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The Art Of Consistency MRR Ebook

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When you think about consistency, what is the first word or the first emotions that come to mind? What do you first feel when you think of someone who is consistent?

If you think of a business that is reliable and trustworthy, what feelings does that evoke? Is this a place of business that you want to visit again and again? Is this somewhere that you feel comfortable spending your money as often? Is it a place that feels actually rewarding and fun to shop at?

The answers to those questions are probably yes because consistency is a big reason why people bring their business back to the same companies again and again. When they are spending money, they are voting with their wallets. They are saying that they feel like they can count on this company and their products, their sales people, their entire vision and culture.

The same is true with people. Consistency can go a long way to forge strong friendships, get good jobs, create communities, and manufacture a personal environment that is peaceful and rewarding and strong.

If you want to have real relationships and real success at work and a future that is bright and promising, you need to be a consistent person and do consistent work and regularly show others that you can be trusted.

But before you can do that, before you can really start to live a consistent life and be a consistent person, you need to know what consistency is and why it is so important. Why do so many people look for it in business and in personal life? Why does this facet of someone or some company rise above all others?

Consistency is the act of regularly doing something well without being reminded. It’s being reliable, it’s being trustworthy, it’s delivering on your promises without being prompted and doing it again and again.

The post office is consistent. The nightly news is consistent. Unfortunately, the IRS is consistent. These are all entities that get their jobs done without being told to and they have acted correctly for generations now. They don’t need to be guided, they don’t need to be told what to do. They know their purpose and the task at hand and they complete it on their own, free of mentorship and usually assistance.

Throughout your life, you have met with and worked with plenty of people and business entities that have and have not been consistent. You have experienced the good and bad of consistency. You have people who are always late and you have people who are always on time, sometimes even early. You have companies that deliver their goods and services on time without any issues and you have others who have to be called and hounded to accomplish a very simple task that they promised to you weeks ago.

You know that a life with consistency is much calmer and easier because there are no surprises. YOu know what is promised and you know that you can expect that promise to be done without any hassle.

You also know that a life without consistency is the opposite. You are always on your toes, you are always a bit anxious, you are always feeling like the other shoe is going to drop and you are going to have to do extra work because you cannot count on people.

As you can imagine, all of this can have both a positive and negative impact on the relationships in your life. Building connections with people who are and are not consistent can be both rewarding and very challenging. And you might find that you’re the type of person who cannot have a meaningful friendship or relationship without someone who will not deliver on promises and cannot keep up their end of any deals.

This is why consistency is so important. On the surface, some people don’t see it as a very important characteristic and value in life but, in reality, it’s crucial. It can make or break relationships and personal lives but it can also make or break businesses and your financial future and wellbeing.

The Art Of Consistency Video Upgrade MRR Video With Audio

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Congratulations! You made a wise decision to get the guide.

What I have on offer for you are complementary video mini lessons to help you get results even further.

In total, you're going to get 10 helpful videos that you can watch right away.

Here they are:

Video #1: Why Can't You Be Consistent?
Video #2: What Makes a Person Consistent?
Video #3: What Happens If You Miss a Day of Consistency?
Video #4: How to Build Consistency if You Have None
Video #5: How to be Consistent When You Want to Give Up
Video #6: Consistency in the Face of Fear
Video #7: Consistency Doesn't Need to Be Big
Video #8: 10 Ways to Be More Consistent in Less Time
Video #9: 5 Steps to be More Consistent
Video #10: 3 Habits That Equal Consistency

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Chaos To Calm MRR Ebook

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Time and time again, others have tried to say that when your space is cluttered, so is your mind. However, that can also go the other way. As your mind becomes cluttered with things to do, meetings to go to, and all the stresses you experience, your space will become cluttered as a result.

A cluttered workspace may say that you are in the middle of a project and need lots of information present at once. However, this same workspace will stress out your mind and hurt your work performance.

Clutter creates a negative impact and our lives. The clutter in the world around us indicates lots of clutter in the mind. When you experience stress and anxiety for long periods of time, take a look around you. Are you seeing clutter that matches the state of your mind?

The first step to bringing your chaotic world down to a calm one is to recognize the clutter around you. Knowing both the physical clutter and the clutter of your mind will let you know what you need to clean to bring you back to peace.

What is Clutter: Identifying What Triggers Your Stress

Clutter can be found anywhere. It can be seen in your home with the junk drawer or with dishes piling up in the sink. It can be seen at work with the cluttered state of your desk. Clutter can be seen through piles of clothes on your floor or the stack of mail you’ve yet to go through. It can even be seen in your mind with all the stressful thoughts you have.

Simply put, clutter is the mess of items that are strewn across your space without any sense of order. Some may associate the word clutter with trinkets and lots of decorations around your space. While this is true, that isn’t the kind of clutter we are talking about. Instead, we are talking about the clutter that causes messes and therefore, a chaotic mindset.

Clutter builds up over time as more and more objects are added to the piles.

