“Has Your Child Been Diagnosed With ADHD? Is Coping With Your Child's Behavior Wearing You Out? Are You
Tired of Searching For Answers?"
Attention: If you answered "Yes" to those questions, read on. This may be the most important letter you've ever read...
Dear :
Welcoming a child into your family is one of the happiest times for a parent. You enjoy watching them grow year by year.
However, as parents we worry about everything...
Are they eating enough?
Is it time to give them cereal yet?
Did they learn to walk at the right time?
Then, once it's time to send them off to school a whole new set of worries kicks in! I think when they start school it is harder on us then it is on them!
Being a parent myself, I want to share a story with you...
I know a little boy in my neighborhood.
Going to school was an adventure for him. He was able to meet new friends and learn new things.
His mother prepared him for school the best she could. Yet regardless, she continued to worry. Was he making friends? Was he having fun? Was he ok?
Having him come home from school after being bullied all day or getting in trouble was one of her biggest fears.
At first, everything at school was great. He loved going to school. He talked about all his new friends. He came home from school with all kinds of pictures he’d made that day. Then the trouble begin...
His mother started getting notes home from the teacher.
Her son was not getting along with the other children in his class, and would not stay in his seat. Next thing his mother knew she was looking at a report card with failing grades.
She went to the school and met with the teachers.
She followed their suggestions.
She met with the school counselors.
She did everything she could think of to improve his grades and behavior.
To make matters worse his bad behavior continued at home.
He was always fighting with his siblings and being defiant. Eventually at night, his mother ended up in tears unable to figure out what was wrong with her son.