Tag Archives: Ebooks With Audio

7 Traits Of Successful Visionaries MRR Ebook With Audio

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The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Creating Innovative Products And Services That Disrupt Markets And Change The Future

Find Out The Exact Steps And Techniques!

Have you ever dreamed of changing the world? Of coming up with an idea so ground breaking that it becomes the next Facebook, Uber or SpaceX?

Is this a fate that is reserved for just a select ‘special few’? Or is it something that you can learn, cultivate and develop?

In this short report, we’ll look at seven traits that define a successful visionary and entrepreneur and look at what you can do to emulate that success and to potentially become the next Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk.

I can’t guarantee that it will happen, but if you develop these traits, then you’re in with a better shot!

Trait #1: They Talk About Their Ideas

A lot of ‘wannabe’ entrepreneurs will spend too long jealously and secretively protecting their ideas. They are afraid their ideas will get shot down by people when they talk about them, they’re afraid people will steal them and they generally end up not telling anyone about them as a result.

This is a mistake as we’ll see – as there are HUGE benefits to talking to people about your idea.

In his great TED talk ‘Where good ideas come from’, speaker Steven Johnson describes an alternative narrative for where we get our best ideas from. Rather than striking us from the blue and causing us to jump up and shout ‘Eureka!’, Johnson suggests that most good ideas take a while to gestate and don’t arrive fully formed.

The best way to have a great idea then, is to mull over a problem for an extended period of time. Write it down when you have the germination of something that could work and then keep returning to it and iterating upon it.

Better yet, try speaking with other people. When we talk to others, it not only gives us access to their point of view and ideas (there’s the ‘crowd’ again) but it also helps us to better contextualize our own ideas. There is something valuable about saying an idea out loud and seeing how it sounds and imagining it from the perspective of others. Conversations flow and they bounce around from topic to topic and this helps to encourage that exploration of ideas that ultimately leads to novel combinations.

Don’t be jealously private about your idea – be open with it, talk about it and share it with your team. This is the best way to help it grow and turn into something amazing.

Do you really think that Steve Jobs invented the iPad on his own?

Trait #2: But They Don’t Talk Too Much

That said, you should also be wary of talking too much. This is one of the biggest warning sign that an ‘entrepreneur’ is actually a ‘wantrepreneur’. They are doing what some people call ‘playing business’.

This is the kind of person who spends a huge amount of time discussing their ideas, designing logos, holding meetings and planning their launch parties. They’re dragging their heels rather than getting on with actually creating their product or service. But it’s not because they are afraid to go live – it’s because they are just enjoying the song and dance of having an exciting idea. They waste everyone’s time with meetings and ultimately they’re more interested in wearing suits than they are in making the idea happen.

On the other hand, the real entrepreneur simply gets on with it and puts their idea into action.

Trait #3: They Are Not Afraid to Think Big

Too many people think that they can’t aim big with their business ideas. They are afraid that if they tell people that their plan is to go to space, they’ll just get laughed out of the room! Likewise for coming up with a plan to make a virtual reality headset.

Reality check: two of the most successful entrepreneurs in recent times (Elon Musk and Palmer Luckey) have built their businesses around these two ideas!

As Tim Ferris points out, it’s actually often easier to get attention for a big idea. Why? Because it’s so bombastic and so new that people sit up and they pay attention where otherwise they might have not cared. People want to be involved in something bigger than themselves. Why do you think that the Kickstarter for the Oculus Rift was so incredible successful?

Finally, consider a technique that I often use when trying to come up with new ideas for apps, services and products. I call it the ‘step-back’ technique and the idea is that you are always taking one step back from what it is you want to accomplish.

In other words, you come up with an idea for something you want to invent that could change the world and you hold nothing back. You imagine what the product or service you’d be most excited for would be in a perfect future.

Lose Your Belly Diet MRR Ebook With Audio

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The Lose Your Belly Diet Report: How to Get a Honed, Toned Stomach

Lots of people want to lose weight and get into better shape but when you press them on what this really means, you’ll often find that their main concern is with their stomach. What they really want is a flat, toned stomach with a six pack that will help them to look better both in and out of their clothes.

Only problem is, too many of those same people have little idea of how to go about achieving that goal and they end up barking up the wrong trees as a result. Read on and in this report, we’ll take an in-depth look at everything you need to know to get a honed, toned stomach.

Weight Loss Through Diet

The first thing to recognize is that getting a ripped mid-section involves losing weight. In order to have highly defined looking abs, it is usually agreed that you need to drop your body fat to below ten percent. It is certainly true that getting your body fat that low will be sure to make your abs visible but actually, you don’t need to go that far.

Abs become visible when the amount of ‘padding’ (fat) on top of them is low enough that they can be seen pressing through the skin above. Get your body fat percentage under 10% and even the most undefined set of abs becomes visible.

However, if you want to get visible abs without going to this extreme, then the other option is to make your abs visible by making them stronger. Stronger abs protrude further and so can be seen through 12 or even 15% body fat. We’ll look at how to get stronger abs in a little bit but for now, know that 12-15% is a much better target and far more achievable than aiming for 10%.

