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Establishing Brand Recognition PLR Ebook

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We Marketers have it really hard these days. We are all targeting the same group of people, with the same basic product offerings and sometimes even at the same time.
This is especially true for the world of Online Marketing. Some may find our efforts informative or even amusing. Others are downright annoyed and seek out every possible way to silence the noisy atmosphere we have created as we compete with each other.

To make matters worse, many of the promotions online are fictitious and have left our target market overly skeptical about everything they see online.

Many of them have actually suffered serious financial loss as a result of the tactics of unscrupulous marketers. In fact, less than 25% of all consumers actually trust advertisements they see online. Just think about how negatively this will affect your sales!

But, do not despair, building a recognizable brand is within your reach if you are willing to learn how to play your cards right. Marketing a business or brand online has become one of the most popular ways for Entrepreneurs to reach their target audience.

Gone are the days when a good billboard and couple of well-designed posters would be enough to get you on the map. If you do not take the time to establish your brand’sonline presence, it can easily become forgotten or overshadowed by its competitors. Keeping ahead of the game now means carefully integrating online marketing into your overall marketing strategy and thus building a brand that needs no introduction.

The truth is, marketing your brand online is not an overly complicated task. But like any other skill, you must take the time to learn as much as you can about the task at hand and the best way to achieve the desired results.

Thankfully, you have purchased this book, which means you are well on your way to building a successful brand.

Chapter 1 – Defining Your Brand and Everything it Represents Attractively

Your brand represents a unique promise that you make to every single one of your customers and potential customers. It is the consistency of this promise and the overall quality of the delivery of this promise that will encourage your customers to be loyal to your brand.

Getting your customers to become loyal to your brand is the only real way to make your brand successful. But in order for your promise to be effective, it must be distinct and clearly distinguishable from the many other promises your potential clients will encounter.

What kind of promise is your brand making?

Who is your brand making this promise to?

Why is your brand’spromise different from everyone else’s?

Why should anyone believe your promise?

At a glance, the task of defining your brand may appear quite simple but please do not be fooled.

The golden arches of McDonald’sandthe Nike swoosh did not become what they are in a day. These and other successful brands are the product of careful research, distinctly defined boundaries and a comprehensive Marketing strategy. The result of all this hard work is that each customer and potential customer knows exactly what these brands represent.

Have you ever walked into McDonald’sto order to purchase a Pepperoni pizza? Will anyone in their right minds drive to Nike to pick up a pair of ruby red stilettos?
Of course not! That is as a result of these brands being so carefully defined that we know exactly what to expect and what these brands can deliver.

Customers are far more likely to be loyal to a brand that sends a clear message or has a distinct voice.

The first step to defining your brand is thinking carefully about and documenting what your business is good at. You can make use of S.W.A.T analysis to outline the major strengths and weakness of your business.

It goes without saying that your brand should represent the strengths or core functions of your business. This will require some amount of honest self-evaluation.
Some Entrepreneurs fall into the trap of aiming to be good at everything or doing too many things at the same time. Even worse is trying to make a ‘universal’product or service that has no specific target audience.

The result of this kind of strategy would be a brand that is not well defined and will not encourage brand loyalty.

Trying to target everybody and doing everything will force you to spread your resources too thin. The easiest way to get nothing done is to try and do everything at the same time.

Once you have a clearly defined message in mind, the next step is to choose the right tools. The Marketing tools that you choose to make use of should then emphasize the core focus of your business. In doing so, your Marketing strategy should also emphasize what your business is not and thus make your clients see that your focus is not on ripping them off.

This is an easy way to highlight the difference between you and the competition. A memorable brand is not worth the effort if you are not earning any money and the easiest way to make money is to take out the competition.

After assessing the strength of your business, find three simple words that represent what your business does well. Think of it this way, which three words would you want your clients to use to describe your brand if your brand was a person?

This will require that you and your executive team carefully define the mission and vision statement of your business as well. Your next move should be figuring out how to communicate these attributes to your target audience with the utmost simplicity.

