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Internet Traffic School MRR Ebook

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Chapter 1: Introduction: Why Traffic is Your Most Valuable Resource

If you are going to succeed as an online business – whether you run a blog, a website, or an ecommerce store – then you need to recognize the crucial, inherent value of traffic. It is no exaggeration to say that traffic is any online business’ most valuable resource and is what will ultimately make or break its long term success.

If you make money from ad revenue, that means that advertisers are paying you to show their adverts to your visitors. You will only be able to strike up the very best sponsorship deals and banner ad deals if you can demonstrate that you have a large number of regular visitors coming to your site.

Alternatively, should you use a service like Google AdSense, you will get paid per click or per impression. That means you’ll earn a few cents for every person that clicks on / views your adverts. That means you’re going to need a LOT of your visitors to your site in order for that to have a cumulative effect and begin earning serious money!

Maybe you sell a product or a service? Again: the number of visitors you get to your website will directly correlate with the number of eyes on your offering. The more people come to your site – the more traffic you have – the more you will stand to earn. Of course, you still need to convince people to buy your product. You still need a good product to sell in the first place…

But if you don’t have people coming to your site in order to learn about your product, then none of that even matters!

As Arnold Schwarzenegger once said: you could be giving away free gold, but if nobody knows you’re giving it away… you still won’t get any takers! (I’m paraphrasing.)

And of course this applies to affiliate marketing too: if you have an affiliate product that you need to sell, you first need to build/find an audience to sell it to.

(Even if you sell something else – like a Software as a Service model – then you’re going to need traffic in order for people to discover and sign up to your services!)

For all these reasons, traffic should be the number one priority for most online businesses. This should be the main point on most meeting agendas. This should be the single metric you pay most attention to.

And yet that is seldom the case. Too often, we focus on everything but the traffic. We focus on trying to reduce overheads or to sell more profitable products. Maybe we worry about our website design/the content we are writing.

Or maybe we allow our content to be dictated by a few business partners that – of course – only have their own best interests at heart.

The danger in all these cases, is that you might end up missing the forest for the trees. Focussing too much on other factors that end up steering you in the wrong direction. The result is that your traffic either stagnates or starts to shrink. And as we’ve already established that traffic is the primary source of income for nearly EVERY online business. So what happens? All those other metrics start to shrink as well.

A Paradigm Shift in Your Approach to Traffic This book is a wakeup call. This book is here to remind you of the crucial importance of traffic, and how to realign your strategies and goals in accordance with that. More importantly, this book is a blueprint to help you gain that much more traffic.

That means writing articles that are designed to bring in more traffic.

It means posting links in places that you know will drive more traffic.

It means designing an ad campaign that maximizes the amount and QUALITY of traffic coming to your page (for the smallest amount).

You’ll discover the key factors that are preventing your site from growing right now. You’ll learn what the biggest websites on the web are doing to grow their traffic, and you’ll learn to emulate those strategies so that you can grow just as quickly and effectively.

Chapter 2: Quality vs Quantity

As much as the last chapter should have woken you up to the crucial importance of getting lots of traffic to your site, you shouldn’t think for one moment that that is the whole story – it is not! Even more important than the amount of traffic you get, is the quality of that traffic. And by quality, I mean targeted traffic.

What is targeted traffic?

Simply, targeted traffic is traffic that you actively chose based on metrics. Let’s say that you have a wedding dress store that sells local dresses. What would targeted traffic mean for your business?

Simple: it would mean a largely female audience, from your local area, and engaged. It’s better to have 20 visitors a day that fall into that category, than it is to have 1 million visitors from another country who are already married!

There’s more to high quality traffic too. Just as important as the demographics, is the means through which you acquired that traffic, the impression you make on the visitors, and the way in which you market yourself subsequent to gaining that traffic.

The best type of traffic is actually repeat traffic: returning visitors. This is something that is missing from so many approaches to building traffic, but there are a number of crucial reasons that repeat traffic trumps everything else:

- Repeat visitors have experienced more “touches” – that means they have interacted with your brand more times, and should have higher engagement and trust. In other words, they’re much more likely to buy!

- Repeat visitors are extremely targeted. You know they must be interested in what you’re talking about/selling because otherwise they wouldn’t have come back!

- Repeat visitors give you a constant supply of business. If those visitors are coming back to your site over and over again, this means recurring income and it means a more stable and resilient business.

- Repeat visitors are likely also examples of direct traffic. This means they’re visiting your site by simply typing in your URL rather than going through Google or social media. While Google and social media are extremely valuable tools that you should definitely invest time in, they are also third parties. That means you’re relying on those platforms remaining available in order for your business model to work. This puts you in a risky position!

There’s one more factor to consider when thinking about quality traffic though, and this potentially stands in opposition to repeat traffic. That is: user intent.

Intent is a CRUCIAL word when it comes to SEO, conversion rates, marketing, and everything else. However, it’s also a term that is only recently being given the importance it deserves, and it’s a term that many people still don’t fully understand.

What is intent? Why does it matter for your business?

Essentially, intent refers to the reason that the traffic is coming to your site. This impacts on your CLV (see next section) meaning that it impacts on conversion rates, AKA sales.

Because in order for someone to buy a product, they need to be the right person looking at the right product… but this also needs to happen at the right time.

Public Speaking Skills PLR Ebook

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Section A:

Fundamentals Of Public Speaking

Chapter 01 - An Insight into Public Speaking

Communication is a vital key in this new century. It gives an edge to keep abreast with the fast pace of the times. Public speaking definitely works towards this goal.

The diversity of opinions today, which are often controversial, has increased the need for public speaking. People need to voice out their views to function well in society. For some four thousand years, public speaking has been the key in building and keeping a democratic society and way of life. Its influences are vast and affect almost all aspects of life, such as the way we think or act. It is also used in court proceedings, in congress, and even in the plain setting of a classroom.

Speaking in public can sometimes be a real challenge, if not a source of embarrassment; not only to normal people, but even to persons of high rank such as scholars, doctors, artists and entrepreneurs. They may have hesitations in facing an audience, often accompanied by sweaty palms, stuttering, and the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon. These dilemmas often cause untold problems to the speaker (especially in self-expression) and unpleasant effects to the audience.

You probably got this book because you are up for a speech delivery soon and you need valuable tips. Or perhaps, you saw the link between success and effective speaking, and have realized this can help you. Hopefully this book would do just that.

Technical terms or jargons in public speaking are explained here, and in a humane way, to help you grow as a good public speaker.

There are scores of books on public speaking. But few really give practical help. This book aims to do what other books have not in terms of giving direct beneficial information.

