Tag Archives: Ebooks With Audio

5 Ways To Instantly Calm The Mind MRR Ebook With Audio

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Too many of us are too stressed, too often.

This is simply a product of the world we live in. Most of us work extremely hard, performing a job that is highly stressful. We have deadlines, we have people shouting at us, we have threats of termination. And our lifestyles – probably the happiness and health of our family, or future family – is riding on our success.

We then commute home through busy streets/on a busy train. Then we have 20 chores to do when all we really want to do is to crash out in front of the TV. The baby is crying, friends are upset we can’t make it out, and the pile of plates on the sink is growing.

Meanwhile, we are all too aware of all the things that we should be doing, but can’t/aren’t. On Instagram, it seems that everyone is out there finding love or travelling the world. The covers of magazines show us perfect, beautiful people.

And heck, we’re not getting any younger!

To make ourselves feel better, we turn on the TV. There we hear about all the calamities happening all around the world and feel petrified by fright. Also, did you know that the very light from the television increases your production of cortisol – the primary stress hormone?

Oh, and that bag of chips you’re eating is only going to artificially spike your blood sugar, causing a subsequent crash and surge of cortisol.

So yeah – it’s a wonder that more of us aren’t in a state of permanent panic attack.

If you want to feel happier. If you want to actually enjoy your life.

And if you want to make positive progress to improving your situation moving forward…

If you want to do all of this, then you need to make sure that you are finding ways to overcome this stress. And I’m not necessarily talking long term – but short term even.

Here are five extremely simply things you can do right now that will immediately improve your sense of calm and help you to relax.

Read on and you will have five extremely powerful tools in your arsenal to calm the mind whenever you think it is necessary.

5 Powerful Strategies

Following are five extremely effective strategies for quickly feeling calmer and better. Find the one that works best for you, or use them in conjunction with one another for even greater effect.

Control Your Breathing

The first thing you can try doing is to control your breathing. This is highly effective due to the two-way link between your breathing, and your vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is a nerve that is highly responsible for the action of the autonomic nervous system – the part of your system that is responsible for handling such things as your fight or flight response. This includes the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.

When you are in a state of fight or flight, your sympathetic nervous system goes into overdrive sensing danger. The result is that you start to breathe more quickly, blood gets delivered to your muscles and brain, your blood viscosity increases (to help clot wounds), and your thoughts start to race. From an evolutionary perspective, this should occur only when in physical danger – but today many other ‘low level’ things can set it off. The result is that we’re always a little tense and anxious.

At the other end of the spectrum, we have the parasympathetic system. This is responsible for the state known as ‘rest and digest’, which helps to increase anabolism (muscle and tissue building), to calm the mind, and to strengthen the immune system. This is the state we go into when we are fed and in no immediate danger. Breathing slows down, as does our heartrate.

Notice how the breathing an the heartrate are affected strongly in both cases. This occurs through that vagus nerve, but what’s interesting, is that you can also send the signal the other way: calm down your breathing, and you will also calm down the vagus nerve and the nervous system!

So if you find yourself hyperventilating and panicking, one of the very best things you can do to get yourself back under control is to try breathing more calmly.

This method is even used by the military and special forces, in what is known as ‘box breathing’. Box breathing is so called because it has ‘four sides’ or four seconds.

• Breathe in for four seconds
• Hold for four seconds
• Breathe out for four seconds
• Hold for four seconds

Do this for a couple of minutes and you’ll find that your heartrate slows down and your biochemistry changes in order to help you keep a more level head. This is ideal before an interview as well, and can even be useful in staving off a panic attack.

The rest of the time, it is important to ensure you employ deep ‘belly breathing’ which allows you to draw more air into the lungs and the abdominal cavity beneath them. Many of us have made a habit of shallow breathing only using the top of the lungs. This actually increases stress throughout the day. Kundalini meditation and yoga can help to teach you to correct this issue.

Sales Funnel Optimization Strategies MRR Ebook With Audio

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If you're reading this book, you already know what sales funnels are and what they're used for. The truth is, many people are confused about sales funnels.

In fact, in many cases, they confuse content funnels with sales funnels. If you tried your hand at making money online using dump traffic onto a sales page, chances are you're making some basic mistakes that I am going to describe in this booklet. The truth is, many people suffer from a serious disconnect between different stages of their funnels. These differences add up and this is the reason why most people who put up a sales funnel don't make the money.

Let’s put it this way, if your funnel’s parts aren’t doing their jobs properly, don’t expect to convert your traffic efficiently or effectively. How come? When people come to your funnel, they may be confused about your sales page. They might not have a clue as to how your offer can help them with their problem. Your initial pages seem to just float out there on the Internet-disconnected and totally lacking context.

