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How To Quiet Your Brain And Take Action MRR Ebook With Audio

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The human brain is hard wired to overthink and nothing feeds it better than anxious or negative thoughts. Anxious thoughts can be overwhelming, and so can negative thoughts. Both can also lead to overthinking which in turn result in anxiousness and poor decision-making. Together these two make up for a perfect formula for a racing mind.

What that means for a lot of people is that they often over-evaluate and exaggerate the real situations, events, possible scenarios and even goals but never actually do anything about them. Pending decisions are often a cause for worry with the imminent fear of making the wrong decision and having to live with it for the rest of their lives.

And while thinking is nice, not doing anything about your thoughts actually means not making any progress. In fact, being an over thinker can actually result in becoming someone who stands still in life, because deconstructing things won’t let you move forward. It may also be the one thing most responsible for stopping you from taking action.

This is the trap that a busy mind can easily get entangled in. A mind that tends to overthink can make it very difficult for people to balance thought and action.

They get trapped in their thoughts and find it very hard to act. If you think that you are an over thinker, you will also know that it is very easy for you to get caught in a loop where you recreate an event repeatedly or try to analyze an idea from every possible angle. After hours of thinking and getting no sleep, you often get nowhere and are unable to move the process along.

Plus, when you overthink, your judgement gets cloudy and your stress levels elevate.

What Do You Overthink About?

Not all overthinking is the same. This may sound strange so let’s look at it a bit more closely. One type of overthinking means obsessing over a single thing or event over and over again. It could be something in your present that you can’t seem to let go of such as why your head hurts so bad? Could it be a symptom of something more serious? Perhaps even something deadly? Is that why you can’t seem to sleep well at night? And so on.

Another way to overthink is to regret a decision or action you may have taken. This one takes you back to your past and keeps you rooted there. An example may be choosing a career choice that didn’t work out as planned. Instead of trying to change their circumstances, over thinkers tend to get stuck in the “what if” phase ruminating over the past. This neither helps change the past nor improve their current status.

Then there is the scenario where you keep deliberating about a possible future and how things may pan out. Thinking about how bad the economy is may lead you to ponder endlessly on how your investments are going to be worthless, how you may lose your job or how you may never be able to send your kids to college.

In any of these scenarios, overthinking the situation means that you can’t think about anything else and it starts to affect your life in a negative way.

The Problem With Overthinking

Since overthinking seems to mostly revolve around negative or problematic issues, these can take hold of your mind and exert their power over it. It is very typical for most people to obsess over previous mistakes, present day stresses and future troubles and not do anything to improve their situation.

Here are some common problems associated with thinking about every trivial thing in life:

Overthinking creates problems which are not there

Overthinking about every little problem only magnifies it manifold. Also, thinking about the same thing time and again makes it larger and scarier than it actually is. Ever spent time ruminating why your boss didn’t comment on your presentation in a recent meeting? Was it because your presentation was bad? Did it make you look incompetent in front of your colleagues? Are you going to be fired for making a sub-par presentation? You get the idea.

The same can also happen when you overanalyze a good thing. Even in scenarios where you keep thinking about something over and over again can diminish its importance and make it appear insignificant.

Things like choosing what to wear for a job interview or deciding where to go on vacation are not difficult decisions, but being an overthinker can make these seem like life or death decisions. Ironically, all that thinking won’t help you make a better choice.

Overthinking keeps you from living in the present

When your mind is constantly worrying, thinking and analyzing, you miss out on a real chunk of the present. Overthinking stops you from living in the moment and lets you dwell in the past or a possible future in your mind.

When you are not in the present, your brain shifts into something called the default mode which is when the decision making part of your brain does not work well. Research also points to the fact that when in default mode, the brain expresses lower levels of activity when you are involved in a task and higher levels when you are not engaged.

This means that it works harder when you overthink which is not a good thing, since allowing the brain to be in a state of constant anxiety can lead to other behaviors like anger and depression which are all toxic to mental health.

Character Building MRR Ebook With Audio

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UNCONSCIOUSLY we are forming habits every moment of our lives. Some are habits of a desirable nature; some are those of a most undesirable nature. Some, though not so bad in themselves, are exceedingly bad in their cumulative effects, and cause us at times much loss, much pain and anguish, while their opposites would, on the contrary, bring as much peace and joy, as well as a continually increasing power.

Have we it within our power to determine at all times what types of habits shall take form in our lives? In other words, is habit-forming, character building, a matter of mere chance, or have we it within our own control? We have, entirely and absolutely. "I will be what I will to be," can be said and should be said by every human soul.

After this has been bravely and determinedly said, and not only said, but fully inwardly realized, something yet remains. Something remains to be said regarding the great law underlying habit-forming, character building; for there is a simple, natural, and thoroughly scientific method that all should know.

A method whereby old, undesirable, earth-binding habits can be broken, and new, desirable, heaven lifting habits can be acquired, a method whereby life in part or in its totality can be changed, provided one is sufficiently in earnest to know and, knowing it, to apply the law.

Thought is the force underlying all. And what do we mean by this? Simply this: Your every act - every conscious act - is preceded by a thought. Your dominating thoughts determine your dominating actions. In the realm of our own minds we have absolute control, or we should have, and if at any time we have not, then there is a method by which we can gain control, and in the realm of the mind become thorough masters. In order to get to the very foundation of the matter, let us look to this for a moment. For if thought is always parent to our acts, habits, character, life, then it is first necessary that we know fully how to control our thoughts.

Here let us refer to that law of the mind which is the same as is the law in Connection with the reflex nerve system of the body, the law which says that whenever one does a certain thing in a certain way it is easier to do the same thing in the same way the next time, and still easier the next, and the next, and the next, until in time it comes to pass that no effort is required, or no effort worth speaking of; but on the opposite would require the effort. The mind carries with it the power that perpetuates its own type of thought, the same as the body carries with it through the reflex nerve system the power which perpetuates and makes continually easier its own particular acts. Thus a simple effort to control one's thoughts, a simple setting about it, even if at first failure is the result, and even if for a time failure seems to be about the only result, will in time, sooner or later, bring him to the point of easy, full, and complete control.

