Tag Archives: Ebooks With Audio

Clear The Mind With Meditation MRR Ebook With Audio

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How to Meditate to Clear Your Mind

Meditation is a topic that many people don't fully understand and that has a lot of mixed views surrounding it. Some people view meditation as an almost 'occult' practice focussed on achieving a state above that of normal people and transcending onto another 'plane' of existence. Other people see it as being a great therapeutic technique for healing, and others still don't give it much thought and write it off as a waste of time.

Meditation certainly isn't a waste of time, and nor is it necessarily spiritual or magical. It is very different things to different people. There is not really one form of meditation but rather several and each has different goals and purposes.

What meditation has in common across the board though, is that it is extremely useful, very powerful, and one of the best tools for clearing your mind and for feeling better about yourself. This is a fantastic way to approach any problem with a fresh mind, and without the usual hang-ups, biases, and issues that prevent us from performing our best, living in the moment, or truly expressing ourselves.

Meditation can be used to help you achieve a kind of “mind reset” both in the short term, and in the long term.

Types of Meditation

There are many different forms of meditation that have different goals. The best-known form of meditation is probably transcendental meditation, which involves sitting and then focussing on a mantra. This might be the word “om” repeated over and over, or it might be a humming sound. Either way, the aim is to focus on this sound or word such that you are able to completely eliminate all other distracting thoughts.

Religious meditation often involves focussing on a particular passage from a religious text, or perhaps a prayer. This may seem very different to transcendental meditation and indeed it has very different origins and goals. But what is the same, is that the aim is to focus intently on one thing in order to remove other distracting thoughts.

The same goes for moving meditation, that includes the likes of Tai Chi and that has you focussing on your own body as it moves through space.

The thing that ties all these different uses together is the simple fact that you are trying to actively control your thoughts rather than letting them be led and controlled by outside factors. It is about focus. Whether you are meditating on the answer to a question, trying to understand yourself better or just taking a “time out” this is a useful skill to develop and has been shown to help produce calming brain waves and lower blood pressure.

Imagine that any time you find yourself feeling stressed, anxious, or worried about something, you have the option to return to a place where you will feel calm and collected.

Loving Kindness and Gratitude

The key to many forms of meditation then is focus. By learning to choose what you want to pay attention to, you can opt not to focus on the negative or the things that make you stressed. You’ll therefore feel better more of the time, and be less affected by things that would otherwise hurt you.

But what if you choose to focus on something that will actively make you extremely happy? This is the idea behind both “loving kindness meditation” AND “gratitude meditation”.

In the first example (loving kindness), your objective is to meditate specifically on feelings of warmth, self-love, and kindness. In other words, you will think about things that make you happy, think about people who love you, focus on feelings of love, and focus on the things you love about yourself.

Your objective is to cultivate this emotion and then hang on to it – to keep it fresh in your mind and to let it take up the entirety of your focus for a while.

By doing this repeatedly, you will be able to not only enjoy that sense of peace and love in any given moment… but also to let it become your default emotion – such that you always feel that way.

The other option is gratitude. This is very similar to loving kindness motivation, but the goal this time is to focus on the things that make you feel grateful.
What is Enlightenment?

Perhaps you have heard of meditation in the context of enlightenment? Maybe you thought you could use meditation to achieve a higher plane of thought? It’s certainly something many people believe, but if meditation is just about focus, how can this be the case?

What's all that about? Remember that when you practice transcendental meditation (the kind associated with enlightenment) you use a 'mantra' which is used to try and take your mind off of your usual ruminations (by focussing on the sounds you're making).

What happens here is that because you aren't using the areas of your brain that you normally would, these areas can shut down as they would in sleep but with you still awake. Key regions of the brain that usually help us to understand the world around us shut down: such as the region responsible for detecting contrast, or the area associated with identifying edges in the world around us. You even lose the ability to recognize where your own body is in space.

Living Paleo MRR Ebook With Audio

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Living Paleo can seem like a difficult challenge if you don’t know much about it. Like the Ketogenic diet or any other diet trend that has taken the world by storm, it can be difficult to differentiate it from the rest. However, there is one distinct and important difference between going Keto and living Paleo. One is a diet that can actually kill you if you are on it too long because it physically alters your body and puts you into starvation mode, while the other is a very beneficial way to reframe your life so that you are focusing on doing things as naturally as possible to emulate the lifestyle our Paleolithic ancestors might have had if they had more advanced technology.

