Tag Archives: Ebooks With Audio

Modern Affiliate Marketing Strategies MRR Ebook With Audio

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Make no mistake about it, most people hate their jobs. That's the bottom line. There are many people who show up to work on time, every day, but when you talk to them, it becomes quickly apparent that they'd rather be doing something else.

These people are not all that rare. In fact, they're all too common.

According to several surveys, more than 50% of Americans express some sort of discontent with their work. In fact, a disturbing percentage of people would quit immediately if given the chance. Are you one of these people?

Now, you may be thinking that your job is okay. You might even have convinced yourself that you are going to stick to what you're doing until you retire. You might be playing games with yourself. You might be hanging on to something that you should leave behind.

Why? It may be killing you.

Here are the 10 signs your job is killing you.

Do you find yourself constantly struggling with low energy levels? Pay attention to when this happens. If you notice that when you come home from work only to basically flop down on your mattress or on a sofa to play video games or sleep, your fatigue is caused by what you do at work.

You may not have a blue collar job that requires physical labor, but you may still be tired. How come? All the stress and all the mental work grinds you down physically. You may not break a sweat at work, but there's enough stress on your intellect or emotions that you just are physically worn out when you get home.

This robs you of meaningful leisure time. Instead of having enough energy left over to spend precious time with your family or to do important things to improve your life, you're just left exhausted at the end of the day.

Have you ever noticed that after you go home, you can't do much of anything? Now, even if you have a lot of physical energy, you might still find it hard to do anything after work. This has something to do with your willpower being sucked up by your job.

You feel that after you've made some important decisions at work that you really don't have enough willpower left for anything else. You can't even decide what kind of takeout food to order or what pizza topping to get delivered.

Not surprisingly, a lot of decisions you make turn out to be bad ones. Why? You simply can't focus correctly. You get mentally lazy and you become more impulsive. A lot of this has to do with the fact that your work has robbed you of your mental focus.

Have you ever noticed that you spend a lot of time on email and at the end of the day you really can't do any of the big stuff that needs to get done at work? You're not alone. This happens to a lot of people.

What happens is they get sucked into all the "busy work" and have very little willpower left over for big decisions as well as for their life after work. They just get reduced to empty shells because they feel like they're just chasing their tails doing "busy work" at the office.

Do you find yourself daydreaming at work? You're thinking of either taking a vacation or enjoying a financial freedom because you set up a successful business. Do you keep repeating this daydream fantasies day after day?

This is a serious danger sign because you're not focusing on your work. You're not focusing on the stuff that will help you earn more money or get promoted.

Unfortunately, daydreaming is more interesting than your job. You are able to explore new possibilities or opportunities you don’t think you’re getting from your current job.

Also, when you daydream, you get a sense of emotional escape from the daily humiliation or the daily hassle your job has degenerated into. You might feel like you’re just going through the motions at your job. Daydreaming enables you to get a nice emotional rush that allows you to overcome the negative emotions you may have about about your work.

Do you have bags under your eyes? Does it seem like regardless of how early you try to go to bed you can't sleep a full 8 hours?

Maybe a lot of this has to do with the fact that you keep thinking about stuff at work. Maybe you are obsessed about a report that you have to file. Maybe you're scared stiff about a deadline that's coming up soon. You might not be all that pumped up about your work in general but you still let the small stuff get the better of you.

Healthy Eating MRR Ebook With Audio

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The hardest things for many people in this lifetime is finding the willpower to turn away from unhealthy and processed foods and focus on healthy eating. Whether you are obese or not, healthy eating can be a challenge because processed foods are so plentiful and easily available. Not only that, but they are cheap and easy and filling.

Unfortunately, a lot of that is a trick. They may be able to get us through the day without hunger pangs, but in reality, our bodies are still starving for nutrients. Once you finally get a vegetable in you, your body begins to show you just how much you’ve missed it and needed it. Although it is helpful to get yourself through the day and at she and convenient seeming way, the cost is actually insurmountable to your health.

All of us have very specific nutritional needs, which is why the food. It became such a fundamental part of health class when you were a kid. Learning about what the body needs in order to function at its highest possible potential is one of the key building blocks in creating a healthier lifestyle. Not only that, but it is essential in providing yourself with the resources that you need to thrive.

It is hard to go into the future without proper nutrition. Our brain becomes foggy and it can be difficult for us to think. Our bodies are lethargic when we are not able to utilize the full power of fruits and vegetables and healthy protein sources. We become caught up in the fast and easy preparation of processed foods and find ourselves physically addicted to the high sugar and fat content in them. Before you know it you may find yourself disinterested in eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables because they take a little bit longer to prepare than a bag of chips you just tug open or something you put in your microwave.

We have to be willing to admit to ourselves that a big part of our problems is that we have an addiction to junk foods. The unhealthy things that we put into our bodies accumulate. We don’t always realize the impact they have on us until it is too late.

Fortunately, it can help to have standard knowledge of how it is that the foods that we eat can impact our bodies. By reading the book on Healthy Eating, you will begin to educate yourself and understand just how important it is for you to indulge in the foods that nourish your body rather than make it worse. You will begin to see why it is important to make healthy food choices and ultimately, provide yourself with a basis for how to implement these changes in your life and begin on healthy eating journey as soon as possible.

Chapter 1: What is the Point in Healthy Eating?

A lot of people have the mentality that you only live once, so you should do whatever it is that you want to do and when you want to do it. Most don’t realize how difficult it is to pick up the slack later on in life when you have been abusive to your body by neglecting your nutritional needs.

That may seem like a harsh phrasing, but that is the unfortunate fact of the matter. If you are not eating healthy foods, you’re physically depriving yourself of the nutrition that you need in order to grow and function at your highest possible potential. Americans are under nourished, despite the fact that food is readily available to most people.

