Tag Archives: Ebooks With Videos

Timeless Wealth Wisdom Mrr Ebook With Video

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The average millionaire or comfortably wealthy person works for himself or owns a business. This is a law that is hard to follow. Most people think a business is a risky proposition simply because there are so many factors that affect the success of a business. A million things can go wrong, but a million things can also go right.

The wealth mindset is one that works for itself, cashing in on your own ideas and labor. The poor mindset works for others, laboring for a minimum cut of the profit.

The idea of working for yourself can be scary. Many first-time business owners fail because they sink everything they have into one venture and never recommit when the road to success gets rocky. The wealthy and the rich stick with their business plan and move forward regardless of the events, confident in their success.

58 Do something that you love, because you will never feel like it is work. The success stories of many entrepreneurs and millionaires always begin with this line “I love...[insert hobby, passion or interest here] so I….”

Money always follows passion and the upside is, you will never feel like you worked a day in your life. Ask yourself what you love to do, what you are good at and how important it is to you. Once you know what it is, you will know what venture to begin.

59 Alternatively, find a need for something you love and fill it. Filling a need or creating a need is an excellent starting point for a business. Curves Gym combined the owner’s need for fitness and hatred of being ogled while at the gym.

WordPress SEO Mastery Mrr Ebook With Video

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Though commonly referred to as “blogs” any site that makes use of Wordpress to manage content and provide information would be better termed “business portal”. First and foremost, by being online, you are building a brand. Now that brand that you are building is your USP (or Unique Selling Proposition). In fact, the “brand” that you are promoting answers the question of what makes you so special.

It’s that simple! The following are common guidelines when you first start your blog. If you already have a marketing system then you are pretty golden but there are still things you can do for SEO with regards to your portals.

When using Wordpress, the bulk of the site building can be managed easily; this being the prime reason why Wordpress is popular. As you develop your brand, your products and services, you will be providing a source of value for prospective clients and customers. And the more you incorporate SEO practices, the better results you may have in the search engines.

Before you begin developing your portal with content, ensure that you have followed the checklist provided in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2. These two checklists will give you a great idea on how to structure your site so that it is both search engine friendly and will ensure a consistent and logical structure for your prospective clients.

Mack Daddy Ads Personal Use Ebook With Video

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I have interviewed a lot of successful marketers over the past few years. One of the questions that I always enjoy asking because the answer is usually always the same, is this: What would you do if you had a tragedy in your life, that had caused you to lose your business? If you lost it all, ruined your credit, had no support system, were being sued by creditors for all your unpaid bills, and even had to offload your websites, businesses, and even sell all that you own just to pay rent? Here is how the majority responded to this question.

First, they said that as much as they hated it, they would go back to work. Then they would take a few dollars out of each paycheck and place small ads in weekly rack stand newspapers and in FREE online newspapers until they had enough money to go into an advertising network for lets say $100. This would of course be done on one of their past proven ad campaigns and products or as an affiliate to someone elses web site. They would live ONLY off the money from their job and roll all business profits back into itself until they had enough money to compete in the medium markets like multiple ad network groups, so that they were in 100's of papers.

After that, they would save and roll that money slowly back into all the papers they used to be in and then pay the bills, etc. and are you ready...tell their boss whose been treating them like a moron to take a flying leap! If you are that lucky, as they have exclaimed they would also if given the chance, buy the company they used to work for and fire their old boss, then sell the company. Think that's funny! Well it's not likely to happen entirely that way, but you get my point.

If you come from major success and ever have to start over, people will either think you are a BIG LIAR for telling them of your past experiences, or look at you like you are a NUT! So you know what... go wine and dine their boss, grease him with some big bills just to look on your old bosses face as you and his CEO are out swinging golf clubs together.

