Tag Archives: Ebooks With Video

Email Marketing Cheat Sheet MRR Ebook With Video

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Email marketing helps businesses see instant sales from existing customers, but more importantly, it maintains and builds long-lasting relationships with loyal customers - which are the core of most successful businesses. Despite the business benefits of email marketing, many businesses are either still not using it or they are under-utilizing its power. If you’re already marketing via email, this guide provides useful tips to improve the results of your email campaigns and ideas to build long-term relationships with loyal customers. For those of you who haven’t started email marketing, you’ll learn how to do it efficiently and effectively in the right way!

Sending email is a fun and rewarding experience. You know how awesome it is when people comment on your Facebook posts or respond to a tweet? Well, email newsletters are better with a greater reach! Don't lose sight that this is all supposed to be something you enjoy and hopefully grow to love.

Chapter 1: What Is Email Marketing?

Email marketing, it is a business tool that enables you to communicate with your staff, your suppliers and your customers by sending out emails. When considering a definition for email marketing, there are a number of ways to define it from the broad to the specific. Here are some key components to what a successful email marketing campaign does:

Direct Email – Emails that are directly to current and potential customers
Retention Email – Frequent and regular emails are sent to current customers
Email Placed Ads – Marketing ads are placed within emails sent by others

Let’s look further at each of these components.

Direct Emails

It is a call to action on the part of the customer. Let’s say you receive an email from a business. You may or may not have heard of them, and you may have never signed up for any of their email lists. Business can obtain these lists by buying them. Either way, the business sees you as a potential customer and wants to entice you with a good deal. You may even have done business with them before and they want to do business once more by offering something you might be interested or a better deal than before. The purpose of direct emails is to be promotional. They might offer you a product or service, or they ask you to sign up for something. Potential customers are more likely to get these types of emails.

Retention Emails

Retention emails are the equivalent of printed newsletters. While still promotional in nature, retention emails attempt to retain customer loyalty by offering the customer something. This could range anywhere from coupons to up-to-date news on the latest products. These types of emails are sent out on a regular basis. It could be a weekly or monthly basis, but usually the business tries to send out emails weekly to retain customer interest.

Email Placed Ads

Another way to do email marketing is to get some advertisement space within another email. Many times, business that send out retention emails reserve space for other business to place their advertisement. This can be beneficial for you as a business, especially if you have studied the demographic that you are marketing to and the potential customers you could gain. Knowing what other types of businesses you potential customers go to and listen to, is a great advantage because it allows you to strategically place your ads in emails and to get clicks. It is also a benefit for the business with which you have an ad placed because they will know that their emails are being read and they can also do a bit analytics work to determine where their customers are clicking.

Does Email Marketing Works?

Simply out, yes, email marketing works. Of course, there is the stigma of SPAM that keeps people wondering whether or not email marketing is still effective. Email marketing, just like other forms of Internet marketing such as social media marketing, it is fast paced and must be adapted.

As you can see, many companies put quite an investment in their email marketing campaigns. They are willing to spend the money because they have seen the return on their investment. Your email marketing campaign can also be monitored once you have sent out emails to customers, both current and potential. The data can be analysed in a number of ways, including web analytics, downloads, search inquiries and visits to promotional events and offline stores.

Chapter 2: Why Email Marketing?

Even though this book is on email marketing, you need to come to terms with some truths about it. For one, email marketing is not as effective as it used to be. To be more exact, email marketing started to lose the effectiveness it used to have prior to Facebook’s popularity.

As of this time of writing, more Internet users spend more time checking their Facebook and Twitter account daily. Slightly more than half of the global Internet users have a Facebook account and people aged 20 and below prefer to check their Facebook account for messages than their email! You can say the same for Twitter in spite of its 140 character limitations per direct messaging.

