Tag Archives: Ebooks With Audios

Get Webpage Visitors Mrr Ebook With Audio

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In the audio, Steve gives a great tip. Even though it should be obvious, many don’t follow it… if you need a quality press release and don’t want to outsource it (which means YOU need to write it), then at least read through a dozen press releases. Skim them but look at their format, look at their content and, most importantly, consider their headline.

If you’d still like a bit of guidance, check out Alice Seba’s product on this. She’s an accomplished internet marketer, copywriter and former … press release writer. So yes, she’s qualified to teach it.

If it’s internet marketing or online business related, get it listed on IMNewswatch. com . I also recommend at least hopping over to Only- Wire.com and getting your story listed on there.

Of course, here’s another automation tool from Rod Beckwith and Jeff Alderson … Press Equalizer. It’s their top selling automation software and for good reason. If you want to get into regular press release submissions, you’ll save a lot of money with this approach.

The Secrets Sales Machine Mrr Ebook With Audio

Think That A $27 Ebook Is Going To Boost Your Sales? Check Out What A “New York Times Bestseller Has To Say About Exploding Profits Into The Stratosphere!

“Step Into The Mind Of The Ultimate Sales Machine As He Exposes Closely-Guarded Secrets to Boosting Your Profits And Catapulting Your Bottom Line!”

The Corporate Trainer For NBC, Citibank, Warner Bros, GNC, Wells Fargo, Estee Lauder, Merrill Lynch, And Almost a THOUSAND Other Companies Spills The Beans On How To Put Your Company On A Path To Success...And Help It STAY There!
Dear Future Sales Extraordinaire,

If you're looking for the inside edge on how you can skyrocket the profitability of your business...without having to filter through the B.S. being taught in today's universities and “business growth” books, than this message will give you the answers you're looking for.

Because I'm going to tell you about an insider who's done and seen it all. He's been on the “front lines” of multi-million dollar companies. This guy KNOWS how to train salespeople and boost the bottom line of companies big and small.

Now I'm sure you're wondering, “OK, this sounds like the usual overhyped stuff I hear over and over again. Believe me, I know were you're coming from.

Renegade Direct Mail Secrets Mrr Ebook With Audio

Attention Frustrated Marketer: Tired of going to endless MLM meetings, giving into endless scams, and do you REALLY hate your job?

"Marketing Renegade Reveals The 'Closely-Guarded' Secrets On How He Banked Over 40 Million Dollars In Two Years In Direct Response Marketing!"

This is stuff you won't hear in ANY business book or internet marketing course. Read about how you can kiss the day job you hate goodbye with marketing addict T.J. Rohleder's "insider" direct marketing secrets!
Dear Lucky Marketer,

If you're looking for the straight-and narrow path toward creating wealth that'll make most online marketers run home and cry to Mommy, then this message will cut to the chase and give you the answers you're looking for.

Because I'm going to tell you about a guy who lives and breath's marketing. In fact, he's practically addicted to marketing...it's like a drug like cocaine and heroin he cannot get enough of!

But before I do that, let me tell you who I'm talking about: His name is T.J. Rohleder and he went through the same thing: hating your job, wanting to make a million dollars, and starving for freedom and independence.

Believe me, he got sick of the 9-5 jobs answering to a overbearing boss, and working for peanuts. So after going through tons and tons of bona-fide scams...

BBO Adwords Formula Mrr Ebook With Audio

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Matthew: Even without that offer, you still would have been able to make the $12,000 in sales and make a nice chunk of affiliate commissions off of that.

I wanted to clarify that so everyone has the mindset that this works for beginners who don’t have products. It’s really straightforward.

Why don’t we jump right into it with the steps you went through? Which month did you quit your job?

Simon: I like to say “retired.” This happened on August 5, 2006.

Matthew: What steps did you take right after that? What did you do to build your list of 5,000 people? How much work was involved?

Simon: The process started a little bit before that date. I had been doing research and had been in touch with other internet marketing experts and people I like to call my friends.

It was pretty new for me at the time. I knew a lot about Google AdWords and helped a lot of clients, but didn’t really know internet marketing as an entrepreneur. I would probably consider myself a newbie back in 2006 when I was first starting out. This was the result I got. I have to give a lot of credit to Google and my background there as part of the team.

It was about a month before I left the company that the “Google slap” came about. It’s a term a lot of internet marketers dubbed for a new quality score criteria algorithm that Google set for a lot of advertisers.

Google had a new evaluation system for people who promote sites that aren’t exactly the best quality. They came up with a list of things like having a good-quality product. It was a whole different set of landing page policies and guidelines that they had to adhere to.

A lot of people were penalized by it because of the way Google set it up. They didn’t understand exactly how it worked.

Sales Overload Mrr Ebook With Audio

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Using your Sales Overload Home Study Course, you're going to build your business in a two-step fashion.

