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Positive thinking doesn?t come naturally to many people. In fact, for most of us, the first thing that probably pops into our head every time we encounter challenges are negative thoughts.
We think about what happened, and then we think about who?s to blame for the things that have gone wrong. Maybe your first instinct is to complain about things, to lash out at other people instead of looking at what you yourself have done.
Ask yourself if you want to be around people like that. People who are so negative they basically pull down everyone around them. With negativity practically oozing out of their pores, I bet you wouldn?t want to be around these people. So, don?t be one of them!
You need to make a conscious effort to direct your thoughts from negative to positive. It?s difficult if you?re just starting out, but with time and sufficient practice, you?ll find yourself thinking positively most, if not all, of the time.
If you?re looking to change your ways and become a more positive-minded person, then you?re in luck. This massive guide will help you learn how to think positively. You?re going to learn the importance of thinking positive thoughts, and why you shouldn?t ever let negativity get the best of you.
You?ll learn what differentiates happy and positive people from negative ones. You?ll find out why positive thinkers ultimately end up successful while most negative thinkers fail to achieve their dreams.
This guide is designed to help you become a better and more positive person. Someone people would love to be around with so they too can soak up your positivity. Be the difference-maker in the people around you. When you?ve mastered positive thinking, you?ll end up happier, healthier, and more fulfilled than you?ve ever felt in your life!
Chapter 1 - Overcome Doubt And Negative Thinking Now
“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.”
- Suzy Kassem
To get started on your journey towards mastering the skill of positive thinking, you need to get rid of all traces of doubt and negative thinking as soon as possible. If you continue doubting yourself, you?re never going to amount to anything in life. You?ll probably end up living a mediocre and unhappy life. Too scared to venture out of your comfort zone. Too afraid to deal with the reality that failure is a necessary – and important – step towards success.
Doubters will doubt themselves. They?ll doubt the people around them. They?ll doubt everything and everyone. These people are downers. They literally make everyone around them suffer just by being near them.
Does this sound like you? I sure hope not! No one wants to be around a Debbie Downer, so you definitely shouldn?t ever want to be one!
Just like most things in life, overcoming doubt and negative thinking is easier said than done. Sure, it?s easy to utter positive words when you need to. But deep inside you know your first instinct is to say something gloomy or depressing. You need to put a stop to your destructive inner voice right now.
Here are 10 powerful ways you can get started with removing negativity in your life so you can move forward and upward!
1. Let go of the past
The past is gone, it?s over. You can try all you want, but you can never turn back the clock. Look at the present without letting your past cloud your judgment. If you fail to move forward because the past is holding you back, then you seriously need to reassess your life.