A complicated commercial or website is a major turn off to potential clients and will not be very effective at generating sales. Keep your message simple if your aim is to make your brand memorable and profitable.

“There is no greatness where there is not simplicity?Leo.” Tolstoy

“Simplicitythe ultimateis sophistication?ClareBoothe.” Luce

“To be simple is to?RalphbegreatWaldoEmerson.”

Defining your brand and the identity of your brand will require much more than a fancy logo.

It must instantly bring to mind what your business does and what your brand represents. One core principle that never fails is to focus on quality and convenience.
The identity of your brand should be carefully tied to adding value. Make your clients think of your product or service as being of the best quality, the easiest to use, the most affordable or even the most durable. Selling hype will not get you very far.

Always remember that your aim is to give your brand a pleasant voice and a distinct identity.

The ultimate aim is to get the voice of your brand off the printed page or website into the mind of your target audience. Your message should make such a deep impression on your target audience that purchasing your product or service should seem like the only sensible choice.

You should not have to clutter your website or commercials to get potential clients to remember what your brand represents. This will prove to be a waste of time since your brand may become easily confused with another.

The next chapter will provide further details on building a unique identity for your brand.

Productive Powerhouse MRR Ebook

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Chapter 1: Introduction

Productivity and Time Management

Ask any successful business or individual out there, and I’m sure they will tell you higher levels of productivity are a crucial aspect in ensuring revenue growth and achieving success.

In fact, many individuals and corporations willingly invest large sums of money and effort in order to improve in this area. Higher levels of productivity in individuals (whether as part of an organization or alone) helps to bring them closer to their success targets within a shorter time period, and prevents needless wastage of time, money and effort.

The dictionary defines productivity as “the quality, state, or fact of being able to generate, create, enhance, or bring forth goods and services”. To explain it simply on a more individual level - it is just how much one can get done in a set period of time.

And when productivity is mentioned, time management is usually also brought up ; they go hand in hand. Both are strongly correlated - higher levels of productivity is usually the result of better time management.

All That You Know About Time Management Is Wrong Yup, you got that right.

Your understanding of time management is very likely… wrong.

Time management is in fact, a strange concept. Time cannot be managed or influenced; it is something that is pretty much out of our control. All of us, despite our social or financial background, are allocated 24 hours in a day, no more or less. Once gone, there’s no way we can get it back.

Our day-to-day responsibilities - be it family or work, takes up a large portion of our time. Not only that, time is fleeting and so easily robbed from our hands. Unexpected things pop up all the time.

Priorities change. Things go terribly wrong. You get sick, or tired.

You can only do so much - you’re only human, after all.

You can, however control YOU. And your CHOICES. Time management is more correctly, all about self-discipline and task management. It’s the management of expectations as well as interruptions. It is the ability to manage your actions, habits and priorities based on the time you are given. It is understanding what matters most, making a choice to make room for that in your life, and getting rid of the unnecessary, unimportant stuff that’s hogging up your valuable time.

Also, time management is not a one system fits all method. There is no perfect method. Different individuals have different styles - we’re all wired differently in terms of personality type, identity and individual life circumstances. Some may find that a to-do list works for them; others may find to-do lists hard to follow and demotivating. It’s all about finding your groove - different strokes for different folks.

Multitasking because you want to manage time better? Bad idea.

Contrary to popular belief, faster and more is NOT always better.

Multitasking is one way to destroy your productivity levels.

Sure… you seem to get more done this way.

However, you are probably more likely to make mistakes - which will result in you doing things over again. Stick to focusing on one task at a time, and taking sufficient breaks whenever possible - you’ll stand to accomplish more this way. Now, we’ve mentioned that juggling multiple tasks at one time is counterproductive. However, striving to complete each task no matter how long it takes is also not a wise idea when it comes to time management. Restrict your time spent on a task, and schedule accordingly.

As you can see, a lot of what we know regarding time management are in fact, myths. Many of us have skewed perceptions or are misinformed when it comes to time management. These myths, over time, through the people around us or the media we consume, become deeply ingrained within our mindsets; we eventually regard them as facts and hold on to them. As a result, we are prevented from becoming truly and fully productive in any aspect of our lives.