First, you're going to set up your business, getting all the main administration out of the way. Second, you're going to start marketing your business.

Although that's a brief and simplified version of what you'll be doing, that's basically it. Try not to get bogged down with the details. Simply work this plan and the money will follow.

To simplify the process, your plan is presented in daily bite size pieces. Each day takes approximately 1 hour to complete. If you can spend more than one hour a day building your business, feel free to complete as many days as you can in one sitting. If you don't have 1 hour a day to work on your business, use the time you have efficiently and break up the days in the list into manageable bite size pieces. The important part of following this plan is you complete day 1 before moving onto day 2, complete day 2 before moving onto day 3. If you try to circumvent the system, you're shooting yourself in the foot. Jumping around from day to day will weaken your business foundation and take you much longer to build a solid profitable business.

SEO For The Average Webmaster Mrr Ebook With Audio

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My name is Terry Telford, from TerryTelford.com and this evening we’re looking at a very, very profitable experience for everybody. You're going to learn the behind the scenes strategies and tactics for getting your websites listed highly, highly, highly in the search engines. And were going to have a special SEO or Search Engine Optimization package for you that has not been released yet. It’s officially launching tomorrow. But your going to be one of the first people on the planet who gets access to it. So we’ll be sharing that with you shortly.

This evening, we're lucky to have two premier search engine optimization experts with us, David Congreave and Tim Whiston. We also have Roy Miller, who is a world class copy writer. Roy is our special bonus this evening and he’s going to give us some insight on writing great web copy.

To give you a little back ground on these guys, David’s been online since about 2001. He is a search engine optimization specialist who sells online advertising. His clients, range from small businesses with few employees up to large multi-national corporations, and over 75% of the traffic he gets to his website, comes from search engines. This is a guy you definitely want to listen to, to see how to get your website listed highly in the search engines.

Next we have Tim Whiston. Tim is a professional web developer and an internet marketer who lives in the South eastern United States. He’s been working online since 2003, when he started studying search engine optimization techniques. Originally, it was for his own benefit, but when his clients started finding out what he was doing, they started hiring him to optimize their sites as well. Tim worked in a vast range of different industries, optimising websites for small, medium and large companies all over the world.

And finally, we have Roy, who is a professional website copy writer and ghost writer. He’s been online since 2001, and has helped some of the big name online marketers create products. Roy is going to peel back the layers of the onion and show you how to write copy for your website that is effective and search engine friendly.

So I’d like to start off by thanking all three of you guys for taking the time to be here with us today.


Yeah. Thank you too.


Before we dig in. I just want to mention that everything we're going to be discussing this evening is completely above board stuff. There is no black stuff, no hat, grey zone stuff. Everything we're learning here this evening is search engine friendly and it’s not going to get you black listed, or kicked out of the search engines. And just to set the scene, were going to cover some very, very cleaver search engine strategies, some very, very clever techniques. But were going to start off the evening with some basics, so we're all working from the same page. So David, maybe you can start us off by explaining the basics of how the search engines work with spiders, bots listings and whatever else they do.

Million Dollar Membership Mrr Ebook With Audio

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Jeremy: Yeah just to add something there. Simon mentioned about jv partners and contests. Anybody can do this when you’re launching a product. Have some kind of incentive for your affiliates and jv partners. Its not really the money, it’s just the desire to win. When you’re planning your product launch you also have to plan the launch of your jv promotions. We launch our jv promotions privately, several months in advance. We give most of our warm contacts a good 3 to 4 months advance notice that we are doing something big. MME3 is coming this June, that’s basically what we tell them.

It’s unbelievable how many jv proposals people send out and say hey I’ve got this great product launch and I’m giving away lots of money. The launch is Tuesday and they send the mail out on Monday. I get those all the time and so does Simon and I’m sure you do too Terry.

The thing is, you’ve got to plan that well ahead of time. You have to think about your partners and your affiliates. You have to think about their schedule and respect their time. Don’t waste their time. You have to plan accordingly. If you know one of your contacts could possibly be your best producer for your launch and they are also launching a product at the same time as yours, most likely your going to have a hard time getting them to promote your product. It’s a conflict of interest. You've got too keep your eye on the market place, as Simon said earlier, you have to know your market place. You have to know what’s going on. Keep your ear to the door and listen to what’s going on.

We know a lot of people, so we pretty much know what’s going on. People contact us all the time and let us know what’s going on next week or next month or whatever. So its a little easier for us to plan, because we did it so far in advance, we just said alright we've got to be in pre-launch in the very beginning of this summer. So everybody else just backs off and nobody wants to launch their product at the end of May or first of June because MME 3 is coming. And they know that because we told everybody 3 to 4 months in advance.

We have a competition and we have the official jv sign-up a good month in advance. We basically created a unique page and sent it out so our jv's can sign-up and review the product. That’s something that you need to think about when you launch your product is the jv side. Get people as your partners. Give them full access. Write the sales page just aimed at your jv partners to get them to sign up and promote for you.

