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5 Simple Ways To End Anxiety Attacks MRR Ebook With Audio

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When not adequately controlled, anxiety and panic attacks can be terrifying and dramatically alter your life. Often, anxiety attacks are so scary when they first appear that every detail of that first attack becomes permanently etched in their mind. If you're someone who suffers from anxiety attacks, you may be wondering if there is anything you can do to stop them in their tracks. When you can learn different techniques for preventing a panic attack, you can start to control them rather than them having control over you effectively.

Panic attacks cause the victim of the attack to experience a sudden and intense fear, even when there is no visible danger present or no identifiable trigger. This unfounded fear then triggers your body's emergency system to become activated and the physical fight-or-flight reactions to take over. This results in your body reacting as if it's under attack and it begins to fight for your life.

Anxiety and panic attacks can strike anyone, at any time without warning. This causes people to begin to fear when and where they might once again experience a panic attack. They no longer feel like they are in control of their body and they start to limit their daily activities because of it dramatically. When this vicious cycle is allowed to continue, your world will keep getting smaller and smaller until you prefer not to leave your house.

The symptoms of a panic attack tend to peak in a few minutes. While panic attacks usually tend to be brief, they can last for several hours in some people. Once the panic attack has subsided, you can feel exhausted, as if you just finished running a marathon, or climbing a mountain. The best thing that you can do is learning how to stop the panic attacks before they even start. Here are five proven effective techniques that can interrupt the cycle of anxiety attacks and stop them before they start.

1. Focus on Your Breathing

The single, most important thing that you need to know when you are suffering from a panic attack or general stress is how to breathe correctly. When we panic, our bodies naturally start to breathe incorrectly. Unfortunately, the more inefficient your breathing, the worse your fear becomes, and a vicious cycle of panic starts, leaving you feeling completely out of control.

As a general rule, if only your shoulders and chest are rising when you breathe in, you are breathing in a way that will significantly worsen your stress. That is why it is so important to make sure that when the breath, your abdomen is expanding with each breath in. When you are feeling anxious, this can end up feeling unnatural, and even like you are making things worse. It is essential that you continue doing it, no matter how uncomfortable you are feeling. When you breathe properly through your diaphragm, within minutes, your nervous system will begin to shift out of the sympathetic mode.

The other vital thing that you need to try to remember is that you should spend more time exhaling that you do inhaling.

Make sure that you are inhaling through your nose, and exhaling through your mouth. Again, you might feel uncomfortable and find it challenging to manage proper breathing when you are in the midst of an anxiety attack, but it is essential that you remain persistent. Some doctors even recommend making the "shhh" sound on your exhale because it naturally slows down your breathing.

2. Control Your Thoughts

Have you ever made a phone call and ended up being put on hold? There's the annoying elevator music, the waiting, and no one to talk to. The experience can have quite the sedative effect on your energy. When you are experiencing a panic attack, this is the kind of atmosphere that you want to try to cultivate in your mind. You need to try to put your anxious thoughts and panic on hold.

Various meditation techniques and anxiety reduction methods have the same effect on your anxious thoughts. If your particular anxiety is a result of your constant worrying or ruminating, the most important thing you can do to stop a panic attack is just to stop. Stop thinking. Stop talking to yourself internally.

When you are trying to control your thoughts, you may experience many other intrusive thoughts that make you feel like you are currently too panicked to have any control over your thoughts. However, being consistent is the key. Meditation experts will tell you that you need to keep bringing your mind back to the blankness every single time it starts to wander. This technique will also work when you are experiencing a panic attack. If you can bring your mind back to the present and pull it from the past or the future, you can effectively stop the panic attack in its tracks.

So, when you are experiencing symptoms of an anxiety attack, think back to the last time you were on hold. Pretend that you are the phone operator and your mind is the customer who is refusing to be put on hold, and so what so many companies do to us and leave your panic on hold.

3. Relax Your Body

The tension in our muscles and body is linked directly to stress and anxiety. When a panic attack starts to set in, no matter where you are, you need to find the most comfortable and relaxing position you can find. For you this may be sitting in a chair, lying down, or standing up. Do whatever feels the most comfortable to you. It is essential that you avoid doing any strenuous activity that can increase your heart rate because this can end up making your panic attack worse.

The Psychology Of Motivation MRR Ebook With Audio

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Habitually successful people are able to do this consistently

How many times have you talked to somebody you know who is very successful in their field? Chances are you would get one of two responses.

First is the stock response of hard work, paying your dues, making the right sacrifices and thinking long term. This is a perfectly and socially acceptable answer and it's quite common. It really is a way of drawing attention to the person's hard work, vision and willingness to take risks.

It also evokes images and themes from great American success stories. Obviously, one of the underlying principle of foundational ideas behind American success is that it is build on the foundation of hard work. So far, so good, right?

Here's the problem. There are tons of people who work hard and unfortunately, most of them don't achieve the success that your friend, mentor or community leader has managed to achieve. What gives?

On the other end of the equation are people who would tell you that their success is basically luck. Of course they would come up with different terminology. Maybe they would say it's destiny, faith, random events. They would like you to believe that they work hard, but things just happen at the right time and place with the right people to produce the right results.