Each one, then, can grow the power of determining, controlling his thought, the power of determining what types of thought he shall and what types he shall not entertain. For let us never part in mind with this fact, that every earnest effort along any line makes the end aimed at just a little easier for each succeeding effort, even if, as has been said, apparent failure is the result of the earlier efforts. This is a case where even failure is success, for the failure is not in the effort, and every earnest effort adds an increment of power that will eventually accomplish the end aimed at. We can, then, gain the full and complete power of determining what character, what type of thoughts we entertain.

Shall we now give attention to some two or three concrete cases? Here is a man, the cashier of a large mercantile establishment, or cashier of a bank. In his morning paper he reads of a man who has become suddenly rich, has made a fortune of half a million or a million dollars in a few hours through speculation on the stock market. Perhaps he has seen an account of another man who has done practically the same thing lately. He is not quite wise enough, however, to comprehend the fact that when he reads of one or two cases of this kind he could find, were he to look into the matter carefully, one or two hundred cases of men who have lost all they had in the same way. He thinks, however, that he will be one of the fortunate ones. He does not fully realize that there are no short cuts to wealth honestly made. He takes a part of his savings, and as is true in practically all cases of this kind, he loses all that he has put in, Thinking now that he sees why he lost, and that had he more money he would be able to get back what he has lost, and perhaps make a handsome sum in addition, and make it quickly, the thought comes to him to use some of the funds he has charge of. In nine cases out of ten, if not ten cases in every ten, the results that inevitably follow this are known sufficiently well to make it unnecessary to follow him farther.

Where is the man's safety in the light of what we have been considering? Simply this: the moment the thought of using for his own purpose funds belonging to others enters his mind, if he is wise he will instantly put the thought from his mind. If he is a fool he will entertain it. In the degree in which he entertains it, it will grow upon him; it will become the absorbing thought in his mind; it will finally become master of his will power, and through rapidly succeeding steps, dishonor, shame, degradation, penitentiary, remorse will be his.

It is easy for him to put the thought from his mind when it first enters; but as he entertains it, it grows into such proportions that it becomes more and more difficult for him to put it from his mind; and by and by it becomes practically impossible for him to do it. The light of the match, which but a little effort of the breath would have extinguished at first, has imparted a flame that is raging through the entire building, and now it is almost if not quite impossible to conquer it.

Shall we notice another concrete case? A trite case, perhaps, but one in which we can see how habit is formed, and also how the same habit can be unformed. Here is a young man, he may be the son of poor parents, or he may be the son of rich parents; one in the ordinary ranks of life, or one of high social standing, whatever that means. He is good hearted, one of good impulses generally speaking, a good fellow. He is out with some companions, companions of the same general type. They are out for a pleasant evening, out for a good time. They are apt at times to be thoughtless, even careless.

The suggestion is made by one of the company, not that they get drunk, no, not at all; but merely that they go and have something to drink together. The young man whom we first mentioned, wanting to be genial, scarcely listens to the suggestion that comes into his inner consciousness that it will be better for him not to fall in with the others in this. He does not stop long enough to realize the fact that the greatest strength and nobility of character lies always in taking a firm stand on the aide of the right, and allow himself to be influenced by nothing that will weaken this stand. He goes, therefore, with his companions to the drinking place. With the same or with other companions this is repeated now and then; and each time it is repeated his power of saying "No" is gradually decreasing. In this way he has grown a little liking for intoxicants, and takes them perhaps now and then by himself. He does not dream, or in the slightest degree realize, what way he is tending, until there comes a day when he awakens to the consciousness of the fact that he hasn’t the power nor even the impulse to resist the taste which has gradually grown into a minor form of craving for intoxicants. Thinking, however, that he will be able to stop when he is really in danger of getting into the drink habit, he goes thoughtlessly and carelessly on. We will pass over the various intervening steps and come to the time when we find him a confirmed drunkard. It is simply the same old story told a thousand or even a million times over.

He finally awakens to his true condition; and through the shame, the anguish, the degradation, and the want that comes upon him he longs for a return of the days when he was a free man. But hope has almost gone from his life. It would have been easier for him never to have begun, and easier for him to have stopped before he reached his present condition; but even in his present condition, be it the lowest and the most helpless and hopeless that can be imagined, he has the power to get out of it and be a free man once again. Let us see. The desire for drink comes upon him again. If he entertains the thought, the desire, he is lost again. His only hope, his only means of escape is this: the moment, aye, the very instant the thought comes to him, if he will put it out of his mind he will thereby put out the little flame of the match. If he entertains the thought the little flame will communicate itself until almost before he is aware of it a consuming fire is raging, and then effort is almost useless. The thought must be banished from the mind the instant it enters; dalliance with it means failure and defeat, or a fight that will be indescribably fiercer than it would be if the thought is ejected at the beginning.

And here we must say a word regarding a certain great law that we may call the "law of indirectness." A thought can be put out of the mind easier and more successfully, not by dwelling upon it, not by, attempting to put it out directly, but by throwing the mind on to some other object by putting some other object of thought into the mind. This may be, for example, the ideal of full and perfect self-mastery, or it may be something of a nature entirely distinct from the thought which presents itself, something to which the mind goes easily and naturally. This will in time become the absorbing thought in the mind, and the danger is past. This same course of action repeated will gradually grow the power of putting more readily out of mind the thought of drink as it presents itself, and will gradually grow the power of putting into the mind those objects of thought one most desires.

The result will be that as time passes the thought of drink will present itself less and less, and when it does present itself it can be put out of the mind more easily each succeeding time, until the time comes when it can be put out without difficulty, and eventually the time will come when the thought will enter the mind no more at all.

Still another case: You may be more or less of an irritable nature naturally, perhaps, provoked easily to anger. Someone says something or does something that you dislike, and your first impulse is to show resentment and possibly to give way to anger. In the degree that you allow this resentment to display itself, that you allow yourself to give way to anger, in that degree will it become easier to do the same thing when any cause, even a very slight cause, presents itself. It will, moreover, become continually harder for you to refrain from it, until resentment, anger, and possibly even hatred and revenge become characteristics of your nature, robbing it of its sunniness, its charm, and its brightness for all with whom you come in contact.