If people do manage to read further down your page or click to an internal page, those sections may do a lousy job of recommending a particular category of solutions. Instead, the reader is left guessing. At this point, most, if not all, the people who found themselves on your pages would have bounced out. It wouldbe a complete and total waste of time for them to keep going.

Many marketers things that sales funnels and content funnels are so different that they run on completely different tracks. This is wrong. The big difference really turns on justhow much time and space you have at your disposal in order to convert the prospect. That’s really the bottom line.

When you direct traffic to a sales funnel, you have a series of messaging platforms and tools you can use to get your message across. Social media accounts, forum posts, quora posts, reddit posts, Web 2.0 posts, and others are all different information-based ‘contact points’ between you and your intended audience member.

From these contact points, you then link them to your site or your sales page. If you link them to your site or blog, you give yourself many chances at further earning the trust and confidence of your prospect as they click deeper and deeper into your site. Every new page they view is an opportunity to build trust, credibility, and authority.

Once you get them to click through to your sales page, very few of them will be left. Maybe you are able to attract 5000 people to the top level of your sales funnel every single day. If you built and optimized a tight funnel, maybe 50 or even 10 of those people will make it all the way through to the bottom of the funnel.
You may think that this a bad thing. After all, you started out with so many people, now you only have a handful. Wrong.This is how sales funnels are supposed towork, they are supposed to filter people based on interest and interest intensity. In other words, the ones who are most likely to put dollars in your hands are the ones who will probably make it all the way through.

Content funnels are similar to salesfunnels with a twist

Obviously, content funnels are not intended to convert your traffic. It’s not like your visitors will just click a link on your content page and see a credit card information entry page. Instead, content funnels are intended to filter your traffic hard.

How hard? The more tire kickers or other non-serious visitors your content drives away, the better. Don’t feel too bad. These people weren’t going to buy from you anyway. They’re not a big loss. In fact, they are not a loss at all.

Content funnels are all about answering the following questions:

“Can you trust me?”“Can you be loyal to my brand?”“What is it about my brand that makes it worthy of your time, attention, trust, and loyalty?”If you are not answering these questions, you are wasting your time building content funnels. Seriously.How come? If you can’t come up with a convincing answer to the questions above, your content funnel is GENERIC. Put simply, your visitors can find the exact same information from millions of other places on the Internet. There is nothing really special about your site, your brand, how your present information or the the kind of information you provide.

Once your site becomes generic, it is not worthy of loyalty. There’s really nothing making it stand out. Your pages’ ability to convert or convince your visitors to click on to your conversion pages would be the same or even inferior to the run of the mill content page in your niche.

Content funnels are intended to build trust so the user wouldwant to click through to your conversion pages or join your mailing list. That’s the bottom line. But for all this work, you have to optimize to create a workable content brand!

The bottom line with optimization is that you build on your successes and you try to fix your problems. The key here is to identify what you are doing right and replicate it. For example, if you have a dog breed website and you notice that of all the dog breeds your website covers, only your content about Chihuahuas get any kind of traction. You might need to change the orientation or the focus of your website to Chihuahuas.

Kombucha The Truth You Need To Know MRR Ebook With Audio

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Hello and welcome to our short, beginners guide on all aspects of Kombucha, a fermented tea also known as “the tea of immortality”.

If you go into any health food store and even many other stores that sell drinks, you will find kombucha, often in a huge variety of brands and flavors. Although it’s been around for thousands of years, it’s only been in recent years that it’s gained popularity in the United States and is being hailed as a healthy drink that has a number of benefits, which we will cover in this guide. Firstly let’s start at the beginning…

What is Kombucha?

Kombucha is a fermented tea drink. It is naturally effervescent much like carbonated beverages, and contains tea, water, sugar, healthy bacteria, and yeast. The healthy bacteria and yeast are what work together to ferment this beverage which gives kombucha its many health benefits.

Now, here are a few of the reasons as to why kombucha is such a popular drink:
Easy to Make

We’ll go into more details later, but the basic brewing of kombucha involves making tea with sugar, then adding something known as SCOBY which contains the bacteria and yeast and allowing it to set for a certain number of days to ferment. Because it’s so easy to make, many people prefer making their own kombucha to buying it in stores.

Variety of Flavors

Because you can start with nearly any type of tea and add additional flavors after the brewing process, it means that the possibilities are endless when it comes to the flavors that kombucha can have. You can also find kombucha in the store in many different flavors, so there’s always something different that you can try and tantalize your taste buds.

Good Soft Drink Alternative

For people that love the carbonation of sugary soft drinks, kombucha makes an excellent alternative. It’s not only got the fizziness that makes soft drinks stand out, but it’s also much lower in sugar without lacking in flavor. The fact that there is a healthy alternative to soft drinks is great news for people who want to kick that addiction without losing out on enjoying a delicious beverage.

