Tag Archives: Ebooks With Audio

E-Zine Profit Unleased MRR Ebook With Audio

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If you don’t have content for your E-zine then what value are you offering to your subscribers?

Content is king. We have heard this term often enough, but the problem with people is that they try to take the easy way out. They don’t take this principle seriously enough that is why the Internet at times is full of unwanted junk and spam sites.

Too many people are obsessed with getting traffic, getting their sites optimized for Search Engine and flashing their affiliate links all over the Internet through ‘spam’ comments and worthless self-promotion.

This is only a short term solution and you can’t get long term results at all.

Did you know that good content gets ranked on search engines like Google because they now read the WHOLE web page and use it to generate matches?

This is very important. As long as you write a lot more ORIGINAL content, you have a higher chance of getting ranked on the search engine.

Basically, you don’t have to worry too much about traffic if your content is good. Your target audiences are humans, people who read and understand your work, not search engine spiders.

In the Web 2.0 generation now, HUMANS represent the web and they are the ones who teach the web how to think.

Allergic To Everything Personal Use Ebook With Audio

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In the previous chapter, I only just scratched the surface of how much power the FDA has over your health. The FDA writes all the rules, holds all the keys, and is the end all be all to health. This is a very bad thing. Nobody should have that much power.

The American government was founded on checks and balances. So it is absolutely amazing to me that the FDA would be allowed to have so much power. They are literally the judge, jury, and executioner – and let's not forget the fact they wrote the rules to begin with.

I'm going to head just a tad off track here, but bear with me for a little bit. I'm sure you already know that the most efficient way to get anything done is to have a lot of people doing a little work, with all of their hands moving toward the same goal. So let's explore that aspect of society for a moment.

In order to understand the FDA's final goal, you have to understand how the American government was founded. Out of all our great founding fathers, there was only one that did not believe the rich and powerful were the only people qualified to make decisions for the common good.

In other words, all but one of the founding fathers believed that the rich would be benevolent and humanitarian, and should thusly be the only people who can make decisions. After all, if they are rich, then they are obviously very smart, and good at making decisions. The rich are a minority of the population for good reason – smart people are far and few between.

Isn't that funny? The majority decided that only the minority should make decisions. Thomas Jefferson was that one founding father that disagreed. Unfortunately, he was not privy to most of their conversations and decision making.

Also rather unfortunate, is the fact that James Madison did not discover the rich would not be benevolent until after he had already given them the power to make decisions for the “common good.” But please, don't trust me. Don't believe a word I say. Go look into the writings of James Madison and Thomas Jefferson yourself.

So from the very beginnings of the American government, the one common goal, which all the hands were working toward, was ensuring that the rich are in power and making decisions for everyone. This is the way it has been for over 200 years. This is what everything in our government is based on. This is the one common goal for everything the government does. The very structure of our government allows for nothing else.

The FDA is a part of our government. The FDA is built upon and follows the same structure. Some people feel strongly that the FDA is going to make sure that only the rich can make decisions for everyone. The FDA and this government were founded on the belief that the rich are rich because they are smart, and so should make the decisions.

Dog Training Uncovered PLR Ebook With Audio

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Interviewer: Now my sister-in-law’s dog who is a mixed breed--what is it--a Retriever and a Poodle --like a Cock--what are those--what is--?

Howard Weinstein: Labradoodle?

Interviewer: Labradoodle thank you; she actually rings a bell to come in the house and to go out when she has to go do her business. Have you ever seen that?

Howard Weinstein: I have; in fact a lot of people --it’s sort of related to one of the most desperate questions that people ask me--especially with puppies is when will my puppy learn to tell me she needs to go to the bathroom or how can I teach my puppy to tell me when she needs to go? And some people really go to the effort of doing things as--as overt as teaching their dogs to ring a bell at the door or to go to the door and bark. The only drawback to that is when they’re grown up and they don’t need to go to the bathroom 53 times a day anymore, they only go the four or five times that you take them out, they’ve learned that if they go and ring the bell someone will take them out. [Laughs] So in some cases it’s --you wonder who trained who.