And the reason that happens is because Americans tend to eat processed foods rather than whole foods. Whether this is because of addiction or because of convenience or because of poverty, the fact remains the same. Processed foods are unhealthy, and when eaten in large doses on a daily basis, they contribute to weight gain and other serious complications with your health later in life.

Processed foods are exceptionally bad for you because they are high in fat and sugar and salt content, and when you eat them, they lack fiber. That means that you can eat more of them without feeling full, and when you do feel full, by then you have consumed a lot of the unhealthy elements of the processed foods and very little of the fiber that you need to eliminate them. This will mess up your digestion and prevent you from burning as many calories as you consume from the food you’re eating.
Eating healthy is incredibly important, especially if you don’t want to have further complications with your health later on in life. If you want to eat healthy and learn why, the book Healthy Eating will show you how.

Chapter 2: Are You Willing to Eat Healthy?

Eating healthy really comes down to a personal choice. Are you willing to look yourself in the eye and face up to the challenges that are preventing you from doing what you want to do? Are you willing to make the changes that you need to make in order to improve your life and get on track? All of us may talk a big game and have a lot of plans and goals, but if you are willing to put in the work and dedication that is required in making lasting changes in your life, then all of this goes out the window very quickly.

You have to determine whether or not you are willing to change your perspective on things. You have to be able to be honest with yourself about your weaknesses and downfalls. All of us have a hard time admitting it when we are wrong, at least sometimes. Others of us sometimes have a hard time believing we are anything but wrong, and both of these are not good mindsets to have. You have to have confidence, but you also have to have perspective.

An honest perspective will allow you to understand where you falter and what you should do in order to overcome those limitations. It is never a bad thing to admit to yourself that you have limitations or challenges that need to be addressed. It is only by acknowledging these limitations and challenges that we will ever grow stronger. If you have a hard time believing that you have faults or that your mind has become accustomed to bad habits that make you susceptible to self-destructive behaviors, then it will be almost impossible for you to address those behaviors in a constructive manner.

You have to assert yourself to yourself. To be the best version of yourself possible, you first have to understand all the ways that you could be improving. Once you understand those difficulties or shortcomings as you may want to refer to them, then you will be able to fully allow yourself to become greater. You have to accept things at face value before you can ever truly move on. Once you accept things, then you can begin to work through them and process them in a healthy way.

It’s like that with many things, and healthy eating is definitely among them. If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask for help. And don’t be afraid to admit that you need it. This book will show you how you can begin to overcome these challenges and why it is important for you to focus on healthy eating above all else.

Chapter 3: How You Can Begin Eating Healthy, Starting Now!

Healthy eating is a process, and it is one that is best begun in low doses. Moderation is the key to most things, especially when it comes to adopting new habits. You can’t overload your body with too much change it once, or it will begin to reject it almost immediately.

Fortunately, there are changes that you can begin to make right away. Before you even begin to read the Healthy Eating book, you can start to take an inventory of your kitchen and the type of food that you have inside it. Let your intuition guide you as to what is healthy and productive for you to keep, and what you should get rid of.

You don’t have to get rid of it all right away, but try to make a note not to buy it again once it is gone. Making small changes are the types of changes that will last. Begin slowly by taking away foods that you know are bad for you and training your mind to recognize bad foods as bad. If you don’t allow yourself to make the connections that need to be made, it is almost impossible to begin breaking the habit.

Go out and buy fruits and vegetables. Make sure you always have fresh fruit in the house. And not only that, but prepare it ahead of time. Make sure it is all washed and chopped up and ready to eat at a moments notice so there is no excuse to allow it to stay in the fridge and rot.

There are many changes that you can make before ever even reading about how healthy eating is something that will benefit your life. You can make as many changes as need to be made for yourself, as long as you know how to do it and you are honest with yourself about your limitations.

Never settle for less. You are capable of doing whatever needs to be done in order to take care of yourself and provide your body with the nourishment that it needs. start simple with small, easy to follow through on steps and go from there to make healthy eating a habit that will last for you for a lifetime.

Change Your Mindset To Reduce Stress MRR Ebook With Audio & Video

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A lot has been written about the concept of the mind and developing mental strength for greater success. We all know a lot of the literature with regard to the law of attraction, mastering the mind, and developing good habits to last a lifetime. Yet really developing these practices consistently over time is quite difficult.

It is especially difficult when faced with modern-day challenges which seem to be designed to drain away our energy. Such drains can include social media, Wi-Fi, bills and expenses, broken relationships, environmental toxins, smartphones, alcohol, sugar, caffeine, the list goes on.

Developing a strong mindset entails consistent practice over prolonged periods of time. It requires a sense of practicality and discipline that is all too often forgotten.

It would be a mistake to think that the law of attraction is easy or that meditation will immediately alleviate depression. But if you seriously commit to developing your mindset so that you can focus on what you want over the long-term, then the results will be life changing. To do so, you will need to learn to rely on yourself. As per Indian philosopher Krishnamurti -

“A theory based on another man’s experience in matters of the psyche or of an inward life has no meaning at all…. We have to let it go completely because we have to stand alone.”

Chapter 1 - Understanding the Mind

The first step in understanding the mind is to realize that your thoughts are what determines your everyday experiences. This is the basic premise of all spiritual texts and esoteric schools of thought. It is also reflected in many scientific spheres such as quantum mechanics.

People have certain thought patterns that they picked up from the wider society, from their parents, from groups and organizations etc. They then project these thought patterns onto their surroundings. And they then mistakenly believe that their own projections and interpretations are the ‘truth’. But the truth is different for everybody, depending on their particular thoughts. This is why here is so much diversity in the world today.

Thoughts Become Things

A core component of spiritual growth lies in removing all of the thought patterns that we have picked up when we were young. These were just programmed into us. When we learn to remove and reinstall different thoughts and beliefs is when we start to come into our true autonomy as masters over our minds.

