Tag Archives: 2021

The Ultimate List Of Lead Magnet Ideas PLR Ebook

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Are you stuck for lead magnet ideas? Good news… you’re about to get unstuck! Over the next several pages you’ll find 101 ideas across a variety of niches and types, including reports, apps, mind maps and more. Check them out…

Ebook And Reports

1. [Number] Ways to [Get a Benefit]

Example: 27 Ways To Boost Your Conversion Rates

2. The Secrets Of [Getting a Good Result]

Example: The Secrets of Getting Rid of Garden Pests Naturally

3. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About [Topic]

Example: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Buying a New Car

4. The Beginner’s Guide to [Topic]

Example: The Beginner’s Guide to Golf

5. The Quick and Easy Way to [Get Some Result]

Example: The Quick And Easy Way To Get Rid of Fine Lines and Wrinkles

6. How to [Get Some Result] In Just [Short Time Period]

Example: How to Start a Church In Just 60 Days

7. The #1 Way to [Get Some Benefit]

Example: The #1 Way to Get Rid of Cellulite

8. What Your [Type of Person] Doesn’t Want You To Know

Example: What Your Real Estate Agent Doesn’t Want You To Know

9. [Number] Easy Steps to [Getting a Benefit]

Example: Three Easy Steps to Writing Better Sales Letters

10. The Surprising Truth About [Topic]

Example: The Surprising Truth About Traveling Europe On A Shoestring Budget


11. The Ultimate [Type of] App

Example: The Ultimate SEO App

12. The [type/benefit]-izer

Example: The Conversionizer App For Marketers

13. The [Type of] Calculator

Example: The Fat-Loss and Calorie-Counting Calculator

14. The [Type of] Planner

Example: The Blogger’s Publishing Planner

15. The [Type of] Generator

Example: The Headline Generator App

Planners And Calendars

16. The [Type of Person’s] Weekly Planner

Example: The Competitive Bodybuilder’s Weekly Planner

17. 30 Days to [Results]

Example: 30 Days To Your First Novel

18. The Complete Planner for [Type of Person]

Example: The Complete Meal Planner For the Low-Carb Dieter

19. [Get Results] in 24 Hours

Example: Get More Traffic In 24 Hours

20. Swipe This [Type of] Planner

Example: Swipe This Zone 3 Gardening Planner

Fat Burn Fast MRR Ebook

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Introduction: Why Are You Fat?

Every time you look into the mirror, you might be wondering why people out there are having a nice summer body with full confidence while you are still struggling with your recent-up-sized t-shirt. You might even be wondering, are you going to be like them one day? Is there any chance for you to change? Of course there is. However, summer body doesn’t come with ease. Many work their butt off to attain their dream body. But, what is important is, you are healthy from the inside out.

When I say fat burn, the first thing that comes into your mind is exercise. Yes, of course you need to exercise to have a nice summer body. But, do you know that our eating habit affects our body the most? Have you ever heard that weight loss is 80% Diet, 20% Exercise? I beg to differ… Diet can actually make up as much as 90-99% of your weight loss journey. The MAIN reason why you’re fat is because of your lifestyle! Having an unhealthy lifestyle not only slows down your metabolism but also brings you chronic diseases. With a slow metabolic system, you can even gain weight by only drinking water! This is also the reason why some people slim down at a very slow rate but gain all the weight back in one night.

Slimming down is good, but slimming down healthily is the key point here. We want you to look into your health first instead of focusing on all the crazy diet plans and exercise regimes.

Fat Burn Secrets 1: Fat-shedding Diet Secret

Fat Facts

So what exactly is fat? Fat is made up of building blocks called fatty acids and these are classified as saturated, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated depending on their chemical structure. Fat is essential to human life, we all need fat in our diets.

For years, nutritionists and doctors have preached that a low-fat diet is the key to losing weight and preventing health problems. However, not all fat is the same.