Interviewer: Yeah; I did notice she was ringing the bell an awful lo t while I was there.

Howard Weinstein: [Laughs] So I actually prefer to suggest to people that they really might not want to teach their dog to do that. It’s the same thing as teaching them to speak; it’s usually something they end up--the people end up regretting because if your dog learns to bark and that she’ll get a reward when she barks you can see where that might lead.

Interviewer: Yes, absolutely.

Howard Weinstein: [Laughs] Sometimes we need to be careful about what we teach them. If we inadvertently reinforce a behavior that we’re going to end up hating then it’s not so good.

Interviewer: Yeah; that makes a lot of sense but sometimes we just don’t know. [Laughs] Now go back to choker chains; are they pretty much passé at this point?

Golf Secrets Uncovered PLR Ebook With Audio

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Interviewer: Now what do you think makes a good instructor?

Michael Robichaud: A good listener, someone who is patient, someone who likes to have fun, who knows how to make other people comfortable and is not afraid to serve other people, and make you feel like you know when you’re there that person is there for you and--and you know just is willing to--to take the time to ask the right questions to make sure that you know that person feels comfortable and understands what’s happening.

Interviewer: Now do golfers tend to come in, you know newer golfers and just expect really quick success and really you know easy and--and have you actually had--first of all, let me just ask; do you have any success stories or where anyone just kind of walked in and took a lesson and was a really great golfer?

Michael Robichaud: Y eah; I mean I’ve had a lot of people--I used to do--there’s a lot of times I’ll give a lesson and you know it’s--it’s over in--in eight swings because it just goes back to the basics and people forget the ball is out of position and you know I’ve had many times someone come to the tee in the morning and they’re--where they play in tournaments and they go look at me, I’m so bad, and you know they’ll go out and win and play really well. I had one young lady that when I was in the Cape at the Captain’s you know--she and her boyfriend came down and she took her first series of lessons and you know I heard from her dad a couple weeks ago--and this is probably seven or eight years ago, you know and she shot her first even par round of golf. So you know to go from a beginner to that it’s just--that’s incredible.

Interviewer: Now is there a certain amount of natural ability there or do you attribute it to your excellent instruction?

Michael Robichaud: I think it’s a combination of both; I think particularly with that one individual it was a lot of determination. Certainly there was physical ability; there were no physical limitations but you know she struggled at first like every golfer would but she got hooked by the bug and she practiced those things that were basic. And I remember a couple of years ago she was here for a--a tournament that--that was a little tour that came here and we worked and I gave her a lesson and you know she--all those basics, she remembered them and she was just sticking with them, and so she had confidence in what she’s doing and--but she took the time to--to practice a little bit and play better.

Seo Secrets Uncovered PLR Ebook With Audio

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Jerry West: This--this can be--you--this is more of an SEO/SEM, someone who has good experience marketing, copyrighting--there are some fantastic SEO(s) out there that have great experience in all aspects of marketing. This is not just about driving traffic. This is actually taking that traffic and getting them to buy because seriously that’s all that matters at the end right; how often does the cash register ring?

Interviewer: Right, right.

Jerry West: That’s--that’s what we’re--what we’re here for right?

Interviewer: Okay; so just to recap--before we find an SEO we need to have a good idea of what our goals are, we need to know who is our target audience, and then the SEO can help us find out what people are searching for, do some keyword research into our particular product or website, help us with design, and make sure there’s qualified traffic coming to our website?

Jerry West: Exactly; if you have a very good understanding of what you want this will help the SEO do their job better and one thing you want to make sure that you do is once you pick out a very good SEO--let them do their job. You know--you know too often we--we try to go through and you know micro-manage the people that we outsource to and--and that can lead to--to a disaster very, very quickly.

Interviewer: Now you mentioned the website designers that actually sprinkle the keywords throughout the--the website just to try to get that traffic. Can you--can you give us any examples of you know some really out there websites that may have had that happen?

Jerry West: I don’t have any off the top of my head because the ones that--that I’ve--I’ve used for years as examples, they’ve--they’ve all changed their copy but I’m sure everyone has seen them out there. They’ll read the actual text and it’s--and you can tell it’s keyword stuff because there’s just--

Interviewer: It doesn’t make a lot of sense?