Careful thought has been given to people who really love to speak publicly but do not have the luxury of time to prepare for such. This will help you make your next speech a great one, and become better with each succeeding speech. It aims to help people write and deliver an interesting, clear, and cogent speech quality. This book also tries to answer the questions and fears of the occasional speaker.

Included also in this book is a summary of experiences in public speaking, and how they have led to success.

Aristotle said “a speaker needs three qualities – good sense, good character, and goodwill toward his hearers.” Thus, public speaking is also about developing speakers, and ultimately, decent human beings.

Whether the speech is short or long, the same rules apply, like the rule of preparation. The habit of preparing makes good speakers. Some would say that they speak from “inspiration,” when in fact they have been preparing their speeches all their lives.

Chapter 02 - Public Speaking and You

Some people are born speakers. Most are not. Hence, you are not alone when you say that you do not enjoy making speeches and speaking in front of a large audience. Stage fright is inevitable. Actors are always nervous to a certain degree before every play.

Perhaps you think your career does not entail public speaking. Well, this is where you’re wrong because no matter what your job is, public speaking ultimately will come into the picture in some ways. This chapter, therefore, focuses on the significance of public speaking in our daily lives and on some specifics of the communication process.

Four General Types of Public Speakers


The Avoider

Does everything possible to avoid facing an audience. In some cases, avoiders seek careers that do not involve making presentations.

The Resister

Becomes fearful when asked to speak. This fear may be strong. Resisters may not love to speak in public, but they have no choice. When they speak, they do so with great reluctance.

The Accepter Can do presentations but is not that enthusiastic to do them. Accepters occasionally give presentations and feel good about them. Occasionally the presentations can be quite persuasive, and satisfying.

The Seeker

Always looks for opportunities to speak. Seekers understand that anxiety can be a stimulant that fuels enthusiasm during presentation. Seekers work hard at building their professional communication skills and self-confidence by speaking often.

What Roles Can Public Speaking Play in Your Life?

Success in public speaking can open a whole world of opportunities for you. It can help you conquer new frontiers. It can broaden your horizons through personal development, influence, and advances in your profession.

1. Public Speaking Improves Your Personal Development

In Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, realizing man’s self-worth ranks the highest. Giving speeches helps the speaker realize self-worth through the personal satisfaction he experiences whenever a good speech is given. The speaker becomes more confident especially when the audience responds positively. It also reduces anxiety when asked by an authority to speak in front of some people.

There was once a student who dropped a course five times because he hated speaking in front of the class. But after a self-study on building up confidence, he decided to give public speaking a try and was successful. In fact, he came to enjoy the experience and even volunteered to give more speeches.

Through public speaking tools like research, conceptualization, and organization, you have a systematic and effective way of presenting your ideas; and thus, you will be able to express yourself better. You will also become more open to other people. Furthermore, speaking skills put you in a more significant role as you talk with people of high standing. Lastly, public speaking satisfies your sense of achievement when the audience accepts you warmly. This reflects your level of communication skills and acumen. All these contribute to your self-esteem.

2. Public Speaking Influences Your Society

It is not only you who can benefit from the art of communication but society as well. Most governments heed the voice of their citizens; with proper communication skills, you can represent the public in voicing out your rights and opinions.

An example of this would be a community discussion. Usually when a neighborhood holds regular meetings, it discusses certain issues or courses of action. In the discussion, various opinions are expressed and there you have a clear interplay of public speaking.

People from all walks of life need to speak in public, whether formally or otherwise. From kids reciting in school, to folks in a town meeting, to citizens voicing out national issues; from a plain market vendor, to a president of a company. There is really no way you can avoid public speaking.

3. Public Speaking Advances Your Profession

Public speaking can help in your career, and eventually, your finances. Usually, success is gauged by answers to questions like, “How long have you been in your job?” or “Do you hold an MBA degree or something similar?” However, researchers have proven that the best indicator of success in any profession is whether the person is often asked to give speeches. Those who give more speeches tend to have higher salaries than those who give less or no speeches.

Take this average engineer. She enrolls in a public speaking seminar that teaches two hours a week for six weeks. After two months, she is promoted to senior engineer! Her boss has been noticing her superb presentations.

The longer you work for an organization and the higher you climb the organizational ladder, the more your boss will ask you to preside over meetings and to give talks to the staff and subordinates or the clients. The higher your position, the more your responsibilities in leading people under you; and the more you must speak effectively. A manager once said, “From the chairman of the board to the assistant manager of the most obscure department, nearly everyone in business speaks in public or makes a speech at some time or the other.”

Aside from big organizations like IBM and General Motors, small organizations and businesses in the country also need workers who are good public speakers. Take the high school coach, for example. If he is not persuasive enough to tell the school board that new gym equipment is needed, the school athletes might have to bear with the old gym equipment.

In the same way, if parents are not convincing enough when they complain about a school dress code, their children may end up still wearing uniforms in school. If salespeople cannot explain their products with a convincing sales pitch, then fewer people would buy their products. This is also true for nurses, doctors, firemen, police personnel and other professions. Even employees of General Motors meet regularly to make group decisions that they will present formally to management.

The bottom line is this: Whichever road you take, you will encounter instances that require you to speak in public.

Finding A Job Online MRR Ebook

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The Lure of Online Jobs

Like many other workers, you have probably fantasized about working from home. You dread the commute because of the stress and the time that it takes to get yourself to and from the office. On top of that, working out there in the world requires you to deal with lots of personalities and loads of work related drama. Who hasn’t listened to their co-worker's gossip about one another, or list their complaints about their lot in life? It's more than enough to wish we could get away from it all.

While there are some jobs that lend themselves to working from anywhere like being an artist, an author, or a care provider, they require a select set of skills that not all of us possess. However, you should not let that discourage you from your dream of working from home.

Some online jobs that are available do not require you to love working with children, or the elderly. Nor will you need to be the next Monet or Twain. In today's market you can find a large selection of jobs that can be done easily with the help of the Internet and a computer.

Do not fool yourself into thinking that working online will be easier then working outside the home. In terms of actual work, you will need to be completely dedicated to your success. Although you might think it is easier to stay motivated once you get rid of the annoying co-workers and the boss there can be a number of challenges that you will have to deal with when you work online by yourself.

To begin with, you will still have to commute to work each day. The commute may only be to your home office, or to the kitchen table, but you will have to physically and mentally turn up at work.

The Biggest Challenges

Online employees have to treat their work just like any other job. Clocking in to your job, if not physically but mentally, is a necessity. An online job is not an opportunity to relax at home. In fact you may have to work harder, often with longer hours than you do at a traditional job to make the same amount of money, especially in the beginning. Once you have established your online career you will be able to easily reap the benefits of being able to work from your house, or anywhere else you choose. But, getting there takes time and effort.