Our body requires small amounts of 'good fat' to function and help prevent disease. However, most of the ‘modern’ food contains a lot more fat than the body needs. Too much fat, especially too much of the wrong type of fat could be detrimental to our health causing serious health problems such as higher blood pressure and cholesterol levels, obesity, which in turn lead to a greater risk of heart disease.

So, it is significant to know what types of fat should we be cutting back on.

Good Fats VS Bad Fats

We are constantly being told that “Fats are bad”, and many will spend lots of time and money to completely rid their diet of fat. The truth is, we need fats. Fats help in nerve transmission, nutrient absorption, maintaining cell 5 membrane integrity etc. Simply said, fat is actually necessary for you to lose weight. However, when consumed in excess amount, it can increase your risk for a number of health threats. The key is to replace bad fats with good fats in our diet.

Good fats

Good fat is sometimes called unsaturated fat. The types of potentially helpful dietary fat are mostly unsaturated. Unsaturated fat comes in two forms: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.

Monounsaturated fats

This is a type of fat found in a variety of food and oils. You can get it from:

• Nuts including almonds, peanuts, cashew, macadamia, walnuts and pistachios
• Avocado
• Canola
• Olive oil

The most well-documented benefit of consuming monounsaturated fats is the potential for keeping your heart healthy. It improves blood cholesterol levels, which can decrease your risk of heart disease. Research also shows that these fatty acids may benefit insulin levels and blood sugar control, which can be especially helpful if you have type-2 diabetes.

Not just that, studies have also found that switching to monounsaturated fat from diets rich with trans fats and polyunsaturated fats results in significant weight loss. Yes, both consume SAME amount of fats in their diet, but end up with DIFFERENT results! The key here is the type of fats you’re consuming on daily basis.

Polyunsaturated fats

There are two types of polyunsaturated fat: omega-3 and omega-6. These are also known as essential fatty acids. Our body can’t produce essential fatty acids on it’s own, so we need to get them from food.

(i) Omega- 3

Omega-3 is a type of polyunsaturated fat. You can get it from:

Soy food
Tuna, salmon and mackerel
Green leafy vegetables
Walnuts, other nuts and flaxseed
Babies can also get omega-3 from breastmilk.

It promotes brain health during pregnancy and early life. Omega-3 helps a baby’s brain and eye development in the womb and during the first six months of life. It has a great impact on children's As for adults, omega-3 can be good for rheumatoid arthritis, pain relief, morning stiffness and inflammation. It can also protect adults from heart disease.

learning and behavior.

(ii) Omega-6

Omega-6 is a type of polyunsaturated fat. You can get it from:

• Vegetable oils like sunflower
• Evening primrose oil
• Peanut
• Canola
• Cereals.

Omega 6 plays an important role in cell growth, and is thus essential for brain and muscle development. The omega-6 arachidonic acid (AA) is for this very reason added to most infant formulas.

Both brain development and muscle development are critical for infants. The growth benefits of omega 6 also explain the great interest that body builders and top athletes have in omega 6 consumption.

Omega-6, particularly gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), is linked to increased bone density and reduced bone loss and it helps to promote hair growth and supports skin health. Omega-6 has an anti-inflammatory affect on our skin, soothing irritated skin.

Fat Burn Fast Video Upgrade MRR Video With Audio

Congratulations! You're One Step Closer To Attain Your Dream Body...

Don't Close This Page!

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Yes, I Want My Fat Burn Fast Video Upgrade Now

Congratulations and well done getting into the inner circle of Fat Burn Fast!

You’ve just made one of the best investment to kickstart or turbocharge your fat burn journey!

You are definitely going to love it!

But your order is not quite complete yet though... so don't close this page yet!

Or you will lose out your ONE-TIME opportunity to speed up your results…

So before you go, Here's my one-time offer...

What am I about to show you can increase your likelihood of breaking your old self and transcend into the strongest you - in half the time!

It is an amazing offer that will go well with your new product.

Get The Fat Burn Fast Video Upgrade

To study all the Fast in the book, you must first read through the pages…

And I know this process can be extremely tedious for many…

That said, many didn’t get the results they desired because they gave up half-way through the book!