And get this: Gmail, one of the leading email providers, had recently implemented the ‘priority markers’ feature allowing their users to mark selected emails as important and thus change the ways people prioritize their emails for reading consumption every time they check their Inbox. And let’s be honest: promotional emails rarely ever reach PRIORITY status!

Then they a smart system that detects and filters spam emails and it gets tweaked frequently, therefore making even legit email marketing harder.

In the recent past, email marketing quickly became the preferred method of contact for businesses looking to cut expenses, connect with buyers and increase profits. However, as the dynamic world of marketing has progressed, analysts are have encountered some disadvantages to e-mail marketing that have made other alternatives like direct marketing campaigns or text campaigns look more appealing. The advantages are as below:

Most Of What You Invest, You Get

Recent research shows that for every dollar invested in E-mail marketing, you can expect that according to the Direct Marketing Association, E-mail marketing in 2009, acquired for $ 43.52. So E-mail Marketing has the highest return on investment than other marketing methods.

It Is Very Meaningful

You can customize messages for different customers and provide contents and promotions that are consistent with their profile. Finally, your customers acquire what they want and thus they obtain better view about what each section of current business will respond. So you can continue to send more relevant emails.


By email marketing, you can easily find the number of E-mails sent, number of E-mails that have been opened and that those who have opened up, the number of people who are not registered, and click rate (which includes the link been effective and who clicked on it)

It Is Easy

Creating a marketing message via E-mail is almost as easy as writing an email.

It Is Automatic

Email marketing has a tool called an “autoresponder”. For example, if you want to send a campaign message to your recipients on special days you just create the messages and schedule it.

It Is Fast And Efficient

Timing is everything, so it can be said: this is a quick and efficient way. Offers promotions through E-mail with a clear call to action, can have tremendous impact on earnings. Channels cannot provide any possibility for you in a short period of time so as to obtain the customer directly.

E-mail marketing is known as a permission marketing and it is one of its advantages because it allows customers to decide whether they want to be reached via email. Mass customization are enabled by E-mail marketing so each message is unique to each customer, it helps marketers to inform the success of their promotions easily and quickly, it provides a major insights into the recipient’s actions through measurable events such as message open, hyperlinks clicked.

Fb Ads Blueprint MRR Ebook With Video

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FACEBOOK has been a vital resource to businesses and marketers alike for many years now and this trend shows no sign of slowing down. Facebook is still one of the best resources out there for businesses when it comes to marketing their business and growing their brand.

Most people now expect a business to have a presence on FACEBOOK, in fact for most people its one of the first go to resources when it comes to looking into products or services (after checking out the business website) If you don't already have a FACEBOOK page for your business then I strongly recommend you fix this oversight as soon as possible otherwise you are cutting yourself off from a wonderful marketing resource that could bring you in hundreds of customers each and every month.

If you are unsure of how to set up a Facebook page for your business then there are hundreds of great websites, video courses and training guides that can take you through the process step by step. FACEBOOK has changed a lot since it was first used as an advertising tool for marketer and it is continuously changing, so you need to keep on top of these changes to make the most of it for your business.
The great news is that all the most recent changes have made Facebook an even better marketing resource for your business and marketers are seeing amazing results from FACEBOOK Ad campaigns.

Chapter 1: Building Your Business With FACEBOOK

Integrating FACEBOOK Advertising into Your Business

An estimated 50 percent of active FACEBOOK users take the time to log into FACEBOOK each day. That’s some 500 million people coming to this site daily. The total amount of time people spend on FACEBOOK means there is an advertising goldmine waiting for you. Just imagine of all the new people you could expose your brand to with very minimal effort. FACEBOOK isn’t a site that people login to and log off right away.

If it’s your plan to market to global customers, FACEBOOK is the right place to turn for assistance. This site has 70 diverse translations available for just about each country on the map. In fact, an estimated 70 percent of the site’s users are living outside of the United States. This means FACEBOOK advertisers can target people living just about anywhere in the world or they can try to reach them all with a broad-based campaign.