How to Diet Effectively

So how exactly do you go about losing that weight though? There are actually a number of answers and the best one is going to depend on your lifestyle and your preferred eating habits. More importantly: it will depend on your biology and your hormonal balance.

A lot of healthy experts and online ‘gurus’ will recommend that the best way to lose weight is to stick to a diet that is low in calories and then to combine this with extra activity. Extra activity will make you burn fat faster and if you aren’t consuming extra calories then this will create a deficit resulting in you quickly becoming slimmer.

To manage this then, all you need to do is to track the total number of calories you are consuming and then measure the total number of calories you burn off (your ‘Active Metabolic Rate’). As long as the latter is higher than the former, then you should maintain a ‘calorie deficit’ and your body will have no choice but to burn away the unwanted fat stores to keep you moving around.

You can measure your AMR using a number of calculations but actually a better option is to use a fitness tracker. This will take into account not only your height, weight and gender but also the amount of daily steps you take, your heart rate at any given time and a range of other metrics (such as exercise).

You can then track your calories consumed by using an app like MyFitnessPal. This will allow you to simply scan foods through your phone by using the barcode and to that way tally up the number of calories you are eating. Again, as long as the total burned is higher than the total eaten, your body should have no choice by to turn to your stored fat to burn for fuel.

Maintain this deficit every single day and you’ll be able to encourage gradual and regular fat loss.

How to Make This Manageable

One problem with this strategy? It is not at all convenient or practical.

I always say that unless you can stick to a diet plan or training program indefinitely, then it is pointless. Why lose lots of weight for a month or two only to give up and go back to normal and bounce back?

It’s also true that no fitness tracker is completely accurate (the way they measure the heartrate isn’t perfect to begin with and that’s just one issue) and that it’s impossible to be completely aware of your caloric intake. You really think that any two apples have the precise same number of calories?

What about the fact that weight loss is also reliant on hormones? As we’ll see in a minute…

In other words, this is a whole lot of effort for something that isn’t guaranteed to work perfectly anyway!

And with that in mind, you would actually do much better to find an easier and quicker alternative to counting every single calorie. That alternative? Guestimating.
The best strategy I can recommend is to spend a little time with a fitness tracker and to that way measure your expenditure over several normal days.

At the same time, measure your caloric intake and see what you regularly eat and where the most calories are coming from.

After a week or two weeks, you can stop. Take a look at this information though and then see where the problems are. What are the biggest contributors to calories in your diet? What are the worst culprits? You might surprise yourself to learn that there are just a few very big contributors that add a large amount of calories to your diet. If you cut these out, then you can quickly get your calories down somewhat.

Now try to reduce the number of calories that ‘sneak in’ without any real benefit. These are the calories that you can do away with and not really notice are missing. One of my favorite examples is soda drinks: many of us drink Coca-Cola on a regular basis as well as others like 7Up and these will add a huge number of calories to the diet over time while not really providing us with any sustenance.

5 Steps To Improving Your Mindset MRR Ebook With Audio

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5 Steps To Improving Your Mindset

What is it that makes some people more successful than others?

More importantly, what is it that makes some people happier than others?

Of course, you can always point to luck and you can always point to outside factors. Sure, there is often an element of knowing the right people. Of being in the right place at the right time. Of being born with a silver spoon in your mouth…

But if you constantly focus on the factors that are outside your control then you will never obtain the fullest of your potential. Not only that, but there are plenty of examples of people who have beaten the odds. People who were born into poverty, who perhaps didn’t have the opportunities that others did. Of course, there are plenty of examples of people who dropped out of school or college and all these people nevertheless managed to become immensely successful.

Likewise, you can have two people in the precise same situation but they might be completely different in terms of how happy they are and how they perceive their ‘lot’ in life.

The difference? The successful and happy people have the right mindset. They have the ability to look at a situation and see the glass as half full. They can spot their opportunities and they can take those and make the most of them.

Having the right mindset allows you to see the best in a situation and thus be much happier no matter what kind of situation you find yourself in. At the same time, having the right mindset allows you to spot opportunities that others might miss and to play the hand you’re dealt.

In short, everything starts with the right mindset. The right mindset can help you to accomplish more, to do more and to be more effective.

So now the only remaining question is how you get into that correct mindset in the first place. In this report, you’re going to learn five crucial steps.

Step 1 – Responsibility

The first and most important step is simply to learn to take responsibility for your actions, your mental state and more importantly, your circumstances. Learn that the situation you are in is because of you and that you have the power to change it.

The problem is that many people assume that their situation is largely dictated by outside factors. They will blame their circumstances on luck or even on other people. You don’t have the job you want because you didn’t have the luxury to look around when you first left school. You can’t go travelling because you have a family. You aren’t rich because you were born in the wrong generation, in the wrong part of town.

There may be some truth to these things. Sure. But it is also up to you to dig yourself out of that situation and that’s something that we’ve already seen is possible. You think that Richard Branson made these kinds of excuses? Or Steve Jobs?

If you don’t take responsibility for your actions, then you can’t be expected to achieve all the things you want to achieve because you’ll just find an external reason to blame.

You need to believe that you have an impact on your life and you need to have an internal locus of control.

