Tag Archives: Ebooks With Audios & Videos

IMers Guide To Article Marketing Mrr Ebook With Audio & Video

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Article marketing is an effective way to enhance the advertisement of your business. However, unless you use excellent keywords to optimize your website you will not be able to generate enough traffic to it to earn profits on it. Therefore, it is important to do extensive research on keywords to find out which one is the best for your website.

In order to maximize the search engine optimization of your articles you need to keep track of the traffic ranking of different keywords that you can use to optimize your article on the Internet. You can research the data on a monthly basis. You also need to keep track of the level of competition that each of these words have for you. Use Microsoft Word or Excel to record these findings instead of relying on your memory for them, just to be sure.

If you are starting a brand new business then think of all the relevant words that can be used to generate higher traffic to your website. Note them down as soon as you think of them. If your business is about parcel delivery then hit the search button on this. You will be presented with a host of keywords that have direct relevance to your business. Along with this list you will be presented with the monthly search hits on these words so that you can compare which one is more popular than the other. You can also put in additional words that you have come up with and see the relevance quotient of it to your business.

Now in order to estimate the level of competition of your keywords you need to type them in and search them out. If the main term, like “Parcel Delivery” has a competition higher than 6, 00,000 then try something like “next day Parcel Delivery”. This might generate a competition as low as 2,500. If this bears direct relevance to your business and the article that you are writing then use it as the keyword. This will cut down on your competition and come up as one of the top search hits on a search engine.

Repeat the same process for every keyword you think is relevant enough to be included in you article marketing strategy and note down the details of it on your MS documents. Compare and consider the best options before using them.

If you don’t want to come up with keywords yourself, then you can use free online tools that provide you with suggestions of relevant keywords that you can use to optimize your website on the search engine. You can use free programs for this instead of buying software for this purpose. After having a list of such suggested keywords you should run a competition search on them on the Internet to be aware of the competition level of those words for you. Accordingly you can use them in your article marketing strategy to maximize your search engine optimization.

Web Design For Internet Business Owners Plr Ebook With Audio & Video

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Audience-Oriented Design Goals

The key needs of a website's audience will set the course for further development because they address things like Internet experience, browser type, connection speeds, and screen resolution.

For example, a website that caters to visitors with little Internet experience should provide a very simple interface with small blurbs of explanatory text next to each button or link. One of the goals in this case would be to offer extensive help.

A website that serves mostly Internet Explorer users can take advantage of advanced Java or VB scripting, whereas a website that attracts mostly low-end browser users should avoid scripting altogether and concentrate on providing text-based content instead.

Another goal of a website that caters to visitors with slow Internet connections would be to display small, fast loading graphics rather than video-laden web pages that are riddled with 400K+ images.

These examples illustrate how a website's audience literally dictates what should and shouldn't be part of its design if it's going to meet its audience-oriented business goals.

At times, audience-oriented design goals may conflict with each other -- especially when they encounter visitors who have fast Internet connections but low screen resolutions. To accomplish design goals for such a widely varied audience, it's best to design a website that satisfies the most common needs.

5 Must Do Gotta Have Traits Plr Ebook With Audio & Video

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The development of self-confidence begins properly with intelligent self-examination. The mind must be closely scrutinized, undesirable tendencies checked; faults eradicated, and correct habits of thought and conduct firmly established.

To achieve the best results this personal overhauling, or house cleaning, should be thorough and fearless.

Fearful thought is a disease, to be diagnosed as carefully as any other illness. It comes largely from perverted mental habits. The mind is permitted habitually to dwell upon thoughts of doubt, failure, and inefficiency. So great does this power become, when permitted to rule unchecked, that it affects to greater or less degree almost every act of one's life.

The extremes to which a fearful person will sometimes go are as amusing as they are absurd. People fear poverty, darkness, ridicule, microbes, insomnia, dogs, lightning, burglars, cold, solitude, marriage, Friday, lawyers, death, thirteen, accident, and ghosts. The catalog of dreaded possibilities might include black cats, mice, ill luck, criticism, travel, disease, evil eyes, dreams, and old age.

It’s true there is legitimate and honest fear, like that of the young soldier who, upon being asked after his first battle how they felt, replied: "I was afraid I would be afraid, but I was not afraid."