If you think that I speak from experience then you are exactly right! I have in the past been through the ringer myself! Guess what, I will never take that again and as an author of this e-book, I won't let you take that either. Send them to me and I'll tell them what they can do with themselves. I can't protect everything that you do, but I don't like dream-stealers and lip smackers that are here for you when it's good and leave when it gets bad. As my client, I owe you that type of protection. OK, enough of that. I just want you to succeed in whatever it is you want to do.

Product Creation GOLD Mrr Ebook With Video

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Select a background graphics. For this example simply choose the first one on the left.

You will be asked to click and drag a portion of the graphics to use in your ecover. For this example, click and drag the entire graphics in the screen.

A flat version of the ecover will be displayed on screen, the portion for the cover and spine will be indicated. From this screen you can now add text, additional graphics, upload an image from our PC, change background, change template, and finalize the ecover.

Now, click on Insert text. We wil keep it simple. Type “Product Creation GOLD” in the box that say “your text here” then click on GENERATE TEXT, you will see Product Creation GOLD in black. This is the default color but you can change it using the color options, you can even create a stroke on the text and change the font using the font option. Each time you make changes click on GENERATE TEXT to see the text on screen.

When you're done, click on the generated text and it will be added to the eCover.

You can click and drag the text on the eCover to resize it. If you want to add text to the spine, you can do item no. 7 and rotate and resize the text to fit the spine.

When you're done with the text, add some graphics. You can choose from the graphics provided by the site or upload some graphics from your PC. You can then drag and resize the graphics.

You can delete any items on the screen by clicking on it and clicking on the DELETE button just below the finalize button.

To see your finished eCover, click on Finalize. This will open up a screen that shows your actual eCover. From here you can resize your ecover according to your size requirement and then download it to your local drive.

That's how easy it is to create an eCover. You don't have to pay a graphics designer create one. If you're up to it, you can even create a Fiverr service where you can create eCovers for $5 an order.

CPA Cash Secrets Resale Rights Ebook With Video

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It’s now time to decide a very important step in developing your overall business. You have two options when routing your traffic. You can create your OWN landing page to route the traffic to or you can route the traffic for each CPA offer directly to the advertisers landing page. There’s pro’s and con’s to doing both that we will go over in just a moment. This decision is important because it’s fundamentally the “model” of your business so you need to take some time to really think about it before you get fully involved in CPA Marketing.

A landing page is simply creating your own webpage or blog and routing all of your traffic directly to it. It can be a review page (most popular), squeeze page, or some type of blog. Now, the great thing about having your own landing page is that you are in FULL control of the traffic that comes to it. You can collect their e-mail addresses to build a list around the niche, you can promote all types of different offers, you can make instant changes, and you can work to really build a business that will never go away. Sure, it takes effort, work, and time but the bottom line is that you are in control of the traffic and you are going to have a website that’s there forever.


You can choose to directly route the traffic to the advertiser. This means for every PPC campaign, article submission, video submission, etc. you will be directly routing the traffic to the advertisers landing page through the link they give you. The result is you will make more profits due to the fact that the visitor is going directly to the advertisers landing page which will mean a higher amount of your traffic filling out the offer.

If you are planning on doing I recommend researching how to “cloak links” and actually registering your own domain to cloak the links so that you are in full control of the traffic. This method is much quicker and will result in slightly more immediate profits but it’s not possible for you to build an e-mail list, business, or anything that has any future profit potential. Essentially you route the traffic and then it’s gone forever. With your own landing page you can capture the traffic for future profits through a mailing list, word of mouth, and other ways.

Which way would I choose?

I’d choose creating my own landing page 9 times out of 10. The reason being is as competitive as internet marketing is getting today I prefer to constantly build a business, e-mail list, and virtual empire of websites over earning a slight bit more of immediate profits. Sure, it takes more work to build a landing page, increase your page rankings, and generate long term traffic, but anything in life takes work, right?