Low in Caffeine

While some people may need some caffeine in their tea to get a little boost to make it through the day, others prefer lower caffeine because of the way it affects them such as keeping them from being able to fall asleep at night. Because of the fermentation process, kombucha allows you to get many of the great benefits of tea without the addition of caffeine.


One of the natural by-products of the fermentation process is alcohol. The amount increases with the amount of time the kombucha is allowed to ferment, so this is strictly controlled in a commercial setting and can be experimented with in a home setting. However, because of this low alcohol content, kombucha will help anyone who drinks it to relax.


Easily the biggest reason that kombucha has gained popularity is because of its many health benefits. It has a number of probiotics

which can help with digestive issues, antioxidants which can help remove toxins from your body, and B vitamins which help in a number of ways within your body. It’s also low in sugar, calories, and sodium, making it great for people who are trying to lose weight.

Well that’s a basic overview of what Kombucha is and why it’s gaining notoriety as a miracle elixir for overall health In the next part we’re going to take a look at the history of Kombucha and how it’s evolved over time Let’s dive in…

Chapter 1 – History Of Kombucha Tea

Nobody knows for sure how far back kombucha goes, and the truth has been so mixed with legends over the years that it’s hard to separate them now. But, we’re going to do our best to present you with the history of kombucha tea and how it came all the way from an ancient Chinese medicinal drink to a modern-day health beverage around the world.

First Mention

The first recorded mention of kombucha goes back to 220 BC during the Qin Dynasty in China. It was said to have been used as a drink of immortality for Emperor Qinshi Huangdi. This is likely where it gets the “cha” part of its name as the Chinese word for tea is “cha.” The Chinese had many other names for this drink as well such as “stomach treasure,” “sea mushroom,” and “tea mold.”

Dr. Kombu

Supposedly, in the year 414 AD, a Korean doctor by the name of Dr. Kombu brought the drink to Emperor Inyoko of Japan, and this is where the drink gets its name. However, there isn’t enough evidence to back up this story, so it could be the stuff of legends. Another story is that Ghengis Khan carried kombucha with him as he traveled.

Russia and Beyond

From Asia, kombucha found its way to Russia as well as Europe, where it not only gained in popularity until the 19th century, but also gained a few more names, such as in Russia where it is referred to as “tea mushroom.” According to one account, this beverage saved the life of Alexsander Solzhenitsyn, a Nobel Prize winner, while he was in exile in Siberia.

World War II

Kombucha continued to be popular throughout Europe and Russia until the beginning of World War II. This was because both tea and sugar were rationed and it was too hard for the average citizen to get their hands on enough of them to regularly make the drink. After the war, however, it began to grow again in popularity, and saw a surge in the 1960’s when Swiss researchers proved its health benefits.


In the 1980’s, there was a horrific accident near Chernobyl in Russia where a nuclear plant melted down, exposing hundreds of people nearby to radiation. There was a group of people made up primarily of elderly women, however, that survived and did better than the others. It was found by the scientists and doctors that these people regularly drank kombucha.

Modern Popularity

Since the year 2000, kombucha has become a popular health drink throughout the Western world, with people all over Europe, the United States, and Australia enjoying its numerous health benefits. Unfortunately, as many hail this drink as a miracle cure for a number of ailments, others claim it to be dangerous. Because it is created through a natural process and cannot be patented, big companies have little interest in it, which is why there have been few studies done on kombucha to provide completely conclusive evidence one way or the other.

Now that we’ve uncovered what Kombucha is and the history of this tea, the next thing to do is explain how it’s made…more specifically the SCOBY (Mother), which is what we will cover in the next part.

Overcoming Anxiety MRR Ebook With Audio

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Make no mistake, anxiety site is one of those personal topics that are very sensitive to a whole lot of people. In fact, many people would fight you tooth and nail to deny that they are suffering from any kind of anxiety and they will tell you to your face, “What the hell are you talking about?” if the conversation somehow some way veers into something that is too close for comfort.

Unfortunately, no matter how you deny it, if you are suffering from anxiety, your life will suffer overall. In fact, you may reach a point where the only person you are fooling is yourself.

Imagine that! You're walking around talking to people, living your life yet everybody knows that you've seen better days. Everybody knows that you're not having a good time but throughout it all, you think that you are putting on a good show and everybody's none the wiser. Pretty sad situation, right? It's like wearing clown makeup and everybody looking at you trying not to laugh and you thinking that everything is fine.

Let's not mince any words. Anxiety is a mental and emotional rot that destroys you from within. It’s only a matter of time until the rest of your life falls into shambles. At the very least, your ability to enjoy life and everything that it brings to the table is severely damaged by anxiety.

It's always a good idea to get a handle on it but for that to happen, you must first understand that you have it. Here are ten of the many signs that somebody is struggling with anxiety.