If, however, the instant the impulse to resentment and anger arises, you check it then and there, and throw the mind on to some other object of thought, the power will gradually grow itself of doing this same thing more readily, more easily, as succeeding like causes present themselves, until by and by the time will come when there will be scarcely anything that can irritate you, and nothing that can impel you to anger; until by and by a matchless brightness and charm of nature and disposition will become habitually yours, a brightness and charm you would scarcely think possible today. And so we might take up case after case, characteristic after characteristic, habit after habit. The habit of faultfinding and its opposite are grown in identically the same way; the characteristic of jealousy and its opposite; the characteristic of fear and its opposite. In this same way we grow either love or hatred; in this way we come to take a gloomy, pessimistic view of life, which objectifies itself in a nature, a disposition of this type, or we grow that sunny, hopeful, cheerful, buoyant nature that brings with it so much joy and beauty and power for ourselves, as well as so much hope and inspiration and joy for all the world.

There is nothing more true in connection with human life than that we grow into the likeness of those things we contemplate. Literally and scientifically and necessarily true is it that "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." The "is" part is his character. His character is the sum total of his habits. His habits have been formed by· his conscious acts; but every conscious act is, as we have found, preceded by a thought. And so we have it - thought on the one hand, character, life, and destiny on the other. And simple it becomes when we bear in mind that it is simply the thought of the present moment, and the next moment when it is upon us, and then the next, and so on through all time.

7 Reasons Why Successful People Meditate MRR Ebook With Audio

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Meditation for Success

Often people dismiss meditation as a spiritual path that only works for certain religions. However, there are many benefits of meditation that can help you become more effective in your personal and business life.

It is a great tool for getting you what you want – SUCCESS! You do not have to renounce everything you know. You can improve your life, get to know yourself, and achieve more with a daily meditation routine.

Some of the many benefits include:

Better focus and concentration – Having better focus allows you to accomplish more in a shorter amount of time. Meditation will help improve your concentration allowing you to get more done.

Being present – Being more in the moment keeps you from focusing on past problems or problems that may occur. Instead, you are focused on what you are doing now and can create an appropriate plan of actions.

Improved problem-solving skills – Having a larger capacity to deal with various problems improves your ability to be successful. You can learn to solve problems in a holistic way that allows you to see the whole problem instead of part of the problem.

Greater personal awareness – Meditation helps you learn the tools you need to live a happier, healthier life.

Lower tension and stress levels – Stress is one of the worst ailments in life. Lowering your tension and stress levels allows you to have more energy to deal with more daily activities.

Improved relationships – As you get to know yourself better, you learn how to relate better with others. You can become a more easy-going person who is willing to help others more.

More enjoyment and enthusiasm for life – Learning to manage your limitations increases your happiness. Meditation will help you create balance in your life and help you maintain that balance.

Having greater success in life and business is a great reason to start meditating. You’ll find that the benefits positively impact your life.

Meditation Helps You Handle

Daily Stress Better

In one simple sentence, meditation helps you clear away all the unnecessary information that you build up in your brain throughout the day.

Stress is felt and dealt with every day whether it is a daily pressure or an overwhelming situation. It can be broken down into the supply and demand of your emotional resources.

It doesn’t matter if the stressor is valid or only perceived – what matters is that you feel responsible to respond to the pressures and situations. What you need to do is create a space in your emotions regardless whether you need to respond or not.

How does meditation help with stress management?

Meditation helps clear space in your mind to work through the everyday stressor to determine which need our attention the most. Plus, you will be able to feel the calm, relaxed feeling throughout the rest of your day.

Think about it this way – if you had the space and calmness to distinguish between the necessary and unnecessary, your stress levels would be very different. Unfortunately, most people do not have the space or calmness in their minds. Meditation will give you this space and calmness covering the demand portion. The supply portion is covered by the increased resources that meditation creates. Your mind becomes more elastic, allowing it to adapt more easily to the daily stressors. You will gain more mental resources and become more capable of dealing with stress.

How does meditation help with stress prevention?

Meditating on a regular basis will help you prevent stress by helping you create a baseline for stress which allows you to keep control in stressful situations.

Loss of a loved one, divorce, and moving on are some of the common high stress events that people experience. They all demand a lot from you, however, with meditation you can give yourself a tool to be more prepared to deal with them. It will even calm your inner peace because you can better process your emotions.

Meditation reduces stress by creating more space in your mind to reduce the pressure caused by deciding which stressors need your attention. You have more mental resources to cope with them, and you are better able to handle stressful situations.

Meditation Increases Productivity and Efficiency

Multi-tasking seems to be a part of modern life. Although multitasking seems like a great solution to your hectic life, doing several things at once means that you aren’t doing your tasks to the best of your ability.

Meditation improves your mental facilities, creativity, focus, relaxation, and concentration. You will find that with a daily practice of meditation you are able to get more done because you focus on one thing at time.

Improved creativity

Your creativity will be enlightened with meditation because it will remove the stress and increase your intuition. This clears your mind of limiting beliefs, allowing you to become more effective at problem-solving by unleashing your creative flow.

Are you a victim of fatigue?

Fatigue defeats you 100% of the time. It keeps you from being able to fully concentrate. On the other hand, meditation can energize your body and refresh your senses.

Wouldn’t it be nice to end each day with a sense of accomplishment? You can by fighting back against fatigue with meditation.

Fatigue and stress are also great enablers of procrastination. With them out of your way, you will get become more productive daily. Work more efficiently Having a clear, energized mind allows you to look at things with a new perspective. Using a new perspective as you work will allow you to work more efficiently because you will be able to see that there are other options available.

Meditation Improves Brain Functions and Elasticity

There has been a lot of research around how meditation affects your brain. One fact that keeps popping up is that meditation positively alters the way your brain functions on a fundamental level.

Those who practice meditation on a regular basis show many neurological benefits. One of the greatest being that there is more activity in the connections between the different regions.

Greater connectivity within your brain means that it will age slower. As the brain ages it loses its elasticity – that part that allows for adaptation to your high-stress situations.

Your brain slows down

This may seem like a counterproductive thing to do, but you want your brain to slow down. When your brain slows down, it can process information more effectivity. Therefore, you perform anything with peak focus, concentration, and creativity.

The more elastic your brain is, the more effectively you can complete every day tasks and high-stress tasks. You are able to think through the situation and process it in a way that others can’t.

You also in adherently improve your memory. Over time, as your brain ages it loses memory. However, with meditation you can maintain your memory – if not improve it. The more you are able to remember without having to dig deep, the more productive you will be.

Streamline And Systemize MRR Ebook With Audio

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For many small business owners, there is a considerable gap between what they thought it would be like running their own business and what it's really like.

Like many business owners, you may have hoped that finding success would bring you the freedom to work on your own schedule and obtain a level of financial security that you didn't have in your previous job.