Only by accepting this can you then recognize the power you have to make a change. Yes, with great power comes great responsibility. But you know what else? With great responsibility, comes great power!

Step 2 – Direction

Once you’ve taken responsibility, your next task is to decide the direction you want to go in and more to the point, the goal or vision that you are working toward.
A lot of people are a little directionless in this sense. How can you spot he opportunities that arise if you don’t know what it is that you want to achieve?

The key thing here though is to recognize that the goals or visions you set for yourself don’t have to be the cliched goals that everyone is going after. You don’t need to want to be a top executive. It is not a requirement that you try to get rich.

If you feel that you would be happier living in a cabin in the woods, then go ahead and let that be your goal!

What you want to try and employ here is a strategy that is known as ‘lifestyle’ design. So, lifestyle design effectively means that you are looking at the things that you want to get from your life and you are looking at the different factors that might be getting in the way or that might provide opportunities.

The problem that a lot of people have is that they go after the wrong goals. Many of us don’t feel all that attached to our jobs and yet we work for eight hours a day, spend a lot of time commuting… even stay in the office late on regular occasions. Then when the opportunity to take on a promotion and work longer comes along… we take it!

Instead, look at the things that really have value to you in your life. That might mean the love of being creative whether you are a writer, a videographer or an artist. Or it might mean spending time with family.

Now look at what kind of job you can do that will help you to get more of the things you love in life. Your sense of progression and accomplishment doesn’t need to come from your job. There’s no reason you can do a stress-free job to pass the time and then feel passionately about the art projects you take on in your spare time.

You might find that simply removing your commute makes you wealthier and happier at the same time. That it gives you more time to be yourself.

21 Email Marketing Hacks MRR Ebook With Audio

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Email marketing has the potential to be the single most powerful marketing tool in your arsenal. Don’t take my word for it: if you check the blogs of any of the biggest ‘make money’ experts on the web, they will almost unanimously advise that email marketing should be front and center as part of your marketing and that it is more profitable than many other kinds combined!

But the fact remains that a lot of people aren’t going about their email marketing in the right way. Unfortunately, they have been misguided or they simply got the wrong end of the stick. As a result, they will spend an awful lot of time treading water and not making any progress. This is frustrating and it leads a lot of marketers to give up on this aspect of their marketing strategy.

This report is here to change that for you. Herein, you will find 21 incredibly powerful hacks that can instantly increase your engagement, your deliverability, your conversions and more. Are you ready? Let’s go!

1. Warm Up Your List

To avoid getting a bad ‘sender reputation’, it’s very important to avoid letting emails bounce or get delivered with very poor open rates. A good way to protect yourself from this fate is to first ‘warm up’ your IP address and mailing list. That means sending some emails from your account to only your most engaged members – maybe even friends and family. This will get you off to a good start which could stand you in good stead if things take a turn later on.

2. Keep Your Friends and Relatives On There

For this same reason, you should keep friends and relatives on your mailing list. They will (hopefully) always open them, which can help just a little in keeping your sender rep positive.

3. Send Emails Consistently

Don’t go long periods without sending emails and likewise, don’t go through phases of bombarding your audience. Let your recipients know what to expect and they’ll be less likely to complain or get frustrated with you.

4. Tease the Next Email

Once you have a consistent schedule, you can use this to your advantage by getting your recipients to eagerly await each new instalment! Do this by teasing what’s coming up and making it sound highly exciting.

5. Use Split Testing

Split testing means that you are going to send out two very similar emails, perhaps with subtly different subject headings, and then see which performs best. This will teach you the best practices to adopt and thus help you to optimize your process.

6. Use a Landing Page Builder

Something like Lead Pages or Thrive will help you to create more professional looking landing pages which will in turn help you to get more conversions.

7. Calculate How Much You Can Spend on PPC

Once you have a landing page, you can then use PPC (pay per click) advertising to direct traffic there. You now know how much you are paying (maximum) for each visitor. If you know what your conversion rate is and you can calculate the average number of purchases each subscriber makes (and how much profit comes from each one), you can choose the perfect budget for your ads and guarantee that you’ll stay in profit! Almost…

8. Offer a Good Incentive

A good incentive or magnet is something like a free ebook or a report. This can help to encourage people to part with their email address when they might otherwise have been on the fence and it will hopefully mean you buy some good will in the process!

9. But Not Too Good!

While it’s a good idea to offer an incentive, you don’t want to make this something too amazing. In fact, a report is almost always better than a free ebook.

There are several reasons for this. Firstly, if your incentive is too good then you will risk attracting people to your mailing list who are in fact not interested in whatever you’re talking about. They will sign up purely to get your free gift and they might then never read any of your emails or even unsubscribe as soon as they have what they want! This skews your data and of course damages your sender reputation, so you want to avoid it.

The other issue is that if you plan on selling an ebook later on, giving away a free ebook will seem to undermine the value of that product. If you are giving one away for free right now, then why would someone be willing to pay $100 for the next one? Especially seeing as they probably haven’t read the freebie yet…

10. Use Storytelling

Storytelling is precisely what it sounds like: telling stories! In other words, when you write your next email, try to frame it as a story. Instead of dispassionately describing the merits of a certain technique or product, instead try talking about how it helped you and how it changed your life. Set the scene, describe the emotion and generally get your audience invested in the outcome. This is a far more engaging way to explain something and it’s actually much more persuasive as well.