FACEBOOK’s overall monthly usage figure makes it one of the largest players on the Internet today. If you’re ready to give up on Adwords, FACEBOOK has the exposure your advertising needs to gain attention, siphon traffic in your path and help you realize your sales goals.

Although the numbers evidently address for themselves, there are other factors that make this site eye-catching to online marketers. The social aspect of the site can work as influential force through the advertisers’ favor. Plus, the targeting potential bores down deeper than a search engine could potentially pull off.

You’ve been working hard to establish your business to as many potential target customers as possible – the ones who will discover your products appealing, and willingly spend money. You’ve done it through SEO, social networking, press releases, article marketing and perhaps even a pay-per-click campaign like Google AdWords. Basically, you’ve tried all the traditional methods that help online business catch on like a gust of wind.

But have you thought about FACEBOOK advertising yet? If not, you may not be aware of this relatively latest source of targeted customers – the kind who you may not be able to reach by traditional way.
Just what is FACEBOOK advertising, and why should you consider it?

You’ve seen them yourself, most likely… those ads running down the right-hand side of your FACEBOOK pages and most of them about interests you mainly enjoy. You are not seeing the similar ads as everyone else accessing FACEBOOK at that moment. These ones are specially targeted to data FACEBOOK has gleaned from your preferences and other sources. FACEBOOK ads are straightforward but powerful. Each one consists of a title, text block and graphic or photo of your choice – all within an 110px X 80px “box”, to fit that vertical, right-hand FACEBOOK sidebar. If you think of them as a mix between a Twitter tweet and a banner ad, you’ve just about getting the right picture in mind!

And yes – they absolutely can be advertised:

Business USP
Business Event

As well as integrating:

Your offline promotions with your online
Real-time information for your “consumers”

FACEBOOK Advertising Helps

SEO vs. Social Trends

FACEBOOK’s main advantage is its most obvious. It operates through social networking and trending rather than pure SEO – the most recent trend of this brand new decade. It allows readers to view your ads on their mobile phones – and mobile devices now outnumber personal computers, 4 to 1!

It is also cheaper than Google AdWords, and while the latter is still a brilliant method to kick-start a campaign, AdWords can be risky for new marketers, as costs per click can skyrocket faster than your sales.
Will it substitute AdWords entirely? That shouldn’t be your aim! Plan further down the line to do what the big players do: Kick-start each campaign with well-optimized and researched AdWords.

FACEBOOK vs. Adwords Costs

But whether you utilize Adwords (SEO based) or FACEBOOK ads (social networking based), FACEBOOK ads these days are a “necessity” – mainly with the not-so- delicate switch over to mobile devices! Except it’s great for new marketers because at the moment, it’s considerably less expensive to advertise on FACEBOOK than with PPC!

Graphics Capability

Its other major benefit is that you can bring in a graphic element or photo into what is essentially just a minor text ad! Since FACEBOOK is “tuned” to graphic elements, and curiosity has been shown to hit the highest point when graphics are displayed, it wins hands-down over AdWords worn-out, annoying banner ads (traditionally low converters for over a decade).

(You could simplify it like this: Want a text ad only? – Use AdWords. Plan to use a graphic? – Use FACEBOOK Ads.)

Text Capability

You have 75 words to state what you want to say in Google AdWords (that’s less than half a tweet!) FACEBOOK ads not only allocate you a 25-character headline, but 135 words of body text, too. (That’s over double Google AdWords’ capacity – but note; spaces count.)

Killer Copy Secrets MRR Ebook With Video

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“A copywriter is a salesperson behind a typewriter.”

A quote comes from Judith Charles, president of her own retail advertising agency, Judith K. Charles Creative Communication. And it’s the best definition of the word copywriter I’ve ever heard. The biggest mistake you can make as a copywriter is to judge advertising as laypeople judge it. If you do, you’ll end up as an artist or an entertainer—but not as a salesperson. And your copy will be wasting your client’s time and money.