Clutter can look like:

- A junk drawer that is filled with things you haven’t seen in ages

- Piles of clothes that keep building up from you not doing your laundry

- Items that you don’t use anymore being shoved in different spaces of your house

- Having several items because you must replace the item after “losing it”

- Dishes that pile in the sink until you no longer have any

- Your house is so messy that it would be difficult to straighten up before guests come over

If your house resembles any or several of the points on the list, that is a good indication that your space has become quite cluttered and that your mental health may be suffering because of it. We are not judging if your house or workspace looks like this. Everyone has experienced a cluttered space at least once in their life and there are many reasons why your space may get to this point.

When your mental health is not the best, it makes it so much harder to prevent and remove the clutter from your space. This creates a vicious cycle where clutter builds up in your house which makes your mental health worse but because your mental health is worse, you have less motivation to clean the clutter, instead, it continues to build.

This leads to a sense of losing control. For many, not having control is a huge stress trigger. People like having control of their lives and space. With lots of clutter and not knowing where everything is, that becomes stressful. Also, it can be quite stressful when you are trying to make your way through a cluttered house but end up stepping on some painful clutter left on the floor.

Online Biz Blueprint MRR Ebook

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Internet Marketing Business Models

In this chapter, we?re going to cover some internet marketing business models. If you are interested in internet marketing, then you definitely need to know what business models are out there and how to choose the best one for you.

There are many different business models that we will cover in this chapter, and you can make money from every single one of them if you want.

But first you have to choose the right one and that not only will take some thought, it also takes a great deal of information. That?s exactly what this chapter is going to give you.

Introduction to Internet Marketing

Before we get into the business models, let?s talk about internet marketing in general. Loosely defined, internet marketing is any type of business that you do on the internet to make money.

We?re going to go over some the specific methods to do so shortly. Internet marketing got started in earnest when people realized that they could influence where their website landed in the search results.

Since then, the market has exploded to the point where it seems like everyone is doing internet marketing.

Internet marketing is a wonderful business to get in for several reasons.

First, you have unlimited income potential. Internet marketing has made quite a few millionaires and there are tons and tons of people making six figures with an internet marketing enterprise.

In addition, internet marketing can be a residual, passive form of income.

That means that you can be doing something else – even having a full-time job – and still be making money with your internet marketing efforts.

Defining the Business Model

Internet marketing is composed of various business models. A business model is simply a method of making money on the internet. There are some standards that have proven very effective for internet marketers, such as Amazon, and others that are less used but still lucrative.

People are also creating more opportunities daily to make money on the internet.

Types of Business Models

Let?s go over ten of the most popular ways that you can make money on the internet, so that you can see each one in detail and understand how they work. Then we?ll give you some advice on how to choose the right one for you. But you must understand the model before you can determine if you want to get into that business.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the first internet marketing business model we?ll be discussing. Have you heard of the website Clickbank? Clickbank is a well-known place where affiliates can find products to promote. Clickbank is by no means the only website that offers this service, but they are probably the biggest and most well known. When you do affiliate marketing:

you get the customer to visit your site

you use your sales page to convince them to buy then you send them to the seller?s website with your affiliate ID attached.

This means that when they buy the product, you get a commission.

The exact amount of the commission varies with each product, but it can be a substantial amount of money.

Amazon Affiliate

The next model that we?re going to discuss is the Amazon affiliate program. The reason that the Amazon program isn?t lumped in with the other affiliate marketing programs listed above is simple: it?s so good that it deserves its own section. Amazon has everything that you could possibly want listed on their website.

It doesn?t matter what product you are looking for, Amazon almost certainly has it. The great thing is: if you send someone to Amazon to buy a product that they were looking for anyway, Amazon pays you a commission.

Chaos To Calm Video Upgrade MRR Video With Audio

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"Now You Can Get Instant Access To a 10-Part Training Series To Help You Get Ahead Even More..."

Download And Start Playing These Videos Tutorials Right From The Comfort Of Your Home!

Congratulations! You made a wise decision to get the guide.

What I have on offer for you are complementary video mini lessons to help you get results even further.

In total, you're going to get 10 helpful videos that you can watch right away.

Here they are:

Video #1: 5 Apps That Can Help You Meditate and De-Stress
Video #2: 5 Mindfulness Exercises You Can Try as Soon as Today
Video #3: 7 Tips For Work-Life Balance That Will Eliminate Stress
Video #4: 10 Affirmations You Can use For Stress Relief
Video #5: 10 Best Ways To Beat Stress Today (Even If You Have No Time)
Video #6: Mindfulness Explained. What is it?
Video #7: Stress At Work: What Causes It and How To Fix It?
Video #8: The Do's and Don'ts of Stress Management
Video #9: The Health Consequences of Stress: What Are They
Video #10: What Causes Stress: 8 of the Common Causes You Need to Know

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Remember when I asked if you wanted the long way or short way?

Online Biz Blueprint – Video Upgrade MRR Video With Audio

You Now Have Access To Online BIZ Blueprint.

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There's a long way and a short way.

The long way?

Trying to figure out everything yourself, only to go around in circles. All that time wasted could have been put into something more worthwhile.