In the beginning though, you will have to first find the right type of job and the right employer. Like many online job seekers you have probably heard horror stories about illegitimate online jobs. Stories about people who spend loads of cash to get started in an online job only to never get paid are rife on the Internet. Other stories mention scams galore where people do the work for an apparent respective company only to never see a dime in payment for it. You can avoid these unfortunate situations by choosing your work and your employers wisely.

Tips for Choosing Online Employment

Before you get burned you should pay close attention to the following tips. These might well save you from wasting time, and money chasing the wrong dream.

You Should NOT be Charged to Get Started

Never pay to start working for an online employer. Any legitimate online business will not require you to put up your own money in order to get started. There may be costs to you, like upgrading your computer equipment or software, but they are solely by choice and not a requirement for your online job.

Watch Out for Scams

Do not fall for scams. You are a smart person. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. If you want to make money online you will have to work for it.

Get rich schemes are empty promises to prey on people's greed and false beliefs that there are fast ways to riches. Unless you are planning to play the lottery, then don't bank on getting rich fast. There are no secrets to getting rich tomorrow, or earning one million within the next three months. You also can’t earn money by doing nothing. If you really want to make money online, work for it.

Do Background Checks

Check employer references and backgrounds. Anyone can say that they are a legitimate business, but they actually have to be a legitimate business to prove it. Research anyone that offers you work.

Check their references and dig deep into their background. If you consider working for a particular person, or business, don't just go to the website. Do a web search with Google, and find out as much as possible about them before you do even one assignment.

Don't be fooled twice. Remember the old saying: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” If you do work for someone and they fail to pay you, or they don't pay you in a timely manner then do not work for them again.

There are plenty of great online employers who will pay you on time. Wasting your energy on the scam artists on the Internet will only wear you down mentally.

Make Sure You Shine

Do the best work that you can each and every day. Working hard pays off, in any industry. The harder you work, the more it will show, and the more work you will have to do. It might seem like some jobs are less important than others, but you never know where this could lead. Even though the web seems like a big place, it is likely you will run into mutual acquaintances. If you have a good reputation it will follow you. A good reputation attracts higher pay rates.

The above steps will serve like a guiding beacon in your search for the perfect online job. Even though you hear a lot of horror stories, finding a legitimate online job isn't as hard as it seems with the right attitude and knowledge. The trick is to find the right job with the right people. Whether you choose to work for someone else, or to go into business for yourself you will have to become quite adept at sniffing out those that are reputable from those that are not.

Customer Service Jobs

A customer service job is one of the few online jobs that requires very little in terms of special skills. All you need is a reliable computer and an Internet connection. As a service rep you can work for one of many companies that provide customer service through online contractors. The services you might provide, based on your qualifications might include; answering simple questions, registering customers, placing orders, or providing technical input on products. A wide variety of businesses employ at home and online employees. You could work for an airline, an Internet provider, a catalogue company, a successful entrepreneur, etc. The list is literally endless.

Finding a Legitimate Customer Service Job

The best place to find a decent job is on an online job market. Sites like Enlace, Guru and odes have very strict guidelines for its members. The sheer amount of available jobs on these sites is staggering, and with a bit of digging, sorting and weeding I don't see any reason why you shouldn't find work fast.

Make sure you ALWAYS use their online Escrow payment services to ensure you actually will get paid. Escrow acts as a safe go-between for you and your employer.

Upon choosing you for their advertised job your new employer will deposit the agreed payment into Escrow. You will then be notified with an email. Once you know the funds have been placed you can start the job. Never, ever start work before you have been notified of this. Trust me. I've done this and lost hundreds of dollars in the process after the client disappeared with my good work without paying me.

Getting Started as a Service Rep

In order to get started in this line of work you will need to have a resume that you can submit online. As you would expect, getting an online job is often a case sending plenty of emails and making telephone calls to prospective employers.

It is highly likely that you will never meet your boss or your coworkers face to face. Make sure that your resume represents your interpersonal communications skills and any customer service related jobs you have held in the past. If this is a career change for you it might be beneficial to get a customer service job at a retail store in order to hone your skills. Of course, you will also want to make sure that your resume is grammatically correct since you will probably be asked to submit reports online and communicate via email. Good computer skills are a must.

Most of the companies require any applicant to be familiar with their preferred computer programs. These typically include word processing and spreadsheet applications. Remember that your job is not only going to be about dealing with customers, it will also require you to write reports about your work. As such you should familiarize yourself with commonly used computer programs. If you are not already familiar with these programs, you can take online tutorials, or enroll in specific classes to ensure that you know how to handle anything that comes your way.

Stick with what You Know/Like

As you look through the various websites that promote online customer service jobs, focus only on jobs that interest you. If you land a position, you will spend many hours each day talking to people about the product or service your company provides. Because of that, you should make sure that you are actually interested in what you will be talking about.

For instance, if you enjoy traveling, you might want to work for an airline or a travel company. Your personal knowledge of travel and the excitement you could bring to customers is a huge boon in your favor.

If you are technically savvy you might be a good fit for an Internet service provider, or another tech company. By picking jobs within your expertise and interest your employer will require less time on your training. It will also push you to the top of the list of applicants.

If you simply enjoy talking to people and helping them, then virtually any customer service job is good for you. In fact, in order to be successful in this line of work you will need to have great interpersonal skills, a willingness to offer the necessary time with each client (so they feel well cared for), and a genuine interest in the company for whom you work. Not all customer service jobs work directly with the public, some work from a business to business point of view.

List Building School MRR Ebook

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Chapter 1: Why Build an Email List

An email list is like a handy list of subscribers. It is a list of email IDs that you have gathered from people, usually over time. These are people who have seen what you have to offer and have allowed you to send information whether in the form of updates or promotions for a service that you offer directly to their inbox. And you need not be running a business to have an email list.

For example, many bloggers maintain email lists. So, every time they post a new piece on their blog, the content of that post goes straight to the inbox of their subscribers which saves the receiver the hassle of having to check the blog for updates. It is also used by those who send out newsletters. It is basically a database of email IDs that can be tapped to send bulk updates. This is used as a strategy for businesses to build a relationship with their customers and is a part of email marketing.

For those of you who understand numbers better, here is a figure. According to Direct Marketing Association, for businesses in the USA alone, this strategy results in 4,300 percent ROI or return on investment.

Now, we live in a world of bots and paid advertising. There are many avenues out there where you can shop for email lists. There is a price for it, of course, but it results in an instant group of subscribers. This is a very attractive deal for a lot of businesses and services. But here’s the catch. When you build an email list from scratch, you get a list of people who have seen what you have to offer and subscribed to it out of genuine interest.