Unfortunately, you’ve probably experienced the exact opposite. More often than not, you are likely tied to your computer and phone at all hours of the day, struggling to make ends meet and spending all of your time doing everything else other than what fulfills you.

The problem that most entrepreneurs face is that they tend to apply their hard work to the wrong tasks and are fundamentally off base as to what it takes to build a successful business.

You will never achieve your vision of freedom and financial abundance by answering the phone, handing out business cards, or working long hours. These tasks are doing nothing more than creating a self-employment job, not a business.

The answer to this problem is working harder on your business, not in your business. The way to accomplish this is by developing and implementing systems to handle the mundane, but essential tasks, that keep your business running.

By building systems, you are creating a company.

How Systems Will Benefit Your Business

Implementing business systems is one of the best things you can do for your company. Imagine owning a bakery without having a system in place for baking cookies. Every day, the cookies would come out differently.

Some days, they'd be great, with the perfect combination of ingredients and time in the oven, while sometimes they might turn out dry and burnt. Your customers wouldn’t know what to expect and wouldn’t trust your business to provide them with a consistent experience.

Systems are Predictable

To be consistent with the delivery of your products or services, you have to have a system in place that allows you to complete the task the same way every time. Without these systems in place, your business will be unpredictable, resulting in poor customer service and a loss of trust by your customers.

Many small companies have already built consistent systems naturally out of habit, but they've failed to document them, leaving their processes unpredictable.

Systems are Delegable

Until your business has clearly documented policies in place, you are limited to three possibilities:

Doing all the work yourself

Being frustrated that the work isn’t being done correctly

Being held hostage to an employee who does complete the task successfully.

When you have clear systems in place, you can quickly train someone who has the skills needed for the job and provides them with clear expectations. Systems guarantee that the work will be completed the way you want it, every time.

Systems are Measurable

When tasks are completed the same way every time, they become measurable. Creating detailed systems works for every kind of business.

Going back to the example of the bakery, if the cookie recipe was detailed enough and the baker had all the skills or experience needed, you could expect them to make the cookies the same every time. You’d also know how many batches of cookies could be made in a day, how many people walk through the door, and how many cookies you sell on average in a week.

Systems are Improvable

When you can measure the details of your business, you can make regular improvements. You might know that your current sales presentation inspires 30 percent of those who hear it buy your product.

With this knowledge, you can work on a new style of presentation, and measure the results to determine whether the changes that were made were an improvement over the previous presentation style.

You can continue to try to improve your presentation by experimenting with different aspects to make a much more effective presentation.

Systems are Scalable

Once you've developed systems that are predictable, measurably working and clear enough to delegate, doing more becomes as easy as adding more resources.

If you want to sell more cookies, hire more bakers. If you're going to manage more leads, hire another salesperson.

Systems Add Value

Systems will add enormous value to your business in the eyes of investors and prospective buyers. Before investing in a company, they want to know that the viable business you've built will remain so, even if you leave.

They want to see that there are easy-to-follow systems in place that can be used to train new staff and continue running the business.

Where to Start

While the value of systems is apparent, where you should start may not be. If you are like most small business owners, you agree with the idea of systemization but are overwhelmed by the prospect of making it happen.

Like most small businesses, your business probably contains dozens of individual processes that are routinely executed by you and your team.

The idea of writing them all down can be overwhelming. Completely systemizing your business is going to take time but the first step is rather straightforward and shouldn't take you too long to accomplish.

Affiliate Marketing Crash Course MRR Ebook With Audio

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Ever since Timothy Ferriss published his book “The 4-Hour Workweek,” people have been ditching their 9 to 5 jobs and taking the plunge into affiliate marketing. If you’ve dreamed of being able to make a decent living through passive income, then affiliate marketing is a path you should consider taking.

The idea behind affiliate marketing is that you promote the products of other people, many times through an affiliate network, and earn commissions when people buy those products as a result of your marketing efforts. Pretty easy right?

Unfortunately, there is a little more to the process, and it will take some upfront work on your part.

Before you can get started in affiliate marketing, it is essential for you to understand that there are four different parties involved in the process and how each fit in with the system.

When it comes down to the actual marketing part of the affiliate marketing system, there are two sides to the equation: the creator and seller of the product and the affiliate marketer. What does this mean?

You can look at affiliate marketing as the process of spreading product creation and marketing across various parties, where each of the parties receives a share of the profits according to their individual contribution to the marketing efforts.

This, simply put, means that you can be both the creator and the marketer and still make a profit from the underlying idea of revenue sharing.

Four Parties of the Affiliate Marketing System

The Merchant: The merchant is known as the creator of the product, the seller of the product, the brand, the vendor, or the retailer. This is who creates the product. It can be a big company like Dell, who manufactures personal computers, or an individual.

Anyone can be the merchant behind an affiliate marketing program, from the solo entrepreneurs, to the startups, to gigantic Fortune 500 companies. They can be anyone who has a product to sell.

The Affiliate: This party can be a single individual or an entire company, that helps to market the products of the merchant. An affiliate marketing business can produce several hundred dollars in commissions every month to tens of millions.

This part of the system is where the marketing happens. The affiliate promotes one or more of the merchant’s products, trying to attract and convince potential customers of the value of the product in hopes that they will end up purchasing it.

This can be accomplished through a review blog of the merchant’s products or through an entire site that is dedicated to finding products that are related to a particular topic and promoting the affiliate products.

The Consumer: The consumer is what makes the affiliate system work. Without their purchases, there wouldn't be any commissions to be earned, and no revenue would be shared.

The affiliate markets the products to the consumer through the channels that they see fit. This can be through digital billboards, social media, or a search engine using a blog and content marketing.

The Network: The network works as an intermediary between the merchant and the affiliate. While technically, you could promote a merchant’s product and arrange a direct revenue sharing system with them, having a network like Jvzoo or ClickBank handles the payment for and delivery of the product, eliminating the hassle. Sometimes, in order to even promote a product, affiliates have to go through an affiliate network.

When it comes to the affiliate marketing system, you can choose to become a merchant and have others market your products in exchange for a commission on the completed sales, or you can become an affiliate marketer, promoting products in order to make money.

While most people decide to take the affiliate marketer route, building enough traffic to make an income that makes it worth your while, isn’t easy, or quick.