What if I told you that both these explanations don't quite get it? I'm not doubting these people's sincerity, but if you want to truly get an understanding of how habitually successful people achieve the results that they get, you have to move from the standard explanation of hard work on one end and random luck on the other.

First of all, let's get one thing clear: Success is not random. There's nothing random about it at all. To achieve success in any kind of field, you have to have a target. This is called your goal. You have to focus on where you want your actions to lead you to.

You're not just moving around randomly and all of a sudden, you found yourself at the top. Sure, from time to time, that does happen. But in terms of everybody else, that's not a winning strategy. If anything, all that random actions only ensure that you stay where you are.

Success is not random. It requires pre-meditation, advanced planning and a big picture view. Please understand that since victory, regardless of how you define it, doesn't happen overnight. This means consistent effort. This means putting in the work and believing in your dreams despite the fact that you continue to fall flat on your face.

You must be able to do this even if other people around you are pointing their fingers and saying that you're crazy, stupid, dumb and there's no hope. They keep telling you to quit. You must be able to do this and to be able to do this consistently is not a product of luck.

You don't luck into consistent success. It just doesn't happen that way. Success is a habit. In fact, if you look at very successful people, it seems that they can't help but succeed. I know that sounds crazy to somebody who struggles. But they have reached that level.

Success is a habit but not in the way you think. A lot of people are thinking that it's a habit of finding yourself at the right place, at the right time, doing the right things with the right people to produce the right results. No. It's a habit of achieving a state of flow. This is the secret.

The good news is you have achieved your own personal state of flow before. You probably did not label it this way. You probably define it more in emotional terms. Maybe you're not even all that fully aware of it but everybody's capable of achieving a state of flow.

What exactly am I talking about? It's a mental and emotional state where you are able to stick to your goals and achieve them regardless of your circumstances. That's right. No matter how you feel, things fall into place.

For example, if you're supposed to write a midterm essay that is 20 pages long, as you already know, that takes quite a bit of work because you're going to have to start with a thesis and finding the right thesis takes quite a bit of time and effort.

There are, after all, many other competing thesis out there that go many different directions you could take. Once you have that, then you have to find the outline of how you're going to present that thesis. What position you're going to take. What arguments you're going to make.

Once you have that nail down, you're going to have to dissect it. How exactly are you going to prove that thesis? What parts are involved? You have to go through the pros and cons. You shouldn't just focus on the evidence that support your position. You also have to pay attention to the other side.

After all of this is in front of you, you have to massage all of these into a readable form that not only contains the points you're trying to make, but makes your points in a firm, clear and effective way. Talk about a tall order.

It's no surprise that a lot of college students struggle with this because it takes quite a bit of work and focus. When you achieve a state of flow, you blast through the whole process. You go from a confused idea of what your thesis is to zeroing in on a specific type of thesis and then going through so many different previous research to make sure that your particular thesis is unique enough.

That is a state of flow. What would have taken a painful investment of hours can be concluded within minutes or, at most, an hour or two. That's how you know you've achieved a state of flow. Similarly, when you're outlining your work, it's very easy to get lost in the jungle of details and before you know it, you get so discouraged and depressed that you just go out for a bite to eat and forget about your paper.

7 Morning Habits To Win The Day MRR Ebook With Audio

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Have you been thinking about improving your productivity at work? Do you have an important project that you would like to give it your best shot? Are you wondering about how you can achieve your life goals and make that dream come true? Do you have a morning routine?

Having powerful morning habits that are engraved in your system and have become part of who you are is not only exciting but something worth pursuing. All you need is for you to audit yourself and take note of the habits that work for you. What areas of your life could use more stability?

Yes, it is not going to be easy! Some days will be easy, and others will be hard for you to set yourself up right. You may be ill or lose a loved one or you maybe you are just not in ‘the mood.' Some of these things may break you and weigh you down. But does it have to be this way? Rather than allowing the ups and downs of life distract you from achieving your God-given purpose, why not take it as an opportunity for you to learn, pivot and give it a new perspective.

Having morning habits that you can stick to is the first step to developing grit and self-respect. In this book, you will learn the benefits of 7 golden morning habits that will help you win the day.

While you have your breakfast, think about the things that you would like to accomplish in the day. With a morning ritual, you have the magic to ease you into the day. You will be happier, more productive and have the confidence you need to address tough challenges that come your way. What will set you up for this? A winning morning ritual is what you need.


"Win the morning; win the day."

- Tim Ferriss

Did you know that having a good morning routine sets the tone for the entire day? The truth is, there are more bad days than the good ones. There are days when we dialed into every little detail, and on most days, we simply react to other people’s demands, feeling messed up and not in control!

In spite of the fact that having a good morning routine can be magical, the truth is that there is more to it than meets the eye! It is the science that you can incorporate into your life to reap extraordinary levels of productivity. The question however is "is there one right way to have to win the day?" Well, if you can achieve one good thing in the morning, it is as good as you have won the day and there is a high chance that you will enjoy the rest of the day.

Ask any productive person, and they will tell you that they have a morning routine that defines what they achieve during the day and hence, accounts for their success and productivity in whatever they do.