When ordinary folks talk about advertising, they talk about the ads or commercials that are the funniest, the most entertaining, or the most unusual or provocative. Geico commercials with the talking lizard, Budweiser’s “real men of genius” radio spots, and the annual creative TV commercial extravaganza broadcast during the Super Bowl are the ads people point to and say, “I really like that!”

But the goal of advertising is not to be liked, to entertain, or to win advertising awards; it is to sell products. The advertiser, if he is smart, doesn’t care whether people like his commercials or are entertained or amused by them. If they are, fine. But commercials are a means to an end, and the end is increased sales—and profits—for the advertiser.

This is a simple and obvious thing, but the majority of copywriters and advertising professionals seem to ignore it. They produce artful ads, stunningly beautiful catalogues, and commercials whose artistic quality rivals the finest feature films. However, just because an ad is pretty and pleasant to read doesn’t necessarily mean it is persuading people to buy the product. Sometimes cheaply produced ads, written simply and directly without a lot of fluff, do the best job of selling.

Chapter 1: Headlines

Headlines are so important that a single word can impact a campaign dramatically. We’ve seen e-mail subject lines where a one word change increased click-throughs by 46%.

Open rates were nearly identical and the e-mail creative was exactly the same for both versions, but click-throughs went up by 46% in the second. If the ad was sent to 2,000,000 e-mails, the winning version would lead to 17,000+ more clicks, all from changing a single word. That’s a measurable difference that significantly impacts the bottom line.

So why are headlines so important? It’s because they’re the first lines of your copy that customers read. They create an initial impression that either draws readers in or pushes them away. Even if the rest of the copy is amazing and would convince 3 out of 10 people to buy, if the headline puts them to sleep, only a fraction of the customers who would have bought something will read your copy and make a purchase. The headline alone can make or break an ad, homepage, or e-mail subject line. It sets the tone for the rest of the copy. If the headline pulls readers in, you’ll make more sales; if not, you’ll be left wondering what happened.

And that’s why we’re devoting an entire chapter to headlines. By following the points in this chapter, you’ll learn how to write attention-grabbing headlines that convert readers into buyers.

How To Write Attention Grabbing Headlines That Convert

If you hang around copywriting circles long enough, you’re sure to read this rule at one point or another because most copywriter’s view getting potential customers to continue reading as the number rule of headline writing. Convincing your customers to keep reading means the time or money you invest in your copy won’t go to waste. So first, focus on writing a headline that pulls your customers in and compels them to read the first sentence.

Your Headline Should Be Unique

The first thing you want to consider is how to make your headline unique. If yours is just like everyone else’s, then your company won’t stand out. Your customers won’t have any reason to think you’re different than your competitors, which means they won’t have any reason to buy from you than from someone else.

Today’s consumers are savvier than customers of the past. They’re used to being bombarded with commercial after commercial that says the same thing. We can all remember watching a commercial with lines like, “Buy now with three low payments of $24.95. That’s right. Only $24.95 per month. If you buy today, you’ll get a free carrot peeler valued at $19.95.”

Businesses use commercials like this because they work, at least on a subset of customers, but many people are turned off by commercial wording they’ve heard over and over again. As soon as they hear, “Three equal payments of $24.95,” they tune out waiting for something that seems more credible.

If you sound the same as everyone else, you’re automatically going to put customers to sleep, but if you do something different, you’ll stand out, your message will be refreshing, and you may delight your customers enough to get them to buy from you.

Your Headline Should Be Ultra Specific

In addition to being unique, your headline should be ultra-specific. It should provide enough information to let customers know whether or not the offer you're presenting is interesting to them. If your headline isn’t specific enough, customers won’t know whether or not what you’re selling is something they’re interested in.