Jerry West: Not only that; it --it--every other word is bolded or in a different color and it makes it very, very much--very unreadable and it just--it does not convert well.

Interviewer: All right; so how do I find someone? Do I Google them if I’m looking for an SEO? [Laughs]

Marketing Studio Project Personal Use Ebook With Audio

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Criminal Records – What You Need to Know

Employees are an integral part of a company’s business. And this is why before hiring an individual for a job position; companies deem it important to conduct a thorough background check on that person, which includes his personal history, criminal records, past employment, and the like.

Criminal records, especially, are important pieces of information that any organization, business or otherwise, would like to know about. The information that they get from criminal records helps them judge the character of the person and find out if he is suitable for the job, based on the people he would be involving himself in with such a position. For instance, if the person being considered for a position as a child care assistant has criminal records involving child molestation, then the company will be better off with the forehand knowledge.

Criminal records are often called the central register of police. Most of the time, they only contain prison punishments, or incidents of a crime where the result is imprisonment for a certain period of time. The data contained in criminal records is used for criminal sanctions and also to figure out the reliability of a person. This is where companies needing copies of criminal records come in.

Criminal Justice System Basics

There four different types of federal criminal records, which will be discussed later, and all of them come from different aspects of the criminal justice system.

When Criminal Records Are Established

Criminal records are established when a person gets the following penalty:

•Suspended sentence or unconditional sentence of imprisonment – This often happens when, unless a minimum punishment is prescribed by law, the court has the power to suspend the passing of sentence. Generally, suspension of sentence stretches for a period of three years, during which time the offender is placed on probation.
•Community service – This refers to a service performed by a person for the benefit of his or her local community. Often, community service is performed in connection with projects that members of certain youth organizations, such as the Boy Scouts, perform. However, community service may also be used as an alternative sentencing technique in the justice system.
•Youth Punishment – This happens when the one who committed the crime is a minor. In this case, the offender is sentenced to spend some time in a juvenile correction facility. Also, youth punishments may involve rendering some service for the benefit of his or her local community. In either case, criminal records would still have been established.
•Fine – Instead of spending time in prison, the offender is sentenced to pay a certain amount as set by the court.
•Removal from office
•Mental Disorder – In some cases, the offender is left without punishment for the reason that the court has found him or her not criminally responsible due to a mental disorder.

The Four Types of Federal Criminal Records

There are four different kinds of records that are all referred to as “criminal records.” These are:

•Arrest Records – Law enforcement records of arrests.
•Criminal Court Records – Local, state, or federal records.
•Corrections Records – Prison records.
•State Criminal Repository Records – Statewide records made up of arrest records, criminal court records, and correction records.

During the past few years, a new type of pre-employment background check became available. It is called the National Criminal File or NCF. There are actually three NCF databases which spans the whole public criminal records registries of 38 to 50 states. As of today, NCF contains over 60 million to 133 million public criminal records in its three databases.

The National Criminal File contains four different kinds of records which can all be considered as “public criminal records.”

First on the list are arrest records. These are public criminal records of law enforcement records of arrest. The second type is criminal court records which are public criminal records registered locally, by state or federal. Third are corrections reports. These are public criminal records involving imprisonment for a certain period of time. And the fourth and last type is the state criminal repository records. These are statewide records made up of arrest records, criminal court records, and correction records.

Criminal Records Check: Where Do You Start?

Criminal records check is one step of the procedure involved in due diligence research conducted on individuals. And even though our age today is referred to as “the digital age”, digitized information may not be enough in performing a comprehensive criminal records check. Often, old-fashioned “gum shoe” techniques are required and researchers find that, more often than not, they must rely on less technological means to do a criminal records check.

The “Nationwide” Criminal Records Check

We have heard about the so-called “nationwide” criminal records check and we have seen many ads on Internet touting services where you could search through their “nationwide” database of criminal records. Well, we hate to burst the bubble, but there is no such thing as a nationwide criminal records check.

