Announcing The Brand New, 10 Part, Step By Step Video Course That Shows You...
“Finally, A System That Doesn’t Require You to Sell Anything To Anyone Or Deal With Local Business Owners Directly - Learn How to Earn a Nice Passive Income by Simply Connecting Potential Customers and Local Businesses Together… Starting Today”
In this specific video training course, you will get to watch over my shoulder - step-by-step, click by click - and learn how to implement this system that will allow you to earn a nice recurring income by simply generating leads for local business owners, without the headaches of selling, and focusing simply on what you do best - which is generating leads.
It’s a fact - there's lots of money to be made in the local lead generation for local businesses arena.
And while you see tons of products teaching you how to make money from local businesses, the big problem is this…
What they don't tell you is that dealing with local businesses is a whole different animal and can be complicated and create headaches for you if you are not as familiar with this arena.
I've dealt with many local businesses only to find that I'm running around in circles simply because these local business owners are extremely hard to deal with and require a lot of handholding, and that’s why a lot of local marketers quit.
You'll learn from my mistakes, and learn one of the easiest ways to generate income starting today.
Now there are several ways to make money in terms of lead generation for local businesses. In this case, I want to talk about just two.
1 - You could generate leads and sell them directly to companies, but with this the situation is actually harder than it sounds. This is simply because a lot of companies don't know how much money they are willing to pay per lead, and you get caught into a never ending cycle of back and forth negotiation.
2 - Another way is that you can find companies that are already brokering leads and that act as the middleman between the leads you generate and the company, and simply generate leads for these companies. These types of companies are willing to give you a specific percentage of the money whenever you generate leads for them.
It's quite obvious that these companies make a little more money. But the beauty of this is that you don't have to do any selling or bargaining or anything like that. For example, let's say that you are generating leads for roofing companies. In this situation you could generate a lead for the brokering company and earn $18.
If you generate leads directly for the roofing company, you may earn $30-40, but then you would have to spend a lot more time, you'll have a lot more headaches, and your profit margin will not be as great if your system is not set up.
And that's what this video training is all about, generating leads for these brokering companies that deal directly with local business owners so that you won't have to do any of the selling or have any of the headaches that come along with it.
How would you like to learn how to setup simple sites that generate leads and earn specific amount of money per lead like clockwork over and over again?