A lot of people are intimidated by the sound of going Paleo. It is a strong word. It refers to our ancestors and can bring to mind very powerful images. But going Paleo means more than just hunting and fishing, though eating lean meats and fish is a huge part of the lifestyle. Living a Paleo lifestyle means making sure that you are taking care of your body and treating it the way it was meant to be treated by nature. Our bodies are theoretically designed to follow this diet. Right down to the way our jaws and teeth are designed.

We are meant to be eating these types of foods biologically, and introducing grains and dairy and other types of processed foods and refined sugars has actually caused us quite a lot of harm over the years. There are scientific studies, in fact, that show how hormonal changes have caused young women, and sometimes even men, to develop breasts prematurely because they have been eating too many hormones that would never have been present in their food in the Paleolithic era.

Those types of findings are very disturbing. It is time that we start to take accountability. We need to know exactly what we are putting into our bodies and be brave enough to look society in the eye and reject the status quo. Just because it is convenient and it is making things simple, it doesn’t mean that it is the best way to do things. we do not need to be feeding chickens growth hormones that are affecting children as young as eleven years old. We do not need to be eating foods that are harmful and can contribute to diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s later in life.

No matter where you may find yourself on the spectrum of living Paleo, one thing is common to us all. We deserve to be healthy and live the best lives we possibly can. And doing so begins with a choice that we make to put the healthiest possible foods into our bodies as fuel and prepare ourselves for the journey that lies ahead.
The Paleolithic diet was developed in the 1970s by a scientist who was hoping to encourage the people around him to pay more attention to their health. He was hoping that the Paleolithic man could serve as an example to us all of the way we should be eating and drinking and staying active in order to best serve our bodies and minds.

This idea was taken a step further later on, when another man determined that our bodies are biologically suited for the Paleolithic diet and lifestyle. Our teeth and digestive system find it easier to thrive when eating lean meats, natural vegetables and fruits, nuts and seeds, and drinking a lot of water. Refined sugars and complex carbs were never an issue back in the Paleolithic era. But the more human kind begins to tamper with what was once a natural thing, the more dangerous to our bodies it becomes. Our bodies are a complex system that works together to make sure we get all the nutrients we need in order to thrive.

If that isn’t happening, as it often doesn’t when we are living on the Standard American Diet, then we begin to slow our functioning. We get dull and foggy in the mind, our limbs and reflexes may be slower, and often we sink into anxiety or depression because our bodies are stressed out a lot more easily without the proper nutrition. It is incredibly important to make sure we are eating right and exercising, and in following a Paleo lifestyle, we cut out the bad things like fast food and fatty things and focus exclusively on only the foods that will help us to thrive. That is what the Paleo lifestyle is all about.

Why You Should Start Online Business MRR Ebook With Audio

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Thinking of becoming an internet marketer and creating your own online business? Great! You absolutely should.

Why? Only because it’s a simple way to make money that is highly rewarding, extremely profitable, and potentially infinitely scalable! But if you don’t believe me, then read on and in this report we’ll dive deeper into why this is SUCH a great move.

1. It’s Rewarding

One of the best reasons to become an internet marketer, is that it is extremely rewarding. Internet marketing gives you a way to build your own business from scratch, and then to employ your own smart thinking in order to turn it into something highly successful.

Have you ever been to a party when people start asking what everyone does for a living? Most people will immediately get passed over when they say that they’re a lawyer/a teacher/an accountant/a HR manager.

But when you say that you are an internet entrepreneur… people listen. And they want to know more. As an internet marketer you are a pioneer – you are running the type of business that simply wouldn’t have been possible even a couple of decades ago.

And because you built this with your own hands, you have only yourself to credit with its success. You didn’t get a lucky promotion, and you didn’t get promoting thanks to nepotism, or politics. No: you built this yourself, and you are now a self-made man or woman. And that’s an incredibly rewarding feeling. One that you won’t really know until you’re watching the money roll in on the screen and thinking “I can’t believe I did this!”