If you exhibit a few of these signs, it’s time to own up to it. Stop sweeping it under the rug. Look at it straight in the eyes. Get professional help.

Is there something that you did in the past that constantly makes you feel guilty and remorseful until today? Is there an event from your past you wish, above everything else, to change? Of course, none of us have access to a time machine so the facts are the facts. Things happened in the past that many of us are not all that happy with.

However, you take it to a whole other level. You’re just extremely guilty about it. You feel that it basically defines who you are, where you're going, what you're capable of, and somehow some way poisons you're relationships in the here and now. In fact, if you're suffering from this, guilty thoughts about the past make up a significant percentage of your daily thoughts.

Everybody worries about the future. There, I said it. At some level or other, we don’t like that we can't control the future. So, many of us focus on how things could happen and what possible factors might come into play or things that we may not foresee.

This is normal; however, you may be suffering from anxiety when you take things to a whole other level. It's as if your worry about something happening in the future takes a hold of you and refuses to let go.

You’re worried about what other people would think and you’re just really going into fine detail in your head about the extreme personally disaster you stand to suffer when the thing you fear comes to pass. This puts you in a very negative emotional space. You have a tough time coping with your present-day responsibilities, duties, and obligations because you’re just paranoid about things that could happen in the future.

The fact that they don't play out the way you initially feared them to doesn’t really set your mind at ease because once wants the thing that you fear doesn't happen by a certain date, you then move on to another future point in time. It's as if you're kicking the can down the road as far as your mental peace and inner harmony go. You are never at a loss for things to worry about when it comes to the future. If any of this is true, then you might be suffering from anxiety.

It's okay to be indecisive. When most rational people don't think that they have all the necessary facts in front of them, it's perfectly okay for them to second-guess themselves. At the very least, they feel kind of uneasy about what kind of decision they would make because they have incomplete information.

On the other hand, if you have a tough time making up your mind altogether, then you may be dealing with a completely different problem. Even if you put in all the work and the time to gather information and still you can't make up your mind, you might be suffering from anxiety. You might be focused more on the consequences of making the wrong decision. Instead of making sure that all the information is lined up properly so you can make better decisions, you focus instead on some sort of guarantee.

I’m sorry to be the one to break this to you but the future is never guaranteed. Even if you have the best-laid plans and even if you’ve taken all sorts of precautions things, can and do get knocked loose. That's just what makes life so unpredictable and, if you think about it hard enough, so much fun. However, if you can't make up your mind, regardless of any advanced preparation you’ve made, you may be suffering from excess anxiousness.

It’s very easy to blame other people or situations for our personal failures. Seriously. It feels good actually because when we do that, we no longer have to change. We can say to ourselves, “Well, I’m right” or “I’m the victim here.” This relieves us of any responsibility to change. However, the problem with blaming other people or situations that we can’t control for our failures is simply going to extend our powerlessness.

Anxious people or people with high levels of anxiety find themselves blaming other people or situations for whatever is going. The more they do this, the less in control they feel. It’s as if their world has spun out of control.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why. When you place blame on somebody else, you’re basically saying to yourself that the solution lies with that person. After all, that person caused your problems, then it logically follows that they are the ones who could put everything back together.

5 Secrets To Building An Engaged Facebook MRR Ebook With Audio

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Smart marketers know that successful business is not about reaching the largest audience possible. Rather, successful business is about reaching the most targeted audience possible and building engagement.

It is FAR better to have 100 fans that read and like every post you share, than it is to have 1,000,000 followers that never actually engage with any of your content. With a product that nets you $20 profit, the first group will likely earn you around $200 for a promotional post, while the latter will earn you ZERO.

In the book “1,000 True Fans”, author Kevin Kelly explains that a business can succeed and even thrive as long as it has 1,000 ‘true’ fans.

What he means by this, is that if your fanbase is engaged and passionate enough, then it will be enough for you to sustain your business. They will buy enough products and services to keep you afloat, but more importantly: they will also become brand ambassadors who go out and spread the word, thereby bringing even more people to your site. Once you cross that 1,000-fan threshold, you can get big. Getting to that point is the hard part. Reaching an audience of 1 million people is easy: you just need the advertising budget. Turning 1,000 of those people into fans though is hard.

And that’s where the Facebook group comes in. Yes: Facebook groups – not pages – are your secret weapon for galvanizing your following and turning them into highly engaged fans. That’s because Facebook groups allow you to talk to your followers directly and to create conversations. It creates a community, and it lets your audience feel as though they ‘belong’ to something. That way, your brand becomes part of their identity.

This is the difference between a company like Apple – that has genuinely loyal fans who love what it stands for – and a company like Asus. That is a good company… but… yeah. Now the next question: how do you make your Facebook group a massive success? Here are the five secrets you need to know! These are the five things that business and blog owners need to know in order to utilize this truly powerful tool and outperform their competition.

