Ebook Sample Content Preview:
1. Fortune 500 Company Executives Believe In Reputation Management
"58% Of Executives Believe That Reputation Management Should Be Addressed But Only 15% Actually Do Anything About It" [1]
You want to get a competitive edge? Start DOING what nearly 60% of big time executives say they SHOULD be doing but aren't!
2. Professional Marketers Say "Trust" Is Number One for Making a Sales Worthy Impression
"84% Of Marketers Believe That Building Trust Will Be The Primary Focus For Marketing Efforts In The Future" [2]
Most marketers feel that trust is what makes the sale. Do you trust someone with a bad reputation? Neither will your customers.
3. MOST People Use Social Media to Decide What to Buy
"4 out of 5 people state that they have received advice via social media regarding what product or service to purchase." [3]
It is no secret. Social proof is powerful. If your social media reputation is lacking, you lose.
4. More and More Large Companies Are Hiring Full-Time Online Reputation Managers
"The US Bureau of Labor Statistics puts the average salary of an online reputation manager between $38,000–$72,000." [4]
Want to know what big companies think about reputation management? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics they think highly enough of reputation managers to hire them full-time and pay them handsome salaries.
5. More Adults Are On Social Media Sites Than You Think
"46% of online adults have created their own profile on a social networking site" [3]
We can't dismiss social media as a young person's world anymore. The people with the money and the spending power are moving online and making decisions based on what they find there.
6. The Public Trusts Social Media...
"Half of online adults (48%) agree that getting to know new people now is easier and more meaningful because you can learn things online about the people you meet." [3]
Do you ever wish your customers could just get to know you better? If they knew you better they would buy your product or service. They can, and they want to via social media!
7. ... More Than You Know
"16% of all internet users have looked online for more information about someone they were dating or in a relationship" [3]
Think about that for a second! Even the most personal parts of our life are affected by our online reputation.
8. People Are Using Social Media To Gain An Edge On Their Competition. That Means You.
"31% of employed internet users have searched online for information about co-workers, professional colleagues or business competitors" [3]
How often are you being searched for online by your competitor or a fellow colleague? More than you think. Are you caring for your reputation like you should be?
9. Employees Feel Pressure to Manage Their Online Reputation
"12% of employed adults say they need to market themselves online as part of their job." [3]
If 1 out of every 10 employees think they need to be building their online reputation, shouldn't you as a business owner be doing the same?
10. Social Proof Reigns Supreme and Traditional Advertising Is Dying
"78% of consumers trust peer recommendations, only 14% trust advertisement." [3]
Guess what, your reputation goes before you and social media only ensures that. No matter what ads you are running, no matter how many banners you put on your storefront, it will be the recommendations of peers based on your reputation that will bring customers to your doorstep ready to buy.