7 Ways To Achieve A Positive Mindset MRR Ebook With Audio

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People with positive mindsets are wonderful to be around with. They’re a force to be reckoned with. They are so full of life that you’ll often feel like you have no choice but to feel great about yourself, too. Even if life throws them under the bus, they’re going to climb back up and go about their positive ways. They’re resilient and optimistic, that’s what they are.

If you’re feeling sorry for yourself right now because you’re not exactly a positive thinker, don’t worry. In this short report, you’re going to find out seven ways you can achieve a positive mindset. Note I didn’t mention the word ‘easy.’ That’s because transitioning over from a negative mindset to a positive one will take a lot of work. Are you ready? Let’s get started then!

Remove Negative Words From Your Vocabulary

This point sounds pretty easy, doesn’t it? You’re probably thinking all you have to do is just figure out which words are negative, and then refrain from ever using those again! Well, the harsh truth is it’s easier said than done.

Our thoughts can pretty much come out of nowhere. If you’ve been a negative thinker for far too long, then you’ll be hearing those negative words in your mind whether you like it or not. So, this is where self-awareness and self-control come in.

With self-awareness, you’ll know precisely when you’re about to launch into a negativity-laced tirade whether it be against yourself or someone else. You’ll know it because you can feel the negativity building inside you. If you’re self-aware, you’ll put a stop to it. Douse the fire with water, so to speak. That way, you’re not going to be hurting yourself nor will you hurt other people with your verbal attack.

So, what do you do then? Well, you can either silence your negative inner voice or you can swap out those negative thoughts with positive ones. Your choice. Depending on the scenario, you may want to just keep your mouth shut if you think you can’t find the right (positive) words to say. Then when you’ve cleared your head and thought things through, then say those positive words. You’ll feel better, and the person or people you’re speaking with won’t be affected by negativity.

All of us should understand how words work. They’re powerful, that’s for sure. So, make it a habit to say positive words with a more positive attitude.

Tell Yourself You Can Do Whatever You Put Your Mind To

In order to make this happen, you need to do something first – you need to believe in yourself. Otherwise, no matter how many times you tell yourself you can do it, but if deep inside you’re doubting yourself, then nothing’s going to happen. You can work hard all you want, but you won’t get very far. Without self-belief, you’ll essentially be blocking your own path to success.

Self-belief is one of the core characteristics of a positive person. By default, if you strongly believe in yourself and what you can do, then you’ve got healthy self-esteem. You feel good about yourself. You hold yourself in high regard.

Believing in yourself is such a simple but powerful thing to do. You can quite literally achieve anything that you set your mind to. There are no limits out there, only those that you impose upon yourself.

Determine the things that you truly want and set how you want to live your life. Then take action to achieve those plans. It’s never too late to start creating the life of your dreams. Dream realistically, start small and don’t ever give up.

Remember, no one will achieve your dreams for you but yourself. You have to go after what you want, or else you will be boxed into the kind of life you’ll end up hating later on.

Stop Dwelling On The What-Ifs And Focus On The Present

Daydreaming about the past is not going to do you any good. The simple fact is you’re going to be missing out on your present because you got too caught up imagining the what-ifs of your past!

What good is it going to do for you now if you made a different choice in the past? Nothing, right? You’ll only be making yourself even more miserable. Instead, what you can do is learn from your past so you can live fully in the present.

Focusing on the “now” isn’t so easy either. There are far too many distractions all around us which tries to pull our attention in many different directions. To help you focus on the “now,” you can start practicing on being mindful.

With mindfulness, you literally experience what’s going on around you right now. It helps increase your awareness, it helps you become more alert of what’s happening in your surroundings. Focusing on the present moment allows you to appreciate what you currently have in your life. Instead of looking somewhere else, you can hone in on what you should be grateful for.

Living in the present with one foot stuck in the past is simply not a good idea. You’ll never find true happiness, and you’ll never feel fulfilled. The best thing to do is to make peace with the past and let bygones be bygones.

Surround Yourself With Positive People

Not everyone around you is a positive person. You may be surprised to hear this, especially if you don’t just let random people into your life. It doesn’t matter if they’re family or friends, some people are the polar opposites of positivity.

If you’ve got friends who don’t accept you for what you are, or they spew negativity into your ear all the time, or they don’t value you at all, then perhaps you’d like to distance yourself from those people.

The good news is that there are many positive people in this world, so you’re not exactly limiting yourself if you stay away from your negative friends. Quite the opposite, in fact. You’ll be freeing up space in your life to let positive people in.

The good thing about having positive friends is they actually encourage and motivate you to let even more positive people in. Whereas when you have negative people for friends, they suck the air out of you. Instead of expanding your horizons, they force you to narrow it down.

Having positive relationships with the right people will allow you to develop a level of positivity in your life that you’ve never experienced before! Letting go of negative friends and replacing them with positive people are two of the best things you can do to help you achieve a positive mindset.

Always Look At The Bright Side When Things Go Wrong

I cannot express this enough, but life is so much more worth living when you have a positive outlook and positive disposition. When you look at the bright side of things, you’ll feel better mentally and emotionally, because you don’t let any negative thoughts come in and linger in your heart and mind.

When you’re optimistic and positive, you will naturally see all the good that life has to offer. When everyone else around you can only see darkness, you will see the light. You know there’s always a silver lining somewhere, and you’re not going to lose sight of that fact.

Another thing I’d like to point out is that when you come across as a positive person, you’ll attract even more positivity in your life. You’ll meet more positive people with the same set of healthy and positive habits and values as you.

You know how your actions impact others? Well, other people’s actions also impact you. So, if you hang out with a positive group of people, then you’re going to be influencing and making a positive impact on each other’s lives!

Even when things go wrong around you, if people see you continuing to enjoy life, then you’ll inspire them to do the same. Encourage those around you to live their life to the fullest and with no regrets.

You have every reason to be happy. You continue to be blessed with life, some people didn’t have that luxury today. Life is too short. One day, you won't have the benefit of a new day so don’t take life for granted.

Have A Bit Of Humor When You Encounter Negative Things

Humor goes a long way. It’s an excellent coping mechanism that can help relieve your anxiety and stress. Think about all those times you’ve laughed out loud at something funny on the television or YouTube. You felt really good after laughing, didn’t you? It’s like a weight has been lifted on your shoulders and you can finally move around freely.