One thing that you have to understand is that morning are the most predictable parts of the day. But it only takes discipline and having a routine to reap the productivity that comes with it. All you have to do is tweak a few things here and there by adding on habits you would want to work on gradually to make a routine.

For instance, if you want to start working out, simply add it into your routine. When you feel down, you can write a few sentences about your thoughts and emotions. The whole point is to make that part of your lifestyle and have full control of your life. This is because, when you start your day with some routine and develop it into a habit, you will realize that you will gradually be adding positive thinking into your life. What better way to build your life than having positivity?
So, what are you waiting for? Come with me and let's learn the seven golden habits that will help you win your day.

What are the benefits of having a morning routine?

According to several health experts, influencers and business owners around the globe, being successful is an indicator that you have a structured start to your day. If you review all the interviews on the Tim Ferris show, you will realize that almost 90% of the highly impactful members of the society have a morning routine. In other words, they have habits that they have cultivated over time and made it part of their lifestyle.

You may be thinking ‘so what if you have a morning routine or habits?' Well, there are so many benefits that you stand to enjoy when you have morning habits, and the good news is that if you do not have one, you can easily build one for your mornings.

Core Benefits Include:

1. Self-discipline

Self-discipline is perhaps one of the most important benefits you get by just having a morning routine and habits. In fact, according to so many philosophers, there is evidence that shows that having that discipline of getting up every morning at the same time is a good foundation to kickstarting a good day. It carries over into the rest of the days in the week, and then months and years.

When you enforce an act of discipline at the start of the day, you will simply draw that discipline into various parts of your life. These include your mental focus, health, work, family and diet among others.

2. Time

The discipline of a morning habit and getting up early every day is one of the most practical aspects of extra time. In today’s culture, time is considered the most valuable asset. If you don't believe me, look at the success that new time-saving technology like Uber, Amazon Prime, and Alexa's voice has.

The truth is, having that extra hour to your routine in the morning can be channeled into doing something productive. You can use that extra time to do something important to you that you normally overlook.

Online Viral Marketing Secrets MRR Ebook With Audio

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Let's get one thing clear: too many people try "viral marketing" and fail. The reason should be obvious. Most people have no clue what viral marketing is really all about. In fact, the more they hear the term, the more confused they get. This increases the likelihood that they will crash and burn when they try "viral marketing."

Let me clue you in on a secret. The secret to viral marketing is all about getting into a niche network of people.

Believe it or not, people interested in whatever it is you are promoting are already congregating online. Maybe they follow a certain influential Twitter user. Maybe they have joined a wide range of Facebook groups and pages. Many of these are dedicated to this audience.

Most people who try viral marketing are clueless about this. They don't even know that this niche network already exists.

So what is the secret? It's as simple as getting into the right network and 'resharing' content that has already gone viral. There, I said it. The cat is out of the bag.

Many people fail with this type of marketing because they think that they have to come up with their own stuff. What they're really trying to do is reinvent the wheel. Why should you roll the dice with content that has a high chance of not going anywhere? Focus instead on something that's already popular with your audience members.

You then take something that's popular on Twitter and reshare it on Facebook as well as on many other accounts on Twitter that may not have seen the viral content you're sharing. Leverage different sharing platforms' tagging systems and other audience visibility systems.

Believe it or not, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and other social media platforms want you to succeed. They want your content to spread. How come? The more popular your content becomes, the more traffic they get.

It's in their interest for you to have the tools you need to promote your content. The more visible you become, the higher the chance you're going to draw new people to their platforms. This is why all these platforms have their own tagging and visibility boosting systems.

Use those systems. Get traffic from them. Lead all this traffic back to your conversion page.

How are you going to convert people? Well, you can try showing an ad to them. When you place the right ad in front of the right eyeballs, you may get a lot of clicks. Some of those clicks can turn into cold, hard dollars.

Ideally, you should convert as much of your traffic into mailing list members. You can also get them to check out your blog, and if they like what they read, sign up to your mailing list. Once you have a lot of people on your mailing list and they are truly loyal to your content, chances are, you can turn that mailing list into a recurring source of income.

This guide exposes the secrets to viral marketing that helps you save time, save money, and avoid unnecessary stress. Needless to say, if you follow the tips that I'm going to share in this book, you increase your chances of finally succeeding with viral marketing.

Don't Join the Army of Viral Content Failures

The essence of viral marketing is content. In other words, you have to get viral content so you can pull a lot of traffic from many different places on the internet and convert that traffic into cash.

So far so good, right? Well, the problem is, it's too easy to fail creating "viral" content. It really is.

Too many marketers have a mindset that if they "build it, they will come." I'm sorry, but publishing "hot, awesome or creative content" on your blog is not going to cut it. Publishing great content is not enough to make it go viral.

It's very expensive to create original content. You probably already know that first hand. Maybe you tried hiring somebody to write this content for you. Maybe you tried writing it yourself.

Regardless of how you tried to do it, the lesson is still the same. It's expensive. Either you pay in the form of money or you pay in the form of time.

Viral Success All Boils Down to the Right Eyeballs

In other words, you need to get niche viewers. The secret to viral marketing is not massive amounts of views. It is neither a tremendously mind-boggling amount of traffic. Believe it or not, raw views or raw visibility is not going to translate to much money. Seriously.