Chapter 2: The Big E’s

Effectiveness versus efficiency.

Both terms are adjectives that begin with the letter ‘e’, and are used to describe how work is done. Not only that, they sound quite similar.

It is relatively easy to mistake one for the other, or use them interchangeably (a lot of people do!). However, these terms are anything but similar - in fact, they each carry completely different meanings.

Effectiveness is all about doing the right things; it is result oriented. It is when one’s objectives are in line with their main goals, and indirectly your purpose.

It is finding ways to improve outcomes. For example, if your goal is to increase awareness and sales of a particular product to reach a particular target, you should engage in tasks or activities that will help move you closer to your goals (eg. marketing and ads, in this scenario) , and not waste time on irrelevant tasks that do not serve your goals. This makes you effective.

Efficiency, however, is more about doing things right; this aspect is task oriented. It is using better ways to get something done well in the shortest amount of time possible, while utilizing the least amount of resources and/or costs. An example of efficiency would be using a computerized system to get things done accurately in a shorter span of time; as opposed to relying on manual methods to do the same thing, which is susceptible to human error and is more time consuming.

Either one can exist without the other; one can be effective but not efficient, and vice versa. It is entirely possible for one to be effective in achieving their goals, while being inefficient in the way they do it.

It is also entirely possible to be none of both at all.

In fact, there are four possibilities:

1. Effective and Efficient

2. Effective and Inefficient

3. Ineffective and Efficient

4. Ineffective and Inefficient

It should be noted however that true, optimal productivity is a combination of both efficiency and effectiveness (Number 1) - the Holy Grail for every individual or organization.

It is not possible for an organization or person to reach peak productivity levels, if they are lacking in either efficiency or effectiveness (Number 2, 3 and 4). If anything, they’re setting themselves up for either mediocrity or inevitable failure.

Effectiveness > Efficiency

In terms of order of importance, effectiveness should be prioritized over efficiency in all your considerations about productivity.

This however does not mean that you should disregard the importance of efficiency altogether - again, as mentioned earlier, productivity is a balanced combination of both.

Effectiveness involves the big picture. Putting effectiveness first just means that you should first and foremost focus on doing the right things in order to improve your chances of getting a good outcome.

Once you get yourself on track and laid out the basics, you can then look into how you can improve the way you do things. The logic here is to concentrate on being efficient at the tasks which are significant and are effective in contributing to your goals.

There’s no point in being particularly efficient when the tasks you carry out do not contribute to your purpose and goals.

To sum things up : efficiency is a modifier for effectiveness, not a substitute.

Efficiency is meaningless on its own.

The problem with most people is that they tend to gravitate towards efficiency, rather than effectiveness. It is perfectly understandable - being efficient is a whole lot easier than being effective. Being efficient involves improvements on a smaller, more manageable scale; effectiveness however requires a whole lot of brainstorming about one’s goals, values and different approaches, on a larger scale. And that is intimidating.

Not only that, people who put efficiency before effectiveness have this tendency of looking for better and perfect ways of doing things, and head nowhere instead - which ironically, leads to ineffectiveness.

Productive Powerhouse Video Upgrade MRR Video With Audio

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Facebook Live Mastery MRR Ebook With Audio

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Facebook Live has been around for a while now and a number of businesses are using it effectively as a promotional tool. But a lot of businesses are failing to use this powerful medium as a way to get the word out about what they have to offer.

A lot of business owners either do not recognize the potential that Facebook Live offers them or they have no idea how they can use it effectively to enhance their brand awareness and drive more leads and sales for their business.

So in this powerful report we will reveal why you should be using Facebook Live as a way to promote your business and show you 12 ways that you can use it to best effect. You will never be short of promotional ideas with Facebook Live after reading this short report.

So let’s get on with it shall we?

Why You Should Use Facebook Live To Promote Your Business

If you are not aware of the power of live video then you need to read this section very carefully. There are a number of benefits for your business here and we will highlight the main ones below.