Secret #1: Exclusivity

The first secret to making a highly successful Facebook group is to make it a secret group. You will select this setting in the privacy options, and it will mean that people can’t see what you’ve posted unless they have also joined. Why is this important? Firstly, because it makes people curious. People naturally want what they can’t have, this is an in-built evolutionary aspect of our psychology, and it’s something that you can use to your advantage.

Moreover, having an exclusive group makes it more appealing simply because it is less readily available. People like to think of themselves as VIP and important, and again, this comes from a strong evolutionary imperative to ‘fit in’. Simply causally referring to your group as a ‘VIP group’, or talking about the members as your ‘VIPs’ can be enough to create a strong incentive for people to join up.

At the same time though, having an exclusive group – particularly early on.

Secret #2: Early Buzz

One of the easiest ways for your Facebook group to fail is for it to look overly empty. This is something that many brands fall afoul of and it can immediately turn off many of their potential members.

Imagine that you’ve been encouraged heavily by a brand to sign up to a Facebook group. Eventually, you relent and do so. And what do you find? Nothing! It’s a big empty group where no one really posts. You post in there and there is no answer. You notice there are only three members…

So, what do you do? You leave! And not only have you now left the group, but your opinion of the brand has also probably gone down a notch. Seems the brand lacks the impact to build a big following! Again, it’s about social signals. And in this case, the strong social signal is: your brand stinks!

Keeping your group private will mitigate this somewhat, because it makes it seem as though you did that on purpose. But what’s also important, is that the members who are there be as active as possible. It only takes a few highly active members for you to then gain the kind of momentum and progress that you need in order to be highly successful.

10 Muscle Building Myths Exposed MRR Ebook With Audio

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10 Muscle Building Myths Exposed

As with anything in the health industry, there’s a lot of information out there about muscle-building. There are a number of people that claim to be experts that say one thing, then another expert will say the opposite. This has led to myths arising that simply aren’t true. Today, we’re going to bust some of those myths for you.
Here are 10 muscle-building myths exposed:

1. More Protein = More Muscle

This is by far the biggest myth when it comes to building muscle. People believe that because protein is necessary for building muscle, the more protein you eat, the more muscle you will build. However, the truth is that packing your diet with as much protein as possible will not pack your body with more muscle than you thought possible.

The truth is that protein is a necessary and important part of building muscle, and you won’t build muscle efficiently if you’re not getting enough protein. But the key here is “enough.” While body builders and those trying to build muscle will need more protein than the average person, they don’t need ridiculous amounts, just more.

2. Carbs Don’t Help Build Muscle

As the focus with muscle-building is on protein, many people believe that carbohydrates are unnecessary when it comes to building muscle. The idea is that because muscle is made up of protein, there’s no need for anything but protein when it comes to increasing muscle mass. This leads many muscle builders to skip out on carbs altogether.

Carbs are used by your body for energy, which means if you don’t have them in your system when you go to build muscle, then you’re going to have a difficult time performing the exercises you need to build muscle. Of course you want to use them in moderation, but a healthy helping of complex carbs before a workout will help you reach your muscle-building goals.

3. You Need Supplements

This is one of the most common myths and it unfortunately keeps a lot of people from even pursuing muscle-building because of how expensive many supplements are. Many people have bought into the idea that protein supplements and amino acid supplements will provide your body with what it needs to build muscle.

Let’s bust that myth. You don’t need fancy supplements in order to build muscle. You just need to get enough protein, which you can get from food. Choosing high-quality protein sources like milk, eggs, and soy is an easy and inexpensive way to make sure you’re getting enough protein to build muscle. Of course most supplements will help, but you don’t actually need them.

4. More Reps = More Muscle

Although it would make sense that the more repetitions you do in a set, the more muscle you will build, but this is actually a muscle-building myth. This common belief has people stuck at the gym for hours, doing as many reps and sets as they possibly can in order to gain more muscle mass. However, there are better ways they could be using their time.

Studies have shown that it’s actually muscle fiber activation that leads to the muscles increasing in size and strength. There are a few things that you can do to activate more muscle fibers. First of all, you want to focus on complex moves that involve more muscles. Secondly, lift more heavier weights rather than a lighter weight more often and you’ll soon see those muscles bulk up.

5. Variety is the Key to Muscle Building

When it comes to muscle-building, many people believe that you have to continue to spice up your routine and choose different exercises in order to continue building muscle. The idea is that once you’ve done a certain exercise for a while, you’ve done all that you can with that movement and now have to find another one to work that muscle from a different angle for more gains.

High Ticket Sales System MRR Ebook With Audio

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It's one thing to think about what you can achieve. It's another thing entirely to pull it off. A lot of marketers experience this first hand when it comes to high ticket sales. You only need to visit an affiliate marketing forum to see this in action.