The Foolproof Diet MRR Ebook With Audio

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Weight loss and getting healthy are at the top of many people’s list of priorities. However, it can sometimes feel impossible to actually begin to take the steps that need to be taken in order to succeed. All of us struggle at times, especially with things like losing weight and maintaining schedules that are healthy and productive. However, when we are treating our bodies with care and consideration, it is far more likely that our minds will follow suit. Eating well supports every part of us, and you will find yourself shocked by just how clearly you are able to think and how sharp your focus is when you are embarking upon a healthy lifestyle journey.

There is no foolproof diet without a lot of accountability toward the self, so in beginning this journey you should always keep in mind that your greatest resource in changing your life is going to be you. You will examine yourself and find that you truly do have what it takes to succeed and hand craft the perfect foolproof diet for yourself. Nobody else can do it for you!

Following these guidelines will provide you with the tools you need in order to get yourself out of the slump you may be in and begin to truly value the choices that you make. Every choice matters, and every single thing you put into your body will have an impact. Why not make it a positive one? Let’s get started!

Many people out there would view the title of this book and scoff. And rightfully so! There is no such thing as a foolproof diet. At least, not without a committed participant. If you are hoping to lose weight and do it quickly and easily, this is not the book for you. Weight loss should be a slow, positive, and gradual journey, that is done in a healthy way that will last and continue to help you to improve your life by the day. What it should not be is the result of an unhealthy trend diet or a fad that leaves you even more unhealthy than you were when you began.

This is not going to be a diet book like all the other diet books. In fact, the foolproof diet is fairly unconventional in its nature. It is different because it puts the accountability on the user of the book rather than in giving false promises. There is not going to be a guarantee that this will work for you, because every person is different with different hurdles in the way. If a thousand other diet books and weight loss trends didn’t work for you, then why should this book be any different?
No, instead, it is time to begin thinking about how you are conducting your life and the changes you can make both mentally and physically in order to guarantee success. This book will never work unless you are willing to put 100% effort and honesty into the process of making the changes that need to be made. Improving your life isn’t something that should be done lightly. In fact, it can be nearly impossible if you aren’t capable of doing everything that needs to be done in order to take at least one step in the right direction every day.

If you find that you are constantly sabotaging your own efforts, then this book definitely will not work for you. Not unless you heed the book’s advice and look inward. Examine yourself and discover what it is that is holding you back. Don’t blame a book if it doesn’t give you the results you asked for. Instead, look at what you can change and begin to take the steps to change them, even if it is difficult.

Weight loss is a powerful and difficult journey. Many of us are filled with a difficult sense of self loathing that can prevent us from making choices that will improve our lives. If we aren’t able to become wiser through our choices, then we will never grow. But to be wise we have to reflect and use a lot of introspection to get there.

Sure, the Foolproof Diet book will provide you with many tools and a lot of information so that you can become the person you want obe, but it is not going to make a false promise. The only way that this book will be foolproof is if you begin to rely on yourself. You have to take responsibility for your healing, mentally and emotionally, and only then will you be prepared to make the big changes that need made to change your life for the better.

But you can do it. Anybody can do it. All it takes is a willingness to try. And if you are reading this right now, then you have already won half the battle. You can do this!

The concept behind the Foolproof Diet book is simple. In order to get results, you have to make changes. A wise person once said that the definition of craziness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. That may be how you feel when reading another diet book. What will set this apart? Why should you even bother when the other ones didn’t give you what you needed to succeed?

Well, perhaps they did. Perhaps they were full of valuable advice and a solid meal plan that would get you through. But the thing most diet books don’t address is the fact that you and you alone are responsible for the way you live your life. All of us are subject to things that we have little to no control over, but our diets are something we have a big say over from day one. If we don’t like something as children we are willful and stubborn about it and often times get away with not eating them.

It is time to get willful and stubborn about eating foods that are terrible for your health and emotional well being. The Foolproof Diet book does give some food suggestions, but it is by no means a recipe book. In fact, it may lack a lot of the things that many diet books seem to boast. We are not going to be telling you to eliminate such and such a food and replace it with this. What we are going to do is give you a good and solid foundation; a guideline with which to begin living your life.

If you are able to mold yourself to this guideline and begin making the choices you need to make when you are shopping for food and cooking, then you will know that the diet has succeeded. It is foolproof simply because you are going to be the one who is making these choices now and for the rest of your life, and you have to be both informed and disciplined for them to take effect.

The foolproof diet really is foolproof. It is a way to begin looking at the world around you without feeling fear of failure and embarrassment. You are going to be able to maintain a diet similar to what you are eating now. the only difference will be the fact that you are thinking more about how you eat and why it is a bad idea to indulge yourself in things that may ultimately end up killing you. And that is what really matters most of all. Your health matters. Your choices matter. And you have to take that realization in your hands and run with it before it is too late.

Modern Social Media Marketing MRR Ebook With Audio

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Modern Social Media Marketing Full Training

If you are promoting any kind of website, you probably have heard of the online marketing concept social media marketing. In fact, if you are the typical online entrepreneur or marketing consultant, you probably use that phrase quite frequently.

Unfortunately, social media marketing is one of those concepts that don't get any clearer the more people repeat its name. Just like with the word “love” the more people repeat the word, the more confusion it creates. What can pass for social media marketing to one person may be a complete out and out joke to another person. It really is quite bad and it leads to a tremendous amount of confusion and failed marketing campaigns.

Make no mistake about it. If you want your social media marketing efforts to yield solid results, you have to get out from under common mistakes even pros make. I wish I could have told you these mistakes earlier because you probably would have saved a tremendous amount of time, effort and money.

Well, the good news is by learning these mistakes now, you can go a long way in avoiding them in the future. Here are the 10 most common reasons marketers fail with social media.

It doesn't really matter how big your marketing budget is. Chances are there will always be a person in the executive team who expects your online marketing efforts to go large or go home. The idea is that you need to get out of the gate and take no prisoners.

While there is a lot to commend this strategy, it's too easy to overdo things. It's too easy to just blow through a tremendous amount of money and effort and have very little to show for it. Social media marketing is essentially a long term engagement. It doesn't really fit well with a one shot big shot approach because you don't know all the variables coming in.

Strategic information regarding consumer intelligence, audience insights and audience profiling are things that you discover along the way. You can do some advance research but at best, they are shots in the dark. You will only truly know in a real world campaign scenario once you have already jumped in with both feet and done the marketing. It reveals itself as you try out your approach.