It’s great for Building Trust

When you create a Facebook Live event your audience can see who you are. By using the right approach, your event will seem like it is a one to one session for all of your viewers. People want to see who you are and know what you stand for. This is essential for building trust.

You may have heard of the KLT principle before. This stands for Know, Like and Trust. When you achieve this with your audience they will be a lot more likely to make a purchase. Facebook Live provides you with the opportunity to develop your KLT factor.
Engage with your Audience

Not only does Facebook have the largest amount of potential customers for you through their billions of users, they also provide you the opportunity to engage with your target audience. The most effective way to do this is through the use of Facebook Live events.

Facebook users are three times more likely to watch a live event than they are to watch a pre-recorded video. Millions watch pre-recorded videos on Facebook each day so imagine how many people you can get to watch your live event!

Facebook now prioritizes live events in their algorithm so you have a lot more chance of your event being visible in the news feeds of your audience. Live events have higher priority than pre-recorded videos.

With your Facebook Live event you can respond to comments from your viewers as they arrive. You are saying to your audience that you are there for them right now in real-time. You can create a very good experience for your viewers and they will feel truly engaged with you.

Drive Traffic to your Funnel

You can use your Facebook Live events to drive traffic to your sales funnels. If you don’t have a sales funnel then you need to set this up prior to your live event. A sales funnel starts with lead generation. You get people into the funnel by offering them an incentive such as something valuable for free.

You need to tell your viewers about the valuable free gift that you have for them during your live event. Mention your funnel link and explain how much benefit they will get by obtaining the free incentive. Facebook Live is a great tool for driving targeted leads to your funnels.
Build your Email List

While we encourage you to try and obtain sales for your product or service during your Facebook Live event, not everyone is going to be ready to make a purchase at that time. So you need to ensure that you get as many people to join your email list as you can during and after your event.

Signing up for your email list must be the first step of your sales funnel. Once you have these people on your list you can send further emails to them encouraging them to go deeper into your sales funnel.

OK so now you know why you should use Facebook Live events to promote your business, let’s look at the 12 effective promotional tactics using Facebook Live that you can use to drive leads and sales and give your brand a boost.

People will always be interested in learning new things that matter to them and a “how to” video using Facebook Live is a great way to deliver this. What you need to do here is to explain something that is closely related to your products or services and then show the manual or long way around to solving the problem.

You can then pitch your product or service as the quickest and easiest way to solve the problem. So if you are teaching people how to get more visitors to their website for example you can show them a number of ways to do this which involve a lot of time and effort. Then pitch your product as a way of saving a lot of time and money as it automates the process.

When you really know your audience you will be able to easily come up with topics for how to videos that you can create as live events on Facebook. These events are very popular and you can use them to increase awareness of your brand and your products and services.

If you have a new product or service launching soon then holding a Facebook Live event to tell your audience about it is a good way to increase exposure. A live video is always going to be more effective than a pre-recorded video and much better than just making an ordinary post with a product image.

When you showcase a new product or service with a live event you can go into great detail about the benefits to the audience. You can answer questions that people have about your new launch which you cannot do with normal videos and posts.

You can really build anticipation for a new product or service with a Facebook Live event. Then you can hold a follow up event when your new product or service has launched. Be sure to invite the viewers from the first event and you will have an audience that is revved up and ready to buy.

A great way to increase your sales is through making special offers. There are a number of ways that you can put these offers together and no matter how you create the special offer, a Facebook Live event is the best way to spread the word about it.

With a live event you can really spend time persuading your audience why they need to take advantage of the special offer. Some viewers will have questions about the offer which you can answer in real-time during the event. So use Facebook Live to promote your special offers and make more sales.

What better way to attract people to your Facebook Live event than telling them that you will announce a special discount code for one of your products or services during the event. Obviously you can’t host a whole event around a discount, you need to provide some value and then lead into the discount and then the offer.

Let it be known that only people that view the live event (or the recording) will be able to get the discount code. You will not be making it available anywhere else. If there is a lot of demand for your product or service then this is an effective way to gain more customers.