You know what else is rewarding? Becoming a thought-leader whose opinion actually matters! When you create a successful blog or website with a strong brand and message, you will have a legion of engaged followers and fans.

2. It’s Profitable

Another very good reason to start an online business is simply that it is profitable.

And not only that, but it’s profitable in a highly different way. That’s because running a business online lets you earn passive income. There’s a chance that people reading this already know what that means, but for those who don’t: passive income is income that rolls in even when you aren’t working. That means that you are no longer exchanging time for money, and instead you’re earning cash even when you sleep.

You’ll put in the hard work up front, sure. You’ll spend time writing blog posts, filling them with advertising, getting links, and otherwise doing the leg work. But from then on, you’ll have built a digital empire that grows and grows, and that generates more revenue the longer it runs. You can be off doing whatever, and meanwhile people will be discovering your website, enjoying your content, and buying your digital products/clicking on your ads.

This means that when someone calls you to do something in the middle of the day, you’ll be able to go! There’s no boss shouting at you to get back to work.

It also means that once your business is self-sustaining and profitable, you can repeat the process and have two websites. Or launch another digital product. Or launch a YouTube channel.

In other words, with these skills, you’ll be able to endlessly continue to grow your profits. There’s really no upper limit!

3. Getting Started is Really Easy

So, I mentioned that starting your own business online is highly rewarding. That’s true. But it’s also true that starting a business of any sort is rewarding. The same goes for the profitable aspect. Anyone can earn money from selling product for instance. And this would be equally rewarding.

So why run an online business in particular?

Well, one very good argument is that it is so easier. Tools like WordPress make it easier than ever for someone to get set up with a website. And because you’ll only pay for hosting, it hardly costs anything either.

Making a WordPress website is a very simple and straightforward process, which is precisely what makes it so useful. With WordPress anyone can start their own business and there are no longer obstacles to worry about like programming skills or the complication involving uploading articles and code to a server. With WordPress everything is right there for you and all you have to do is to use the helpful UI in order to select pictures, type your content and set the design and style.

To demonstrate, here are the very basic steps you’ll need to take to get started.

Seo Split Testing MRR Ebook With Audio

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Search Engine Optimization is a skill that is constantly changing and evolving. If you work in this profession, then resting on your laurels and sticking with what you know simply isn’t an option any more.

It was only a few years ago that we believed the best way to succeed at SEO was to stuff a page full of keywords and to pay for links from as many sites as possible. Of course, we know that this will get a site penalized and even de-indexed pretty quickly these days!

Today, Google is an AI-driven company. Google wants to combine its search engine with its smart assistant, so that you can simply ask Google who was in X film, or how to cook X meal, and it will be able to answer in natural language by pulling from the web.

Future implications of this aside, what it means for webmasters right now, is that they need to start being smarter about their use of keywords and the type of content they produce. They need to think about using markup language, employing latent semantic indexing, and getting links from sites that Google trusts, with plenty of authority. They need to do all this while STILL producing content that is engaging and entertaining for real, human readers.

This is such a nuanced and complex topic, that you’ll find you can no longer just ‘guess’ what will work. And you can no longer make assumptions.

The ONLY way to succeed online, is to take a data-driven approach. That means watching your stats and metrics extremely closely, but it also means running split tests, which can help you to identify the precise techniques and strategies that are guaranteed to bring your website success.

In this report, you’ll learn why this is no longer optional for SEOs, and why it’s crucial for the entire industry that more agencies start using this topic. You’ll also see precisely what an AB test is, and how you can employ it to amazing effect.

So, just what is an AB Test?

AB Tests, also known as split tests, are tests used in marketing and business in order to ensure that a strategy works before going ‘all in’. They do this by testing that strategy in a real-world scenario, using controlled conditions.

Essentially, this works just like experimental design in research. That is to say, that you will split your test subjects into two groups: an experimental group and a control group. You’ll then attempt to keep as many variables (factors) the same as possible in the two groups, change just one thing, and then compare the outcome to see which worked better.

So, an example of how this might work in business, would be to think about a fast food chain that currently uses a bold, sans-serif font for its name on the front of the buildings. The owner of the business conducts some market research however, and learns that customers are not too keen on that logo, and would rather a more ornate font to help welcome them into the building.