And this is partially why meditation is recommended across times and cultures. We are able to calmly observe our own thoughts patterns without reaction or involvement. This is one of the only ways that we can see things objectively. Otherwise, we tend to identify with our gender, political ideologies, nationality, or class. And we naturally see this as ‘correct’ due to our limited life experience.

People who do not understand the power of their own minds are largely lost as they cannot identify as conscious creators of their own reality. They will consistently find fault with the world and ask why it is so difficult to contend with. Understanding the power of thoughts is the first step to personal mastery.

The Insanity of the Mind

From the perspective of spiritual systems, the mind is irrational, illogical, and insane. We are required to observe the mind and detach from it in order to see its dysfunction. But we can also observe this dysfunction on a grander scale with the wars, hate, environmental destruction, racism, sexism, homophobia, political attacks, broken relationships, government spying programs, smartphone addictions, health problems, and more. Something is a little dysfunctional with the human populace, and this is a result of millions of minds that are not in the right place.

Social media and centralized media also serve to program these minds into a state of disempowerment and fear. And advertising also has quite a destructive effort as it encourages people to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and consume sugar and caffeine. An important point to remember is that you are not immune to advertising even if you think you are. When you perceive something, it leaves a mental impression in your subconscious. So unless you switch off your tv and avoid going into a shop, you are a victim of advertising.

Scientific Discoveries & Psychological Observations

There are some scientific discoveries and psychological observations which might be of interest in understanding how the mind works. These include:

1. The mind cannot distinguish between real and imaginary.

2. 95% of your activity is subconscious (try being consciously aware of every key you type on your computer. Your progress will be vastly reduced.)

3. Your subconscious has stored everything that has ever happened to you, much like a gigantic computer.

4. We are bombarded with 2 million bits of data every second. It is the job of the subconscious to filter through all of this.

5. The conscious mind remembers between 5-9 pieces of information. This information is passed to the subconscious for processing to free up conscious space.

6. Most of our energy expenditure goes towards the brain. These discoveries have important implications. If the majority of our lives are fulfilled by the subconscious, it follows that we should try to manipulate our subconscious mind as opposed to our conscious abilities. According to Carl Jung - “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”. Programming of the subconscious for conscious growth is the basis of affirmations and self-hypnosis for empowerment. But along with these strategies, there are other things to consider in order to create a positive mindset for growth and fulfillment.

Chapter 2 - How to Develop Mental Strength

Understanding that your thoughts determine your environment and that you can command your thoughts is the first step. But committing to a daily routine of developing mental and emotional strength is something else entirely. It takes discipline, character, and patience. The idea that we can just manifest what we want is a little misguided. The fact is that you may have spent the last 30- or 40-years anti-manifesting.

Focusing on worry and stress, eating the wrong foods, in toxic relationships, with limiting beliefs that have been with you since childhood. These are not removed overnight. It can take years to rid yourself of certain thoughts and ideas, and you have to be constantly vigilant about what you are thinking and what you are consuming.

Experiment with Exercise

Thankfully, there are many ways to increase your mental and emotional power. And it has never been easier to embark on a campaign of self-development than it is today with all of the resources at your disposal, especially with the internet and instant communications. We have all of the tools. We just need some willpower and determination.

One basic way to build mental strength is with an exercise routine. Write out your goals and objectives and see if you can stick with them. This might seem like very basic and fundamental advice. But both diet and exercise provide valuable insights into our behavior and they are the two foundational modalities that mental strength can be built upon. If you do not keep track of the fundamentals you will run into difficulties later on. Trying to become a master of the mind while staring at a TV all day and eating ice cream is just not realistic. Diet and exercise can be used to build a strong character and a healthy body and mind.

Experiment with Diet

Diet is another place to start developing mental strength. I think we all understand that we will function better without caffeine, sugar, ice-cream, and other processed products. Yet many people cannot go a single week without those items which clearly disturb mental wellbeing. Try and see if you can go on a certain diet for a week. And when you don’t stick to it, try and examine why this is the case. You will begin to realize how affected you are by the environment, how just being in a shop or entering a restaurant caused you to act instinctively and buy an item that you knew was unhealthy. In other words, your environment determined your behavior.

The Importance of the Surrounding Environment

For mental strength, try to manipulate the environment first. In this way, you will be taking away the opportunity to fail. Manipulating the environment for mental strength will mean that you make use of the concept of minimalism as much as possible. The less information and distractions you have in general, the clearer the mind will be. So, clean your room and your office, even the files on your pc. This will have a positive impact on your mental wellbeing. People who tend to hoard items find fresh mental energy when they let go of their many possessions and send them to the trash heap. Limit the time you spend on television and switch off your phone at night. Eliminating cable is also a good idea.

Even things like making your bed in the morning and spending some time out in nature can really help to get the mind in order. Another way of describing the concept of the universe being a product of mind is that ‘the outer reflects the inner’. We can easily tell the personality of an individual by the state of his or her bedroom. It can be obsessively neat and tidy or it can be much like a dump. Ideally, it could be neat and orderly with a few items thrown around here and there. Understanding the importance of the environment is an important discovery. It means that we can change external objects and situations that will positively reflect on our internal state, and vice versa.

Weight Loss Resolution Roadmap MRR Ebook With Audio

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Have you ever made a New Year's resolution to lose weight and get fit and NOT followed through? Don't feel bad if you have, in fact nearly all New Year's fitness resolutions to get in great shape get abandoned not long after they are begun.

I should know I've certainly been there and experienced the same sense of let down myself.

The good news is that it doesn't have to be that way.

Follow the ideas in this Guide and take action to implement them and this can be the year that sees a new you - an ideal lean and healthy you - emerge. I've used them successfully and seen them totally transform lives for the better.