Better yet, you want to ensure that the amount of time they spend is short. If they can get maximum value for minimum time investment, then that will be a more efficient exchange for them and it will feel like even more value. They’re essentially getting more for less! So, learn to write efficiently and get right to the point – be respectful of your audience’s time.

13. Use a Normal Email Structure

Earlier we mentioned that using the first name in your email could help you to stand out and to by-pass the spam filter.

The Journey To Top Blogger MRR Ebook With Audio

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How to Create a Stunning, Professional Blog With the Potential to Become a ‘Top’ Blog

Ever wanted to become a top blogger? In many ways, this is the perfect job and it will give you a chance to earn a living by writing about a subject that you love, all at your own pace.

Working as a blogger means that you make passive income. In other words, you earn money from the people who visit your site – meaning that the money comes in as long as your site is live. That means you aren’t exchanging your time for money anymore and taking a day off from work won’t cost you a day’s wages. You could spend all of tomorrow in bed and you would still make a ton of money from your blog! Oh, and if you reach the very top of your game, then the amount of money you can actually earn is gigantic.

At the same time, you’ll be a minor celebrity. It’s an amazing feeling to be a leader in your niche: to write content that people can’t wait to read and then to receive fan mail and questions. These days, becoming a blogger is actually one of the very best ways to become famous in fact!

Then again, if you’d rather stay anonymous then you can do that too!

Like I said: it’s the perfect way to earn money.

The only problem is that it’s a method that just about everyone wants to get involved with. If you want to be a top blogger, then you’re certainly not the first to try it and you certainly won’t be the last. Unfortunately, countless people have attempted this and failed in the past, so the question is: what can you do to be different? How can you succeed where others have failed?

There are actually many answers to this question and if you want a completely blueprint to becoming a top blogger, then you need to read the full ebook: Journey to Top Blogger.

In this report though, you’re going to learn everything you need to know in order to get off to the best possible start. In other words, we’re going to look at how to build that blog in the first place. How to create a blog that has the potential to become a top blog. This will show you what makes the difference between a truly professional blog with the chance to become a gigantic household name and a much smaller blog that will never gain true recognition.

It Starts With the Niche and the Brand

Before you can even begin thinking about how to create your blog, you need to choose your niche. The niche is of course the subject matter – this is what your site is about, whether that is fitness, money, dating, gardening, weddings or something else entirely.

A great niche is going to be something that has broad appeal so that you can gain the maximum number of readers, but it also has to be something that isn’t too broad. By carving out your own niche, you will give yourself unique avenues through which to market yourself and you’ll set yourself apart from the competition.

Often a good way to do this is to choose a big niche and then to hone in on a smaller aspect of that niche.

So you have your ‘fitness’ niche but within that, you also have a huge number of smaller subcategories. These include such things as:

- Bodybuilding
- Weight loss
- Crossfit
- Bodybuilding for students
- Weight loss for the elderly
- Fitness for nerds

Another option is to combine niches. The ‘fitness for nerds’ niche is an example of this and it will give you the opportunity to blog both about fitness and about nerd culture. This is something that is done very well by the excellent blog ‘Nerd Fitness’.

Either way, make sure you stand out and make sure that you have something that sets you apart on the basis of niche alone. Don’t be ‘just another fitness site’ because that doesn’t give your visitors any reason to subscribe to you. There are plenty of fitness sites out there already!

Mission Statement

In order to build a top blog, you need to begin thinking about the brand too. Note that ‘brand’ in this case does not just mean the logo – a brand is actually much more than a logo and instead speaks to the very ‘mission statement’ and the very objective of your site.

A mission statement is basically a statement of intent: this is your way of saying what you want your site to accomplish and why you’re passionate about that. This is what sets your blog apart and if you have combined multiple different subject matters, then your mission statement is somehow going to communicate that.

A mission statement has nothing to do with you making money and nothing to do with ‘what’ you do on a daily basis. This is why you do what you do and it is why people should care and why they should be excited.

7 Timeless Principles MRR Ebook With Audio

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Discover Your Life Purpose, Unlock Your Full Potential And Supercharge Your Success

Find Out The Exact Steps And Techniques!

We all want to be the best version of ourselves and we all want to achieve everything we can. And yet many people feel as though they are squandering their full potential and not living their life to the fullest.

The question is how you can go about changing that. How can you unlock your full potential and your success and embrace the best version of yourself?

How can you follow in the footsteps of the world’s most successful people and the most confident, charismatic and happy?

There are plenty of things you need to do if you want to be the best version of yourself and probably far more than we can list here.

Nevertheless, this report is going to share 7 of the most effective timeless principles that you can follow. These are the seven strategies that are promoted time and time again online and that all the most successful people recommend. Some are simple and basic and others are profound and deep. Some will be right for you, others will not.

But if you can adopt at least some of these strategies into your own life then you should find that you become a more empowered and successful individual. Of course if you find this helpful and interesting then you must check out the full ebook: The Empowered Life which contains many more similar tips and advice in a far more in-depth format!