And I Don't Want You To Be One Of Them...

What if… I can show you a way to shortcut the process?

A shortcut that will cut half the time you spend on reading and gain 30-40% more results?

Yes, you heard that right.

What I’m Going To Offer You Is The Video Course Of Fat Burn Fast.

Why Choose This Upgrade?

Video is one of the most impactful way to transform your body…

You get to learn more from this video course than the book because you have a voice that speaks to you, guides you and visual graphics that show you how to perform the exercises! How cool is that?

Did you know that videos are processed by the brain at least 60,000 faster than text?

Think of the book as a magnificent yacht to get your dream body…

While this video course is a supersonic jet that gets you to your destination in no time at all!

Meaning… You can get more profound results in LESS time! And I really want you to see the value in this…

Here's What You Get...

High-Quality Videos Upgrade

You Get 8 High-Quality Videos of Fat Burn Fast!

Here’s How This Upgrade Will Benefit You…

- Tap into your fat burn zone with these 8 powerful video course!
- Get ready to be brainwashed into a Top Athlete's mindset.
- All you need to do is sit back, relax and push the PLAY button and reap all the benefits!
- FIRST-CLASS Quality in Videos and Audios - You will love them!

Video 1: Why Are You Fat?

Duration: 7:17 min
Video 2: Fat Burn Mantra

Duration: 10:50 min
Video 3: Easy Fat Killer Technique

Duration: 5:41 min
Video 4: Yo-Yo Effect

Duration: 4:37 min
Video 5: Easy Yoga Practice

Duration: 9:23 min
Video 6: List Of Fat-pumping Foods To Avoid

Duration: 10:45 min
Video 7: Fat Burn Supplement & Detox Plan

Duration: 27:14 min
Video 8: How To Get Rid Of "Love Handles"

Duration: 6:58 min
How Much For This Upgrade?

I could easily charge you $997 for the above upgrade considering the amount of time and effort put in to create this amazing course!

Most importantly, this course promises results! Only if you take action now...

However, I'm not going to charge you THAT MUCH...

As mentioned before, I only want those who are truly committed to join this course.

And I know that you are one of them! Or else you won't be seeing this page.

So I'm going to give you a really special offer.

You don't have to pay $997 to get into this course...

How To Quiet Your Brain And Take Action MRR Ebook With Audio

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The human brain is hard wired to overthink and nothing feeds it better than anxious or negative thoughts. Anxious thoughts can be overwhelming, and so can negative thoughts. Both can also lead to overthinking which in turn result in anxiousness and poor decision-making. Together these two make up for a perfect formula for a racing mind.

What that means for a lot of people is that they often over-evaluate and exaggerate the real situations, events, possible scenarios and even goals but never actually do anything about them. Pending decisions are often a cause for worry with the imminent fear of making the wrong decision and having to live with it for the rest of their lives.

And while thinking is nice, not doing anything about your thoughts actually means not making any progress. In fact, being an over thinker can actually result in becoming someone who stands still in life, because deconstructing things won’t let you move forward. It may also be the one thing most responsible for stopping you from taking action.

This is the trap that a busy mind can easily get entangled in. A mind that tends to overthink can make it very difficult for people to balance thought and action.

They get trapped in their thoughts and find it very hard to act. If you think that you are an over thinker, you will also know that it is very easy for you to get caught in a loop where you recreate an event repeatedly or try to analyze an idea from every possible angle. After hours of thinking and getting no sleep, you often get nowhere and are unable to move the process along.

Plus, when you overthink, your judgement gets cloudy and your stress levels elevate.

What Do You Overthink About?

Not all overthinking is the same. This may sound strange so let’s look at it a bit more closely. One type of overthinking means obsessing over a single thing or event over and over again. It could be something in your present that you can’t seem to let go of such as why your head hurts so bad? Could it be a symptom of something more serious? Perhaps even something deadly? Is that why you can’t seem to sleep well at night? And so on.