They work as long as you WORK them!

You may be wondering if it's worth the effort. After all, for most of us, while getting into shape is rewarding it's often Weight Loss Resolution Roadmap not easy.

I'd argue, if you want a really high, extreme quality of life being fit isn't a WANT, but a NEED.

Here's a few reasons why, to ponder before you begin. I hope they'll help motivate you.

You Will Be MUCH More Attractive.

Let's face it, a big part of getting fit is its visual appeal. If we are married, in a relationship or single it's always nice to know we look good isn't it? Being in shape not only sends out the right message about who we are externally, but for those who think about it for a minute it also tells a compelling story about who we are internally.

The type of person who cares about themselves, who has self-discipline and is far from lazy. These qualities are universally attractive. Making yourself more attractive for the New Year and beyond is a great reason to take fitness seriously.

You Will Become Healthier, Fast.

Weight Loss Resolution Roadmap

Our health is our true wealth. Cutting down our body fat, getting in better cardiovascular shape and making smart diet changes will do wonders for our health. Barring any accidents these moves are nearly certain to add years to your life. They are certain to add quality of life either way.

Your Energy Levels will Sky Rocket.

Having more abundant energy stores carries over into nearly every area in our lives. This means being more productive at work without having to get strung out on four cups of coffee ever morning, to being able to get back into that old sport you love, to being able to play with the kids without needing to take a nap on the couch.

Believe me, the important people in your life will appreciate the difference nearly as much as you do!

You Will Beat Depression.

Now you may not be suffering from feeling down often, but the hard truth is that many out of shape people do. Getting fit is the best cure for melancholy! Forget taking Weight Loss Resolution Roadmap drugs or mumbo jumbo therapy - carving out a new fit you for the New Year is quite likely to chase depression away for good. Try it and see.

These are much closer to NEEDS than WANTS aren't they? There's plenty more too, these are just some of the more common things that come to mind.

Now, Let's get you Fit for the New Year!

Weight Loss Resolution Roadmap



If the statistics can be believed (and they probably can) some where in the neighborhood of 88% of New Year's Resolutions are given up on after a few weeks.

A smart bet would be that the vast majority of these New Year resolution false starts and stumbles are broadly speaking, health related ranging from fat loss to quitting smoking and everywhere in between.

Which brings us to the next big question... Why do most New Year's Resolutions Fail?

Knowing some of the big reasons why they fail gives us an idea of what to watch out for when it comes to making sure our New Year's fitness resolutions are an absolute blinding success.

Let's see...

Putting Too Much On One Plate.

Now I don't mean that literally in how much food you are eating in this case (though that may be true too!) what we're looking at is having too many Resolutions that target too many areas of life.

Big changes require big focus. If you NEED to lose weight and get more fit for the reasons we have already discussed make getting fit a priority. Worry about getting that raise at work, learning a new language and some of the other things you may want to do after you have accomplished this important milestone.

The upside of getting fit first is that your new found confidence, energy and self-discipline will make your future goals MUCH easier to achieve. Fitness can be the foundation of the new you!

No Accountability.

Often New Year's Resolutions enter the land of pipe dreams, because we leave no one accountable to them but ourselves. If this was enough most coaches and motivational speakers would be on the unemployment line. Human nature dictates that we are much more geared towards accomplishing our dreams when we let others who are important to us know about our plan and they hold us accountable to them. Even having online support through forums and discussion groups on fitness can be a huge help. Having no accountability beyond yourself is setting yourself up to fail.

An Unwillingness To Try New Things.

If you keep doing the same old things there's no doubt you will continue getting the same old results. This is a unbreakable rule which requires that we step out of our comfort zones, sometimes radically, to see dramatic change in our lives. Since you are taking the time to read this Guide, I'm very confident you are open minded enough to consider and try new things to get the body and health you deserve. Congratulations on delivering a blow to this foe of New Year's fitness resolutions already! Thinking there is a "Easy" Way to Get Fit.

Distraction Free Ways To Stay Laser Focus MRR Ebook With Audio

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There is plenty of advice available on how to increase your performance. One of the least talked about is the need for improved focus. You could call focus the secret ingredient to success. We face distractions every day. Our environment is filled with abundant stimuli, all vying for our attention and ensuring that we will lose focus and have difficulty in concentrating. These distractions make it difficult for us to perform at our optimal level.

Mental focus is the deliberate and conscious effort of keeping a mental spotlight on what we are doing. We block out distractions and hone in on what is important. However, that is not always easy. The problem with not focusing properly is not only that we feel out-of-control, but we experience a constant high level of stress, which can affect our health.

For many, trying to maintain concentration is a daily chore with which they struggle. If we want to succeed, we need to improve our focus, and luckily, that is skill that can be learned and enhanced. The fact is, we have only so much mental energy to spare. It’s a finite commodity. As that energy gets scattered in many directions, our brain simply rebels, as our body does when we expend too much physical energy.

The ability to focus on one task becomes lost. That’s when we become stressed. Frequently, our ability to focus is directly related to our emotions. If a task – at work or at home – makes us nervous or anxious, we actively seek distractions. If a report the boss is waiting for fills us with panic, it’s easier to divert our attention to checking email, making phone calls or chatting with someone at the water cooler than to concentrate on the report.

At home, when a serious discussion with a spouse is necessary, we may welcome the distraction of Facebook, Twitter and ESPN rather than face the unpleasantness ahead. We may not do this consciously, but there are times we certainly choose to invite distractions to keep us from focusing on something that is important. And as a consequence, our work and relationships suffer.

We will discuss how to keep a better balance between positive and negative thoughts and how to creative habits that help us develop a better focus on a daily basis. The good news is, focusing is not only a skill we can learn, it is also a choice we can make. This book is designed to help us make better choices to enable us to focus better.

