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No matter what market niche you operate in, there will be forums sites where like-minded individuals come together to discuss their passions or interests with others of the same persuasion.
Many forums are extremely popular and active, with hundreds or sometimes thousands of individual members, all of whom share the same interests. Consequently, if you can find the most popular forums in your market niche, you know that everyone who uses those sites is already a red hot prospect for your business or product.
The easiest way of finding the most popular forums in any particular market niche is also the quickest. Run a standard Google search using 'your topic + forums' as your search term.
And of course, because this is the result of a Google search, you know that the sites at the top of the results page are the most popular in your market. Hence, you should start at the top of the results page and work your way down to do some further research.
In particular, you should check the activity levels and the quality of the information being provided in the niche forums that you are considering joining. You also need to confirm whether you are allowed to add a signature file to your profile as well because if you are not, it makes it very difficult for you to promote your business through that forum effectively.
A signature file is a short two or three line 'pitch' for your business in which you are generally allowed to include an active hyperlink to take someone who follows a link almost anywhere (although some forums do not allow you to link directly to an affiliate product sales page).
Now, this signature file has to be a relatively understated promotional message rather than a full-on sales pitch but this is generally okay because most people in the forum are already interested in your topic anyway.
And the beauty of using a signature file to promote your business is that every time you add a new post or start your own thread in that forum, your signature file is automatically added after whatever you have written.
In effect, all you need to do is keep adding quality content to the forum as often as you can make a meaningful contribution and you will keep promoting your business to a group of people who possibly represent the hottest prospects imaginable.
There is one other critical factor about using forums which can also provide a significant boost to your targeted traffic figures.
This is your ability to establish your expertise and authority in your market through the medium of a leading forum in your niche.
Once you have managed to convince people that you are someone who is an expert in your business, it becomes considerably more likely that they will want to do business with you.
If you were a leading member of a specialist search engine optimization forum and you constantly posted valuable SEO tips and ideas to the site on a regular basis, don't you think it is highly likely that other less experienced members will visit your site or blog to see what else they can learn?