What does the owner do? One option would be to change the text across all stores and to hope that the market research proves to be accurate.

The business owner did something right here, in that they at least conducted market research first, which helped to motivate a smart change. The worst case scenario is that the business owner would simply decide that they like a more ornate font and change it across all their stores without thinking about the potential implications. They could end up losing a lot of money and never knowing where the ‘leak’ was.

But the problem is that even with market research, you still can’t be certain that you’ve made the right decision. Market research can be wrong, and it can miss other factors (the visitors may prefer the more ornate font, but they might not see it as easily as the clear, bold font!).

A split test then would involve changing the font on half the buildings. It would then compare the profits of those two groups, in order to see which one performed better and whether or not the change should be employed across the entire chain. If the stores with the new font earned more money, then the same technique could be used globally. If not, it could simply be forgotten. And another new change could be tested.

This way, split testing allows you to be certain that something is the right move before you do it. And the same thing works just like that in SEO. Here, you might test changing keyword densities, or you might test using more headers. Maybe you test using more images, or perhaps you try using an image at the top of the page.

All these things might end up impacting on the performance of your pages in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), and thus help inform your practices in future. You might also go back through all older pages on the website and make the changes across the board.

How do you run a split test for SEO? One option is to take lots of similar web pages that are all performing equally well, and then to make changes to half of them. Head into your Google Analytics account and make a projection for how would normally expect them to perform, and then compare that projection to how the pages actually perform.

Modern Vlogging MRR Ebook With Audio

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Why should you start a Vlog?

People are curious by nature and they like to see what other people are doing with their lives. This is the reason why reality TV is so successful. What are the ordinary people doing out there? What are their hopes and dreams? What excites them and how do they go about their day?

It doesn’t matter that someone doesn’t know you. You have a message to share with the world and a vlog is the perfect way to do it. Sure you could create a conventional blog and write posts about your life and share your experiences. But people prefer video.

In a survey conducted by HubSpot a while ago, they discovered that 72% of participants preferred to watch video rather than read a blog post to learn how to do something or find out more about a product or a service.

YouTube is a giant of a website. There are 1 billion users who consume hours of video every day. There will always be somebody searching YouTube for what you are good at. This provides you with a fantastic opportunity.

With a vlog you can create a real connection with your viewers. It is different to creating a one off video. If you provide quality videos (and you must) then people will eagerly await the next one that you upload.

There are many vlogging success stories. These are ordinary people who drastically changed their lives through vlogging. They have all kinds of sponsorship deals and several different revenue streams. Some vloggers became millionaires very quickly –– there is no reason why you cannot be the next vlogging sensation.

In this short report we will provide you with the 7 ways to start a successful vlog. How you start your vlog is really important. If you don’t get off to a flying start then it will be a real struggle for you. Use the methods in this report and you won’t go wrong.

The most successful vlogs are always planned. The vlog owner has thought through what they want to achieve with their vlog and put a plan of action in place. You must do the same. The starting point is to define the goal of your vlog.

This is something that you can easily do in a short time. Start right now and have the goal of your vlog defined in a few hours. Don’t spend too much time on this. Some people will spend weeks planning something and then it never happens.

What are you going to communicate with your vlog? You need to vlog about something that you can get excited about. Remember that you want to make a profit from your vlog so you need to think about how you will do this.

So start off by writing a list of all the things that interest you. Here are some good ideas for vlogs:

- Travelling the world
- Making money online
- Beauty and makeup
- Owning a pet
- Sports fan vlogs
- Learning specific skills
- Getting the girl/boy

The main reason that all of these ideas are good is because there is so much scope for creating videos here. The other good reason is that these kinds of vlogs are pretty easy to monetize. And that’s good news isn’t it?

Go to YouTube and have a look at what other people are vlogging about. This should give you even more inspiration. Don’t worry that there are a lot of other players in the same niche. Competition is a good thing. It proves that there is an audience out there.

Your personality is very different to the other people making the vlogs in your niche. This will make you stand out. It would be more of a concern if there were not vlogs already out there in the niche you were interested in.

OK so you have chosen an idea for your vlog. Now it is time to see the size of the market and what type of audience your vlog will appeal to. This is a very important exercise. Checking that there are other vlogs in your niche is a good first step but it is not enough.