Why We Need To Focus

Being in focus is a purposeful direction and control of our awareness to the present moment, where it is most needed. Never has this been more important than today, when there is such an abundance of ready distractions competing for our attention. So many of us feel anxious if we aren’t checking Facebook updates, Twitter notifications and emails every few minutes. Unfortunately, this has turned into a chosen lifestyle for many. Our smartphone has become our lifeline.

We’re on the phone while driving and posting on Instagram while grabbing a meal. Instead of focusing on what we are doing, we take pride in “multitasking.” The problem with multitasking is that it doesn’t allow us to do more, it merely dilutes and diminishes what we are already doing.

The good news is, our brain, like our body, can be enhanced and developed. And like our bodies, this takes patience, time and effort. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen. Building our muscles is the results of daily habits, and the brain is a muscle. We can train ourselves to improve our focusing power and perform better until it becomes natural and second nature. The better we become at focusing, the better we are able to control our thoughts and our actions.

Does mental chaos seem natural to you, like a car battling heavy traffic every day? Do you wonder how some people manage to get more done and do it quicker and better? These people face the same focusing obstacles we all do. Everyone does. They have merely trained themselves to overcome it instead of remaining a victim to information and anxiety overload.

Computers allow information to be processed at a speed that would have been unimaginable just decades ago. They have changed our lives. Unfortunately, our brains are still working at the same pace. That’s why we are suffering from circuit overload. In effect, some of us exist in a perpetual mental traffic jam.

The more information we have, the harder we are forced to work. Some days, it can seem that we are controlled by our computers and social media instead of us controlling them. While we are constantly being interrupted by emails, tweets, texts and coworkers in the next cubicle, our own mind can add to the dissonance as we try to focus on our work while our brain keeps replaying some painful past incident and other thoughts irrelevant to the present.

It’s time we set sound mental boundaries. We’ve allowed our brain to run amok, and it’s time to take back control. Sometimes, taking control of our mental focus is a simple as learning to say no. There are a lot of demands on our time. We are led to believe that doing more is the road to success, when in reality, it can lead to unfocused confusion. We need to actively and carefully choose on what we concentrate. A lot of times that means doing less, but doing it better.

If you’re worried about paying the bills and an important report is due at work, you cannot focus on both and give the problems equal attention. If a loved one is facing serious health issues, and your thoughts are on getting a new job, you need to choose what is more important.

Making these critical choices starts with awareness. It’s easy to push negative thoughts and emotions away and pretend they don’t exist. But those thoughts will remain in your brain, creating havoc with your ability to concentrate. The easiest way to handle these choices is by acknowledging them and saying, “I will think about this matter later and focus on what’s really important now.” This is setting a conscious boundary in your mind. The problem still exists, but by making a choice, it no longer serves as a distraction. Practicing mindfulness, as discussed in the following chapter, is a great help in accomplishing this.

Not all focusing problems are that clear. Every day, we face dozens, if not hundreds of distractions. At the office, we may consider it necessary to check email every half hour, talk to anyone who comes into our office, and agree to take on any task we are given. Business seems to demand multitasking in order to achieve greater productivity. In reality, we are still doing one task at a time, but are shifting back and forth and devoting less attention to all tasks. We are focusing less, when we should be focusing better.

7 Traits Of A Truly Entrepreneurial Mindset MRR Ebook With Audio

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How To Develop The Grit, Drive, and Hustle To Make Your Entrepreneurial Goals a Success

Find Out The Exact Steps And Techniques!

There are a tiny number of people who wake up every day and say that they are excited to go to their job. There is an even smaller number of people who wake up and declare that they are happy to work for "the man" and listen to a boss. Most people dream of working for themselves and running their own business. They want to be an entrepreneur, and they want to be able to work for themselves. However, not everyone is cut out to lead the life of an entrepreneur.

To be an entrepreneur you have to think differently than everyone else. While most people tend to seek refuge in their daily lives, entrepreneurs like to seek out risks and challenges. They don't want to work at a 9 to 5 job; they want to create jobs and help to better the lives of those around them. Their primary goal is to think outside the box. They don't follow the market; they work to define it. This is what is often referred to as the Entrepreneur Mind. So, the question is how does one develop an Entrepreneurial Mindset?

The belief that successful entrepreneurs are born, not made, is absurd. Contrary to what many think, entrepreneurship can be learned by anyone. Successful entrepreneurs all possess a standard set of characteristics. If you want to begin to develop an entrepreneurial mind, you'll need to make sure that you start to develop some of the same traits if you don't already possess them.

Successful people have certain habits and ways of conducting themselves compared to most people. This allows them to get more done during the day and allows them to have the right mindset that is needed to be more successful. Some people are lucky enough to be born with these characteristics, while others find a way to incorporate them into their daily lives. Here are the seven traits that you need to have if you want to be more successful in your life.

1. Tenacity

The first characteristic that successful people possess is tenacity. What does tenacity mean? When someone has tenacity, it means that they don't take failure personally and they will keep working, sometimes for years, to get the things that they want in their life. When you have tenacity, you will never give up and will always bounce back when things get in your way and not quit when you run into obstacles or experience setbacks. Instead, when you possess tenacity, you always try something that is new, or you try to find another, more straightforward, way to do something.

When others get frustrated, they often just give up and return to their old, comfortable way of doing things. This is not the case with successful entrepreneurs. When entrepreneurs get frustrated or fail, they merely shrug their shoulders and continue to move forward with their plans. You may be thinking that that's because successful people don't fail. However, it's not that successful people don't experience failure in their daily lives; in fact, they are much more likely to have continuous failure because they continue to try and try again, even after experience setbacks and failure. The difference is that those who are successful have an understanding that failure is a fundamental part of the game, and not something to warrant giving up on their dreams.

