware revolution occurring right now. Are you going to get involved?

Chapter 2: Some Very Easy Ways to Get Simple Products Off the Ground

This book is going to tackle everything you ned to know about coming up with an idea and then taking this all the way to market and manufacturing/selling it.

But before we get into the technical and ambitious stuff, let’s start out by looking at the easy stuff. If you want to create a physical product to sell from an existing website – just to gain some additional profits and perhaps strengthen your brand (it always looks very ‘professional’ when you have your own physical products), then there are ways you can do that right now without having to learn a ton of new skills or invest any cash.

Let’s take a look at some ways you can dip one toe tentatively into the world of physical products.

Physical Books

One of the easiest ways to start selling products is to sell physical books. If you’re already selling a digital product such as an ebook, then it’s only a small transition to start selling a hard copy of that book. And actually, this is incredibly easy to do.

If you already have the file, then all you need to do is to take that file and upload it to either Lulu (www.lulu.com) or Amazon’s publishing service. This is called ‘Print On Demand’ (POD) and it essentially means that you’re printing out your physical books every time someone orders one.

Normally, if you were going to self-publish a book, then you would have to order thousands of copies of the book to keep in a warehouse. This would involve a large up-front investment and you’d then have to sell all those copies at a profit to make any money. That would mean going to retailers and generally it’s a lot of work that led to a lot of people crashing and burning over the years. Alternatively, you could try and find a publisher, which would mean going via an agent – and this would usually lead to years of rejections before you got a deal. Even Harry Potter was rejected by several publishers before it found one!

With POD though, you simply upload the files to a machine that’s capable of printing out the books.

When someone orders your book (or you do), the printer simply makes a new copy ready to sell.

There’s no up-front investment and no risk of losing a profit. And the only overheads are the printing costs (which are very small) and whatever you paid for designing a cover etc.

Custom Gifts

There are plenty of sites on the web that allow you to create items with your brand printing on them. These include sites like Vista Print (www.vistaprint.com) and like Spreadshirt (www.spreadshirt.com). Using these sites, you can start selling printed t-shirts or printed mugs, caps, mousemats and more – and all of them will look highly professional without any work on your part.

Like POD, these print each time items are ordered, which means you’ll never end up with a ton of stock on your hands! You can’t create anything particularly inventive but if you just want to get a physical product on your website, it’s another easy way to do it. What’s more, is that this route is ideal for strengthening your brand. By giving or selling items with your logo printed on them, you increase the sense of loyalty your customers have as they feel proud to brandish your brand. What’s more, every time someone uses your custom mug or cap in public, more people will see your logo!

And some people actually manage to make quite a lot of money by selling t-shirts with funny slogans on them etc.


And guess what… there is one more way you can quickly start selling. It’s pretty retro but it works! That method? Simply start making things by hand and selling them online. If you watch The Big Bang Theory, then you might remember the ‘Penny Blossom’ episode where Penny creates lots of small paper flowers and sells them online. She ends up creating a human assembly line and minimizing her overheads and the result is that she’s able to generate a good profit for a day’s work.

You can do the exact same thing, with a website to sell your product and something you can relatively easily mass produce, you have all the basics you need for an easy online business. This is made even easier by the fact that you can also promote your products on sites like Etsy (www.etsy.com) or eBay (www.ebay.com).

There’s also no reason that your items have to be mass produced at all. If you are a creative type and you have a particular skill or craft that you can sell, then you can just as easily make money selling portraits on eBay, caricatures, home-made jewelry or even artwork. My sister left art college with no job lined up and became a sales-person. That wasn’t exactly what she wanted but it doesn’t matter to her because her real passion comes from making stunning artwork and selling it on eBay. What’s more is that this makes her a very nice little profit on the side!

Drop Shipping

Finally, why not have someone else design and manufacture the products – even handle the fulfilment – and you just put your logo on it? As it happens, that’s actually a thing! And it’s called ‘drop shipping’. This is a white label service, meaning no one will ever know the other company is involved. The only difficulty is finding companies that offer this. Try WorldWideBrands (www.worldwidebrands.com) or Alibabab (www.alibaba.com) to find companies that do.

Youtube Studio PLR Ebook

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YouTube Studio is where you can manage your YouTube channel. Everything you need is all in one place for your convenience.

Upload and edit videos, manage your live feeds, see analytical information about who is watching your videos, see and respond to your comments, and handle your settings.

There’s also a monetization section if you are part of the YouTube Partner Program. They also have an audio library which gives you free music to upload for your videos.

However, before you begin using YouTube Studio, you’ll need to create a YouTube account. This is super simple to set up. Just go to YouTube and click on “Sign In” at the top right. Click “Create Account” and choose “For Myself” or “To Manage My Business.”

That’s all there is—you can set up everything else later on if you want a profile picture, etc. Now you can create YouTube channels and manage them using YouTube Studio!

But that’s only the first step in utilizing all of YouTube Studio’s powerful features. In this special report, we’ll take a deep-dive into YouTube Studio and show you everything you need to know.

Are you ready to master YouTube Studio?

Let’s begin!

Getting Started

You can navigate to YouTube Studio using two basic methods. If you’re on another website, just type “studio.youtube.com” in your browser window and click “enter.”

If you’re on YouTube already, click on your profile picture at the top right and you’ll see a drop-down menu. “YouTube Studio” will be underneath “Your Channel” and “Paid Memberships.”

Just click on it and you’ll find yourself on your Dashboard.

Your Dashboard has everything you’ll need to manage your channels. If you look at the left-hand column, you’ll see several icons.

These are:


This shows you what video content you have, either uploads or live videos.

You can filter what you’re seeing, find out the visibility of each video (who can see it), check to see if there are any restrictions limiting your video’s visibility, and so much more including:

See the date you uploaded or published the video;
Find out how many views your video has had;
See how many comments each video has;
See how many likes and dislikes each video has.


This allows you to manage your playlists on YouTube. You can edit the playlist or watch it. You can also see the visibility (who can see it), the last date anything was uploaded to the playlist, and how many individual videos are in your playlist.


This shows analytical data for your channels. You can get an overview of your channel in the last 7, 28, 90, or 365 days (or for the lifetime of your channel).

You can also look at your channel’s reach: individual impressions, impression click-through rate, views, and unique viewers. Reach also shows you traffic types.

Engagement shows watch time for your channel as well as average view duration. You can check out your top videos, playlists, and cards.

And Audience will show you information about returning vs. new viewers, when your viewers are on YouTube, what other channels they watch, age and gender, watch time, geographies, and top subtitle languages.


As you might expect, this tab shows you published comments, as well as those held for review (ones YouTube feels might be spam). You can see which comments you have responded to and which need response.


This tab shows you any subtitles you have on your videos and which language your subtitles are in.