The first thing you need to do is some keyword research. You need to find out what terms people are using to find videos in your niche and how often they are looking (search volume). You can do this for free by using the Google Keyword Planner.

To access the Google Keyword Planner you will need a free Google account (such as a gmail email address) and you will need to open a free Google Adwords account –– don’t worry you are not going to spend any money!

Once you are in the Google Keyword Planner enter a main keyword for your niche. As an example we will use “makeup”. There are hundreds of thousands of searches each month on Google for this term. The Google Keyword Planner also came up with a lot of other great related terms such as:

- Eye makeup
- Makeup set
- Makeup kit
- Makeup brands
- Cheap makeup
- Primer makeup
- Face makeup

And there were a lot more keyword suggestions. These are all great ideas for videos. Every one of these terms are searched for thousands of times a month. OK this is for Google, but the same terms are going to be used in the search box on YouTube.

There are two things to bear in mind here:

1. The search volume
2. The different related keyword terms

The search volume confirms there is a demand for information around the specific keywords. A lot of people want to know about “eye makeup” for example. The related keywords show you the scope of the niche. There are so many different topics that you can create videos about. This is a very good niche for a vlog.

5 Amazon Fba Mistakes You Must Avoid MRR Ebook With Audio

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Amazon FBA is a brilliant service for small businesses and entrepreneurs that want to start selling large numbers of products direct to customers. This service makes things so easy, that you can set up your successful business without ever laying eyes on the product!

But that’s also the issue. In many ways, Amazon FBA makes setting up your business too easy. Which means it’s easy to make mistakes, and to come unstuck. Here are 5 big ones to avoid.

1. Not Reading the Requirements

Did you know that Amazon requires for your products to be packaged on arrival? That they need to have a barcode already attached?

Do you know what products can’t be accepted by Amazon, or require them to first assess them for suitability?


In that case, you haven’t done your due diligence as an Amazon FBA reseller! These are crucial requirement and there are no ifs and buts – if your product doesn’t meet Amazon’s requirement, then it will be sent back, and you’ll have wasted a lot of money.

Make sure to comb through this section of the site thoroughly, and then check with the manufacturers that you are working with to ensure that they’re capable of meeting those criteria. Will they be able to place your products in some kind of packaging for instance? (More on this later.)

There are also a few things you will need to do yourself – such as purchasing a barcode. All of this is detailed in full in the full ebook, so make sure that you read carefully and don’t skip any critical steps.

You also need to make sure you are fully aware of all the fees that Amazon charges, its terms with regards to storage, the pros and cons of different types of membership account, and more. This will help you to better calculate the precise profit you can make from selling a particular product at a particular price, and it will help you to make savvier decisions.

2. Forgetting Returns

One of the biggest mistakes that you can make as a reseller business, an Amazon FBA business, or ANY business selling products, is not to realize the potential cost of returns.

You might have spent ages calculating your profits for each unit. Maybe you looked at the cost per unit you’d be paying the manufacturer, the cost of freight forwarding, the cost of carriers…

But you forgot that sometimes people ask for refunds. And when they do that, you will often also need to fund delivery of the refunded item. This can be expensive.

Refunds can be an even bigger issue depending on the niche/industry that you are in. Fashion companies selling clothes will deal with returns more than most for example, seeing as many people will order clothes, find they don’t fit, and then return them. This has actually put many a reseller out of business.

Your job then is not only to take this into account when calculating your potential profits, but also to think about ways around the issue. Which items of clothing get fewer returns? How can you make it as clear as possible what your items look like when worn? And what is your returns policy?

3. Dealing with Unhappy Customers the Wrong Way

One of the biggest mistakes that sellers make, is to act unprofessional when dealing with unhappy customers. As we start to operate on a bigger scale, it’s easy to forget that our customers are people, and to forget to make sure that each of them is having the best experience possible.

And when someone complains? We often ignore it, or just

But that one unhappy customer can do a lot of damage. That’s one unhappy customer who won’t be buying from you again…

…one unhappy customer who can write such a scathing review that people start choosing your competitors’ products over yours… even when they cost more!