Here’s an example:

A while ago I visited a blog with this headline: “You’ll Be Missed.” I had no idea what it was about. Did the owner lose a family member? Did her dog pass away? Did something else terrible happen? I felt bad for her, but I had no idea what was going on.

When I clicked through, I found out it was a post about Steve Jobs. He had just passed away in the past couple of days, and the author was writing about how she would miss Mr. Jobs. It ended up being a well-written post, but as a reader, I had no idea what it was about until I clicked through to read.

In cases like this, it’s much better to provide enough specific information to compel readers to continue reading than to write something “clever” that doesn’t give readers adequate information to decide whether or not they’re interested.

Your Headline Should Conveys A Sense Of Urgency

When possible, your headline should convey a sense of urgency. It should include something that compels readers to continue reading so they don’t miss out. This isn’t a rule that can always be used, but when it can, it works really well.

Here’s an example:

This post ended up doing well on the KISSmetrics blog. It’s titled “Are You Losing Sales by Giving Customers Too Many Choices?” So why was it so successful?

One of the reasons is that it conveys a sense of urgency. When business owners read it, automatically they think, “Hmmm... maybe I am losing sales. I need to read this article to find out.” And then they click through to read. The urgency of losing sales compels them to read the post.

Whenever possible, it’s good to write headlines that convey a sense of urgency to convince people to continue reading.

Your Headline Should Be Useful

This may be the most important tip of all. If your headline isn’t useful and doesn’t convey a benefit, then it may not give people a reason to continue on past the headline. People want to know what benefit they’ll receive from reading what you’ve written.

This also happens to be one of the rules that companies break the most. They end up writing something clever because for some reason most people think that’s the point of writing a headline. In doing so they fail to communicate a benefit and fail to give readers a reason to continue reading. Eventually, they end up with disappointing sales because no one pays attention to their copy. That’s a mistake you don’t want to make.

Affiliate Cash Mastery MRR Ebook With Video

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Affiliate Marketing is where you (the affiliate) generate sales for some other product vendor(s) and in exchange they pay you a commission for each sale that you make.

Some affiliate programs are “continuity” programs in that they require that the customer pay a monthly fee for membership or for use of that product.


Super easy to promote third party products and keep commissions (50%-100%)
Just need to drive traffic
No headache of product creation
No technical knowledge required
Can lead to “high ticket commissions”


Introducing you to my personal vault of finding high converting affiliate offers which has helped me to generate passive paydays like these:

Welcome to

Follow these exact steps to start encashing from high converting offers:

Step #1: Visit www.warriorplus.com & create an account for free.
Make sure to have a working PayPal account to receive payments.
Step #2: In order to find high converting offers inside W+, click on “Affiliates” and search by either “Pulse score” or “Conv. Rate”
Step #3: Always choose offers that have a “Pulse score” above 30 and minimum 10% conversions.
Step #4: Another smart way of finding high converting offers is by visiting “Marketplace” and clicking on “top sellers”.
Step #5: Request for product approval. You will be notified via email once your request is approved.
Step #6: Now start driving traffic (following the later modules of this guide) to these offers and enjoy money been deposited in your PayPal ?


Let me introduce you to my second affiliate marketing platform to find high converting affiliate offers for free which has helped me to bank daily cash like these:

Welcome to

Make sure to follow these exact steps to start encashing from high converting offers inside JVZoo:

Step #1: Visit www.jvzoo.com and register for a free account if you do not have one already.
Step #2: Click on “Marketplace” -> “Top Sellers” to get access to high converting offers:
Step #3: Request for affiliate approval after selecting the offer. In case you do not have minimum 25 sales always mention how you are going to promote the offer (list, solo ads etc).
Step #4: Now start driving traffic (following the later modules of this guide) to these offers and enjoy money been deposited in your PayPal ?


Let me introduce you to another reliable affiliate marketing platform which I often use to generate commissions.