People talk a big game about how much money they make with affiliate marketing. Some marketers boast that they were able to generate 3 figure or even 5 or 6 figure sales. What they're not telling you is that these happen only once in a while.

Let's face it, most of us can land a big sale every once in a while. That's not the issue. I don't care how much of a rookie you are. If you put in the time, focus and energy, you will be able to land a decent sale.

Whether it's $500, $5,000 or even $15,000, it doesn't matter in the long run. Why? It's all about sustainability. That is the name of the game and that's why you have to land high ticket sales consistently.

The problem is most marketers fail to do this for a variety of reasons. Here are the 5 most common reasons why they can't land high ticket sales consistently or they can't do them at all.

Reason #1: They don't even try

When people get into affiliate marketing, they get really excited. In fact, they're so excited that even if they make $1 in affiliate sales, that's enough to pump them up. They end up thinking about their next dollar sale and then the next buck after that.

I know this is awesome and everything, but too many stay at that level. They just focus on collecting the small stuff. They're clueless about the existence of high ticket sales. These are affiliate sales where you make $500, $1,000, $5,000 or even tens of thousands of dollars per sale.

For too many affiliate marketers, the whole online sales game is all aboutvolume and nothing else. They're more than content to make $10, $20, or at most, a couple hundred of dollars with each sale. As long as they make enough of these sales, they're more than happy.

The sad reality is they don't even try to figure out how high ticket sales work. If they're going to put in all this work to generate $1, why not put in that same amount of time, focus and dedication to produce $1,000 or $10,000?

It's all about maximizing your return on effort. If you want to get a clear and effective blueprint for generating high ticket sales, click here.

Reason #2: They fail to segment niches

Let's get real here. Not all niches are worth the same. If you are pushing affiliate products, you know full well that some niches are focused on low ticket items. We're talking about products that rarely exceed $100.

If you try to push a product beyond that price point, good luck getting any sales. Customers in that niche have fixed expectations regarding the price range they're working with. Operateout of this price range and you're not going to make too many sales.

In fact in many cases, you're not going to generate any sales at all. Niches are not one and the same. Some niches pay quite a bit of money because the people looking for those productsand services are prepared and eager to spend that kind of money.

The vast majority of other niches, however, don't pay all that well. Now, a lot of affiliate marketers think that this is perfectly fine because they would just make up for it in terms of volume. Here's the problem.

If you're in a niche where it's fairly easy to convert traffic into cash, what do you think will happen? That's right. There will be other affiliate marketers there and there will be competitor saturation. Think of many people fishing at the same fishing hole. It doesn't matter how many fishes there are in the water. Eventually, there will be too many fishermen and not enough fish.

You have to segment your niche correctly. But for this to happen, you have to first find the righthigh value niches to market to.

Reason #3: They fail to see high end opportunities within a niche

Even with invaluable niches, it's very easy to lose motivation. You know that people buy high ticket items in your niche. Here's the problem. Not all the people interested in that niche are ready to commit today.

7 Practical Tips To Achieve Positive Mindset MRR Ebook With Audio

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It can be hard for many people to achieve a positive mindset. Life can be difficult for many different reasons and there is a wide variety of aspects which can negatively affect your mood.

Thankfully, there are many ways of giving our minds the best possible way to be positive. In this book, we focus on seven practical tips that are going to give you a more positive mindset and improve your life.

If you follow these tips you’ll have a much better chance of obtaining happiness and being successful in both your personal life and your career.

Chapter 1: Turn Failures into Lessons

Ever wondered why successful people put so much emphasis on learning from mistakes? It’s a universal truth that life is all about turning your failures into a path of success but it’s also through failures themselves that we get exposure to the harsh realities of life.

The secret lies in learning from your failures rather than getting disappointed by them. As a general rule, this principle can be applied in all walks of life but it becomes much apparent in our practical life.

The harsh reality is that you will be confronted with multiple points of failures when it comes to people and the jobs you undertake.

Accept Your Failures

The power of accepting your mistakes or errors is the first rule you need to keep in mind. In essence, accepting failure showcases your willingness to learn. Some of us, due to ambition or egoism, deny the fact that they failed and instead blame their failures on others as a source of keeping themselves motivated. This can be catastrophic for your career or life. If you do not accept your failures, chances are your learning capacity will remain stagnant.

Don’t Let Failure Consume You

When you have failed in a certain project, don’t think that it should have been easy. It will be hard, you will be tested and the burden of proving yourself will be immense. This is the point where most people breakdown. They either give up or become accustomed to failures and forget to learn. This is where you need to accept the fact that you made the mistake and you’re willing to prove yourself.