2. Passion

No matter what you believe or what you’ve been told, you will never be able to find success if you aren’t passionate about what you do. Think about it this way; when you continually show up to a job that you don’t like, what usually happens? Do enjoy the work that you do daily? Are you given raises every year? Are you given the opportunities to advance? Are you given promotions? If you aren't passionate about the work you do, the answer to these questions is usually no. For most people, they don't enjoy their jobs and don't like to spend time at work. This results in them not being able to see any improvements or changes in their situation, keeping them stuck in the same position as before.

Alternatively, when you are more passionate about what you are doing, the chances are higher that you will go the extra mile when performing your work. You will be more excited to go to work every day and be more willing to get things done. You will be much more excited to see what can happen, and nothing will stop you in your pursuit to accomplish your goals.

This is even true if you are stuck working for a company that you aren’t necessarily happy with because the thought that you will one day be somewhere better will help you to stay motivated and keep going. Your coworkers and supervisors will notice your enthusiasm and passion for what you do, which will lead to you either being promoted or allow you to strike out on your own with the skills and training you’ve developed in your job.

Without passion for what you do, your productivity will suffer, and you'll never be happy with where you are in your life. Only when you are genuinely passionate about what you do will you be able to find success.

3. Acceptance of the Unknown

The unknown can be scary. It can make it difficult to know what is going to happen or if something is a good idea. The unknown means that there are risks involved in everything that you do and that everything has the possibility of going completely wrong. Most people dislike the unknown, making it easier to stay in a job or at a company they don't like just to avoid the risk of the unknown. They want the security that goes with never making a change, knowing that everything will always be taken care of for them. This mindset, while safe, will never help them become successful.

7 Techniques To Successful Crypto Trading MRR Ebook With Audio

Exclusive Report

“7 Techniques To Successful Cryptocurrency Trading”

With the skyrocketing prices of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and other cryptocurrencies, more and more people are looking into cryptocurrency trading to make quick profits. The crypto market is highly volatile, with steep price jumps in a matter of minutes, and smart traders are capitalizing on this volatility. Now before we go into the seven techniques to succeed in cryptocurrency trading, let’s discuss first the basics of trading, and if this is something you’d like to get into.

Trading vs. Investing In Cryptocurrencies

These two terms are used interchangeably by many people, but they are two different strategies altogether. For one, trading is for people who want to capitalize on short-term volatility.

This means they do a lot of technical analysis to determine when they should buy and sell their cryptocurrencies. These are individuals who know how to time the markets, so to speak. Doing this will require a lot of technical know-how.

Otherwise, if you jump into trading cryptocurrency blindly, then you could literally be throwing money down the drain. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you could lose everything.

With investing, you don’t worry about timing the market. You look towards the future and don’t bother looking at the daily or weekly charts. Seeing near-term price dips don’t bother you because you’re not planning on cashing out your investment soon.

While there is a possibility that in the future when you’re ready to sell your cryptocurrency and trade it for cash, the price might not be as high compared to if you liquidate your investment at the ‘right time.’ That’s just one of the risks you’d have to take. But think about how many mini-heart attacks you’re saving yourself from simply because you don’t let yourself think about daily or weekly price dips!

Now that you know the pros and cons of trading and investing in cryptocurrency, let’s proceed to the seven strategies for successful crypto trading:

Technique 1 – Buy Low and Sell High

Trading is all about making a quick buck. It is only natural that you buy crypto at low prices and then sell when the price goes up. In fact, this is why this is the top tip in this short report. Plain and simple, buying low and selling high is, for all purposes, common sense. The difference between your buying and selling price is your profit.

Now, imagine if you do the opposite. If you buy low, and you sell it at an even lower price. Think you’re making a profit? Obviously, not. You’ll be getting the short end of the stick. Rinsing and repeating this strategy can very quickly get you from zero to hero in a matter of days or weeks!

On the surface, this strategy might seem very simple. But executing it is actually much more difficult. Because of the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies, we don’t really know if the price we’re buying at is low enough.

Neither do we know if the price we’re selling at is high enough. As they say, hindsight is 20/20. But if you follow the other techniques in this report, then you should be able to at least have an idea of whether the price is going to go up or down.

Technique 2 – Pay Attention To The News

Listening to what’s happening in the cryptocurrency world is easier said than done, especially if you only have a passing interest in the technical details of how cryptocurrency works. You just want to profit – that’s why you’re trading. You don’t need to know the news, you tell yourself. Having this kind of mentality is not the right way to succeed in crypto trading. You know why?

Because cryptocurrency is not the most stable currency or commodity in the world, it’s not even centralized. With no government, banks or any other central figure backing cryptocurrencies, their value is at the mercy of people who own and have access to them.

Remember that cryptocurrencies are all digital in nature, they don’t have physical properties, and as such, have no intrinsic value. So its value is pretty much subject to how much the crypto community thinks it is worth.

So if something good happens in the crypto world, the price would appreciate because more people would be buying crypto. But if something bad happens, people tend to get scared easily and would sell off their digital coins in a hurry. With cryptocurrency being so new, people are skittish about putting too much faith in their digital coins.

To succeed as a crypto trader, you need to put your ear to the ground and listen close. Have a feel for what’s going to happen. Is there breaking news? Is it good or bad? How do you think it’s going to affect the price? When you know the answer to these questions, then you’re one step closer to succeeding in trading cryptocurrencies.

The 300 Body MRR Ebook With Audio

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Do we really need to be strong and fit?

It depends.

It depends on the type of life we want to lead. Do we want to be “normal”? When normal increasingly means a person who eats junk food all day, abuses their body in every way imaginable and has a body that looks truly terrible in the mirror?

Or do we want to look much better, even beyond normal? Something heroic? Where our bodies are truly a temple that we can be proud of. A body that makes heads turn, feels great and performs how we need to when we need it to.