Another way to overthink is to regret a decision or action you may have taken. This one takes you back to your past and keeps you rooted there. An example may be choosing a career choice that didn’t work out as planned. Instead of trying to change their circumstances, over thinkers tend to get stuck in the “what if” phase ruminating over the past. This neither helps change the past nor improve their current status.

Then there is the scenario where you keep deliberating about a possible future and how things may pan out. Thinking about how bad the economy is may lead you to ponder endlessly on how your investments are going to be worthless, how you may lose your job or how you may never be able to send your kids to college.

In any of these scenarios, overthinking the situation means that you can’t think about anything else and it starts to affect your life in a negative way.

The Problem With Overthinking

Since overthinking seems to mostly revolve around negative or problematic issues, these can take hold of your mind and exert their power over it. It is very typical for most people to obsess over previous mistakes, present day stresses and future troubles and not do anything to improve their situation.

Here are some common problems associated with thinking about every trivial thing in life:

Overthinking creates problems which are not there

Overthinking about every little problem only magnifies it manifold. Also, thinking about the same thing time and again makes it larger and scarier than it actually is. Ever spent time ruminating why your boss didn’t comment on your presentation in a recent meeting? Was it because your presentation was bad? Did it make you look incompetent in front of your colleagues? Are you going to be fired for making a sub-par presentation? You get the idea.

The same can also happen when you overanalyze a good thing. Even in scenarios where you keep thinking about something over and over again can diminish its importance and make it appear insignificant.

Things like choosing what to wear for a job interview or deciding where to go on vacation are not difficult decisions, but being an overthinker can make these seem like life or death decisions. Ironically, all that thinking won’t help you make a better choice.

Overthinking keeps you from living in the present

When your mind is constantly worrying, thinking and analyzing, you miss out on a real chunk of the present. Overthinking stops you from living in the moment and lets you dwell in the past or a possible future in your mind.

When you are not in the present, your brain shifts into something called the default mode which is when the decision making part of your brain does not work well. Research also points to the fact that when in default mode, the brain expresses lower levels of activity when you are involved in a task and higher levels when you are not engaged.

This means that it works harder when you overthink which is not a good thing, since allowing the brain to be in a state of constant anxiety can lead to other behaviors like anger and depression which are all toxic to mental health.

Sweep In Cash Online PLR Ebook

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The Net has indeed supplied individuals with infinite chances to be amused, be informed and first and foremost, to earn fast cash.

Due to the streaming lucrative opportunities one may find online, a call for the quickest ways to do so has swamped the minds of a lot of individuals.

This book provides you with the particular steps to bringing in fast bucks via the Net.

I'll teach you how you are able to become the boss of your own destiny as you work on your very own time and simply sit in front of your computer as you expect profits to roll in.

Chapter 1: Decide Your Niche


In picking out a niche, see to it that you opt for one that you're interested in. As what you might have experienced, it's absolutely unhelpful to work with something that you loathe. It's rather difficult to convince customers to buy your product or service when you yourself don't have the heart to take interest in it.


The opening move to selecting a niche that's correct for you is to consider the issues and subject matter that you're most passionate about! By being passionate about a certain matter, you'll be motivated to learn more about it, teach other people about it, and work in it on a daily basis. Among the basic issues when it bears on failure in online business efforts is that a individual selects a niche that they think other people will be interested in, but they plainly have no interest in it themselves. Prevent this downfall right from the beginning - make certain whatever content you pick is that which you have a great interest in!

While learning how to pick your niche, it's crucial to ensure that you've a great idea of your "target" audience. By discovering who's best suited as your audience, you'll be able to supply content that will meet the requirements that they have, and school them on items of their concern. It's equally crucial to guarantee that you're part of the audience that you're trying to draw in. This will guarantee that you cover every facet of your niche, and relate on a personal level with the other people that are in the same audience.

Next apply the use of content that's uniquely yours. Exclusive material that you write, or have composed by ghost writers who produce professional SEO content, helps to demonstrate you as an authority in your niche. Ensure that your material can't be located anyplace else on the Net! This will immediately drive traffic to your site as you'll be providing visitors something fresh and unique. There are a lot of companies out there nowadays that may offer you unparalleled content.