Millions of views won't produce real cash, unless those views are from the right eyeballs. Unless you're just trying to make money off YouTube videos and you get paid per thousand views, traffic, in and of itself, is not going to put food on the table.

Viral Content Pieces are Not Commodities

I know I've told you that one key aspect to effective viral marketing is to find stuff that has gained traction on Facebook and reshare it on Twitter as well as YouTube. But there is a limit to this.

Please understand that just because it's hot on Twitter, it doesn't necessarily mean it will gain the same traction on Pinterest, Instagram or Facebook. After all, if you're sharing video, it's hard to do that on Pinterest. Pinterest is geared only to pictures.

While you can get quite a bit of traffic, please understand that it's not as simple as just shifting content from one platform to another.

The Bottom Line: Viral Popularity Doesn't Matter

I know you're probably shocked. You're probably thinking, "Are you crazy? Do you mean to tell me that if my content gets a lot of likes, favorites and comments, my stuff is still no good?" Yes, that's precisely what I'm trying to say.

Those metrics don't matter. Do you know what matters? Shares or retweets. Those are the only user actions that matter because they play a direct role in determining how much and how often your content gets redistributed far and wide.

5 Productivity Hacks To Get More Done MRR Ebook With Audio

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Getting through the workday can be challenging. Sometimes it can feel as though there just isn't enough time to finish everything that you need to get done in a day. For some people, being productive and getting more done comes to them naturally. For others, it is a skill that needs to be practiced every day until they can find the best method for improving productivity that works best for them.

People who manage to get more accomplished every day, aren't superhuman, but instead, they've been able to master a few simple habits that have provided them with a boost in productivity. The good news is that anybody can improve their productivity with the right techniques and strategies. You can actually leave work feeling more satisfied and fulfilled with what you've accomplished. All it takes is a few productivity hacks to help get you there.

While you probably know a few tips for improving your productivity, like keeping your desk organized and getting eight hours of sleep a night, there are so many other things that you can be doing to guarantee a boost in your daily productivity. Here are five productivity hacks that can help you get more done in less time.

1) Implement the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique helps to train your brain to focus for short periods and helps you remain on top of deadlines and can even improve your attention span and concentration. The methodology of this technique is simple when you are faced with an enormous task or series of functions, you break down the work into short, timed intervals, called Pomodoros, that are spaced out with short breaks. It is a cyclical system where you work in short spurts, which ensures you remain productive while taking short breaks that help to bolster your motivation and helps to keep you creative.

The Pomodoro Technique is probably one of the most straightforward techniques to implement because all you need is a timer. Beyond that, you don't need to use any unique apps, tools, or books. Here's how to get started using the Pomodoro Technique to boost your productivity.

1. Choose a task that you want to complete.
2. Set your timer for 25 minutes.
3. Work on the task until the timer expires, then put a check on a sheet of paper.
4. Take a short break, usually around 5 minutes.
5. After your break, set the timer for 25 minutes and start the process again.
6. After your fourth cycle, take a more extended break, usually around 25 minutes.
7. Start the process again.

Completing the process several times throughout your workday will help you accomplish more. It is essential to understand that a Pomodoro is a unit of work that can't be divided. That means that if you become distracted during your 25-minute session of work, you either have to end the Pomodoro early and restart it later, or you need to postpone the distraction until later.

2) Utilize Parkinson’s Law

The famous British historian and author stated, in 1995, that work expands to fill the time available for its completion. In the realm of productivity, this has become known as Parkinson’s Law. Parkinson had worked in the British Civil Service and saw first-hand how bureaucracy works. Bureaucracy is itself a by-product of our culture, thanks to the limiting belief that spending more time working is somehow better than working smarter and faster.

When it comes to Parkinson's Law, it means that if you give yourself a week to finish a two-hour task, then the task will increase in complexity and will become even more daunting in order to fill the week. The job may not even take a week to accomplish, but the extra time will be filled with more stress and tension about having to complete it. When you can assign the right amount of time to your tasks, you can gain back more time, and the task will ultimately reduce in complexity.

One way to utilize Parkinson’s Law to improve your productivity is known as running against the clock. To implement this idea into your workday, you need to make a list of the tasks that you need to complete. Divide the tasks up by the amount of time that it will take you to achieve them. Then give yourself half that time to complete each task. For this to work, you have to see accomplishing the task in the given time as crucial. You need to treat each of these time limits as any of your other deadlines. Part of reversing the thought that you have to work harder, not smarter, is to see the deadlines that you set for yourself as unbreakable, just like the deadlines that are set by your boss or clients.

When you first implement this technique, it will be partially an exercise in figuring out how accurate your projects are or the tasks on your list. Some of your time projections will be accurate, and you won't be able to beat the clock when you cut the time allotment in half, so you'll need to experiment with different times until you find something that works.

3) The Five-Minute Rule for Beating Procrastination

One of the biggest obstacles to our productivity is our innate ability to procrastinate. Most people tend to procrastinate at the beginning of a project out of fear or uncertainty, and sometimes it’s a combination of both. To overcome the unclear or daunting start of our work projects is to give yourself a five-minute rule for getting started. So how does the five-minute rule work?