On the other hand, when you buy a list, you are likely reaching out to individuals who have no interest whatsoever in your product or service. That makes them more likely to redirect your email into the spam folder. So, if you want to buy a list, you may very well go ahead with it but don’t be looking at that 4,300 percent return. When you get authentic subscribers in your list, your chances of turning them into paying customers is also highly likely. And isn’t that the whole point?

Now, it is important for the uninitiated to know that the benefits of an email list are criminally underrated.

1. For starters, emails are a very personal means to communicate with your consumer. You get to take your product or service directly into their inbox. While there is a ranking system with a chance of priority email blocking your way, you still get to be on top of the rest of the emails. And if you build a loyal base, you might even be segregated into a folder that grabs your consumer’s attention right away.

2. When you build an email list from scratch instead of buying a database, your consumer goes through a simple process of filling up a form to sign up for your emails. In this case, they are clearly interested in your product or service. That makes them more open to your communication. It means they are reading and willing to invest time in what you have to offer. That is the first step towards getting someone to put their money where their mouth is.

3. When you depend on social media giants like Google and Facebook, you need to stay on top of their strategy. In fact, you are at the mercy of their prioritizing techniques. This means every time they change their algorithms, you have to change your SEO tactics to be on top of their lists. Through email lists, you can bypass that whole thing and get your message to your consumer irrespective of a third-party’s strategy. You won’t be at their mercy which is a huge bonus.

4. With email lists, over time, you know your audience well. That gives you insights into what is working for your brand. Based on that information, you can make your content more specific to the consumers who are interested in your product or service.

When you decide to level up and give them offers, you will know exactly what kind of discounts and coupons will appeal to them. This way, you can build on an existing relationship in the future. That is an asset in every business. This process is called segmentation.

5. Since you will not be advertising publicly and arbitrarily, what makes it to the inbox often becomes a personal message to the specific consumer. This gives you room to make interactives in the future. And since it is not on a social media timeline or newsfeed, you get to give and receive information with some level of privacy. In a world where trust is difficult to build, you already have one thing in your favor. That allows you to build a genuine connection as a brand.

6. There are people who stay off social media but there is no internet user without an email account. So, while other businesses talk about Facebook and Twitter followers, you have a broader audience to target. The other advantage is the fact that Facebook likes and retweets don’t always mean that they are going through the communique let alone endorse your product or service. That’s why we are increasingly seeing official accounts state in their bio that RTs are not endorsements. Big brands understand this better than anyone else. That is why many businesses have an email list at the heart of its outreach strategies. In fact, you might have also seen campaigns on social media that encourage you to sign up for specific brand information. So, even if many brands start talking about themselves on social media, the ultimate aim is to get into your inbox.

As a business, it is important to understand that people subscribe more easily that they unsubscribe. So as long as you are giving them valuable content in the inbox, you will stay right there where you belong.

Chapter 2: How to Build an Email List

Now let’s move on to the tools you need to build an email list. The name of the game is email marketing and it’s a great way to build loyal consumers, right? So, you put out an ad on a social media platform and it’s getting a good level of engagement. You’re happy with it. A lot of e-commerce businesses use sign-up forms that are created by experienced marketers to get them started. It usually starts either with a pop-up ad or a Facebook ad to get the consumer going.

But how do you convert that momentary interest into lasting loyalty? You get them to a place where they will get more of what they just saw. From promotional offers to showcasing products and services or telling personal stories that have them hooked to your narrative, there are a lot of things you can do to get consumers to stay with you and in time, pay for what you’re offering.

But sometimes, the steps from clicking on a pop-up to signing up for an email list can be a long one. People don’t like to fill out long forms that ask too many questions. So, you need to start by making it easy for them. Let’s go through the process of building an email list that’s easy for you and the consumer.

The first step is to have a landing page with a unique/strong domain name. When your consumer clicks on the pop-up ad, they need to go to a place that gives them more of what they just saw. This is one of the most useful ways to build an email list. Treat this like running a website that has multiple pages.

For instance, if you have a website that offers 10 different services, you could have a different pop-up ad for each of them, right? Make sure that when your consumer clicks on an ad, they are taken to a landing page with details relevant to that ad.

Now, remember that every website has a domain name and often, it is this name that consumers remember whether they remember the specific page or not. Even if they forget where exactly they saw the product or service that they wanted to sign up for, they will try Googling your domain name and a couple of words relevant to the product or service they wanted to access. So, make sure you have a strong domain name that is easy to recollect.

Oftentimes, when people see that they have to fill out a form, they want to shut that tab and go right back to browsing the internet. To avoid that, you may want to take advantage of the interest they have shown in the content on the pop-up ad and offer them a goodie.

Depending on the service you run, it could be a voucher, an instructional video guide or a free ebook that is exclusively for those who sign up for the email list. This is referred to as a content upgrade.

It’s kind of like offering candy to a kid. While that has a morbid kidnapper-y vibe to it, when it comes to attracting customers, freebies can work wonders. Those who give you their email ID get to unlock the goodies.

A lot of businesses like to put this upfront on their main page. This is usually the page that gets the most visitors because it is the front of your business. It’s a great place to ask visitors to sign up. Sometimes, it also works to your advantage in a way that they get to see your services or products only if they sign up. This is an interesting way to build an audience while they are still curious about your business.

Creating a smart bar is another way of grabbing your visitors’ eyeballs. A smart bar is a bar at the top of the website that doesn’t go away even when the visitor scrolls down. It is kind of like priority notifications on your phone. No matter what else happens, this thing stays on top. Put it in a color that pops on the background of your landing page and announce boldly asking your visitors to “Sign Up For The Newsletter Here”.

Pregnancy Principles PLR Ebook

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The first step of your pregnancy, after seeing the little positive stick should to have it confirmed.

Call immediately to have a pregnancy test done with your local doctor, you may be in luck and get in that same day or have to wait about a week or two. Patience will become your best friend during this time or your worst enemy, waiting can become a very hard thing when you want to know for sure whether you are or aren't pregnant. More than likely you'll get a phone call a few days later to confirm it.

Set up an appointment to see your OB/GYN or midwife as soon as possible, chances are you'll be meeting his/her staff before you ever meet them. This is the first appointment where your doctor/midwife will want to know all your medical history.

If you’ve been pregnant, what types of sicknesses run in your family, etc. If you can, try making sure you know all of this ahead of time, maybe even have it all down on paper so when he/she asks you are prepared. During the days or weeks leading up to this meeting you may have concerns, write them down and ask them. Believe it or not doctors are there to help you, and they’ve been asked every question you can possibly think of. Before leaving your doctor may even give you a bag full of goodies all about being pregnant.

Read these, they may prove beneficial and not to mention they’ve got coupons. Your doctor will either give you another appointment or have you set one up before leaving. There are some great books out there if you are really worried about what will happen next or how birth is going to be, check them out at your local library.