When you begin to put up material on your site, in article directories, or any additional location on the Net that's directly related to your niche, it's crucial to guarantee that you provide steady updates. This will keep your audience returning time and time again so that they might see the "newest" that you have to provide! This means provide fresh articles, keep your site maintained, and tailor your niche according to up to date trends.

It's utterly imperative to see to it that you narrow the content down as much as conceivable. For instance, if you run a site on computer game cheat codes, you'll want to incorporate "computer game cheat codes" into your material, but your niche should be specialized to the type of computer game cheat codes that you provide. A good niche would be "The Sims Cheat Codes" - this will help interested Net users discover the material that they require fast!

It's simple to learn how to pick your niche. The mystery to being successful is to pick a subject that you're passionate about, ascertain your audience, produce high quality, SEO content, update your material on a steady basis, and utilize keywords and keyword phrases that will reflect what your Net audience will look for.

Chapter 2: Select A High-In-Demand and Evergreen Niche


You are able to merely do this by checking a few article sites and a few other things. Study articles and how they're written so that you are able to have a great idea on how to market your niche.

Hot Topics

As an author, you've probably went through a lot of times when you just don't know what to write on. Maybe you've exhausted your common subjects and are looking for something different that will bring in the readers. This will give you hints for a few hot article topics. By applying these easy ideas, you'll be able to step-up your views, fascinate your audience, and ensure that your material brings in a constant stream of income.

Write on an approaching holiday. General audiences are commonly interested in info concerning to the holidays. If the content is well written and furnishes info that is other than basic knowledge, you should see a good amount of views. These will fizzle out after the holiday has blown over, but will recover momentum, once the holiday approaches, once again.

Research up to date events. If the matter is red-hot in the news, it will be red-hot to likely readers. Attempt to determine your own voice and present your data in a way that's unique to your audience.

Write a report about pets. There are a lot of pet devotees around the world that like reading about their furry champions. Pet care is a great place to begin.

Journal about our surroundings. Green is the up to date theme in news these days, and the chances are that it's here to stay. You are able to write about how persons may "green up" their lives, what fresh alternate fuels are being formulated, or how our environment is bearing upon wildlife. Any subject you decide to write on is likely to take in a powerful amount of readers.

Tell individuals how to save income. This is among the most red-hot topics around, and it consistently pulls in viewers. The great thing about this subject is that there are perpetual ways to save revenue, so you should not have a problem making your material unique.

Write on your passion. If you are profoundly interested in an issue, there is a great chance that other people are, as well.

Do not forget to make your article original. Do not overexploit info that is vastly available over the Net. Pick out an easy yet unique title that will rank high on search engines, and draw in fresh readers.

New Year Resolution Roadmap PLR Ebook

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For thousands of years and in many countries around the world at the end of the calendar year, people have reviewed areas of their lives and their own performances to ascertain sections that need improvement and have drawn up New Year resolutions. It is interesting that globally the end of the year is seen as linked with review and change. Fresh beginnings and improvements for the year to come are something to shoot for.

The New Year Resolution Roadmap

How to prevent resolution slumps and burnouts?

Chapter 01 - What are New Year Resolutions?

Resolutions are in fact promises that individuals make to themselves to work to a distinct goal or the reformation of a habit. A key element to a New Year resolution that sets it apart from other resolutions is that they begin in the New Year and they are to last for a year. People plan to commit themselves to work on the resolution for an entire year. The lifestyle changes that people commit to undergoing are generally interpreted as advantageous changes.

The Basics

There are a number of areas that people commonly choose to resolve to improve. Many people consider attempting to improve their health and many more try to focus on specific areas associated with their health such as eating, exercising, stress and altering habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol that they believe are having a negative effect on their health.

At the end of the year people typically review their career paths and jobs and resolve to alter those in some way or to undertake further training and improve their education.