7 Kettlebell Exercises To Strengthen Core Muscles MRR Ebook With Audio

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Kettlebell exercises are perfect for improving core strength and enhancing the strength and flexibility of all related muscles extending outward to the extremities. The reason for this is the fact that the shape and movement of the kettlebell at the end of your arm/s keeps you off balance and more muscles are required to stabilize your body. Since the kettlebell is not stationary in your hands, it adds to the dynamics of each movement, forcing your muscles to compensate for the changing center of gravity.

Unlike most other weight training activities which isolate muscle groups, kettlebell workouts require the cooperative coordination of all the core muscles as well as those in the shoulders and back. You can control the intensity of the workout for losing weight or maintaining a good level of fitness all while conditioning and toning your core.

Some the things covered in the book include:

- What are kettlebells?
- History of The Kettlebell
- How they work
- Choosing Your Kettlebells
- Benefits of kettlebells
- Kettlebell Training for Men
- The Kettlebell’s Basic Techniques…and many more.

Kettlebells Explained

What Are Kettlebells?

Kettlebells are cannonballs or mini bowling balls with thick handles. As they are heavy in weight, they offer the benefits of dumbbell training while thick handles challenges grip resulting in enhanced muscle activity and working the body to the core.

How They Work

As weight of kettlebell hangs little below its handle, even regular movements require extra efforts. This extra muscle activity results in burning of calories, and thus reducing body fat especially in lower back area. Also, it involves use of multiple joints when kettlebell exercises are done targeting various body parts. Also, handles allow you to swing the kettlebells which pumps up the heart beats, resulting in cardio workouts. Research shows that a kettlebell workout burns at least 40 to 50 percent more calories than a standard strength-training workout.

Kettlebell exercises are dynamic and challenging, but it is advised that you build the routine slowly. First start with less weights and slow-motion exercises, and perform them in repetitions. As you get comfortable move towards advanced exercises that require more weight and speed.

Choosing Your Kettlebells


The nature of kettlebell workouts is quite different than that of barbells or dumbbells and the amount of weight used is also quite different. The free moving flow of kettlebell lifts and swings and the resulting changes in the center of gravity depend on the cooperative effort of many different muscles unlike those used simply for strength. Experience has shown that women tend to underestimate the kettlebell weight they can work with while men initially over-estimate.

For casual fitness routines, most women should start out with an 8kg or half a pood (18 lb.) weight (or just 4kg (8 lb.) if you are older or have been inactive for a while) and men with 16 kg, one pood (35 lb.) kettlebell. This depends on your overall fitness, comfort level and goals. As you become proficient or if you already are comfortable with such weight, you can progress to 12 kg (26 lb.), 16 kg (35 lb.), 20 kg (44 lb.) and 24 kg (53 lb.). The best way to determine the weight you should purchase is to attend classes or find an instructor so you can see what works best for you.

Adjustable weight kettlebells are also available but many experts suggest avoiding them in the interest of safety. Weight can be changed by adding or removing plates or filling/emptying sand or pebbles from inside the bell. Given the dynamic nature of kettlebell movements and the frequency of overhead positions, the chance of something falling on you is to be avoided. They can also be dangerous if the weight shifts within the bell and your grip and positioning has to change with every move.

Changing weights is not as important with kettlebell training as it is with barbells. With the same weight, you can increase the intensity of your workout with more reps, slower, increasing reps within a certain time period and the addition of more difficult routines. In effect, you can actually use the same kettlebell for years!

If you are interested in strength training, body building or competition, then progressing through increasing weight loads is important. Another option is to buy a second kettlebell of the same original weight for doubles training after you have become comfortable with the next one or two heavier bells.

Shape and Size

Kettlebells are frequently referred to as cannon balls with handles. While that is a fairly accurate description, there is a bit more to the construction of a quality kettlebell. The best bells are solid, one-piece construction made from a mold that includes the handle. A kettlebell with a handle that is welded on can have seams or ridges that cause irritation to your hands and may even break apart!

Two sides of a kettlebell are flat so that the bell can rest more comfortably against the forearm in the racked position. The bottom is also flat so the bell stays in place when set down. Lesser quality kettlebells are often not completely flat at the base and wobble during exercises that use the bell as a ground fixture such as push-ups.

Handles can be rounded or squared but should be large enough to accommodate your hand/s comfortably. There are some benefits to squared handles that form angles, but most instructors recommend curved or only somewhat flattened handles that can be gripped anywhere. Competition kettlebells have a slightly squared-off type of handle. The most important aspect of any handle, though, is its smooth connection to the bell.

7 Easy Hacks To Build Confidence MRR Ebook With Audio

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At its most basic, confidence is knowing what you’re good at. It’s knowing the value you provide and conveying that value to others. But don’t make the mistake of confusing this with arrogance which involves believing that you’re better than others. On the other end of the spectrum, there is low self-esteem which involves believing you're less valuable than you think.

Building self-confidence is aiming for the middle way without going too far.