Welcome to

Follow these exact steps to get started with ClickBank.com immediately:

Step #1: Visit www.clickbank.com and create an account:

Step #2: Click on marketplace to choose from diverse categories of offers:
Some of the popular niches are:
Business/ Investing
Computers/ Internet
Health & Fitness
Software & Services
Step #3: Always choose offers with gravity score between 20-80 meaning they are the popular offers which has market competition (meaning marketers are making money promoting them).
Step #4: Click on “Promote”:
Step #5: Click bank will automatically generate the hop link for you:
Step #6: Now start driving traffic (following the later modules of this guide) to these offers and enjoy money been deposited in your bank account

Facebook Super Pack Resale Rights Ebook With Video

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Chapter 5:

Learn How To Use Fan Pages


The creation of the fan pages basically allows for the posting of a separate page for the purpose of facilitating connections between interested parties where information on the latest updates and news can be shared and discussed.

The Pages

This social media too has been able to create the desired effect where other tools have less successful results. Using the fan page effectively is also just as important as the material being featured thus the following guide may prove to be useful:

The first step would be to start the fan page with the effectively designed photos or logos about the business matter intended to be established. Then adding the contact details of the business to ensure it is reachable in both online and offline circumstances.

Then the exercise of adding friends and inviting existing customers and prospects to become part of the fan page through links. Once this is achieved to the desired effect then period engagements must be made with the viewing parties. These can take the form of posting new and interesting information or simply engaging in a discussion of the material posted.

Running other interactive platforms such as asking questions, conducting surveys or simply enquiring as to the likes and dislikes or even requirements of the viewing set. Functioning as a somewhat free and non committing market survey it can be an exciting way to grow that online business venture. This information gathered can then be used to further improve of what is currently being offered or featured.

The idea behind the whole exercise is to encourage and build a strong following to the fan page by using all the above different incentives. Constantly encouraging the visitors to become actively participative will also help to eventually create the excitement element that will draw attention to the site. This will then contribute to the possible elevation of revenue possibilities.

Chapter 6:

Learn How To Use Events


Facebook has over time been able to establish itself as a power to be recon with when it comes to getting information to the masses. The host of different elements that can effectively be posted and viewed on Facebook has taken many endeavors to higher achieving heights. Almost anything can be effectively promoted.

Benefit From It

There is really no need to promote only events that have exact tangible locations and time lines. The Facebook listed events can also be virtual events as it is able to draw the intended target audience just as effectively.

Perhaps the important guideline to follow would be to make the posting as attention grabbing as possible to ensure the desired outcome. Below are some of the reasons why one should consider using these hosting style events to optimize exposure:

The reach is limitless when using the events posted on Facebook to get the event noticed. Being able to extend the invitation at the click of an icon and also to be able to add on as and when desired is not possible with other conventional tools. Also being able to add more admits to the event and invite anyone and everyone is definitely beneficial.

Another contribution this tool can commit to is the easy way it can get an overview of the participants and the capacity anticipated.

It’s also easier to spread the message and communicate to all connected through a single platform effortlessly. Using other complimenting tools like the wall, discussion boards, links, add videos and photos also help to further enhance the communicating possibilities.

One should also note that it may not always be possible to use the Facebook as an ideal way to get events noticed. One of the contributing reasons maybe that there are some people who either don’t bother with their Facebook tool or they simply don’t have one. Therefore there may be a need to have emails accompanying the Facebook posting.

Chapter 7:

Use Exclusive Landing Pages


Anything exclusive has its positive and negative connective results, therefore it is important to understand the fundamentals that affect such results and then decide if a particular style is suited for a particular endeavor. The use of exclusive landing pages is no exception.

Your Pages

Most landing pages on the Facebook tool helps to create interest in the viewers or fans in order to convert them into being firm fans and this not only raise the fan base listings but also create enough revenue through these interests.

Instead of directly exposing the wall to the viewer one can make a more appealing reach by providing a well designed landing page which is attention grabbing which in turn will be able to hold the attention of the visitor.