Given this reality, if you adopt a one shot big shot approach, you end up blowing your money only to end up with seriously flawed or partial at best hindsight. Do yourself a big favor and avoid this mindset. Instead, commit to a slow start.

In the beginning, you're just feeling things out and eventually, you will get enough of a clue to take it to the next stage. Once you achieve your initial set of victories, you can then start connecting the dots putting together a more workable strategy and then you can start scaling things up.

A lot of online marketers simply copy and past what their competitors are doing. This extends all the way from the content that they produce to their social media graphical elements all the way to the meaningless campaigns they run.

Now this may seem like it makes a lot of sense, but you have to understand that you can't blindly copy because when you just copy and paste whatever somebody else is doing, there's a good chance you'll be copying their failure. If you don't know what to look for, if you don't know how to cross reference, slice and dice and otherwise numerically analyze what you've copied and pasted, you are wasting your time.

If your competitors are struggling, you're going to struggle even worse because you don't have their built in audience. You have not proven yourself or created solid value. Instead of operating from a strategic advantage, you have actually dug your own grave.

It's no surprise that blindly copying what your competitors are doing can often lead to fatal results. You blow through a lot of cash only to have very little to show for it.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is to go with their gut feelings as far as marketing strategies are concerned. They think that they're on to something that is so hot that they only need to spend money on it and it will pretty much take care of itself.

Maybe they've discovered that people like a particular type of content so they jump in with both feet and invest a tremendous amount of money on a specific type of content and try to promote it all over the place. It turns out that the person behind the idea is very distinct from members of his target audience. It turns out that this person has different values and has a different mindset compared to the typical member of his target audience.

Not surprisingly, content that he finds compelling is a complete waste of time to his intended audience. What do you think happens in that situation? That's right. The company blows a tremendous amount of money and nobody shows up for the content. Talk about a wasted opportunity.

Thankfully, there's an easy solution to this. In fact, it's so easy and obvious that it pretty much jumps out at you. I'll discuss the solution near the end of this book.

Energy Unleashed MRR Ebook With Audio

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How to Have the Ultimate Productive Day by Supercharging Your Energy Levels

If you read lifestyle, health and tech blogs, then you’ll find that there is really no shortage of advice out there when it comes to increasing your productivity and getting more done in a day. Of course not all of that advice is equally useful but nevertheless, if you know where to look, then you should have not problem finding ideas that can help you out.

The question is then: what nwould happen if you were to take all those most effective tips and strategies and combine them on one single day? Could you create yourself an optimal state of mind and an optimal environment for getting the most work done possible? And what would that look like?

In this short guide, we’re going to look at what happens when you do everything right and when you take all the best advice for boosting your energy levels and improving productivity. At the same time, we’ll be incorporating some slightly more advanced stuff and high-level tips that you won’t come across in your typical productivity blog.

Follow this blueprint for the most productive, focussed and high-energy day ever.

Energy is the Key

Make no mistake though; energy is very much the key here. Your productivity is predicated on you being able to not only increase your energy levels but also anticipate them and work with them in order to ensure that you’re raring to go when you need to be and able to unwind and relax when you need to as well.

And this is a big change of pace for many people, as far too many of us will take energy for granted.

We think an awful lot about time management but very often we completely overlook energy management.

But if you sit down at the desk to work and you feel completely exhausted and overworked from the day before. If you feel like you didn’t get enough sleep, or your body is fighting off the remains of a cold… well then you’re not going to find yourself motivated enough to get productive. So the best tips to follow for that ‘most productive day ever’ are the ones that focus on energy primarily.

The Day Before…

To be highly productive tomorrow, you need to start getting things into place today. This is very important to recognize as your energy levels and focus on any given day are very often the result of cumulative results from the days that preceded it.

The first thing you need to do today in order to be more productive tomorrow then, is to leave a bit of work unfinished.

This might come as a big surprise and seem counterintuitive; but actually, leaving work incomplete is a great way to encourage yourself to work harder tomorrow. The simple reason for this is that we don’t like leaving things unfinished. You’ll be driven by an unconscious urge to complete the task you half-finished tomorrow and this will help you to dive back into ‘work mode’.

And of course the other thing you need to do is to get the best possible night’s sleep. This is going to help you to wake up feeling as good as you possibly can tomorrow and it’s actually far more important than any other aspect of your routine. If you want to perform your best, then getting better sleep is the single best upgrade that you can possibly benefit from.

So how are you going to make sure you get the best night’s sleep?

First: make sure that you take a good half-an-hour-to-an-hour of downtime before you hit the sack. The big mistake that too many of us make, is to work incredibly hard all day, then to come home and watch loud TV or play computer games while checking our phone.

This is devastating for our ability to sleep. All that action on the screen stresses out the brain and makes it more active and alert. Meanwhile, the light is interpreted by our limbic system as being daylight, meaning that we feel more awake and our brain will be flooded with cortisol.

But if you take half an hour to unwind and settle down, then the low-light that comes from outside or from a small, orange, desk-lamp, will help your brain to realize it’s bed time. Meanwhile, concentrating on something to read for example, will prevent your mind from wandering and help you to get into an almost meditative, restful state. Reading also has the considerable advantage of making our eyes tired as we strain to read the text. This causes them to feel heavy and eventually it will be hard to keep them open!

Doing all this will ensure you get to sleep much faster and when you do sleep, you’ll sleep more deeply. At the very least, try to avoid keeping your phone in the room with you when you sleep.

Second: make sure your environment is dark, comfy and quiet. This should go without saying but it’s something that many people don’t take seriously enough. If your room is flooded with light from a nearby streetlamp or if you can hear the neighbors entertaining their guests, then you won’t sleep as well and you’ll feel it tomorrow. At the very least, you should try to cover up bright LEDs (another reason to charge your phone in another room!).

Finally: get your temperature right! Your room should be slightly cool when you’re sleeping so you have to stay under the covers for warmth. And while you’re at it, consider taking a nice warm bath before bed. This will relax your muscles and help you to regulate your body temperature throughout the night.

Wakey, Wakey…

Here’s one more tip for sleeping, this time dealing with the way you wake up: get yourself a ‘daylight lamp’. These are lamps that are designed to create a wavelength that is purposefully similar to that of the sun. Better yet, they will get brighter gradually in the morning before the alarm sounds. What this does is to gently stir you out of deep sleep by making the environment seem to get slowly brighter. This means that when the alarm does sound, you will be in REM sleep rather than SWS (Slow Wave Sleep). That in turn means you’ll feel much less groggy.