Whether it’s personal life, career or social scenarios, confidence is something everyone needs in any given situation. It is how successful people overcome daily obstacles. But it doesn’t happen by accident. If anything, it comes from repeated practice and small successes which then build into larger accomplishments.
The secret to building confidence is to include it in your life as a habit. It may be difficult because people are naturally inclined to

fall back into old habits and feel insecure of taking on a new one. But it is by no means impossible. Even being short of confident is a habit in itself. So the only way to become more confident is to build it as a habit and then become comfortable with it.

This habit formation involves making changes, adopting new behaviors and takes time and energy. At the same time, the process also involves breaking away from old habits and developing new, productive ones.

Expert opinion holds that the best way of doing so is to start small. This makes any task seem easy to handle. So take a look at these seven hacks given here to get you started.

Hack #1

Present Yourself with Confidence

A lot of how you feel about yourself is reflected in your appearance. And a large percentage of how others perceive you also comes from your body language. This can include, posture, gestures, facial expressions and eye movement.

That’s why taking care of how you dress in front of others is important. The point here is not to impress others so much as to feel good about yourself. When you know you look good, you end up feeling good about yourself as well. Dressing well is much more than donning the trendiest clothes. Instead, it’s all about looking poised and feeling self-assured with a confident posture in any situation. When put together, this whole package sends a positive message to others around you.

Expert opinion states that there is a direct correlation between what you wear and what you think of your potential. Looking good and dressed sharp is a powerful way to boost self-confidence. This little bit of effort goes a long way and as you notice the difference, you can bring your confidence into other areas of your life as well.

Even science backs up the idea that dressing well increases performance. Besides feeling good about yourself, being well groomed also encourages others to take you seriously. This means you can make yourself appear more confident based on your clothes alone. A change of wardrobe can help you land the job you want, the deals you want, the recognition you desire, and even the partner you want.

The other important aspect of presentation is posture. There is a lot of power in posture. If you tend to slouch, straighten up. If you tend to fold your arms, open them up. Along with dressing event-appropriately, your posture and body language say a lot about your confidence levels. Research shows that when you have a confident posture during an activity, you actually feel more confident.

How you carry yourself speaks volumes about your confidence level. In fact, if you’ve ever paid attention, you’ll see that confident

people have a confident walk, with a powerful stride. They refuse to hide by slumping their shoulders or looking down as they talk.

You want to be able to express this body language confidently. Make a conscious effort to stand tall, talk with your hands, make eye contact and practice active listening. Engaged body language also uses open gestures, nodding and smiling. It may even involve mirroring the movements and expressions of others. This can make you seem not only more confident as you engage in dialogue but also more approachable.

When you shake hands, remember that a firm, solid handshake is a universal sign of confidence. Although, make sure that while it’s strong, it’s not crushing.

On the other hand, actions like fidgeting, avoiding eye contact, tapping your foot or biting nails are all tell-tale signs of nervousness and uneasy body language.

Hack# 2

Use Positive Affirmations

When life gets tough, it’s great to seek advice from others around you. But perhaps the best person who can counsel you is you. For many people, the natural way to relieve anxiety is to engage in some self-talk. But it is the way you speak to yourself during this pep talk that makes real difference.

There is a two-pronged approach to this. First, think positive thoughts and pair them up with positive affirmations. Second, remove any negative thoughts holding you down.

5 Online Business Models You Can Start Today MRR Ebook With Audio

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There is an almost overwhelming amount of information with regard to how to succeed in the world of online business. Unfortunately, you have finite resources and must manage your business as efficiently as possible. Which is why you should focus your strategy on the models that work.

Every business model will have distinct advantages and disadvantages, but remember to choose a business model that suits your lifestyle and your personality. It is going to take a while to pay off, and the initial choice of business is critical. Below are 5 of the better online models to use when creating your new business.

Business Model #1 - Blogging

Blogging is possibly one of the oldest online marketing methods. It is also one of the best and has stood the test of time for a reason. The blogging model is very straightforward.

Simply find something you are passionate about and blog about it every day. Many people are saying that the days of starting a blog and making money are over, as it has become too competitive. But this is just not the case.

The vast majority of people give up after a few months, and they stop posting as consistently. Eventually, they just stop altogether. To be successful at blogging, it is necessary that your post every day and don’t give up. This is the only way forward. If you are passionate about your blog and post consistently, then you will make money. For this reason, it is important to really commit before starting a blog. It is equally important to make sure you are passionate about the topic and that you can write about it every day until it pays off.

Once you have a large amount of traffic, there are a wide variety of monetization methods. You can insert affiliate links to pages or products. You could also have sponsored advertisements on your blog pages. While it can be difficult to keep blogging for a year or so with nothing to show for it, in the end, you have a site that makes money without actually supplying the product itself. Blogging is a slow method but it definitely works. Once you have made it to the other side then it requires little maintenance. You can even train a high-quality freelancer to replicate the work while you derive the benefits of the traffic. At this stage, you can also syndicate content on your site and feature guest posts.

Even if you don’t have a blog as a full-time source of income, it is still a good idea to have a business blog post. It is useful for generating discussion and for some extra links. Keep in mind that you will also need to promote your blog. The “build it and they will come” approach does not work with blogging. You can be writing the best material but if it is not promoted, nobody will know about it.