$700 In 5 Days Mrr Ebook With Video

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One thing that you will quickly realize is that many people in the fields that we are targeting don't have their own individual websites. So, they are ripe for the picking so to speak. In some cases, like with real estate agents and lawyers, they will have some sort of profile on their companies website, but not one of their own, that they control, and are able to gain traffic exclusively for themselves from. So, that is definitely something to keep in mind when going into this.

The actual core of this method is what I like to call “keyword confidential” as I lay it all out, you will quickly realize just how powerful, and effective it is. Below I'm going to outline exactly how to not only get customers, but to market to them as well...

To explain this effectively, I am going to use an example. In this case, I am going to use real estate agents just to make it perfectly clear how this is done.

Step#1 – Finding customers. With real estate agents, typically I like to use the trade books that you can find for free in most grocery stores, convenience stores, and other places of commerce where handouts are given. In many cases, you will be able to find whole brochures dedicated to nothing but Real Estate, and these guides are a wealth of information when used properly.

In most cases, these little brochures will give you the name, address, email address, and phone contact information for the real estates that are listed in the publication. THIS INFORMATION IS GOLD. So, make sure you check out your local convenience store to see if they have any of these flyers, or publications.

However, if these types of advertising pieces are not available to you, you still have the ability to turn to Google to get all of the information you need. See example below.

First, go to Google:

Next, you are going to use a keyword phrase, in this case, we would use something like Delaware Real Estate Agents, Delaware Real Estate, or another similar phrase. The objective here is to get as many contact names as you possibly can to start.

You can use the Google Local listings that will without a doubt be present in these markets, or take a look at the big agency websites to get contact information.

As you find them add their information to the “lead spreadsheet” that was included in your download. You want the agencies themselves, plus the real estate agents name, many times, the agencies themselves house 20+ different agents who are all our prospects.

Jesus The Gift Of Life Everlasting Mrr Ebook With Video

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When was Christmas first celebrated? In an old list of Roman bishops, compiled in A. D. 354 these words appear for A.D. 336: "25 Dec.: natus Christus in Betleem Judeae." December 25, Christ born in Bethlehem, Judea. This day, December 25, 336, is the first recorded celebration of Christmas.

For the first three hundred years of the church's existence, birthdays were not given much emphasis - not even the birth of Christ. The day on which a saint died was considered more significant than his or her birth, as it ushered him or her into the kingdom of heaven. Christ's baptism received more attention than his birthday in the January 6 feast of Epiphany.

No one knows for sure on what day Christ was born. Dionysus Exiguus, a sixth century monk, who was the first to date all of history from December 25, the year of our Lord 1. Other traditions gave dates as early as mid-November or as late as March. How did Christmas come to be celebrated on December 25? Cultures around the Mediterranean and across Europe observed feasts on or around December 25, marking the winter solstice. The Jews had a festival of lights. Germans had a yule festival. Celtic legends connected the solstice with Balder, the Scandinavian sun god who was struck down by a mistletoe arrow. At the pagan festival of Saturnalia, Romans feasted and gave gifts to the poor. Drinking was closely connected with these pagan feasts. At some point, a Christian bishop may have adopted the day to keep his people from indulging in the old pagan festival.

Historian William J. Tighe offers a different view, however. When a consensus arose in the church to celebrate Christ's conception on March 25, it was reasonable to celebrate His birth nine months later.

Other scholars place December 25 as the day of conception, and Jesus was born in late September.

You can see clearly that a combination of the celebrations has been combined to the Christmas that we know today. The Festival of Lights, is of course, the decorating we do to our trees, houses, etc. The Yule Festival was originally “The 12 Days of Yule” (does that sound like some annoying song you may have heard?) and the Romans with their feasting and giving of gifts. There are religions that shun Christmas because it was set around these pagan rituals. But in fact, was placed there in spite of those rituals!