Want to know the short cut instead?

Good news!

I recorded 10 exclusive, step-by-step video tutorials that'll show you the tools, techniques and my top tips to finally succeed and get results!

Here they are:

Video #1: Choosing The Right Theme For Your Website
Video #2: How To Get A New Domain and Web Hosting Account
Video #3: How To Get Your Website Found With SEO
Video #4: How to Use File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Video #5: Internet Marketing 101
Video #6: Mailchimp vs Aweber vs Getresponse
Video #7: Quickest Way To Create Free Giveaways To Build a Big Audience Fast
Video #8: Tips To Using Facebook Ads For Faster Results
Video #9: Top 3 Platforms to Promote Affiliate Products
Video #10: Top Benefits Of Using WordPress Over HTML

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Remember when I asked if you wanted the long way or short way?

Well, these videos will give you that unfair advantage and help you finally breakthrough so you can get results starting as soon as you finish watching the videos!

Minimalist Home Cooking PLR Ebook

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The story of stonesoup

Hi there. My name is Jules Clancy. I love food. I love wine. And I’m the only person I know that is crazy enough to have degrees in both.

In 2005, I was working as a food scientist developing new products for a gobal cereal company when I discovered the world of food blogs. I’d always longed to write recipes for a living, however, it seemed like an impossible career to crack into. But anyone could start a blog... and so began stonesoup.

After a few months writing, I knew this was what I was meant to do. I invested in a digital camera and by trial and a lot of error began to take photos of my food. In January 2010, I took the next step on my blogging path and quit my day job to become a full-time blogger.

stonesoup is a blog that helps people become better home cooks by using a minimalist approach to cooking. It allows me to use my food science knowledge for good. I focus on reducing the number of ingredients, the amount of equipment, the number of steps involved, and the time we spend in the kitchen to a minimum so we can focus what’s important. It’s about simple, wholesome, delicious food that is easy to prepare and still fun and satisfying to eat.

Why the FREE e-cookbook? Over the past year I’ve been writing a series of recipes that have only 5 ingredients and take 10 minutes to prepare. They’ve been published in a number of locations.

I thought it would be useful to have these recipes all together in the one handy ebook that you can keep on your laptop or computer at work as an at-your-fingertips reference for when you need inspiration for what to cook for dinner.

If you do find this recipe book useful, I’d really appreciate it if you shared the love and forwarded it to your family and friends. Or better yet - send them the link to stonesoup (www.thestonesoup.com) so they can download their own copy and discover the wonderful world of food blogging themselves.

Love Jules x

what is minimalist home cooking?

I could make some dodgy jokes about minimalist home cooking being eating out all the time, or what happens when you’re in a country stricken by famine – but I’ll spare you.

In the stonesoup kitchen, the focus is on recipes that meet most or all of the following criteria:

minimal time

As much as I love spending a whole day in the kitchen, I’m always thinking about how I can do things more quickly and efficiently. This is where the 10 minutes comes in.

minimal number of steps

This is related to time but I wanted to spell it out separately. At stonesoup I’m always looking to minimalise the number of steps needed in a recipe. I strive to keep the instructions concise but easy to follow.

minimal number of ingredients

A long ingredient list can be daunting. This inspired me to create this series of recipes using 5 ingredients or less. There are no needless ingredients. Everything must perform a key function to get included.

minimal equipment

I’ve never been a fan of single-use kitchen equipment and I know that like me, most people are cooking in pretty basic kitchens. While some of the recipes in this book may be quicker and easier to prepare with a food processor, that’s as fancy as it gets.

There’s a section on how to setup a minimalist kitchen later in this book.

Healthy Foods For Babies And Toddlers PLR Ebook

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Most babies are ready for solid foods around six months of age. Around this time babies need more nutrients than they receive from breast milk or infant formula alone, especially iron. Signs that your baby is ready to start solids include:

Being able to sit up well with support

Being able to hold their head up

Showing an interest in food such as watching you eat and trying to reach for food when you are eating

Being hungrier and not settling well after a full feed.


- A number of attempts on different occasions may be needed before a new food is eaten. Don’t give up on the first go, keep on trying and keep it fun!

- Continue breastfeeding (or feeding your baby infant formula) while introducing solid foods until your baby is 12 months old.

- It is common for babies to gag, with coughing or spluttering, while they are learning to eat. This is different to choking and is not a cause for concern. However, choking that prevents breathing is a medical emergency, so never leave your baby unattended while they are eating.

- See page 36 for food safety tips.


Start with small amounts of iron-enriched infant cereal and/or cooked pureed meat, poultry, fish, plain tofu or legumes (e.g. lentils, chickpeas and red kidney beans). Then offer your baby a variety of foods from the five food groups that include a range of flavours, for example different types of pureed vegetables and fruit.

6 months
8 months
12 months


- Increase and vary food textures to help baby develop. Babies adapt quickly moving from pureed and finely mashed foods to lumpy foods.

- Introducing more textured foods reduces the risk of speech problems and fussy eating.