Make sure that you get your prenatal vitamins, they are very important during pregnancy. If for some reason you can’t take them, talk with your doctor he/she may be able to prescribe a lower dosage or something else. You’ll get your first ultrasound, also known as US around week 20, this is normally when you find out what sex the baby is. However, some doctors like to call it safe and give you an ultrasound around 10-12 weeks just to make sure the baby is in the proper location and all is going well. You will also be asked to take an orange drink that you must drink in five minutes. You’ll wait around for an hour to three hours, at which point your blood gets drawn and you can go home. The test determines if you have or have a chance of getting gestational diabetes.

At first your appointments will be about 4 weeks apart until you hit the 36 weeks and at that point it’ll be two weeks later and a week later after that until the baby is born. By now you should be preparing to have the baby.

Yes, I’m sure you’ll have some anxiety towards the end of your pregnancy.

You’ve went this far, it’s time you see your reward.

Chapter 01 - Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy

Prescribing a medication for pregnant women is a complex process.

Before obstetricians and gynecologists decide which dose of which drug can best treat a condition without putting any harmful side effects on the mother and the baby, they consider the patient's age, general health, the number of months before delivery, tolerance for medications, and any other drugs the pregnant patient may be taking.

Prescribing exercise on pregnant women has to be just as scientific and precise. The type, intensity, frequency, and duration of a "dose" of exercise are all critical. One person's healthy, vigorous workout could be hazardous to another. These dangers may be greater in pregnant women because they are more likely to have strains and other serious side effects for the would-be mother.

However, if exercise will be implemented and carried out in a normal, average range, exercise will not have an effect on the overall condition of the pregnancy and especially on labor or delivery. Pregnancy

Quality prenatal care should be given to a mother during her pregnancy. She should be prepared for the normal delivery of a healthy baby. Complications should be prevented at all costs.

All of these things are boiled down to the fact that a pregnant woman should be cared in such a way that she will not be compelled to do vigorous work but should not also stay in bed and be inactive until she gives birth to her baby.

Consequently, a pregnant woman's condition varies in relation to the growth and development of the baby inside her womb. Therefore, it is necessary that proper health guidance be provided by her physician during her visit.

Moreover, it is important to keep the pregnant woman's life active in order to promote good health, not only for her but also for the baby most importantly.

Physical conditions like blood pressure, weight and health status is usually monitored during the pregnant woman's visit to her doctor. For this reason, it is significant to note that exercise can be the number one factor in order to keep these aspects in good condition.

As the health experts contend, adequate physical and emotional information is needed by a pregnant woman to prepare herself for delivery. She needs practical health messages in keeping herself and the baby healthy.

Hence, for mothers or would-be mothers who are not yet aware why they should exert some effort in engaging into moderate, normal exercise, here is a list of some of its benefits so that you will be able to understand the reason why pregnant women have to exercise regularly:

1. Defiance against fatigue

As muscle becomes fatigued, it produces less force. To accomplish a task like climbing the stairs, for example, or shoveling snow, more units of muscle must be called into play to back up the wearied muscles.

The tired muscles are both less efficient and less effective. Hence, this will just put more strain on the pregnant woman because of the weight that is continuously adding up each day. That is why tired muscles will usually result to leg cramps or sore muscles.

What every pregnant woman must know is that exercise improves the condition of the muscles and their ability to work longer without fatigue.

2. Reduce backaches

Even when you sit or stand, some muscles are working, and such relatively easy postures can tax some muscles and cause fatigue. The muscles of the lower back, for example, can be exhausted and worn out by the effort of keeping erect when a pregnant woman stand still for several hours.

With exercise, a pregnant woman can correct this error by developing her posture.

3. Increase the amount of oxygen

Work and exercise rely on glycogen, a substance produced by the body from complex carbohydrates and stored muscles and liver. The supply of glycogen in the muscles determines and limits the duration of activity. Exercise depletes the glycogen in the muscles and leads to tiredness.

However, when glycogen is depleted by strenuous activity, it is replaced in quantities greater than before, as if the body recognized the need to lay in a larger supply of fuel.

Hence, oxidation is essential for converting glycogen to the energy that pregnant women need to wiggle a finger, flex a muscle, or practice the lungs and heart for some blowing action during normal delivery.

These are just some of the many benefits exercise can bring to pregnant women. Besides, nothing is completely wrong for a pregnant woman doing some moderate exercises. The only important thing to remember is that before starting an exercise program, whether pregnant or not, it is best to consult your doctor. As they say, doctors know best!

Financial Mastermind MRR Ebook

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What’s it that makes some people richer and richer and others poorer and poorer? Who has decreed that this divide should exist in our world? Is there any way in which the line can be crossed, and the have-nots can make their place among the privileged haves?

Can you make the jump from being the person who has to think about paying the next electricity bill to being the person who thinks about owning the electricity grid for the state?

Yes you can.

The answer lies in the mind.

The answer lies in unleashing the financial giant that resides within the mind of each and every one of us.

Chapter 1:

Mastering the Game of Wealth


Earning money is a game. The only thing is that some people hold the strings while others are the puppets. The fun part is that you can decide which side of the game you want to be on – the puppeteer or the puppet.

Mastering the Game of Wealth

No one on this planet was born lucky. Everyone ‘lucky’ that you can think of – the richest people on the planet probably – weren’t born lucky. Agreed that some of these people were born to rich families and in rich homes, but we all know that that is not enough to make things happen.

The fact is that these people have mastered the game of wealth later on in their lives. They may or may not have been born with the money, but they have learnt how to play the money game.

People speak a lot about the game of wealth without really knowing what it means. In life, we need to put in something to get something. Even with money it is like that. If you want to make money, you need to put in something. This may be a financial investment or it could be some other kind of investment such as an investment of time or effort or a particular talent or intelligence, etc. But the fact is that something needs to be invested.

However, there is a lot of difference in what people invest. Some people might invest a lot but receive very little, while there are also people who invest almost nothing but get a lot. These people know how to make the most of what they have. They know how to put in almost nothing and get what most people in the world would be in awe of. These are the people who have mastered the game of wealth.

The best thing is that the game of wealth is not inaccessible and nor is it unattainable. Anyone can attune him- or herself to become a master at this game. Whatever their current situation is, they can veer their lives in the direction of big money. You can do it too. What you need is the right mindset, the right approach and a few other things. This is where you begin.


The knowledge of becoming rich comes on later in life. This is how you can acquire your education in this area.

No One is born with the Knowledge of Becoming Rich

We have already stated how people are never born with their richness. They might be born into richness, but this richness is not theirs. If they have to make it their own, they have to work for it.

It is a fact that a rich man will be just as concerned about his son as a poor man would be. They would both think how their sons would manage things when they grew older. The bottom line here is – Every man has to work towards richness. They are not born with the knowledge.

