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The Name Of The Game
Hi there. Welcome to Evergreen Leads Business.
If you're new to doing business online, read with an open mind and leave behind your struggles and frustration. And if you're a seasoned marketer, good! Now it's time to go great.
Whatever business you're in right now, whether you’re...
Selling your own product as a vendor
Promoting other people's products as an affiliate, A coach looking for Clients, A service provider, An MLM / Network Marketing Distributor...
This book has the answers you seek. It is the missing puzzle that most business owners and marketers alike are seeking and when you put it all together, this will add another digit to your income. Maybe two.
You should have a reason for having this book in your hands. This book will change your life, the same way it did for other internet marketers out there. Bold statement? No, understatement is more like it.
If you are new and clueless on what to do, but all you know is you want to make money online, then this is going to save you months, or easily years of guesswork.
If you have been trying to succeed for a long time with no results, the coming pages will de-mystify Internet Marketing for you. Evergreen Leads Business is meant to take the complicated stuff and break it down to simple-to-follow steps.
If you have been buying one shiny object after another - STOP. This book is the missing puzzle that will show you how to put together the things you've purchased and transform them into a tangible, cash-generating machine.
If you have your own product, or bought the rights to another product, but don't know how to get Customers, the answers are staring back at you.
If you are an affiliate promoting other people's products for commissions, this book will show you how to build authority on par with the vendors you promote. The last thing you want to be right now is another 'me too' marketer.
If you are a Network Marketer and run an MLM business, the same holds true.
It's a red sea to compete with thousands, tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of other people promoting the same product as you. How would you like to discover an edge over your Cross-lines and even Uplines, and grow your network even if you have exhausted your own contacts?
If you are a service provider or a Coach, and you have trouble looking for Clients, often times the real problem isn't so much in the way you sell but rather it's a PROSPECTING problem. The good news is, the same method to sell products is also applicable to attracting high paying Clients.
All in all, every business needs one thing: LEADS.
Picked up a common pattern?
Every business has a lead problem.
Even if you have a proven sales system, you will still need leads. You can't possibly sell anything if no one even knows about you in the first place, yes or yes?
And no matter how big your business grows, you will still need and want MORE leads.
Unfortunately for most people, the only experience they have is frustration. That's why most marketers desperately resort to hard-sell, hype and heavyhanded sales tactics. And as a result, they betray their insecurity to their prospects. And what happens? Either most prospects leave, or the few Customers they close will become disgruntled buyers.
There are a few recurring 'themes' or common causes of failure when it comes to internet marketing businesses. Most of the time, the reason why most businesses suffer has to do with lead generation.
Sure, there are other factors - like having a compelling message, converting sales funnel, quality products, etc. but if you have no one to show your offer to, then you can't make any money. Period.
Evergreen Leads Business addresses the root of the problem.
Is this the ultimate book and last word in marketing? Absolutely not.
And neither is any other book.
But for everything else to make sense and come together, Evergreen Leads Business holds the answer. If you know how to find and generate leads, you not only solve a big part of the problem in your business but you can very well scale your business and turn yearly income into monthly income, or monthly income into weekly income.
But first, make sure you’re honest with yourself. It's time to confront some of the limiting beliefs that has been holding you back from achieving greatness.
A lot of people approach this business, hoping to make money as a newbie. There is nothing wrong with being a newbie, but there is something very wrong with trying to succeed as a newbie.
Think of the experts and leaders you know in ANY industry, niche or profession. Did they get to where they are today by staying a newbie? Or did they invest time, effort and money to hone their skills and mastery? Yet for some strange reason, most people don't want to level up. Maybe because it takes effort and that's a put off. Look, your business isn't going to build itself. If you're planning to do nothing or want everything handed to you on a silver platter then you might as well stop reading here. There are no millionaire earners that got results just by staying ignorant or refusing to grow out of their comfort zone.
Again, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a newbie. No one starts out being an expert. But success is earned, not given.
Pursue mastery. Make it your craft. And don't worry if you've not done this before. No one has ever died from learning how to make money online!
We are living in the most exciting time of human history and the sheer amount of opportunities is unprecedented. Believe it or not, you already have access to some of the most powerful leverage easily afforded to mankind.
And this book will help you achieve the power to earn up to 7 figures.
Are you ready to do this?
Chapter 1: The Alpha Marketer
If you've been in the Online Marketing scene for at least a few months, then you will have already learn of some of the marketing top guns. The guys who are crushing it in this business.
You will have also come across more marketers in the making.
And then, there is the rest of the crowd. The majority of the people who are not making much money - or any at all.
After so many years of Internet development, evolving technology, abundance of training products, software, and more opportunities than ever before, how is it that the odds of success had hardly improved?
Is the playing field still far from being leveled?
Or hmm... could the culprit be the individual himself?
Most people might find it unsettling to learn that they are responsible for their own success (or the lack thereof) but in actual fact, it’s good news.
Isn't it great to be able to forge your own path and be the master of your own destiny? Or would you rather surrender that power to someone else and be at the mercy of external forces you have little to no control over?
The main point is this: if you've been struggling to make sales, be it online or in person, the first thing you've got to do is take responsibility for your actions - or the lack thereof.
For success is found within you, not outside you. It's not found in the e-book you've just bought, or the seminar you're about to attend. I mean, sure, these are great time savers and a compass in the right direction, like this book you're reading right now.
However ultimately, your business isn't going to build itself. Not in the initial stage, at least. And these books, courses, programs, software, etc. they're just tools for you to use and leverage on. If you're a lousy carpenter, you can have the best saw in the world and still produce mediocre work. But put average tools into the hands of an expert and he can craft beauty.
It's hard not to see where this is going.