Business Model #2 - YouTube

Youtube is a great way to reach an audience. Most of the newer generations prefer video as compared to written content. While this applies to the wider population, it especially applies to millennials and those of Generation Z (people typically born between 1995 - 2005). With the proliferation of video games consoles and other kinds of devices, YouTube and other video platforms are increasing in prominence. They are usually easily integrated into such devices.

Video content also results in increased sales in comparison to written content, which is another great reason to use the platform. A video is far more effective than a blog post and is much easier to digest for a modern audience. Consider that time is the most valuable commodity, and a video can get your message across far quicker. People may not even bother with a long blog post.

YouTube can be an exclusive business model or something that you do on the side to promote your business. If YouTube is to be used exclusively, then it can be similar to blogging. Identify yourself as a subject matter expert by releasing videos and you will gain subscribers over time. You can them monetize your videos. The difference is that while blogging might take a while, with YouTube you can build up a following very quickly. Additionally, YouTube channels will most often contain a link to the business page. This will result in increased site visits and help with SEO.

YouTube is now home to influencer marketers who have tens of thousands of followers. They are paid well by companies to market to their followers and it is now an industry in itself. If you happen to be knowledgable about a particular industry and are also good with videos, then YouTube marketing could be incredibly profitable right now. It’s free, quick to upload, has a huge audience, and people love video more than other kinds of content.

As there are over 1.5 billion active users on YouTube, the audience is massive. While over 90% of businesses now have their own Facebook pages, less than 10% have their own Youtube channel. This means that companies who engage in YouTube marketing may have a competitive advantage as it is an underutilized tool.

Business Model #3 - Physical Products and Amazon FBA

While Amazon FBA is often marketed inaccurately as a get rich quick scheme, it can be very lucrative if it is used correctly. Amazon FBA (“Fulfilled by Amazon”) is simply the sale of products using Amazon’s world-class delivery system. Here is how it works -

1. Ship your products to Amazon.
2. List your products on Amazon.
3. Customer places an order through Amazon.
4. Amazon handles delivery, storage, and even customer support.

Amazon does take a sizable chunk of your earnings. Moreover, it can be difficult to establish your brand when it is listed on Amazon. However, they are handling the delivery, product listing, storage, and customer support. It is still a remarkably effective business model that can take a lot of stress out of the entire process.

Another way to sell physical products is to use dropshipping. This is where you process the orders on your website but the distributor is responsible for the delivery of the product. The main advantage of this is that you don’t have to keep stock of any inventory, you just promote and sell the product, acting as a middle man.

How To Make Money On Fiver MRR Ebook With Audio

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Let’s get one thing clear. For the most part, selling gigs on Fiverr means you trade your time and effort for money. A lot of people have no reservations about this. Most people don’t have a problem doing this.

If you think about it hard enough, this is a problem. How come? First of all, there are only so many hours in a day. Also, there’s only one of you. If you are not careful, you might end offering services that everybody can pretty much do.

What do you think happens in that situation? That’s right. The price keeps dropping. The customers that you get expect a lot more for the $5 that they are willing to pay. In fact, a lot of people, believe it or not, expect a Ferrari while paying only the price of a beat up Toyota. It’s crazy!

It gets old quickly and it’s no surprise that a lot of people who offer gigs on Fiverr end up quitting. It’s only a matter of time. Even if you make decent money by doing volume work, you get burnt out quickly. This is not a surprise. In fact, it’s completely predictable.

The good news is there are at least 5 ways you can make real money from Fiverr without trading your time for money. Here are brief overviews of these 5 different methods.

Resell the services of others

If you have access to buyers of analytical work, Wordpress, theme installations or writing for SEO and other purposes, you may want to try reselling the services of people who provide these types of work. You save time and money. You’re just the middle man.

Basically, you find buyers and you charge them a lot more money than what you’re paying Fiverr service providers. Sounds awesome, right? Here’s the drawback. You can’t use this buy low and sell high strategy for certain types of services.

For instance, Fiverr does automatically watermarks drafts of graphics works. If somebody’s doing a logo for you and they send in a draft, when you download that draft, it will say “Fiverr” right in the middle. Fiverr does this because in the past, people would resell graphics services to their clients.

Their clients would ask for revision after revision then after all this process and waste of time, the customer demands a refund. Everybody loses. Fiverr caught wind of this and effectively discourages graphic work reselling.

Also, this watermarking system prevents customers on Fiverr itself from ripping off service providers. As long as you can find buyers, there’s a wide range of services you can resell. Just make sure that you’re not going to run a file of the watermark system.

Bundle services and sell newly build online assets

Believe it or not, there are quite a number of people who would buy websites that do not contain anything. These are website shells also called turnkey or starter sites. These websites generally either have very little content or have only “starter content” or absolutely no content.

All of these are in demand as turnkey websites. The idea is for somebody to buy them and just pump traffic to them and make money off the ads or their mailing list. The reason why people buy this type of asset is because they simply do not have the time or expertise to create a new website from scratch.

When you place orders with different Fiverr service providers for website development or Wordpress installation, you tap into different sources of talents of the different sources that you need to put together a turnkey website.