Don’t Fear Failure

Don’t be afraid to fail. Failure itself is not dangerous. The danger lies in the fear of facing failure itself. The thing is when we fail whether in establishing a positive relationship with a coworker or in a task. Our instinct tells us that such a situation should be avoided in the future. This is where you need to change how you think. Do not avoid chances of failing. Rather, when you’re confronted with failure, learn it and make sure to not repeat the same mistake.

Consistency Is The Key To Success

We are not talking about the consistency to fail. We are emphasizing on the point that learning from your mistakes should be a consistent factor. The fact is maybe you’ll fail multiple times and you might get overwhelmed by the criticism. During this process, you fail to learn anything significant. It is all about how well you can manage criticism and become consistent in learning.

Learn From The Failure Of Others

You are not the only one who fails. There are successful people out there who have failed before. You will have coworkers who will be failing maybe in the same tasks as you. The point is, consider the world you live in as a place where there are opportunities to learn at all times. Learning from the failures of others can be a great way to avoid going down the same road in the future.

Chapter 2: Focus on The Good Things

Focusing on good things might seem easy, but is it? The media is awash with all sorts of negative news. Every day comes with its own set of challenges. A forced smile has become commonplace. Having a real laugh has become a mirage.

It is easy to get lost in the negatives, but remember the words of John Milton, "The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven." This quote is geared at ensuring you focus on the good things around you.

Count The Good Things

As small as they might be, they are tangible. Remembering only the things that go wrong will only get you worked up and stressed. Your health will suffer for it.
Even in times of darkness, there are numerous aspects of life to be thankful for. Remembering all the good in your life will help you not to be consumed by any negatives and leave you with a much more positive mindset.

One of the ways to ensure you focus on the good things is to identify your sweet spots – those things that make you happy. It is that simple. If it is family, have videos of those family moments on your mobile device and indulge yourself in such whenever things look gloomy.

5 Productivity Secrets For Entrepreneurs MRR Ebook With Audio


Running a business can be incredibly overwhelming for entrepreneurs. Their work days are packed with meetings, phone calls, responding to emails, creating and maintaining a marketing plan, and solving technical issues that arise. Mastering time management skills is an essential function if they want their business to succeed. Being productive and effective at time management isn't about working harder, but instead finding a way to work smarter. When you can find a way to manage your time better, you'll find that your business runs much smoother and you'll notice a dramatic uptick in your daily productivity.

Time is a perishable commodity, for everyone, not just entrepreneurs, and once it's been lost, you can't get it back. Whether you are meeting with a client to close a business deal or preparing to launch a new product, time is the critical factor in determining whether or not your business succeeds or fails. Unfortunately, the reality is that you can’t add more hours to your day. Instead, you have to master the art of effective time management to ensure you get as much done during the time that you’re allotted.

As the owner of a small business, you have to master time management and increase your productivity if you want to achieve your business goals and be successful. With a better system for managing your time, you can get a handle on everything that you need to accomplish in a day without the stress, leaving you more time to spend on the tasks that will help you grow your business and increase your profits.

We all have the same 24 hours in the day. However, it isn't uncommon for some people to accomplish more during their days than others. This is because productive people are better at managing their time. Even with looming deadlines and client pressures, those who are high achievers rarely fall short of their schedules. With sufficient time management, you can get more work done in less time. Here are five productivity secrets that you can use to get more done during the day, take control of your time, and achieve greater success.

1. Outsource Non-Core Work

As a business owner, it is crucial for you to understand which of your tasks you can outsource to someone else. These are the tasks in your daily schedule that are urgent by not important. Outsourcing non-core work tasks to other professionals is an extremely effective way for entrepreneurs to master time management in their day-to-day operations.

For example, if you have a lot of administrative duties, it can be extremely time-consuming of you to handle these tasks. While these duties don't lead to more profits or growth for your company, they are tasks that still need to get done, so your business runs more efficiently. As a business owner, your time is better to spend working on tasks and activities that will lead to an increase in profits. Outsourcing these kinds of menial but necessary tasks can help you do this.

Thanks to the Internet, it is much easier and more affordable for companies to delegate more tasks to skilled professionals. With just a click of the mouse, you can assign these tasks to experienced freelancers that are located around the world. There are several sites where you can connect with freelancers to help you tackle business tasks. Once you've outsourced the routine tasks in your business, you will have more time to focus on managing your time so you can be more productive.

2. Employ the 80/20 Rule for Time Management

If you've ever taken a business class, then you know about the 80/20 rule or the Pareto Principle. If you don't know what it is, the Pareto Principle is a theory developed in 1906 by Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto that states that 80 percent of the output from a given situation or system is delivered by 20 percent of the input. So, how can this rule be implemented to help you better manage your time and increase your productivity? When it comes to time management, it involves completing 80 percent of your tasks using just 20 percent of the time you have.