…one disgruntled customer who can spread the word and quickly grow to become a thousand people boycotting your service. It's forgetting these little problems, rather than not having an end-game in mind that often leads to the big problems that eventually cripple the business' operations. a business.

So that disgruntled customer, what can you do about that? First of all, make sure you pay attention to your inbox and look for complaints. If your company is big you should consider setting up a 'complaints department' that can deal with these on your behalf and be around twenty-four seven to deal with enquiries and complaints (but don't make the procedure too difficult).

Also ensure you still deal with issues personally and make it your duty to ensure that all dissatisfied customers are duly compensated for any wasted time or money on their part. This might mean sending them something for free or discounting their money - and an apology never goes a miss. This way, once your customer has been dealt with, they won't start spreading the bad word about your company and may even think more highly of you than they did before the incident. Mistakes are only natural in any business - how you deal with them is what will define you in your customers' and clients' eyes.

That's not all you should do though once you've identified an unhappy customer, and if they're unhappy then chances are it's for a reason. Find out what they’re unhappy about - they may well be unhappy that it didn't arrive on time, or arrived damaged. Perhaps it got lost in the post? Either way it's your responsibility, and if you don't deal with the source of the problem it will only lead to more incidences in the future - attack every problem at its route. So, file this issue and look for more occurrences, look through any previous complaints - they are the best kind of market research and completely free (make sure you never delete them).

Don’t see this complaint as a nuisance, but rather as free feedback and market research that you can use to improve your business and avoid issues in future!

Kaizen Secrets MRR Ebook With Audio

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Many of us have grand aspirations. It is extremely common to hear people announcing that they’re going to start a new training program, that they’re going to write the next great novel, or that they’re going to improve their careers.

The problem? They never get anywhere. Or at least, the vast majority of people don’t. We all know a couple of people who are highly successful in dating, fitness, business, and money. But they are rare.

The rest of us make these promises to ourselves, and then we never keep them.

There are a million reasons for this. But there is one amazing solution: and it’s called Kaizen.

What is Kaizen?

Kaizen is a Japanese word meaning “improvement.” However, when you hear the word Kaizen it’s likely talking about the notion of making small changes in order to add up to a big impact.

The idea is simple: that if you want to make massive changes in your life, you’re best off not trying to make them all in one go. Instead, you should commit to making tiny changes regularly, such that they add up to a massive change.

The concept initially comes from manufacturing (Toyota to be specific!). Here, we see the use of assembly lines where lots of machines and people work together in order to build a big and valuable product. Each one has a role to play, but the result is the sum of all their work together.

Now let’s say that one job done by a human takes five minutes per vehicle. They need to take a bunch of cogs and wash them, then place them on the conveyer belt.

Because why not.

But then we apply kaizen. We look for a small change that can make a big difference: we get them a better cleaning tool. It now takes only 3 minutes to clean each cog.

And suddenly, you’re saving two minutes per vehicle. If we previously got through 30 vehicles in a day, we’re now saving 60 minutes or an hour. Seeing as we were averaging around 16 cars per hour, we can now complete at least another 16 vehicles in that time.

It’s probably quite obvious at this point that I know nothing about manufacturing. But that’s not the point. The point is that by focussing on tiny details of a larger process, you can make a huge beneficial outcome. And kaizen is about applying this philosophy to every aspect of business, life, and health.

How to Apply Kaizen to Your Life

Applying kaizen to your own life then means doing a couple of things. First, you hone in on what it is that you are hoping to change. Maybe you plan on starting a workout program, and that means you need to give yourself more time and energy.

Maybe you want to save money and get out of debt.

Either way, the old way of doing things doesn’t work.

The Old Way of Doing Things

The old way of doing things was to say: I want to get into shape, and so I’m going to start going to the gym four times a week.

Seems reasonable enough, right? Until you realise that those four hour workouts are also surrounded by half hour car journeys to and from the gym. 15 minutes of getting dressed and undressed and a 10 minute shower. You also need to prep your clothes for the next day and wash the smelly ones. That’s now 8 hours of new activities, at a time when you previously (apparently) didn’t have time or energy. This rarely works.

And yet we continue to make this approach when it comes to our training for a few obvious reasons. One is that it is much “sexier” to start a program that promises to help you look amazing in a month. Another is because that’s precisely what the media and most companies want us to do. Gyms would not sell many memberships by telling people to start from home and take it slow!