Although I don't recall Santa Claus being amongst the Wise Men, or anywhere for that matter, he has come to be the face of Christmas. Christmas, for many, has retreated back to the pagan rituals of old...to see how much we can gorge ourselves with the goodies of the season, and give presents to one another. The commercial aspect of Christmas is all about money...and I'm pretty sure that God is not happy about that. The face of Christmas should be the one of Jesus, and ONLY Jesus.

Now it is not my intention to knock all of what the Christmas season has to offer. I enjoy it as much as anyone else does, and then some. It's just a reminder to hold the season dear, and to remember what it is really about...the birth of our Savior!

Press Release Power Mrr Ebook With Video

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Search engines, Google and why they all matter. The never-ending battle with search engines is the competition for the desktop. From the early days of Yahoo (previously the King of the search engine), to today, where the term "Google-it" is pretty much a household term.

There are many search engines available to users - but the primary ones are Google, Bing (previously Microsoft's MSN Search) and Yahoo. Google hold a 66% market share above Yahoo (17%) with Bing catching up (11%) to some degree due to some of its clever use of technology and slick interface.

With the search engines being the primary starting point for most household’s quest for information - its essential that your company or website is listed as near to the top as possible. On most search result pages a list of websites will be displayed in what we call the "organic" section or the "paid for" section.

On Google for example the left hand side (except for the top 3 results highlighted in yellow) of the page is the organic section, and the right hand side is the paid for section. In the Google world the technology that drives its "paid for" listings is called adwords.

For anyone selling online however, when examining traffic – it’s important to understand that organic results attract 90% of the clicks to a page as opposed to adwords which attract the remainder. This is simply due to the fact that users try and avoid adverts as much as possible as they know they are being "sold to".

While its important to examine all the search engines, (you never know who will have market share in 5 years time) today Google dominates the search space and so for the remainder of this chapter we will focus on Google for search engine optimization.

SEO is the methodology we use to gain a position on Google in the organic listing section. This position is called a SERP which stands for Search Engine Ranking Position.

Fanpage Ad Secrets Plr Ebook With Video

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As you can see I have used a simple body. This body text relates to the ad. For example, “like” this page if you love XYZ product.

I always keep it short and sweet and I get the most click troughs this way.

Image is also important. I have used the image of a scene from the movie so the target market can relate to this.

The next thing you need to focus is the “Targeting” of the ad.
This is where things can get very interesting.

When people create their Facebook ad campaigns for their Fanpages they often target the three main markets – UK, USA and Canada.

However, did you know that the clicks for these countries have gone up considerably?

This means people are paying around $0.89 per click!

This not only uses your budget up a lot but also can exhaust your funds in a short space of time.

Instead I am going to focus on foreign traffic to get cheap clicks.

Now, I bet you are shaking your head there. How the hell am I going to make targeted sales if you target foreign traffic?

Well the key here is to take advantage of all the “cheap” likes you get from foreign traffic because the more likes your page has the better it ranks on Google!

A Beginner’s Guide To PHP And MySQL Mrr Ebook With Video

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Nowadays you hardly ever hear PHP mentioned without MySQL close behind. Why? Well, PHP and MySQL make a great pair for web application development efforts. MySQL is often used in conjunction with PHP for the same reasons PHP is so popular - it is free, widely available, and most web hosts have it installed. There are other database systems that PHP works with, but MySQL seems to be the most common.

In this section, I’ll familiarize you with using MySQL to connect to a MySQL database and perform the basics. Advanced MySQL and it’s SQL language is a little beyond the scope of this book, so we won’t dive very far in to heavy details (I don’t want to lose you!). However, MySQL’s commands are written in almost-plain-english, and you can usually figure it out just by looking at it.

Most other PHP/MySQL books also tell you how to install MySQL and configure it. We’re not going to do that here. Your web host most likely has MySQL available for you, and they have simple ways to create databases. The two hosts that I have been using for years are pair Networks and Hostgator. Hostgator uses CPanel, and pair Networks uses a custom built control panel - both make it very easy to set up a database, and they provide the information you need to connect to it with.

So, let’s get connected!