Typically an examination might be made of individual’s finances and people they resolve to get out of debt or to spend less, or save more or even earn more.

Whilst throughout the world there will be billions of people resolving to change areas of their lives or facets of their person in some way, sadly statistics reveal that the failure rate for New Year resolutions is as high as 88%.

Chapter 02 - Making ‘Specific’ Resolutions


Statistics show that most people who make New Year resolutions fail to bring about the change that they resolved would happen. In fact 88% of people break their New Year resolutions. Given this negative fact, if a person wants to ensure the success of their resolve then they need to go about the formulations of their resolutions in the right way. Research has shown that there is a 22% higher chance of the resolutions being successful if people engage in goal setting.

Get Down To It

Psychologists believe that rather than having several resolutions we are more likely to keep our resolutions if we make just one and focus on it energetically.

New Year resolutions should be goal focused but for success it is important to choose a specific realistic goal.

Many individuals choose ambiguous goals when making their resolutions such as “lose weight” or “get in shape”. Whilst such resolutions are admirable they are likely to fail as there are no specific goals or objectives attached to them.

Rather than saying “lose weight” it is better to resolve to “lose 10 kg”.

The goal is then specific.

Once there is a specific goal it is then possible to plan to achieve the goal. There has to be a plan to tackle the necessary behavioral changes that will bring about success.

We should write down the goal and then make a list of the things that we might have to do to achieve the goal. The small steps or objectives that have to be undertaken to achieve the goal need to be tiny.

It is better to have the objective of losing half a kilo a week to achieve the 10 kg weight loss than having the objective of losing 10kg in two weeks.

Knowing exactly what you are aiming for and how to go about it in small steps it is much more likely that a resolution will be kept and not broken.

Chapter 03 - Having the Right Mindset


New Year resolutions are difficult to keep. Most resolutions require us to change a form of behavior or circumstance. Particular behaviors have been formed over many years and to bring about change in them will require a lot of patience, time and effort. Changes will not occur overnight but they will occur.

How You Look At It?

People have a much greater chance of keeping their resolutions if they have a positive mindset and are willing to be persistent. It is a good idea to focus on what the resolution will add to a person’s life rather than what it will take away.

For example it is better to have a positive mindset and think about eating more healthy foods rather than thinking about eating less unhealthy food.

Really wanting to bring about a change and focusing on one resolution is going to help an individual to succeed. Once the goal has been clearly formulated it is important to visualize the success and to try to remain thinking positively.

The goal should be written and reproduced and highly visible. It could be in an appointment diary, on the computer desk top, on post it notes on the fridge, and on banners around the room indeed, wherever it can be placed to remind the person of their goal.

Enlisting the help and support of family and friends and joining a group of like inspired persons will improve the chances of success. It is important to bear in mind that the resolution will be broken but that must not be seen as a failure. Instead any lapse should be reviewed as a learning opportunity.

Renewing motivation will be helpful too. When it gets hard for an individual to persist with their resolution they should remind themselves of the reason why they are endeavoring to change or improve. They must remind themselves of what they have to gain by achieving their goal.

Individuals with positive mindsets will succeed.

Chapter 04 - Having the Necessary Resources


To succeed in keeping a resolution it is absolutely essential that very careful planning is undertaken in advance of the resolution being made. As in all areas of life, if we want to succeed then we must plan for our success.

What Do You Need?

Firstly it is essential that there is a clearly defined, specific and realistic goal. Once the goal is known, it has to be broken down into steps or objectives.

The steps need to be tiny and achievable. Recording of all the objectives and the goal should be undertaken. It would be advisable to have a journal ready as well in which a person can record their successes and failures and their obstacles that they have had to overcome.

As well as the plan itself and the journal, there needs to be careful consideration to other resources that might be necessary. One of the most valuable resources a person could have available would be friends or family member who would be willing and able to support the behavior changes that the person is going to attempt to undertake.

So approaches for support need to be made to such people well in advance. Other support personnel could come in the form of club or organization members of like minded people, so it may be necessary to take out membership of a particular organization prior to attempting to institute the resolution.