Only one criminal database in the United States comes pretty close to being considered as “nationwide” and it is the FBI database, which is also known as the NCIC or the National Crime Information Center. Even then, the FBI database is not considered as public record, which further means that no one can legally access the information it contains unless that someone works for criminal justice agencies.

Other Methods of Performing Criminal Records Check

So, what now? If you cannot access the FBI database, does this mean that there’s no way for you to perform your own criminal records check? On the contrary, there are thousands of separate criminal indexes maintained at the county, parish, township, and city levels throughout the United States. Nationwide criminal records check means accessing each individual index. Now, obviously, this would be difficult to achieve. In addition, it would be time-consuming, expensive, and simply not practical.

The Naked Vault V2 PLR Ebook With Audio

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Give away a free sample of your product. You will gain people's trust when you allow them to try out a free sample of your product. If they like it they won't hesitate buying it. Your sample should only give them a small taste of what's in it for them if they buy.

Offer a buy-one, get-one-free deal. If you sell more than one product, this type of deal works great. People will feel they are getting more for their money and will order quicker. You could also offer them a ‘buy one, get one half’, ‘buy two, get the third one free’, ‘buy two, get a free watch’, etc.

Increase the number of visitors who revisit your web site by publishing a free course right on your site. Just release a new lesson once a week. You could even offer a live chat room class every week or a class published on autoresponder.

Make sure your graphics load correctly on your web site. Broken graphics will make your business look very unprofessional. That also goes for broken links and slow loading graphics. People can find other web sites to visit with a click of a mouse.

Avoid using scrolling marquees on your web site. They take the attention away from your ad copy and make your web page load slower. Just type the message on your web site. You can highlight it with flashing, color or bigger text.

You And Your Tattoo : What You Need To Know MRR Ebook With Audio

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At some point or another or for various reasons, people often make the decision to get their tattoo removed. In some cases, the tattoo will reflect a lost love, and sometimes the tattoo will be something that the individual does not want anymore. Whatever the cause may be, getting a tattoo removed is a decision that takes quite of bit of time and thought.

If you have been thinking about getting a tattoo removed, you will need to start out by making an appointment with a local doctor, dermatologist, or plastic surgeon, and discuss your options. Your doctor will look over the tattoo, the condition of the tattoo, and which methods he thinks will work best for the removal.

All methods of tattoo removal do require a medical procedure, which in itself will carry along risks and side effects. Even though you may be getting a simple procedure, there may be complications with it as well. For this very reason, you should always consider getting a tattoo removed very carefully. It’s very important that you be extremely sure you want the tattoo removed before you proceed with any type of tattoo removal procedure.

Your doctor or dermatologist will be able to explain to you step by step how the procedure works, how long it will take to complete, and the type of recovery that you can expect. As you probably already know, the procedure site will be quite tender for a long period of time and will more than likely result in scarring. As time goes by, the scarring will tend to lessen eventually to the point where it is not all that visible.

The answer to scarring however, all depends on the tattoos size. If you have a large tattoo, the scarring result will be more than that of a smaller tattoo. Depending on where you have the tattoo that you want removed, you may notice quite a bit of pain. Certain areas of the body, such as the chest and elbows, are more sensitive than other areas.

The costs of getting a tattoo removed can be very expensive. If the tattoo is a large one, the expenses can be outrageous. Most insurance companies will not pay for these costs unless there is a medical or health reason involved. With insurance not paying for the removal of the tattoo, you will need to pay costs out of pocket. You should always talk to your doctor and make payment arrangements beforehand.

Getting a tattoo removed can be expensive, painful, and impose risks that you will need to think about. Even though you can get a tattoo removed, many wonder if its worth it. The best way to deal with tattoos and their removal, is to avoid getting them in the first place, especially if there is any doubt in your mind that you may not want them later on.

Fad Free Healthy Eating Without The Hype MRR Ebook With Audio

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It can be very tempting to abandon your good sense of healthy eating on vacation. Although you may strive for healthy eating, it's easy to drift off and grab an ice cream cone here and there. There are, however, ways to watch what you eat on vacation.