1. Know Your Purpose

The most important principle of all if you want to truly unlock your potential is to know your purpose and to have goals and to focus on growth.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs tells us that ‘self actualization’ is right at the top of the things humans need to be content. At the bottom are our physiological needs like food, water and shelter. In the middle are things like love and self esteem. But at the top is actualization – the feeling of having purpose, growth and forward momentum.

This is what so many of us lack and it is why so many of us are listless, directionless and depressed.

Your purpose doesn’t have to be related to your career. It doesn’t have to be something that other people will understand or even respect. All it has to be is something that truly drives you and that really matters to you.

When you focus on this, you’ll find that you become much more attractive to others as they see that you are truly passionate and driven – as they see that you are moved and inspired by what you’re saying. You will gesticulate more, be more animated and be more charismatic.

Likewise, when you know your purpose, you will find that you worry less about little petty things that really don’t matter. And decisions will be easier to make because you can ask yourself – ‘does this help [you] move towards your goal?’.

2. Get Sleep Right

Successful people recognize the importance of sleep and the importance of waking up in the right way.

Getting enough sleep will ensure that you wake up feeling more recharged and with greater focus, greater concentration and a better mood. It will help you to stave off illness and increase your physical health over time – you’ll even build more muscle and become more athletic (in the short term and the long).

Okay, but how do you go about getting sleep right? What’s the key to better sleep?

The first thing you need to do is to try and go to bed at a more consistent time. This makes a massive difference because it allows the body to get into a rhythm. And you know what? You mustn’t break this routine too much at the weekend.

Another tip is to avoid using your phone just before bed. Try to take half an hour as a break away from screens and technology and your body will be more ‘ready’ for sleep.

If you still struggle then a great little hack is to take a magnesium threonate supplement. This is a natural mineral that encourages sleep, relaxes the muscles and promotes brain plasticity so that you will learn better and your brain will grow new connections.

3. Practice No Fap

This is a controversial thing to include on this list but let’s be honest: if you are going to become the most successful and effective version of you then that does not involve spending hours each week watching seedy videos of women and pleasuring yourself.

Not only is this a huge waste of time, it is also simply addictive and can badly mess up your dopaminergic system. Dopamine is produced during goal oriented behavior and it will reinforce whatever behavior you engage in. Porn creates a huge release of dopamine that can only otherwise be achieved through drug use. As such, it can damage the brain’s ability to stay motivated and focused and leave you with impaired motivation.

But more than anything else, no fap trains you in discipline. If you can break this one extreme habit, then you are demonstrating an ability to do nearly anything. Imagine what other goals you could accomplish. Imagine what else you could achieve! Perhaps it is for these reasons that many people on the No Fap Reddit report that they feel more alive, more energetic and much more driven once they practice no fap – and that they accomplish much more as a result.

Make It Happen MRR Ebook With Audio

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Make it Happen: Free Report

We all have goals we want to accomplish and things we want to make happen. Maybe it’s your fitness you want to improve, maybe you’re looking to enhance your career, or perhaps you have always envisioned a life of travel for yourself that you want to make a reality.

But while we all have goals, many of us lack the necessary skills and expertise to make those goals happen. This renders us somewhat powerless when it comes to choosing the trajectory of our lives. We’re out of shape because we don’t know how to stick to a training program, we’re in jobs we aren’t excited about because we don’t know how to get out of our career ruts and we never seem to be able to get the money together to go travelling.

The worst part? When you tell someone how you’re going to quit smoking, write a book or get into shape they just kind of… roll their eyes. And say ‘sure’. And even we don’t quite believe it…

It’s time to change all that. Let’s look at how to actually make it happen.

The Power of Passion

In the full ebook, we discuss in detail how to come up with a fool-proof plan to accomplish any goal. We create a simple formula that can be applied to any kind of goal and pretty much any set of circumstances and then we go ahead and do just that: applying it to fitness goals, relationship plans, travel plans and more. There, you’ll learn how to word goals in such a way that you become more likely to stick at them like glue. You learn how to make plans that let you achieve things you never thought possible and you learn how to find what it is you want.

In this guide, we’re going to take a different strategy. Here, we’re going to talk about how you stick at those goals. We’re going to discuss how you keep going for the things you want, even when you’ve had an exhausting day in the office, even when you’ve got a serious migraine, even when things just don’t seem to be going your way…

It starts with passion…

Find Your Passion and it All Falls Into Place

Finding your passion is not only the secret to happiness but also the secret to success and to becoming the kind of inspiring, charismatic and magnetic person you’ve probably always wanted to be.

When I think about someone who is driven, passionate and motivated, my mind will often turn to Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. This is someone who has perhaps the best physique in Hollywood right now and looks like a real-life action hero. On top of that, he’s a guy who is one of the highest paid in the industry, who has already conquered the world of sports, who has become a social media mogul… who is even tipped to become president one day!

So that’s a lot of achievement for one guy and when you follow him on Instagram or watch him on YouTube, it’s easy to see how he’s gotten to where he is. The Rock is simply brimming with passion and excitement at all times. He clearly absolutely loves what he does and you can see it even in his smile.