Bing Ads Marketing Personal Use Ebook

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Users Guide to: Bing Ads Marketing

What are Bing Ads/Microsoft Ads

Everyone has heard of Google Ads, but did you know that Bing has their own ad network as well? It’s called the Microsoft Search Network, and it racks up 7.3 billion searches each month. Users can be targeted not only on Bing, but on Yahoo and AOL as well (all part of the same network).

Officially the ad network is called the Microsoft Search Network and the platform is called Microsoft Advertising, but for the sake of this guide, we’ll be using the term Bing Ads, because that’s what most people know them as.

Just like with Google Ads, Bing Ads allow advertisers to create ads and bid on keywords. Ads can appear in several different places, such as the “Ads” section of search results pages. Whether you are trying to get people to sign up for more info, request a service, purchase goods, visit your website, or download your app, you can accomplish all these goals through Bing Ads marketing.

Here's an example of what Bing ads look like:

Why You Should Be Using Bing Ads

As mentioned above, the Microsoft Search Network sees more than 7 BILLION searches each month on its platforms. In total, Bing Ads command a full 33% of the total U.S. search market share, and even more than that when it comes to desktop searches. Pair that with the fact that Bing Ads reach 63 million users that can’t be reached with Google Ads, and the decision to use the Bing Ads platform is practically a no-brainer!

But in case you still aren’t sold on the idea, here are a few more facts about the benefits of using Bing Ads:
• More than 167 million unique users

• Users spend 26% more online than the average internet searcher
• More than 50% of searchers have an estimated income of $75,000 or more
• Users have higher household incomes and higher-level jobs than Google users
• Ads are up to 70% cheaper than Google Ads
• Bing/Yahoo/AOL searches account for more than 1/3 of all desktop searches
• Less competition on Bing than on Google
• Automated creation of ad variations based on network recommendations (optional)

Another big plus is that the Microsoft Advertising Network uses LinkedIn data to allow ad targeting based on info in professional profiles. This provides a HUGE advantage for B2B advertisers looking to reach individuals with specific job titles.

Ultimately, by leveraging Bing Ads and the expansive reach of the Microsoft Advertising Network, you’ll be able to get your business in front of new, higher-value audiences.

Microsoft Advertising Policies

Microsoft Advertising policies don’t just tell advertisers what they can and can’t do; they also help advertisers know and learn what makes a great ad. When you submit an ad for approval, it goes through an editorial review and quality check process to make sure it’s relevant, well-written, and follows style and content policies. Once your keywords and ads pass review, your ads will go live.

Ad Style Policies

Ad style is simply the way your ad appears and reads. Submitted ads are reviewed for appropriate capitalization, grammar, and punctuation, along with a few other things. Here’s a list of some of the main things Bing ad style policies include:

Capitalization – allowed for proper names, branded words, and legitimate acronyms. Capitalization of random words for emphasis is not allowed.

Approved: Purchase Cheddar cheese from England.

Disapproved: Find GREAT deals on soFTwaRe.

Phone numbers – can be added via Call Extensions or Location Extensions to ads in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

Symbols/special characters – allowed for copyright, trademark, currency, model numbers, ISBNs, acronyms, and trademarks containing special characters. Superscripts, subscripts, and enhanced fonts (bold, italic, etc.) are not allowed.

Approved: Games & software at A*DATUM for $99.

Disapproved: Find great deals on software *restrictions apply

Punctuation – correct punctuation must be used within (and at the end of!) your ad. Multiple exclamation points or question marks are not allowed. Singular exclamation points can be used in the ad text but not in the title.

Approved: Great deals on software! 50% off all titles.

Disapproved: Great deals on software!!!! 50% off all titles!!!

Pricing – pricing and discount language must be accurate. Quotes can be included in the ad if they are also visible on the landing page. Basically, pricing in ads must be the same as the pricing listed on your website. No bait and switch!

Approved: Get cable for as low as $9.95 per month.