It's easier than ever these days to request a low fat or vegetarian meal on airplane flights. If you choose to instead drive to your destination, the quest to find healthy food can get a bit more complicated.

Rather than simply relying on greasy foods for nutrition, pack some nutritious foods in a cooler full of ice packs. Fruits and vegetables, crackers, yogurt, and sandwiches are all great to have with you on the road.

Once you arrive at your hotel, you should do yourself a favor and turn the mini-bar key down - as this helps to avoid the temptation. If your hotel offers a continental breakfast, stick to fruits, cereals, and proteins. If your hotel has a stove or microwave, consider bringing your own healthy food with you.

If you simply must eat out, do so only when you are hungry. Restaurants will usually serve large portions, so be careful. If you do go a bit over on a meal, simply cut back on the next.

If you find it hard to fit in three square meals a day, try to fit in six smaller meals or snacks, as your body needs fuel every four hours or so. When you eat out, avoid appetizers. Whatever you do, do not miss any meals.

When it's possible, you should avoid eating large meals at night. When your body gets ready for sleep and slows down, it also burns calories at a much slower pace. Never eat bread before bed, and make sure to avoid the butter. Choose fish or poultry for your meal instead, and include vegetables as a side dish.

Even though it may sound hard, eating healthy on vacation isn't really that difficult. All you have to do is use a little will power, and pass up foods that you know are not good for you. This way, you'll enjoy healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle wherever you go.

The next time you go on a vacation, always remember that eating healthy is a way of life. You can afford to get something you crave, although you shouldn't make a habit of it. One ice cream cone or a pizza isn't going to matter - as long as you know when to stop.

How To Adopt A Baby Resale Rights Ebook With Audio

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Today, there are many different ways in which people are able to adopt a child. However, the first thing any prospective adoptive parents should be doing is to explore their own capabilities, as well as learning more about what the adoptive baby or child will need. In this chapter, we will now be taking a closer look at the various adoption options a couple, or a single person, will have when it comes to adopting a baby or child.

Domestic Adoption

These adoptions are ones which are arranged through licensed agencies, attorneys, adoption professionals or even a doctor. When choosing this type of adoption, a couple, or single person, is able to choose a child whom they feel will be suitable, and will fit into their family situation. With this type of adoption, it is normally the parents of the child who is up for adoption that will choose the type of family that they wish their child to be adopted by.

With this kind of adoption, the parents of the child, as well as those who are adopting them, will be making decisions together about the future of the child. They will discuss just what kind of contact the child will have with its biological parents in the future, if any.

Inter Country (International) Adoption

This is where the parents of the child to be adopted resides and are citizens in one country, and the people wishing to adopt reside, and are citizens in another.

Because the governments of both these countries will actually be involved in the adoption process, then it is advisable for the parent to take a look at the requirements that their country requires in relation to international adoptions. For the USA, a would-be adoptive parent who wishes to consider this kind of adoption option should visit the State Department’s website. Through this, they will learn whether the country they wish to adopt from is legally allowed to take place in the USA. In most cases, a lot of children which are adopted in this way will often be found in either privately, or state run orphanages in the country where they reside.

It is important to remember that in many cases, babies and children which are adopted using this option will have been raised in a different kind of culture from their adoptive parents. Therefore the parents will need to learn everything about the culture they have been brought up in, as well as learning about their language and the kinds of foods that they eat. This will then help to ensure that the child is still provided with their own sense of identity in relation to where they come from originally.

Kinship or Relative Adoption

This is another type of adoption which can take place, and is the type where a family will adopt a child who has ties to their family, or through a relationship that a child has with that family. Such adoptions include those where a stepmother or stepfather has adopted their new partner’s children. Grandparents who have adopted their children’s children for some reason (maybe the parent’s were killed in an accident or they feel that the couple is unable to cope with bringing up the children themselves). It may be a family friend or even a teacher that adopts a child if, for example, they have found that the child’s biological parents are in fact unable to care for them.

With all these kinds of adoptions, a licensed professional is required in order to ensure that all the legal requirements relating to an adoption are met, and to ensure that it is finalized using the right procedures.