It’s really hard sometimes to convince people why they should promote your product. Everybody thinks their product is the best product in the world, so you have to prove your product is worth promoting. You’ve got to show them, you have to convince them they should promote your product. A high commission is nice, but a lot of times people are more interested in the quality of the product and the quality of your service. If that’s solid, they will look at the money and then look to see if there’s a competition.

Making Your First Million Online Mrr Ebook With Audio

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Look at the way these people think. And look at their achievements. There's a direct correlation there. There's a direct link between the way you think and what you actually get.

Without getting into a whole belief system, if you look at your business as a mickey mouse operation, you'll make a mickey mouse income. If you look at it as a multinational corporation, your income will follow.

Doesn't matter if you're working in the corner of your bedroom. It's your mindset that makes the difference.

The other part of the equation is action. Because you can sit stagnant in a corner all day long thinking I'm going to be successful, but without action to back it up, nothing will happen.

Mindset is absolutely critical.

The next step is your focus
This is where you really need to discipline yourself

proactive instead of reactive – we'll cover the difference in a moment

know where your business is going. What do you want out of it short term, what do you want out of it long term. What's your exit strategy.

How To Turn Videos Into Cash Mrr Ebook With Audio

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My name is Terry Telford from TerryTelford.com and today we’re very lucky to have Jay Douglas with us. Jay’s been creating high quality internet video since about 2001. That’s four years before YouTube came onto the scene. So you can see where Jay’s experience level is.

Jay's a master at creating high performance sales videos. These are videos that help you sell your products. If Jay creates a video for you, you’re pretty much guaranteed your products are going to start flying off the shelf. So I guess without further adieu, I’d like to thank you very much for being with us here Jay.

Jay: Well, it’s a pleasure talking to you as usual. Terry: Thanks much. Maybe you can start off by telling us a bit about your background. Where did you come from before you got on-line, in the video scene, and how you got where you are today? This is the end of the example Jay: Well, just a little bit. Long story short, I’m a retired military officer, US Military.

I think my first website was actually made for the military in 1996 for my unit because we had an upcoming exercise and they needed their unit logos and everything on them. I had no idea what I was doing but I was the only one that could even spell website back then, so they said, go figure it out. It took me a couple of weeks to get through what html was and this that, etc. The site didn’t turn out too bad. I’m actually an attorney by trade, I don’t practice law anymore but between being an attorney and retired military officer, I traveled all over the world. Before I settled down, I said well let’s go ahead and do something serious on-line; start a business on-line.

Terry: Excellent. So how did you end up getting into the video side of things? Jay: Well, you mentioned high quality videos, I started making low quality videos about 1998, and there was a guy on the web, I don’t know if he’s still on it but his name was Scott Culvert, he used to make videos on-line. I started out with a program called Lotus ScreenCam, I’m not sure if you’ve heard of that, I don’t think it any longer exists, it was a one shot thing. You turned the program on and it said on and you started recording; if you made a mistake, there was no going back editing or anything. So it was a real challenge and then the files of course are humongous and then the other piece of it, there was nowhere on-line at that point.

You couldn’t put them on-line because they were so big. And I actually made a series, my first video, a series on Windows 98 and Microsoft Office. I moved from that and bought the first version of Camtasia Studio; in fact I bought every version since then, it’s a wonderful program. And I started making videos for people like Mike Filsaime, Russell Brunson, Monica Forte and Ryan Diaz, John Delevera, Jeff Alderson, Keith Baxter, all those guys.

Traffic Mayhem Mrr Ebook With Audio

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Very informal. I said, “Hey my name is Mark Flavin I've got this website that offers free ring tones and I noticed that you do a little tech spot, and I was wondering if you would like to add my website? And I got an email back that said yup let’s go. Just like that. There was no big long rigmarole it was just a quick yes. Then a week later there it was, a 5 minute spot.


Wow! Fantastic! That’s fantastic.


Yeah! You just have to ask. When we're working in the online world we tend to forget about TV and radio. More people are listening to radio and watching TV than there are online. So you just have to ask. There’s no harm in asking people.


You’re working both angles then. So you work offline to get people to your website online.


Yeah! I haven’t used it too much, I do it with press releases and things like that, but ironically, my first venture of getting traffic in the online world, was in the offline world.


That’s cool!

Now I’m going to do something kind of unorthodox, which goes along with your traffic program, Traffic Transformer. Instead of making everybody wait until the very end of the call and let them know about the super secret surprise package you put together, I’m going to go ahead and let everybody know now. And then we’re going to go ahead and show you how Mark is getting traffic, other than just through a radio station.

He’s also got 30 different ways of getting traffic to a website. Now, obviously we don’t have time to cover everything, but I selected 10 of the methods that I’d like to cover and kind of pick Mark’s brain and get all the details of how they work.