The Rock is highly charismatic, which is what makes him such a successful actor and so great to watch. But this charisma is a result of him loving what he does – it makes him walk differently, talk differently and gives him a full, genuine smile. Studies show that we rate people as more charismatic if they gesticulate more. And guess what makes you gesticulate more? Passion. Passion makes us speak with our whole body because we truly believe what we’re saying and because we’re so excited to share that information.

And it’s undoubtedly that passion that also allows the Rock to wake up at 4am in the morning to work out. If you follow him on Instagram, this is what a huge number of his pictures are showing: his alarm going off at 4am before he hits the gym.

Can you imagine someone like the Rock coming home from a day at work and looking tired and defeated? He never does: because what he does is so intrinsically motivating to him.

The first thing you need to do then is to find that passion and find the thing that you really want to do. That’s what will give you the unstoppable iron determination to keep at your goals no matter what.

And finding your passion means being brutally honest with yourself. It means that you reject the things that other people want you to do. You forget the things that you believe you’re supposed to want to do and instead you focus on what you really want to do. Likewise, you need to think about what you’re going to enjoy working toward. It’s not enough to want the end result: you need to be happy putting in the work every day to get there too.

In other words, you can’t just want to get strong, you need to enjoy going to the gym. Don’t want to write a book, learn to love writing.

When you find the thing that really brings you to life, you’ll find it is MUCH easier to stick at it. In fact, you may well find that it is everything else that falls by the wayside!

How to Become a Doer

Once you find the thing that you’re really excited about, you need to devise a plan to make that happen and then stick with it. This is what will make you a doer and not a talker or a dreamer. We are not truly defined by our intentions, our aims, or our ideals. In reality, we are defined by our actions and these are what will make us successful or otherwise.

You want people to stop rolling their eyes when you tell them about your plans and instead to be a person who carries real weight and gravitas when you explain your plans. When you say you’re going to travel around the world, you want people to know that that is really going to happen.

But actually, one of the ways you do that is to stop telling people at all. Why? Because according to some studies, telling people your dreams and plans is actually one of the surest ways to ensure they don’t happen.

And why is that? Well for starters, it suggests that you’re looking for external validation. Remember what we said about your passion being intrinsically motivating? That means that simply engaging in that activity or working toward that goal should be enough. You shouldn’t need a reward and you certainly shouldn’t need accolades from others.

If you’re really fascinated with your book project, then you should be quite happy to work on that project in your spare time without ever needing to tell anyone about it! This is a much more powerful form of motivation and drive than anything you can get from people telling you that they think you’ve done a great job!

Internet Marketing Lifestyle MRR Ebook With Audio

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The Ultimate Guide to Looking After Your Mental and Physical Health as an Internet Marketer

Being an internet marketer is an amazing job in many different ways. This is a type of work that allows you to work from home, to be your own boss and to enjoy the incredible sense of accomplishment that comes from making money through a business that you own and created. You can work from anywhere, explore the world and potentially make a lot of money without having to work all that many hours.

But while all this is true, there are also a number of pitfalls and challenges associated with working for yourself.

One of these is the simple fact that you might end up with a little too much freedom. You may find yourself struggling with the discipline required to make sure you go to bed on time every day, or wake up on time to get the maximum work done each morning! Likewise, you might find yourself struggling with the urge to procrastinate or the soul destroying feeling you can get from doing the same work day in and day out.

And then there’s the health side of it – the mental and physical health implications of working from home and facing the kind of stress that comes from running your own business and having clients demanding your time and effort at all times of day.

In this guide, we’re going to take a brief look at some of the health challenges associated with internet marketing, as well as some of the psychological stresses that you’ll face. Ultimately, we’ll see how you can manage your work life balance and protect your health, so that you can enjoy feeling fitter, healthier and happier than ever before – all while getting more work done!

What Sitting is Doing to Your Body

Perhaps the most obvious challenge that internet marketers face, is that of having to work sitting down for long stretches. Sitting is actually terrible for your body for a number of different reasons.

For starters, sitting means that you are completely static and that in turn means that your heart is going to be doing zero work. Over long durations, this can lead to atrophy and weaken your cardiovascular health. This is also combined with the fact that sitting will likely cause you to gain weight, and it will mean that you rarely use your body’s ‘energy systems’ in order to use glucose or improve the health of your mitochondria.

Thus heart attacks and strokes become more likely, so too does obesity, dementia and diabetes. And in short, studies suggest that sitting for a more than five hours in a day can take minutes off of your life every time.

Then there are the ways that sitting makes you less healthy in the short term. You can expect to find you become out breath more quickly sure, but more concerning is how it affects your mobility, your posture and your likelihood of developing numerous injuries.

When you sit for long periods of time, it causes your hip flexors (quadriceps etc.) to shorten and your hip extensors (hamstrings) to lengthen and become weaker. This can place uneven pressure on your hips, resulting in something called an ‘anterior pelvic tilt’ whereby you get a squat posture with your buttocks sticking out. Not only is it unattractive (often called ‘Donald Duck Butt’), but it also makes you shorter and causes back problems and knee problems.