The principle advocates delegating those incredibly time-consuming tasks, but that create less revenue for your business than other jobs. Doing this will allow you to focus your time and energy working on those tasks that will bring in more money for your business. When prioritizing your to-do list, you have to remember that your energy levels and productivity tend to fluctuate throughout the day. For you to successfully master the 80/20 rule, you need to make sure that you focus on completing the essential business tasks during the times that you are most productive.

You can use the 80/20 rules in several different ways to help you increase your productivity. If you look closely at your to-do list, the chances are there are only a few tasks that are tied to important issues. While you may find it satisfying to cross off a large number of the smaller issues, the 80/20 rule suggests that instead, you focus on the few items that are more important, and that will generate the most significant results for your business. While your to-do list might not be much shorter at the end of the day, you will be practicing effective prioritization.

3. Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time

One way you can manage your time and increase your productivity during the day is by managing your energy rather than your time. If you know that you are more productive in the mornings, you can plan to accomplish the work on your to-do list that requires the full extent of your competencies in the morning, rather than trying to achieve them in the afternoon when your energy might be lagging. This frees up your afternoons to schedule the work that doesn’t need as much of your brain power to accomplish when you know your energy levels are lower.

If you typically manage your time by creating and prioritizing to-do lists and scheduling dedicated time to each of those tasks, you know how easy it is to get derailed during the day. A single conversation or email can quickly break your focus or completely rearrange your day. By managing your energy, you can bring your best performance to any activity that comes up. You can achieve far superior results over the incremental gains that you might get from other time management techniques.

10 Signs Gluten Is Damaging Your Health MRR Ebook With Audio

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You might have heard of a gluten-free diet and why a lot of individuals are actively trying to remove gluten from their diet. But in case you don’t know what gluten is, it’s a protein normally found in barley, wheat, and malt.

For some people, it can be quite a pain to digest. Among them are those with celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder which badly and permanently damages the nutrient-absorbing structures found in the small intestine. As time passes, gluten consumption destroys the ability of the body to absorb nutrients. Since there is no known cure for celiac disease yet, people who are afflicted with the condition are actively eliminating all gluten and following a gluten-free diet.

However, people with celiac disease aren’t the only ones who are badly affected by the consumption of gluten. There’s another group too, and they’re the ones who have gluten intolerance, likewise known as non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

If you belong to either of the two, then gluten can be really bad for you.

This book is created to help you figure out why gluten consumption can be bad for you, especially if you’re gluten intolerant or a celiac patient. We’ll also go through 10 different telltale signs on how gluten is currently damaging your health.

Why Gluten Intake Is Bad for You

A scientific review which was published in the New England Journal of Medicine revealed that the consumption of gluten can possibly trigger 55 different diseases. As alarming as it sounds, it actually turns out to be true.

There are, in fact, quite a number of conditions caused by eating gluten. These range from fatigue to inflammatory bowel diseases, even osteoporosis – all by simply eating this protein. Gluten also causes inflammation, which in turn can affect your entire body. Simply put, gluten can have an adverse effect on your brain in the same way that it affects your digestive system and joints.

Most people who suffer from inflammations due to gluten intake tend to focus on treating the condition at the surface level. They do so by taking medications which help reduce the symptoms. Unfortunately, they have to do it regularly as they weren’t able to get to the root of the problem.

If you have a chronic health issue, or even if you don’t, you want to eliminate gluten from your diet. After all, gluten is associated with some of the most problematic conditions such as digestive issues and poor brain function.

In the event you’ve already consumed gluten, here are 10 telltale signs to let you know that it’s time to stop:

Sign 1: Digestive Issues

Occasionally suffering from constipation, diarrhea, and other digestive issues might seem normal. However, if either one of them happens almost too often, it could be a sign that gluten is starting to wreck your body.

Not surprisingly, this is also a common symptom experienced by gluten intolerant individuals and those with celiac disease. In some cases, they may even have a particularly pale and unpleasant bowel mainly because the condition prevents their body from absorbing nutrients properly.

According to research, gluten consumption causes digestive issues by disrupting the barriers of the intestine, thus allowing harmful substances to move through towards the bloodstream. Around 14% of Americans suffer from the so-called IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) which causes all sorts of digestive issues. The consumption of gluten makes the symptom even worse than before. In some cases, it may even be the cause of IBS.

Around 50% of gluten intolerant individuals suffer from diarrhea on a regular basis, while around 25% of them suffer from constipation.

While this is common to gluten intolerant and celiac-afflicted individuals, those who have been consuming foods with gluten can also be negatively affected. If you begin to experience such symptoms, you might want to stop the consumption of foods containing gluten as soon as possible. If left unattended, it may lead to some serious issues such as dehydration, fatigue, and the loss of electrolytes in the body.