There has been verified statistics to prove that landing pages have generated more fans in terms of speed and growth when compared to other tools on the internet marketing arena.

Having landing pages that are exclusive in nature is also beneficial when the idea behind the posting is to not have it “littered” all over the internet thus causing over exposure.

This style of landing pages also creates a sense of exclusivity for the invited guest which in turn most of the time ensures the positive participation of the intended target audience.

Also because the message style is almost always of a singular nature there is little need to have confusing and overly enthusiastic postings.

Using the positive elements of the exclusive landing page will also help to fine tune the different channels of the possible multiple traffic sources.

The different sources of traffic from the exclusive landing page posting may include emails, Ad words, affiliate links, banner placement and others. Using an exclusive landing page is also easier as it does not hamper or cause designing conflicts.

Linked In Ads Made Easy Personal Use Ebook With Video

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Chapter 1: What is LinkedIn Advertising All About?

Section 1

LinkedIn Ads Basics LinkedIn Ads Basics

What is LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a business oriented website founded in the year 2002 in the United States that has been built on the basis of how social media platforms work. In fact, LinkedIn is considered to be an “employment social networking service,” as it is mainly used for professional networking.

The key aspect that makes LinkedIn different from other social networking services is how it helps professional individuals and businesses to match on a single platform. Here, social interactions are based on the mutual benefit obtained by both parties having access to the single biggest online data base of career based resources.

Most of LinkedIn’s revenues comes from selling access to its professional user data base to headhunters, recruiters, sales professionals and large corporations. This is because people “advertise” their skills and availability for work on the platform when they create a LinkedIn account and add their professional bios and work experience to it.

Currently, LinkedIn rightfully boasts about having more than 433 million registered users in their platform, with over 300 million active users and 106 million of those in the United States alone. LinkedIn’s popularity is due to how easy the platform makes it for employers to place their Job Postings and for job seekers to post their resumes and professional bios, which results in real world professional connections.

Fb Remarketing 20 Made Easy Personal Use Ebook With Video

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Chapter 2: Why use Facebook for Remarketing?

Why Facebook?

Well, simply put, Facebook is the most used social network worldwide, and it is the most effective advertising platform that any brand can use. Besides that, Facebook Offers you Remarketing.

Yeah, there are different types of ads that Facebook provides for you to precisely implement remarketing. Facebook has made it possible for you to show your ads exactly to the people you want, who had already shown interest in your business in several different ways.

Thanks to Facebook being the largest social media in the world, there is a huge possibility you'll find all of your existing and potential customers browsing this social media monster, and getting engaged by your retargeting ads.

They spend a lot time there, see ads related to their interests and may take action with you in mind as an option when they want to buy something! This gives you more space to find new customers, or engage those who have seen your business somewhere else online.

Understanding the Facebook advertising platform is one of the most productive practices you can do to grow your business, and that’s why you're here now!

What Remarketing Services does Facebook offer?

Facebook offers you absolutely amazing remarketing services to reach the people who matter to you the most. Remarketing on Facebook is called Custom Audiences. Facebook offers you four different opportunities to remarket to your current and future prospects.

Customer File: With this remarketing feature, you can use a customer file to match your customers with people on Facebook, and create an audience from those matches.

Website traffic: With this remarketing feature, you can create a list of people who visit your website or view specific web pages.

List Traffic Profits PLR Ebook With Video

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Chapter 3: What You Will need

The first step towards your huge list is going to be signing up to a few essential services and getting a few tools. You can't build and manage a list all on your lonesome, so read on and we'll look at some of the things you'll need to get this ball rolling. Consider this a little bit like the ingredients for the recipe we're about to make.


The first and most important thing you will need to build and manage your mailing list is an autoresponder. An autoresponder is basically a tool that lets you send e-mails out to large groups of people, that stores your addresses and that lets you easily manage them. Autoresponders also allow you to easily build your own opt-in forms which are the little forms you'll place on your site for people to join up.