Then there’s kyphosis, which is the appearance of hunched, rounded shoulders, caused by constantly reaching forward to use the computer and craning your head down to the laptop.

Now combine all this with the stress that comes from running your own business and the lack of routine that you might be experiencing too. If you are getting up late in the day to start work, then spending the following five hours sitting like this, then you might well be wrecking your health!

So, what can you do?

Moving More, Fixing Your Posture and Working Better

Getting regular exercise will help to improve some of these negative effects. Studies show that although you can’t completely reverse the issues that sitting for long periods causes, you can nevertheless at least improve your overall health just a little by moving more regularly.

Being self-employed and working online means that you have the freedom to go to the gym in the morning when no one else is around. I also highly recommend going for walks on your lunch break – if you need to make any calls, this is a perfect time to do that.

Another tip is to consider investing in some extra gadgets to help you out. One such gadget is a standing desk. This will elevate your computer while you work, allowing you to work in an upright position instead of sitting down. This will make it tough to focus as well as you do when sitting but you can get around that issue by focussing on work that you can do with a little less concentration – for instance, you could use this time to answer your morning emails.

Likewise, you should also look into investing in a cushion for your chair that will provide lumbar support and also take the pressure off your coccyx, which can otherwise cause pain as well as various health problems. You could alternatively look into sitting on a medicine ball, which will have the added benefit of training your core as you’re working.

Breathing for Internet Marketers

Another problem that can come from working on a laptop or computer all day, is that it can ruin your breathing.

This might sound strange but the problem comes from sitting. The irony is that the human body was actually never designed for sitting – in the wild we would have squatted. One bad consequence of this switch is that our stomachs are compressed and this prevents us from using the correct ‘abdominal breathing’.

To breathe properly, we are supposed to start by relaxing our stomach and allowing it to distend. This creates space in our abdominal cavity, which in turn allows the diaphragm to drop down into it, expanding the lungs from the bottom first. You then follow this motion by breathing in actively and expanding the rib cage in order to let in even more air.

Instagram Stories MRR Ebook With Audio

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How to Create a Killer Fitness, Lifestyle or Travel Brand With Instagram and Instagram Stories

Did you know that Instagram is actually the second largest social network in terms of users? Did you know that it has some of the very best engagement out of any platform too?

That may surprise you seeing as many people aren’t aware of just how big Instagram really is. That quickly becomes apparent though, when you look at some of the massive celebrities that owe their entire careers to Instagram. These are people who have become highly successful and found very lucrative sponsorship deals, simply by posting photos of themselves working out, wearing nice clothes or travelling the world.

They’re doing what they love, taking photos of it… and then getting paid huge amounts for their troubles!

That should tell you something about how powerful Instagram is and hopefully get you excited for the possibilities. Not only could you become one of those wealthy people but you could also leverage the platform to promote an existing business too. Many big companies are using Instagram to make a massive splash and are seeing massive increases in their profits as a result.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to use Instagram to create a highly successful fitness brand and we’ll see how you can apply the same principles to create a highly successful brand in just about any other niche, or to product an existing business interest that you may have.

We’ll also see how you can leverage the very newest features on Instagram – Instagram stories and Instagram live video – in order to make an even bigger impact that ever before.

Get ready, because we’re about to change your entire perspective on the nature of internet marketing…

How to Win at Instagram: Sell the Dream

Before we get started with the practical advice, we need to focus on some theory. We need to see what makes a successful Instagram account tick and how this same principle can be applied to any kind of business.

And underpinning practically every successful Instagram account is just one key principle: selling the dream.

So what precisely does that mean? Well, essentially it means that you’re going to find your value proposition. You’re going to find the ‘thing that your business does for people’ and how you are making lives better and then you’re going to focus on that in a very emotive and compelling way.

A value proposition essentially means ‘the thing that your business offers beyond the physical sum of your products’ parts’.

For example then, you might sell clothes. If you sell clothes, then the physical sum of what you’re selling is the fabric, the design work and the sewing. This is what gives you your price.

But that’s not where the value lies. The value lies in what you’re claiming your product can do for people: how your product can make lives better. On the one hand, clothes make life better by keeping people warm. Hence the old adage: you don’t sell hats, you sell warm heads!

But more importantly, clothes have a big impact on how we feel about ourselves and on how others see us. And this is where the real value proposition lies. This is what enables you to offer value to others. In other words, your clothes can make people feel more confident, look more attractive, make more money, have more luck with the opposite sex… maybe even get a pay rise. You want people to feel amazing and for that confidence and that boost in appearance to help them get whatever they want from life.

And that is the ‘dream’ that you need to sell on Instagram.

So going back to the example we’re working with here: the fitness brand. What is the ‘dream’ in this case?

Simple: if you have a fitness brand, then your dream is to be healthy, to look amazing, to be physically intimidating and to have more luck in relationships.

People who are physically very fit will look and feel amazing. They will wake up first thing in the morning with tons of energy. They will put on clothes and look excellent in them. They will draw positive attention from the opposite sex. They will perform better in their careers by virtue of looking more attractive: all these things are going to help them to get what they want in life and to feel great doing it.