Think about one of the richest men of our times – Bill Gates. The son of a humble attorney and a schoolteacher today has a net worth of 40 billion dollars, making him the richest businessman in the world. All his wealth has come from a single source – Microsoft – which in itself is one of the most influential companies of the world in any age and period.

Do you think Bill Gates was educated differently from the rest of us? Was he a brighter kid than all the rest? In fact, no. Yes, he did become a student at Harvard, but he left his education midway in order to pursue his business (which became Microsoft). Actually, he was once challenged by his teacher for his lackadaisical nature, when he retorted that he would earn his first million before he hit 20 years of age. Well, Bill Gates earned his first billion before he reached 21 years of age.

So what set him apart? One of the things that made him different at that time was that he knew what he wanted to do. He did not allow the razzle-dazzle of his big-name university faze him. He kept his focus on what drove him. He liaised with the right people; people who he knew could take him forward and who he could take forward in the process too. He remained truthful to himself about his financial position and he promised to himself to do better.

But, most importantly, Bill Gates did not actively think about money!

He instead thought about the quality of his product. He asked himself repeatedly, “Is what I am providing going to do anything for the world?” That is what set him apart. We usually think, “Will this make a profit for me?”, while the people who attain richness think, “Will this profit the world?”

And this knowledge does not come at birth. You learn this as you grow, just as you learn various other things. You learn that richness does not come by thinking about money; in fact, that has the opposite effect.

The thing to remember here is that no one is born with the knowledge of becoming rich. You learn that as you grow, in the same manner as you learn so many other things. But what really makes you rich is implementing this knowledge at the right moment in your life.

Chapter 3: The Mindset of the Rich


The rich mind does think differently than the middleclass mind. Yes, it is true that richness dwells in the mind and not in the bank balance.

The Mindset of the Rich

It is quite true that the rich mind thinks differently. They have a much different way of thinking from the so-called middleclass and the poor person’s mind. We have already taken a glimpse into that. The rich person’s mind thinks more about providing quality than about earning their own profit. They think about how their products benefit society. This is what makes people believe in what they give and buy those things. Making people buy their product is one of the least things in the rich person’s mind.

There are other traits that typify the rich person’s mind. One of these is the leadership qualities that they have. Look around – all rich men and women of the world today are leaders in some way or the other. Most of them are heads of state or hold some other such position of power. A lot of them are businessmen and businesswomen who command about a hundred people each day. Several of them are celebrities in the world of movies and sport; even these people are leaders in their own right because they rule the world to which they belong.

The other quality is charisma. Without that, richness does not befit a person. The person must be able to carry his or her richness. They must be able to exude the confidence from being rich. They need to have a positive attitude. What is the purpose of being rich if you are worried about your finances anyway?

Rich people also think about benevolence and charity. Every person that is rich is involved with a lot of different causes; most of them have set up NGOs and other such organizations to benefit the masses. This shows their social streak. After all, all rich men and women arise from an innate desire to do good for the society, whether that is through their commercial products or through their charitable deeds.

To be a rich person, you need to begin thinking like one. This is where you have to begin changing your personality. Read biographies of the top rich people of the world (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_billionaires_%282009%29) and see what you can take from this study.

Digital Product School MRR Ebook

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Chapter 1: Introduction:

Inside Digital Product School you will learn exactly how to create and sell your very own profitable products online.

Having your own digital products gives you the ability to generate a 6-figure online business from the comfort of your own home. Your digital products will sell for you online 24/7, 365 days a year on autopilot, when set up correctly. Bringing in passive income for years to come.

Isn’t that the dream? Passive income.

Look let’s be honest this is not going to happen by doing nothing.

You will have to take action on this guide and implement what you learn, only then can you live the laptop lifestyle.

Selling information products are not only cheap to produce, they are also very easy to produce. Once you have done it once, you can literally rinse and repeat the same process. So, it’s definitely a skill worth learning. Also, digital information products can be sold at scale, as what your selling is a digital download and not something you need to physically send to the customer. This provides you with massive advantages.

Selling information products online is a way to start your own business with very little to NO overheads.

Also, Information products are very flexible.

You can sell them at a profit, give them away as an incentive to get people to sign up for your list, sell them at a low price to showcase your skills and then offer higher priced products...There’s a whole world of ways to use information products to build an online business.

So what do we mean when we say information products?

Any product that gives people information, usually a solution to some sort of problem. People pay to get out of the hole they just fell in – not how to avoid holes. Solutions to problems always sell well.

For instance a product could tell people how to train a dog, lose weight, design a website, cure bad breath, meet members of the opposite sex, put up shelves, apply makeup, or paint a portrait using oil paintings.

An information product can be made in video form, as an ebook, or as an audio recording. Some types of information products lend them-selves better to one form than another. For instance if you are telling people how to apply makeup you definitely need visuals, so a video would be best. An audio recording wouldn’t do the trick in this case and an ebook would need to have a lot of screenshots.

If you want to tell someone how to meet members of the opposite sex, however, an ebook or an audio recording would work well. And if you want to tell someone how to train a dog, an ebook with screen shots, or a video, would work equally well. Find your subject, then decide on the best way to present it – ebook, audio, video etc.

It's Easier Than You Think…

Most people who are new to the Internet, or even some who have been around for a while, believe that they can't create their own ebooks (or CD’s, videos, etc.) because they can't write.

There are also a lot of 'so-called' gurus who will have you believe that it's more difficult than it actually is.

What I'd like to show you through this special guide is that you CAN create your own ebooks and other products. And you can do it fast!

Even if you've never written a word in your life! (If you’re new to the field, your main challenge may be getting recognized as an expert.

But creating your own products will be easy once you learn the shortcuts and tips here!)

You see, it’s all about 'perspective.' The first time you see someone riding a bicycle, you immediately say “That’s not possible” or “I can’t do that.” And, maybe you’re right to some extent. You can’t ride a bicycle yet. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t ride a bicycle ever.

You just have to get on it, stumble a few times and before you know it, you’re balancing a metal frame on two wheels! Something that seemed impossible just a few days ago.

It’s the same with writing an ebook. In fact, it’s much easier than learning how to ride a bicycle.

The trick really is to just get started. Just start writing and let you thoughts flow. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar or sentence structure or formatting or any of that. Just get the information out of you. You can edit it later. If you edit while you write, you interrupt the flow of ideas.

You can also use a tape recorder and just talk freely into it. Imagine you’re talking to a friend and you’re giving her advice about X (where “X” is the subject you want to write about.) When you’re done, you can type it all out into your computer, or get someone to transcribe it.