These are necessary for a few different reasons. For starters, a professional looking opt-in form will make your mailing list seem more professional. This in turn will mean that people are more likely to be interested in signing up and it will mean that they'll expect higher quality. Make the form yourself and you risk making it look a little like an amateurish job – so use a professional tool instead.

Moreover though, it's simply impossible to manage a huge mailing list without one of these tools. When you run a mailing list, you need to protect yourself against spam, you need to make sure that people confirm their interest in signing up and you need to give people the opportunity to unsubscribe. You'll also probably want to send out a welcome message to all your new members.

With an autoresponder all this is made much easier. Autoresponders will handle all these different jobs automatically, meaning that you don't have to manually add and remove people from your list or manually welcome new members. If you were to at some point have a mailing list of hundreds of thousands of members you'd end up spending all day adding and removing people from your list – and that's why you need an autoresponder to do it for you.

Choosing Your Autoresponder

When it comes to signing up for an autoresponder, you have a number of different options. The big three names here though are MailChimp, Aweber and GetResponse. Each varies slightly in terms of the number of e-mails you can keep on the list and for what price.

Unfortunately it's not as easy as simply comparing three prices as the pricing structure for each one gets a little complicated. Instead then, refer to the grid below and you can see which ones offer the best rates under different conditions.

Tube Traffic Mastery PLR Ebook With Video

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Chapter I: What is Video Marketing?


Video Marketing simply means the action of making a promotional video of your product and services and marketing it by submitting the video on multiple video sharing sites.

Video marketing is a new and ideal way of product promotion to increase traffic on your website. This type of marketing is becoming popular and highly effective when you do it right, it will also help you in creating a large and interested audience.

Videos are generally used by Internet marketers to sell their products and services using a video explanation of a product. Internet marketers include usable data in a video for user engagement to optimize the sales funnel.

Videos are generally used by Businesses to build brand awareness of their companies and products. These videos are mostly about entertainment to increase customer interest in their brand with less focus on selling the actual product.

People like to purchase things when they watch an online video of that product instead of reading the reviews and specifications, which means you can utilize the power of video to convert your interested audience in sales a lot more.

Blogging Paycheck MRR Ebook With Video

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

How to Streamline Content Creation

(1). Create a publishing schedule and stay committed to it. Plan it in a way that works well for you as well as for your readers. Never overextend yourself. It's not necessary that you publish on a daily basis. Some bloggers post weekly or even bi-weekly.

(2).Throughout your day when good blog post ideas come to mind, stop and write them down. When clients ask questions add those answers and the ideas that come from them to your list.

(3). Create an outline for your posts. This can keep you on point so you don't wander off on short tangents that are not relative to your post. It helps save time on both the writing and the editing of your posts.

(4). Always have a few backup posts ready for times when life throws you a curve and your time and attention is needed elsewhere.

(5).Don't try to re-invent the wheel. Follow blueprints of blogs that are tried, tested, and proven. Blogs are structured in a fairly straightforward way.

(6). One neat little trick is to take a kitchen timer and set it at 30 minutes. Every 30 minutes take a break and reward yourself with something like a cup of coffee or a donut. Getting up from your chair is what helps you.

When you get back to it you are more re-focused and more energized. Naturally, streamlining blog content is a great idea. However, never turn it into a speed-writing contest. Blog for the sole purpose of helping and delighting your target audience.

How To Win Customers & Get More Business

If your blog posts all sound like a sales pitch, you'll have a hard time finding loyal readers. You could alienate your targeted clients. Your blog could easily end up as a whisper in the wind with no-one around to hear what you have to say.

The majority of people don't want to hear a sales pitch. Some don't even care about your business. They are looking for something for THEMSELVES. If you want to create business using your blog, don't think like a salesman and step into the shoes of being a 'mentor' for your readers.