And when you learn how to sell that on Instagram, you can build a massive loyal following and sell pretty much anything…

How to Sell the Dream on Instagram

So how do you sell that dream on Instagram? And why is Instagram a platform that allows you to do this better than nearly other platform?

Partly, it is the visual nature. You know what they say: a picture can tell a thousand words. You can tell your audience that they should be fitter and healthier but that will pale in comparison to the emotional impact you’d get from showing them that healthy and fit lifestyle!

Likewise, Instagram will lend itself naturally because Instagram is all about making the everyday and the mundane look desirable and artistic.

That’s what the ‘filters’ that you get from Instagram are all about. When you apply a filter to a photo, you are making it a little ‘hyper real’ and thereby increasing the emotional content. You are taking what you do and you are making it look that much more idealized. That is how you sell the dream, that is how you get an emotional response and that is how you build a following.

5 Steps To Become A Better You MRR Ebook With Audio

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A Complete 10-Part Homestudy Course To Transform Your Life And Become a Better You

Find Out The Exact Steps And Techniques!

Want to become the best version of you? Or at least to begin taking the necessary steps to start being more productive, more creative, happier and more confident?

There are plenty of ways to do that and some of them involve taking a deep look at yourself and discovering who you really are and what you really want from life.

But while this can work, there are also some much more practical and straightforward strategies you can use to keep growing and improving yourself. In this short report, we’ll be looking at the five things you should do if you want to keep yourself growing and improving. These are concrete steps that anyone can take but which can’t help to improve and develop you over time.


One of the most important things you can do to keep developing and growing yourself is to learn. That means that you should keep on taking on new challenges, discovering new things and developing new skills and abilities.

Maybe you attend an electronic engineering seminar. Maybe you go to dance classes. Maybe you teach yourself to use a new piece of software to further your career. Or maybe you learn a new language.

Whichever of these options you choose, continuing to learn will help to make your brain more plastic as it produces neurotransmitters associated with the growth and development of neurons and neuronal connections. You’ll produce more brain derived neurotrophic factor, more dopamine, more norepinephrine and more. And as a result, you will find all new topics easier to learn and your brain will be more similar to that of a much younger person’s.

The same is true for the brain as is for the body: you can either grow and improve, or you can atrophy and deteriorate. The body is always changing: it is simply up to you whether it changes for the better or for the worse.

And if nothing else, continually learning new things will give you a broader mind, a wider range of experiences and skills to draw upon and a ton of useful knowledge. And the new ideas and concepts that you can come up with as a result of combining experience from many different fields is almost limitless. This is how you become a ‘polymath’ like Da Vinci, Newton or Elon Musk.

Make time to learn!


Travelling is incredibly important not only for your happiness and your sense of accomplishment and purpose, but also to make you a more rounded and even a more decent human being.

Did you know that people are rated as more tolerant and understanding if they went to college? This has nothing to do with education or background – it is simply that people who have moved away from home have less narrow views and a better understanding of the wider world.

And this is even truer for those people who travel far and wide and mingle with other cultures and see other places for themselves. This broadens your mind and gives you a ‘bigger picture’ view. It can also help you to put things in perspective a little and to realize that many of your troubles and your concerns are actually somewhat petty in comparison to the hunger and poverty you encounter in other parts of the world.

People who have travelled and had adventures will be naturally more interesting to talk to because they’ll have such a breadth of experiences to share and because they’ll appear more worldly and more knowledgeable. But it’s simply rubbing shoulders with people from different cultures and experiencing unique locales that will truly develop you.

To get a little deeper in our understanding of how travelling can change and improve a person, it pays to consider the philosophies of Georg Hegel. Hegel believed that it was crucial that we challenge our ideas in order to develop them and to gain a more accurate world view. He described this as requiring a specific process. The ‘thesis’ is the original idea that you have. The antithesis is the opposite view. And the synthesis is the resultant idea that takes lessons from both views.

In order for us to be as knowledgeable and as effective as possible, it is crucial that we challenge our existing ideas and develop them by incorporating other ideas.
Refusal to do this otherwise will eventually result in our own demise, as we become more and more attached to defunct and irrelevant concepts.

Without these outside views and experiences to challenge us, we simply become more and more extreme in our own views. This happens through ‘confirmation bias’ as we seek out more knowledge to confirm what we already hold to be true. And it happens through ‘convergence’ and ‘divergence’, the likelihood of in-groups becoming more similar to each other and less similar to outgroups.

We can look to nature for a great analogy. In nature, the single most important thing for the survival of our DNA is diversity. We seek mates for procreation because they are different from us and because they introduce new genetic material into our makeup. If we continually in-bread, then the flaws and imperfections in our DNA become exaggerated to the point that we can even become deformed or unwell as a species!

Conversely, having offspring with people of different cultures and from different regions will create stronger DNA that is less prone to illness.

The same goes for our ideas. This is why it is so good for us as a species to overcome borders and differences and to interact with others that are diverse and varied as possible. By challenging and constantly reassessing your ideas and beliefs, you will come out with stronger, more accurate and more useful ideas and beliefs.
Travel is one of the greatest things you can do for the mind and the soul.