What people should to realize is that you don’t need to be an English major to write an ebook. Just write the way you talk to a friend. Then, have someone read it out loud and see if either of you can find any areas that sounds choppy or confusing. You can also get a college student to edit it for you, if you’re not comfortable doing your own editing. (Although, personally, I prefer to read an ebook that seems like the author is “talking to me” (it seems more interactive) instead

of an ebook that uses perfect grammar, and structure but ends up being boring.

If it still seems like a daunting task to write the book, just break the ebook up into sections or chapters, and knock them out one at a time… kinda like writing short reports. (Break the task up into smaller pieces and tackle it that way.)

Anyone can write an ebook or create a digital information product.

Once you have the content, you can turn that into different digital formats like audio’s, video’s and written text.

YOU can do this!

Change your mindset, and say to yourself, I can do this! Ever heard of this quote:



It all comes down to you.

The point here is, what’s the WORST thing that could happen if you wrote a book and it wasn’t absolutely perfect?

It’s an eye-opening experience to look at some of the e-books that are selling…right now…on the Internet. All you have to do is find one that, after you read it, you say, “MAN! Even I could do better than that!” But that book’s selling and yours isn’t because you’re waiting to get it perfect! Don’t get it perfect…get it out there!

Start saying to yourself, in your head…unless you want people to think you’re really crazy…I CAN write a book! I KNOW I can!

Know that your brain is already writing books for you each day. All you have to do is figure out how to get it down on paper…and that’s what this book is all about!

Get over that perfectionist stuff. It ain’t never gonna be perfect…just like that grammar, but it gets the point across, doesn’t it? Get your book as good as you can at the time, get it out there, see what happens and then test and tweak it until it sells. It’s NEVER going to be completely perfect, but it can be profitable!

Chapter 2: Solving Problems Is Profitable

One of the biggest hurdles new internet marketers face is choosing what type of information product to create.

Since you most likely want to make a profit off of this, you need to create an information product that solves a problem or tells people how to do something.

Solving problems is profitable.

Also, you want to make sure that there’s a decent sized audience for this product, and you want to make sure that they have money to spend.

So you wouldn’t want to create an information product that solves a really obscure problem that is only faced by a tiny group of people.

And you wouldn’t want to create an information product that appeals to a crowd that has no money to spend, such as young teenagers or children.

Free Instagram Traffic Personal Use Ebook

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Instagram has over 1 billion active monthly users and is, therefore, one of the top platforms to market your business on and raise brand awareness. If you don’t have a business account or haven’t begun using it to attract potential customers, it’s high time you did.

Use the platform to grow your audience and boost engagement. After that, easily drive traffic to your site, blog, and other business pages.

This article will help you to define your audience, retain them, attract more followers, create an online store, drive traffic to your website, and avoid common mistakes.

Let’s get started!


This is by far the most important step that will help you to create valuable content that users love and are willing to share. Therefore, decide who your target audience is and avoid common mistakes such as producing irrelevant content, advertising to the wrong people, or failing to attract more people to your page. Know your audience.

Know who you want to market to before creating your content, uploading posts, or advertising your business and use the most effective methods to see ideal results. Ask yourself three questions:

1. ‘What is the purpose of my business?’

To build authority and reach a specific audience, you have to define your purpose. It will also help you to grow your business and stay on track. So, what is your purpose? Is it to build brand awareness, increase sales, or encourage engagement?

Having a purpose-driven business allows you to connect with and attract the right people. This brings us to our next point:

2. ‘Who do I want to attract?’

Once you figure out your main aim or what drives you as an organization, specify your audience. Do you want to market to people based on their location, age-group, gender, or expertise? Answering this question helps you to understand your market and meet their needs.

After specifying your target audience, find out if your offer is on-demand or if it is something that people need. If it is, move on to the next step.

3. ‘What sort of value can I offer?’

Stand apart from the crowd and make the competition irrelevant by offering something that they aren’t. Identify the value your service or product can bring to your followers and easily convert them to long-term customers.

Grow and retain followers.

The secret to growing and retaining your followers is sharing useful information that keeps them coming back. So, come up with an effective content strategy and apply it to the content creation process. Answer three questions; ‘What types of posts does my target audience interact with most?’ ‘What are some of the common challenges they are facing?’ and ‘When is the most ideal time to post?’

Share interactive content.

Use high-res images and videos when sharing stories or advertising your brand. Include your business name and logo on all images. Upload inspirational quotes, DIYs, or cheat sheets for more likes and comments. Use meta keywords, meta descriptions, and hashtags for SEO and exposure.

Post as frequently as you desire and know the best times to share posts. This ensures your followers engage with your content, ask questions, share their opinions, or leave a ‘Like.’ It also enables you to send timely responses, develop meaningful relations, and talk about your brand where applicable.

Use Instagram stories.

Countless people prefer videos so use Instagram stories to encourage users to stay on your page longer. They are a fun and interactive way to communicate with your audience. You can share image slides or record live videos.

Instagram stories disappear after 24 hours. Meaning you can upload a new story each day and give your followers a great experience.

Use Instagram highlights, share topics within your niche, use proper hashtags, participate in interesting conversations, and command attention. This can lead to more people visiting your profile, engaging with your content, and following you back.


The next step is to get more followers so you can drive traffic to your site, blog, or store. The best way to achieve that is by marketing your content. You want people to know that you exist, find you on search engines, understand your business, and prefer your product or service over your competitor’s. Market your content.

Ensure more people interact with your content and take action by using the following tips:

? Complete your profile.

Doom Scrolling PLR Ebook

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Many of us are familiar with this routine.

You log onto your favorite social media platform and check the COVID-19 reports, then move on to the state of the economy, and climate change, finally ending with the latest debacle created by that politician who pushes all your buttons.

Let’s not forget the latest school shootings and the gun control debate, the healthcare chaos, and the attacks on democracy.

And that’s just the local news.

What about the Middle Eastern wars, Russian cyber-attacks, and Australian wildfires?

There seems to be no end to the catastrophic news scrolling across our screen.

Bad news has always been around, of course. But why is it having such an impact on our mental health lately—and what can we do about it?

Let’s take a good, hard look at the practice of doomscrolling (otherwise called doomsurfing), how it may be impacting your mental health, and what you can do to replace this negative habit with positive, fulfilling ones that improve the quality of your life.

Let’s begin!

The Truth About Doomscrolling

Doomscrolling is the obsessive intake of bad news, even when it creates anxiety and worry. Despite knowing how it makes you feel, you just can’t seem to stop yourself from consuming this toxic information.

Finance reporter Karen Ho originally discovered the term on Twitter, and it turns out that there are good reasons why we are so likely to fall into the destructive habit.