The new way of doing things is to take a long hard look at your current situation. To assume that your schedule is full, or that your energy (which is a finite resource) is at least partly used.

Kaizen then means looking at this routine, and looking for the small changes you can make to it to make you more productive and more efficient.

Twitter Traffic Secrets PLR Video With Audio

Twitter is one of the fastest-growing Social Media platforms! It enables you to generate a following of targeted prospects that can easily result in leads.

Most business owners go out on Twitter, and start finding hashtags to bank on and advertise their products. However, think just like any marketing technique, you need to pre-sell your prospects and gain their trust first.

With this video course you will learn how to turn your Twitter account into a lead generation machine.

Topics covered:

- What NOT to do
- Research Research Research
- Content is Key
- Giveaways
- Authority Giveaway Boost

Includes ready sales materials and non-transferable PLR rights!

Get 100 Followers A Day On Instagram MRR Ebook With Audio

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Instagram is a huge social network with over 1 million active users – a user base that is continuing to grow even now with no signs of slowing down. It is quick to manage thanks to its largely visual nature, and has some of the best engagement on the web.

Many companies use Instagram to boost their products and services to extraordinary popularity. Moreover, there are countless ‘Instagram celebrities’ who make a living from posting to Instagram alone. Some of them get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for a single post.

That ought to tell you something about how much big companies value Instagram!

But despite all this, countless businesses are still failing to gain any momentum on the platform. That’s because they’re stuck posting the same content day after day, not providing any value for their audience, and not quite ‘getting it’ when it comes to what sticks or what strategies work.

That’s where this quick report comes in. Read on and we’re going to change the way you view Instagram and the way your business operates.

Instagram – Seller of Dreams

This report is split into two parts. First we’ll see how you can create a real movement by understanding what makes Instagram tick. Then we’ll get into the granular details – the tips and tricks that make any Instagram account grow faster. We’ll start with the big picture, then get down to the details. And speaking of big picture, that’s what Instagram is all about for business. It’s about selling a dream or a ‘value proposition’. Being very visual, Instagram lends itself to promoting feelings over figures – it shows people who are successful, who are happy, or who are very trendy.

This in turn creates an instant visceral reaction in the viewer, who is socially motivated to want to do the same things and feel the same way. That’s why we follow aspirational accounts, and it’s why Instagram posts have the potential to influence moreso that anything you can accomplish on Twitter.

Like they say: a picture is worth a thousand words!

In fact, you could even go so far as to pin many a cultural movement on Instagram. Instagram is at least partially responsible for the selfie for instance – selfies are at least somewhat a way for teens and others to express themselves online and this has spilled out into countless other mediums. Some would go so far as to blame Instagram for creating a more narcissistic population. Likewise, Instagram can be held partially responsible for the entire ‘hipster’ movement.

Hipsters are generally regarded as millennials who are very ‘self-aware’ (or self-conscious, depending on your point of view). They are people who are dissatisfied with many aspects of modern society, and who have as a result decided to be actively ‘different’ from those around them. They are less interested in making lots of money and wearing suits, and more interested in taking photos of beautiful sunsets, of their holiday destinations, and of plates of food.

Instagram helped to facilitate this shift in focus by providing just the right tools. The simple filters that Instagram offer allow anyone to take a mundane moment from their life and make it look ‘beautiful’ or at the very least, artistic. In doing so, they alter our focus and find the beauty and the appeal in our lives. And to this day, Instagram is filled with hipsters taking photos of their food, or of glasses standing alone on tables. Then there are the photos of bullet journals, carefully placed on desks surrounded by coffee and potted plants. There are other corners of Instagram of course. There is a huge fitness community for example, filled with photos of people looking tanned and muscular while jogging down the beach. Travel is absolutely huge. Beauty and beauty products likewise have a big place. And fashion is perfectly suited to this visual medium.

Art and photography do well on Instagram too. And there is a larger silver-surfer contingent than you might think, made up particularly of people who enjoy activities like hiking, bird spotting, sewing etc.

Then there is the rather dubious concept of ‘stunting’ on Instagram.