Better yet, you’ll be waking up into a bright room – which makes a huge psychological difference and makes it much easier to get up and get going!

To Coffee or Not to Coffee

So if we’re trying to do everything right and boost our energy levels as much as possible for the day ahead, the next question is whether or not we should drink coffee.

And the answer? Kind of.

When you drink caffeein, this helps the brain to feel more awake by blocking the effects of adenosine. Adenosine is a by-product of the energy process in the brain. When the cells utilize glucose and ATP to help us go about our daily activities, they create adenosine as a by-product. Unfortunately, this by-product then dampens activity of the cells, making us feel groggy and sleepy. This is why we get tireder and tireder throughout the day, until we eventually fall asleep and the brain is able to flush itself of the substance.

Except it isn’t all gone in the morning and this is one of the reasons that you’ll often experience sleep-inertia and still feel tired when you first wake up.

Caffeine mimicks adenosine and this means that the brain ‘mistakes’ it for that by-product. Caffeine therefore is able to bind to the adenosine receptors, which prevents adenosine from working.

Hence, you wake up.

So that’s a good thing right?

Sure, but it’s not the only factor to consider.

For one, blocking adenosine and waking the brain up artificially causes a surprising amount of activity across the brain. Our body finds this unusual and so it responds by releasing more stress hormones – thinking that we must be doing something very important, or that we might even be under attack!

Hence we produce adrenaline (norepinephrine), cortisol and more. Caffeine in that regard is ‘stress in a cup’ and stress is not good for our energy levels.

The other issue with caffeine is that the brain can adapt to it. When you have low adenosine activity in your brain for long enough, it can respond by trying to upregulate it. That means it will increase the number of adenosine receptors, meaning that you now need more caffeine in order to block them. It also means that when you don’t get caffeine, you can feel even more tired – which is why caffeine is addictive. This can even cause headaches via caffeine withdrawal.

So should you drink caffeine or not?

A good compromise is to drink a little caffeine and to time it right throughout the day. Morning is a good option, especially if you take weekends off.

Modern Video Marketing MRR Ebook With Audio

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There's a reason why a lot of affiliate marketing googles and self-proclaimed online marketing experts have been talking up video marketing. It seems that they won't shut up about it.

This has become some sort of mantra or running gag, depending on how you look at the situation. While as the old saying goes, where there is smoke, there is fire. There's a reason behind the hype.

It is not just exaggeration and it is not just overinflated estimates. This excitement about video marketing stems from the fact that it absolutely works but here's the twist. You have to know what you’re doing for it to work.

Still, it is worth mastering because every single day you’re losing money if you're not marketing with video. If you’re unclear as to how exactly you’re missing out here are the eight key reasons why you need to step up to this very powerful marketing method.

Of course, these are just eight most important reasons. There are actually countless reasons why you should include at least some videos in your marketing efforts.

If you don't have a brand, you're basically playing the online marketing game to lose. When people see whatever it is you're using for marketing they can instantly conclude that they can get the same stuff elsewhere.

That does not give you a competitive advantage. It doesn’t put you in a great position. When people feel that they can get your stuff from a thousand other places on the Internet, they probably are not in a rush to buy whatever it is you’re promoting. It doesn't get any simpler than that.

When you use video marketing to build a brand, you do whatever it is you are promoting, whether it’s your conversion platform or your marketing brand as you push one affiliate product after another, people would sit up and pay attention. What you’re really selling is your expertise and credibility.

That's give you a competitive advantage. You’re not just another faceless marketer in the crowd, you're not just an easily replaceable two-bit player.

Not only can marketing videos help you brand by making your value proposition stand out, it’s also able to do this fairly quickly.

You only need to get a few high-quality niche videos to spread widely among your target audience members for the word to get around. You're the one with the quality video. Your competitors can’t even step up.

This gives you a very important strategic tool to distinguish your brand voice and this can go a long way in justifying higher prices as well as distinguishing your marketing platform from everybody else’s.

When you watch a video, you’re not just watching images. The images themselves are already sending you powerful signals, but the voice, the sound, even the music in the video all combine to connect with the viewer on an immediate human level.

In fact, videos’ amazing ability to tell stories can go a long way in connecting with people where they are most vulnerable: The emotional level. Whether you’re trying to persuade people rationally or you're trying to pull on heartstrings, video gives you a lot more opportunities and a lot more tools and flexibility than text or graphical ads.

If you spend a lot of time, effort, and resources marketing primarily via video, you immediately stand out from most of your competitors because they often shy away from video production.

They think it’s too expensive, they think it might not work, they believe in all sorts of myths regarding the disadvantages of video. This form a very formidable anticompetitive world that separates you from the rest of the players in your niche.

They’re afraid to go where you are. You have the advantage and you have to use this very carefully and effectively so as to reach more of your target audience members and push your brand really hard.

When you market through video spokesperson marketing videos, you get a chance to address your target audience personally. They see your face. You’re making eye contact through your video.

They can see your tone of voice. You’ll be able to send a lot of signals to them so as to appear more approachable. They feel that they can put a face to the brand. They cannot say the same as far as your competitors are concerned.

Your competitors are just competing via articles, blog posts, SEO. You on the other hand, are real person in the minds of your target audience members. This gives you a tremendous competitive advantage.

They feel that they can relate to you. There are more opportunities for them to connect with you on an emotional level because you’re putting yourself out there.
Your competitors on the other hand, are hiding behind text. It’s too easy to write them off. It’s too easy to conclude whatever they bring to the table is generic and can be found elsewhere.

When somebody is making a video presentation and they call the viewer to action, it’s harder to resist. Assuming that the video has an amazing script and assuming that the video does a decent job laying the foundation for the sale, it’s harder to resist the call to action. Oftentimes, it hits you at the gut level.

The video clearly explains what the benefits are. It also walks you through the emotional implications of your obtaining those benefits. It is no surprise that video calls to action are more likely to generate a sense of urgency in the mind of the viewer. They’re more likely to conclude that “they need” the product or service you’re offering.

Compare this with a text call to action. Maybe the reader is distracted. Maybe the reader really wants to solve the problem, but somehow, somewhere your text call to action simply didn’t use the right wording. Whatever the case may be, there are just so many things that can pop loose and end up losing the sale.