If you choose the second option, the option of a heroic body, then getting strong and fit is a must.

This Guide gives you a straight path to that goal. Without endless cardio. Without wasting your time on exercises

The 300 Body – How To Build A Spartan Physique

that don't anything. And without the need for expensive supplements, drugs, a personal trainer or any other distractions or potential dangers.

In our Guide you'll approach getting strong and fit with the “take no prisoners” and “accept no excuses” approach of the ancient Spartans. Famous as one of the most strong and fit societies the world has ever produced.

If you've seen any of the “300” movies, or read “Gates of Fire”, you'll know exactly why the Spartans are an inspiration. If you haven't see them or read the book, check them out. You'll be glad you did.

Here's some of the things you're about to learn, Spartan style:

The Secrets To Building Powerful Muscle.

You've undoubtedly read or been told a ton of misinformation about muscle building. I'm about to share with you secrets that will have you, quickly, becoming stronger and looking better. Without complicated training routines that you'd need a spread sheet to follow.

The 300 Body – How To Build A Spartan Physique

The Hidden Truth About Recovery.

Follow the method in this Guide and you'll never have to worry about “over training” again. The Spartans didn't worry about training too often and you won't either. Nor will you find yourself having to live in the gym.

The Best Way to Lose Fat.

Losing fat doesn't have to be complicated, even if you are 100% natural. I'll show you how to get as lean as you'd like to be. All without losing an ounce of muscle, using cardio methods that are both fun and interesting.

How to Eat to Build the Body of a Greek God (or Goddess). Yes, you are what you eat. But when you eat can be even more important. The Spartans knew exactly how vital this is to becoming strong and fit and now you will too.

How to Develop the Mind of a Spartan.

Once you start thinking like a Spartan, the physique of a Spartan is just a matter of time. Not only will this mindset help you conquer the gym, but it will also

The 300 Body – How To Build A Spartan Physique

enhance every single other area of your life, big and small.

There's more too, of course.

Strong and fit. I'm very happy to have the chance to help you forge the new you, that is overflowing with both these qualities.

Are you ready for battle?


Let's get to work...

5 Secrets To Overcoming Information Overload MRR Ebook With Audio

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How To Finally Beat Information Overload, Avoid Overwhelm And Have a Clearer Mind To Move Forward

Find Out The Exact Steps And Techniques!

Information overload has become more prominent in the past several decades since the invention of the Internet. Between the texts, tweets, emails, and the endless stream of news feeds on Facebook, the viral videos we can't help but watch, the numerous photos and videos we take and the multiple phone numbers we collect, we've become overwhelmed and overloaded with, mostly, unnecessary and irrelevant information. With 24/7 information that is available to us with a simple click of a mouse, we are creating and digesting ten times more information than we did just ten years ago. With all this information we can quickly succumb to information overload and the fall to the adverse effects it has on our health and mental well-being.

Unfortunately, our minds aren’t designed to handle this much information, and can quickly become overwhelmed as it tries to process all the information we’re exposed to on a daily basis. Information overload can not only hamper our productivity, but it can leave us feeling stressed, depressed, and fatigued. Our conscious minds are designed to pay attention to no more than four things simultaneously, according to Daniel J. Levitin, author of The Organized Mind. If we go much more beyond this, we begin to exercise poorer judgment, lose our focus, and lose track of important things.

To reduce the effects of information overload on our mental well-being and health, we have to make a conscious effort to reduce the flood of information we consume and clear our minds of all the unnecessary information we accumulate on a daily basis. Here are five secrets to learning how to think straight again, overcome procrastination, and spend less time getting more done so we can move forward and better manage the information we’re exposed to in the future.

Secret #1 – Get Things Out of Your Head

The more information we try to cram into our minds, the less our brains are able to accurately process the information, ultimately leading to damaging our your short-term memories. This is because our minds were designed with a limited amount of space and ability to handle information. In fact, over the last ten years, we have created more information than in all of human history before that. The best way to deal with this issue is to completely clear your mind of all the clutter and noise by performing a brain dump.

Doing a brain dump means creating an extensive list of everything that you have floating around in your head, whether it's essential or not. Take the time to write down any thought that interrupts your workflow immediately. The simple process of writing these thoughts down helps to get them out of your head. Performing a brain dump allows you to quickly clear your mind of the irrelevant information that is interfering with your ability to focus on the task in front of you. Clearing your mind in this way also gives your brain permission to relax its neural circuits so that you can focus your attention on something else.

Once you’ve gotten your thoughts down on paper, you need to spend some time prioritizing each of the items into separate groups. You should have a category for things that you have to get done today, things that you can delegate, things that you can do this week, and things that you can drop. Productivity guru, David Allen calls these categories: do it, delegate it, defer it, and drop it.

If there is an item on your list that you simply can’t get crossed off, it may be because it’s ill-defined and not actionable. Take a closer look at these items and further break it down into subcategories and create actionable steps that you can take to complete each item.

Secret #2 – Stop Multitasking

For too long, people have considered multitasking as a great way to increase productivity. However, recent studies have shown the opposite effect happens when you multitask. Unfortunately, these studies have discovered that when you engage in multitasking, your productivity in fact decreases. Multitasking costs you by forcing you to decide between whether or not to answer a text, how you should respond, how you should file an email, whether you should stick with what you’re currently working on or move onto the interruption.

All of the little decision that you have to make when you multitask, use the finite amount of oxygenated glucose that your brain contains. The oxygenated glucose is the fuel that your mind needs to focus on a task. Continually switching between tasks, quickly uses up your limited amount of oxygenated glucose, which will lead you feeling exhausted, anxious, and disoriented. When we focus on one task at a time, we use less of this glucose and spend less energy than if we would have engaged in multitasking. Focusing on a single task at a time also reduces our brain’s need for the oxygenated glucose to function.