What is stunting? It’s the act of creating an account in order to portray a particular image, that actually isn’t authentic. Most often? It means looking extremely wealthy and successful. For example then, a stunter might post an image of their hand on the wheel of a Lamborghini, wearing a Rolex and with a wad of cash on the seat next to them. In reality though, they are testing the car at a show-room, the Rolex is a knock-off, and the cash is just $100 that they withdrew in small notes.

Work At Home And Digital Marketing For Seniors MRR Ebook With Audio

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Make no mistake. The Internet has enabled people to make money from the comfort of their home. There are lot of work at home moms who are taking care of their little children yet earning a full time income from the comfort of their home.

Please understand that this is not s theory nor is it speculation nor is it a series anecdotal stories. This happens all the time. In fact as millennials start becoming adults and increasingly becoming disenchanted with the corporate world you can expect the number of people voluntarily working from home to explode.

Regardless of what generation you were born in, whether you are a baby boomer, a Gen X-er, a millennial, or zoomer or Gen Y, you can benefit from this shift. You can say goodbye to the hassle of having to commute to work. You don't have to worry about spending an arm and a leg on a lunch budget or meals at work. You don't have with hassle office politics and deal with co workers with obnoxious personalities.You can be yourself at home, you can do what you love and most importantly you can work base on your own schedule and on your own terms. What's not to love?

Well, just like with anything else on the Internet, its very easy to get confused. Please understand that there's a lot of hypesters and hacksters out there. These are people who make a big deal about how easy it is to make money online. They basically try to sell you on a dream. Its not unusual for senior citizen to fall for this hyped up claims only to add up with very little.

Please understand that people can and do make money online but you have to have the right information. You have to have a plan. As a senior citizen, you already know how to set goals. You already know how to pursue a strategy until it yield success. If you're still on defense regarding online income and whether it's a real thing or not, here are 5 key facts that you need to know about. With these facts in mind you are more likely to make a truly informed decisions as to your next step.

Please understand that there lot of opportunities online but there are also a lot of dangers so you need to make informed decisions.

Lets compare a typical Internet business to a restaurant. If you've ever gone to a restaurant in your neighborhood you would know full well that you need a brick and mortar location. Generally, in the United States this translates to several thousand dollars in rent month after month. In addition to the monthly rent, you have to pay for advance costs, set up costs, you also have to worry about permits. You have to of course buy equipment and other initial starter costs.

After that all that has settled, the typical restaurant business costs north of a hundred fifty thousand dollars depending on where its located in the united states. That's a whole lot of money. And here's the clincher. Even if you are able to set up your restaurant properly and you have the resources to do so, its initial survival and success is far from guarantee.

In fact the failure rate of businesses in many parts in the United States is over 50% in the first 5 years. This is higher in other areas and lower in other areas but by enlarge, 1 in 2 restaurant businesses that open, end up closing. Some shut down sooner rather than later. Still, you have to confront this really scary statistic. Internet businesses on the other hand can be set up with absolutely zero money. I know, stop rubbing your eyes. This is definitely not a lie. If you don't believe me, go to places like medium.com, wordpress.com or blogger.com.

You can put up a blog for absolutely no money. You don't need to spend money or domain name. You don't have to spring for hosting fees. As long as you know how to write and as long as you know how to drive traffic, everything you earn from that blog go straight into your bank account.

Which would you rather have? A hundred fifty thousand dollars to set up a restaurant that has a 1 and 2 chance of failing or a blog that only costs you a few hours of writing time. And can possibly make you thousand of dollars in add revenues, sponsorship and product sales every single month. Which would you rather choose? The great thing about online businesses is that your primary input is your time. It's not you money. It's not like your stock training where you basically buy stock and you buy low and sell high, or you borrow stocks and sell high only to buy it back again when it crashes and you keep the difference.

It is not as capital intensive ways of making money. You still have to invest though, the main input is your attention and your time. Since most people do have a lot of time, specially senior citizens who have already retired, this should be right up your ally, instead of wasting your time playing bingo or doing stuff online that just basically wastes your time.

You can do something that you're passionate about. Maybe you're doing arts and crafts for your etsy store, maybe you're picking out products in China at Aliexpress or dropshipping. Maybe you are writing a blog based on your long professional experience or your personal opinion.