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Give away events. This will help put you another step ahead in your list-building efforts and you can start executing this when you have a substantial amount of subscribers. Give away events are like the bigger versions of ad swaps during which you and a few other partners are in the same event where each of you contribute a gift. The only catch is that if your visitors want to get those gifts, they must subscribe to your mailing list. What you can do is to gather a few other partners to pool your gifts together on one listing on the same page and all of you agree to drive traffic to that website.
Assuming you’re working with 9 other people so there are 10 of you. 10 mailing list owners, including yourself, driving traffic and sending visitors to the same website by mailing it to all your mailing lists and when all these visitors go to this website, they see a list of gifts. While some of them will be interested in the gifts, others might not. When you have the power of 10 mailing list owners driving traffic to the same website, imagine how many subscribers you can get from this small, time-sensitive event.
So the first step is to join closed-door give away events and contribute a high quality and highly appealing gift for the event that visitors can download in exchange of opting-in to your mailing list.
That is the only catch. You and other partners must also agree to promote the same give away event for the host and that is how the thing really works. It turns out beautiful when everyone works together on this. You will not only be helping other people build their mailing list, you will also be benefiting mutually and exponentially.
One last word on giveaway events though is that you should not ever join give away events which are termed “massive” scale. At first impression, they may tell you that there are 800 to 1000 partners joining and the numbers may sound impressive. However, it is an exaggeration because these among so-called 800 partners, most of them are usually not really qualified Internet marketers and do not have a real mailing list.
Instead, they are just in the event so that they can ride on your efforts. Just imagine if you are the only one promoting the event while the others are not so when you start sending your own subscribers to the event while everyone else is not doing it, everyone else will gain your subscribers and you will not get any mutual return. So try to refrain from joining massive give away events. It may have worked in the past but today, it does not usually work, especially since not everyone is as competent.
The methods we’ve discussed so far are all very powerful and you can start getting a mailing list build up very quickly and you can start covering and investing your One Time Offers and Downsells and put your tell a friend script in place, strategically speaking, you can build your list much more exponentially and in due time, your mailing list will be a goldmine to you. However there 2 more other methods that can help you get more quality leads.