Multitasking trips us up in other ways as well. Contrary to popular belief, multitasking doesn’t actually save you time. When you jump back and forth between tasks, it will take you longer to complete the tasks than if you would have focused on each task separately. Multitasking also results in more mistakes being made, which can result in a 40 percent loss in productivity.

The best way beat information overload is to stop multitasking and make a conscious effort to focus on one task at a time.

Secret #3 – Limit Email Distractions

Studies have shown that just having the opportunity to engage in multitasking is detrimental to your performance. Dr. Glenn Wilson, a Psychology professor at Gresham College of London, discovered that merely having an unread email message sitting in your inbox while you're trying to complete a task can decrease your effective IQ by 10 points. Having emails come into your inbox every few minutes is terrible for your decision-making skills and impairs your judgment.

There are several simple things that you can do to limit email distractions and trick your brain into staying on track. The first step that you need to take to limit the distractions of email is to organize your inbox. Many of the popular email applications today allow you to create separate files and rules to organize your incoming messages quickly. Utilizing this helpful tool can keep emails from piling up in your inbox. By applying rules to your inbox, you can move the most important messages into a separate folder automatically, making it easier for you to locate them later on.

Next, you want to turn off your notifications so that you aren't always being interrupted by the chime of incoming messages. Many people have their email programs configured to bring in arriving emails automatically or to check every five minutes for new messages. If you're checking your emails every five minutes during your workday, you're checking it 200 times. That's 200 interruptions that impair your decision-making skills and judgment. Finally, to limit the distractions of email during your day, schedule two or three times during the day to check and respond to email.

Secret #4 – Eat the Frog First Thing in the Morning

In 2001, author and motivational speaker, Brian Tracy introduced the world to the concept of eating the frog. When it comes to your productivity, the frog is the one thing that is on your to-do-list that you have no motivation to complete. Unfortunately, when you have items like this on your to-do-list, you tend to procrastinate on finishing them.

7 Superfoods That Reverse The Aging Process MRR Ebook With Audio


Aging is a natural process through which all the living things have to pass before death. Being superior to all creatures, human beings are more conscious about this process. This is because it shows many effects on the skin. The elasticity of the skin decreases and it becomes dull and dry.

All this happens due to decreased production of natural oils by the skin. The result appears in the form of changing skin. No one can stop this process because it is natural. However, there are certain foods that can prove beneficial in slowing down the process of aging. Regular intake of such foods may even reverse the effects of aging from the skin.

What is Aging Process

The process of becoming older is called aging process. All the living things have to pass through this stage before death. The time of the aging process is different in all the living things. In human beings this process usually starts after forties. Skin is the part of the body that shows this aging prior to all other parts. Similarly, many other human organs also become weak with this process. Thought, reasoning, eyesight, memory, hearing, and many other body systems get weaker.

We can also define aging as the collection of changes that bring human beings close to death. This means that aging is directly related with mortality rate in human beings and many other species. The mortality rate increases with the increase in age. This is because the functioning of all the parts of the body comes to sub optimal level with increasing age. The scientific study of the process also shows that with increasing age, the production of useless cells in the body increase.

Signs of Aging

Aging shows various signs in the body. One of the largest signs of aging is the dull and dry skin. Our skin produces oils naturally. These oils keep our skin fresh and tight. The increasing age tends to slow down the process of secretion of oils from the skin. As a result, the skin becomes dull and dry. The elasticity in the skin also increases and this becomes the first sign of aging. The other systems of the body also become slow and weak.

Apart from skin, aging shows negative effects on brainy processes like reasoning, memory, and thoughts. Eyesight also becomes a lot weak with increasing age. Aging seems surprising in the start and you began to wonder what is happening with your skin. You also start thinking about your diet and notice no particular change in diet. In spite of taking usual diet, and without any change in your daily routine, the aging process still continues.

Ways to Reverse Aging Process

Human beings always remain conscious about this aging process. They have always been trying to slow down or stop the process since ages. They have tried various options to slow down the process. The scientific study of the aging process shows that it is deeply related with DNA. This means that the aging process can be slowed down by protecting this DNA from aggressors both from outside and inside the body.

The researchers have carved out some ways to slow down this aging process by protecting DNA. The first and the most important way to protect your DNA and slow down the aging process is to eat balanced and healthy diet. One of the largest reasons of deterioration of DNA and body cells is eating unbalanced diet. Nowadays, people prefer to eat processed foods and soft drinks that are harmful for body. You should have to change your eating habits to remain healthy and slow down the aging process.

Another way to slow down the aging process is to take regular exercises. Regular exercises help the body in digestion of foods and also power the immune system. Also, your positive attitude plays a vital role in keeping you young and reverses the aging process. This shows that these three factors are important to slow down and reverse the aging process. The most important of these factors is eating balanced diet.

Role of Superfoods in Reversing Aging Process

Eating superfoods is a key to slow down and reverse the aging process. The superfoods are the foods that have balanced ingredients. These foods provide the body with enough proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, and other components that prove helpful in strengthening the cells in the body. Eating these healthy foods also slows down the deterioration of the cells in the body. As a result the production of useless cells in the body stops. This keeps the body in a better working position.

Although there is no criterion to grade the food as superfood, yet the foods that are nutritiously dense are called superfoods. Eating these foods keeps the body healthy. The researchers say that if you want to reverse or slow down the aging process, you’ll have to develop good eating habits in yourself. They have also listed some foods as the superfoods and said that eating these foods may either slow down or reverse the aging process. These foods are:

Green Foods

One of the most important kinds of foods that are proved effects in slowing and reversing the aging process is the green food. When we talk of green foods, we are referring to leafy vegetables and cereals. The green cereals may include barley and wheat grasses that have great nutritional effects. The green leafy vegetables are rich in phytonutrients.