Media psychologist Pamela Rutledge explains: “The tendency to doomscroll is a result of how the human brain is wired. Our brains instinctively pay attention to any potentially dangerous situation as part of the biological imperative of survival. Our brains are designed to constantly scan the horizon for potential threats. Since threats are more important to our survival than other information, we pay more attention to the negative information than to the positive. When there are no answers or conflicting answers, more information doesn’t increase our sense of safety, so we scroll in pursuit of better answers, and so on.”

It’s a seemingly never-ending cycle of negativity and unhappiness.

Mike Brooks, co-author of Tech Generation: has this to say about doomscrolling. “Fifty thousand years ago, when we were on a savannah, if we missed the bad news that there was a pride of lions stalking a watering hole, we could have been eaten. But if we missed the good news that a tree nearby was bearing fruit, we likely would have lived to see another day.”

So, if you’ve been consumed by doomscrolling, don’t feel bad. You’re certainly not alone. It’s human nature to pay attention to new information, especially if that information might help us respond to danger and ultimately, survive.

But the truth is, in today’s times, doomscrolling isn’t just unhealthy, it can lead to missed deadlines, incomplete tasks, and cost you valuable time that should be spent with friends and family.

The habit also isn’t an easy one to break, especially if you have a mobile device and are used to consuming news throughout the day via apps or favorite websites.

But thankfully, there are things you can do to quickly replace this toxic habit with ones that will add value to your life, and improve your mindset.

Before we get to that, let’s take a closer look at how doomscrolling may be impacting your daily life in ways you may not even be aware of.

How Doomscrolling Impacts Our Lives

Your brain responds to negative information by activating your “lizard brain”, particularly a structure called your amygdala, a collection of cells near the base of your brain.

This sets off your natural response to danger in your environment. You become hyper-vigilant and start scanning the terrain for threats.

In other words, you’re on high-alert and your mind and body are laser focused on potential harmful situations that may arise.

Your limbic system switches into fight-or-flight mode and sharpens your reaction times in an effort to save your life. Your pulse spikes, your body may grow stiff, and you aren’t able to relax.

“The part of our brain that governs doomscrolling is ancient,” says Dr. Aditi Nerurkar, a Harvard physician. “It’s an adaptive response to stress, meaning our species has learned to keep going and thrive and survive. Scanning for danger, looking around, making sure we’re all OK; that is a normal and healthy response to stress.”

But if you combine that evolutionary affinity for bad news with the marketing tactics that social media companies use to keep you hooked on their content, doomscrolling seems nearly inevitable.

Larry Rosen, co-author of The Distracted Mind: Ancient Brains in a High-Tech World, explains it this way:

“The problem is that tech companies have set up a system where you feel that you can’t stop: infinite scrolling, auto-play, and other tricks keep you glued to the screen. If you find a doom-and-gloom article online, and you want to continue in that vein, it’s hard to stop because there’s always more, and you don’t want to miss out.”

Keto Truth PLR Ebook

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You’ve probably heard about the keto diet, even if you may not know exactly what it entails.

It’s an ultra-low carb, high-fat diet that has shown promise in managing Type 2 diabetics and in weight loss.

But what’s all the fuss about? Is it really safe? Are there long-term effects, and can it really help you lose weight and keep it off?

We’ll explore the keto diet in this special report so you can Let’s decide for yourself whether this lifestyle change is right for you or not.

Let’s begin!

Keto Explained

The full name is the Ketogenic Diet, because it forces your body into a ketogenic state.

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carb diet originally invented back in the 1920s as a treatment for childhood epilepsy.

If you go on a ketogenic diet, you’ll be getting around 80% of your calories from fat, which the body burns as fuel when it can’t get carbs.

You’ll also be dropping your carb intake to about 5% of total daily calories and getting the rest of the 15-20% from proteins.

This is a fairly drastic departure from what we all learned in school as a healthy, well-balanced diet which typically consists of: 20-35% protein, 45-65% carbs, and only 10-35% fat.

While you follow a keto diet, your body will become very good at burning fat, which of course, is exactly what you want when you’re trying to lose weight.

It also helps turn your own fat into ketones in your liver, which your brain can use for energy. This diet is known to drastically lower blood sugar and insulin levels, which is where the diabetic benefits come in.

There are two basic types of keto diet: standard and high protein.

The standard diet is the one discussed above, with around 70-80% fat, around 20% protein, and only 5-10% carbs.

The high protein keto diet, just as it sounds, tweaks the proportions to add more proteins.

You drop the fat to around 60% and increase the protein percentage to 35%.

Bodybuilders and athletes often need more carbs for fast energy, so sometimes they’ll tweak, and play with that carb percentage.

Some of them will also follow what they call a cyclical keto diet, which follows the standard diet for a certain number of days, followed by a couple of higher-carb days. It’s often also called “carb cycling”.

Others will just increase the number of carbs they consume right before a workout (a targeted keto diet).

The standard and high-protein diets have been studied far more extensively than the cyclical or targeted diets, so in this special report, we’ll be mostly talking about the standard diet.

How (and why) This Works

In order to better understand how a keto diet works, let’s take a look at your digestive system and how it responds to fewer carbs.

When you eat carbs, found in anything from the fruit and vegetable families (and that includes products made from grains, like pasta, breads, and crackers), your digestive system breaks them down into glucose.

Glucose is used to provide energy for the body, and the digestive system isn’t particularly picky about where the glucose comes from.

It’ll digest a healthy salad in the same way as it would a candy bar, so it’s up to you to decide what to feed it.

This glucose is stored in a couple of ways in your body: as glycogen in the liver and muscle tissue, and as adipose or fat.

When your body can’t get sufficient carbs to turn into glucose, it will start to burn fat instead.

This metabolic state is called ketosis because one of the by-products of this fat-burning is the production of ketones, which can also be used for energy.

If you want to be super-scientific, you can get breath and urine tests that will show the presence of these ketones and prove that you’re doing the diet correctly.

Most people just follow along and trust that it’s working. You can also tell your body is producing ketones by the following side-effects of the process: increased thirst or dry mouth, increased urination, and a decreased appetite.

The most effective way to get your body into ketosis is to follow a ketogenic (keto) diet where you severely limit your carb intake (remember that 5%).

That’s around 20-50 grams a day. The rest of the time you fill up on fats and proteins like meat, fish, eggs, nuts, and healthy oils (like coconut or avocado).

It’s just as important to limit your protein intake, though, because if you eat too much protein, your body will sneakily start turning some of it into glucose, which it likes better than fat.

You can also enter ketosis by intermittent fasting, such as limiting your meals to an eight-hour period during the day and fasting the remaining sixteen hours.

The Top Benefits of a Keto Diet

As we previously mentioned, the keto diet was originally created to help with childhood epilepsy. It’s still used today, and children can actually have 30 to 40% fewer seizures by rigorously following the diet.

In addition to this disorder, the keto diet has been studied in several other conditions.