You then spend very little money putting together this turnkey website and then you sell it right after you have put in enough content, or in many cases, no content at all. This is actually quite lucrative if you know where to sell.

If you want to figure out the secret of how to make money off Fiverr using this technique, click here.

Bundle services and sell sites with traffic

This technique basically builds on the previous technique. You contact many different cheap service providers to develop a turnkey site. You got somebody to design the banners and the headers. You get somebody to install the Wordpress theme. You get another person to write the content. You get another person to modify the theme.

You then put everything together and you stock it with content. There are plenty of writers and video producers and audio developers on Fiverr. If you’re looking for content, Fiverr is the place to go. This is especially true if you’re looking for affordable custom content.

Once you have stocked your turnkey site with content, the next step is to go to the traffic providers on Fiverr and hire them to work their magic. All told, expect to spend less that $200 to $300 on this project. If everything goes well and your turnkey website actually generates a little bit of cash, you can flip that website to sell for possibly hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

It all, of course, depends on your niche, target audience as well as the overall quality, traffic volume and conversion ability of the turnkey asset you have built. If you want a blueprint on how to do this right so as to actually make a profit, click here.

Buy services that help you buy re-sellable high value assets

There are many online assets that can fetch quite a bit of money. I am, of course, talking about domain names. Did you know that domain names like sex.com, business.com, shoes.com and many others fetch not hundreds of thousand of dollars but millions of dollars.

Domain names are big business. Even if you were to buy and sell lesser value of lesser known domain names, you can still make quite a bit of money. In fact, if you buy the domain name of a website that has expired, it can fetch you 4 to 6 figures. Amazing, right?

Home Remedies For Joint Ache MRR Ebook With Audio


Every time you run for a bus, go out dancing, pick up a baby, throw a ball, climb some stairs, play tennis, drive a golf ball, take a jump-shot, crouch on your knees while gardening, exercise at the gym, write a letter or just go for a walk, you’re using your joints.

So when you stop and consider all the different joints you have in your body... your knuckles, wrists, elbows, ankles, toes, shoulders, neck, knees, hips and spine; you begin to realize that joint pain, stiffness, reduced flexibility and decreased range of motion are not just minor inconveniences. They can become debilitating, and lifestyle is altering health problems.

Few health issues affect as many people as joint pain. A recent report estimates that 21% of the adult population is affected by some form of joint-related pain. And that number is expected to rise even higher as baby boomers age, so that by 2030, almost 67 million people will suffer from joint problems. And joint pain does not discriminate; it affects whites and blacks equally. Although, joint pain and stiffness can begin at any age, traditionally it becomes more prevalent and persistent in your 50s.

Are you suffering from chronic pain? Joint aches in the hips and other areas can make you feel like your entire body is a mass of agony. Unfortunately, conventional doctors simply don't have the kind of answers that will truly solve your problem.

Regardless of whether they recommend surgery or painkillers, you can count on months of frustration, pain, and long recovery periods. Before you go through all that heartache, you might as well try Joint Advance, or some other natural joint regrowth formula.

Have you decided to do something about your chronic pain? Joint problems can often creep up on you over the years. As may be expected, you will always want to ignore them and pretend then don't exist for as long as possible. That said, eventually, there will come a day when you cannot walk or even open a refrigerator door. Once you reach that stage, there won't be much that a doctor can do for you. Today, you can stave off that outcome for as long as possible when you use dietary supplements that support joint health.

When was the last time you didn't wake up in pain? Joint problems can easily rob you of a good night’s sleep, as well as make your mornings a nightmare. Why go on suffering when you can make use of a dietary supplement that will restore the blood circulation to your joints, as well as help rebuild the vital cushion that keeps your bones from rubbing together?

Do you want to wear your bones down to the point where the only option left is surgery? If not, then you should start to get the basic knowledge to help you fight joint ache.

This informative and content-filled guide will give you the adequate message you need to fight joint ache.
Natural Treatment to Prevent Joint Stiffness in Older People

Joint stiffness and muscle aches are very common during old age. In this article, we are going to see some of the safe, natural treatments to prevent joint stiffness in older people. Let's start our topic with aloe vera.

It is a common ingredient used for the preparation of herbal medicines. You can use this medicine both internally and externally. If you are suffering from knee pain, try to apply aloe vera juice directly on affected area. It relaxes muscles and prevents the risk of pain.

Also, if you are in search of a natural remedial measure to get relief from health issues like joint pain, feel free to add this remedy. Consuming Boswellia tea is an effective remedial measure to cure severe joint pain. How does it function?

This query is frequent from people. Generally, Boswellia tea functions by treating the actual cause of the problem. It blocks leukotriene and reduces the occurrence of inflammations.

Today, Boswellia products can be easily obtained from the market in the form of capsules and tablets. Similar to Boswellia tea, cat's claw tea is another great herbal remedy to get relief from joint pain troubles. Pain and swelling due to arthritis can be easily cured by making use of this tea.

Eucalyptus oil is another cure for treating health issues like joint pain and inflammations. Try to apply eucalyptus oil directly on affected area. Massaging with eucalyptus oil is a safe remedy for treating muscle ache. If possible, feel free to massage and apply gentle strokes on the affected area with eucalyptus oil.