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Stop Worrying MRR Ebook With Audio

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It is natural for human beings to compare themselves with others. If this didn’t take place then nobody would be able to see how well they are doing. Most people do not use comparisons in a good way and end up causing themselves all kinds of problems.

Unhealthy comparisons can cause low self esteem, dependency and even depression. If you are constantly comparing yourself with others and becoming bitter and angry then you need to stop doing it.

The techniques in this guide will help you to stop comparing yourself with others in a negative way. You will need to work on these techniques to perfect them so that everything is on autopilot. There is no miracle solution.

How do you really think about yourself? We all have an opinion about ourselves and this is a very important step to take if you want to stop comparing yourself with others in a negative way. You need to be aware of the root cause as to why you keep comparing yourself in an unhealthy way.

This is not the easiest thing to do but you must do it. It is essential for you to break the pattern that you have of negative comparisons with others. You can ask a trusted friend or family member to help you with this task and support you through the process.

Write down how you see yourself at the moment. This will help you to identify the behavior that you need to change. Accept the fact that changing this behavior is going to take time and effort and break everything down into smaller achievable steps.

Having low self esteem is a major reason why people make negative comparisons with others. Self esteem is all about the feelings that you have for yourself. You are going to have some negative feelings and some positive feelings. If the negative feelings far outweigh the positive feelings then you definitely need to work on your self esteem.

If you tend to let others control how you feel then this is a sign of low self esteem. You do not want to be reliant on others to feel happy about your life. It is a good idea to work on improving your self esteem every day regardless of how you feel about yourself at this current moment.

When you feel the need to compare yourself to others write down your thoughts and feelings about this. Why did you want to compare yourself to somebody else in the first place? As soon as you experience these thoughts then write them down. Add as much detail as you can.

If you have already made the comparison then ask yourself how you felt about it. Be sure to record all of the feelings and thoughts that you have about this. Be specific here and write down the exact reasons for feeling down about a comparison. For example a co-worker got a promotion before you did.

This is not always easy to do but certainly worth the effort. Think back to a time when you didn’t feel the need to compare yourself with others. Write this down in your journal and keep thinking about the time when you started to make regular comparisons.

This is powerful because it can help to identify the root causes behind your comparison habit. For example you may have compared yourself to your sister in a negative way because you felt that she got more attention from your parents than you did.

Often people do not realize the damage that negative comparisons do to them. When you write down how a comparison makes you feel then you will develop the necessary motivation to change this destructive habit.

Most people take the things that they already have in their life for granted. So we recommend that you record a gratitude statement in your journal every day. This will certainly help you to focus on yourself more than you do others.

Think about the positive things in your life that you are truly grateful for. You are healthy, you have a loving relationship, you have wonderful children, you have great family and friends, you have a job so that you can pay your bills and so on.

Write down three things that you are grateful for in your journal every day. When you do this reflect on how lucky you are to have them. Use statements like “I am so grateful to have my health” or “I am so grateful to have my family”. This will help you to realize that there are a lot more things in your life that are more important than having a new car for example.

One of the real downsides of comparing yourself in a negative way to others is that you identify reasons why you are not as good as they are. This is nonsense of course but in the moment these feelings are very strong.

This can result in you beating yourself up severely and telling yourself that you are not good enough, useless or worse. Instead of doing this praise yourself for who you are and how far you have come. This will put you in a positive frame of mind and inspire you to do more with your life.

Never forget that you are in control of your life. It can be really difficult to stop comparing yourself to others in a bad way but the only person who can change your life for the better is you. So take responsibility to do that and stop letting others control you.

Stop worrying about what other people have in their lives. You are the most important person in your life and if you are not happy with things as they are then decide that you are going to change. The world does not owe you anything and neither does anyone else.

Tlc Diet Secrets PLR Ebook

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Let’s start this beginner’s guide on the TLC diet with a little mental exercise. When you go out, look around you and tell me what you see. I bet you will see an abundance of fast food restaurants and guess what’s in front of them? You guessed it…A never-ending line of people.

Fast food joints are known for serving up a dish of unhealthy food – unhealthy food that people continue to consume. Why? Because they can! People choose fast food because they live a busy life and are under the impression that they can’t go home and cook a healthy meal, because it will take hours to do.

This unhealthy lifestyle leads to obesity.

The health risks of being obese include:

* Heart disease
* Type 2 diabetes
* Osteoarthritis
* Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
* High blood pressure
* Stroke

Reasons People Are Unhealthy

* Most work available is white-collar
* Children now spend more time playing digital games instead of playing outside
* The foods low-income families can afford are unhealthy
* The serving sizes of unhealthy drinks have increased
* People buy more fast food and prepare fewer meals in their kitchen

This list could go on and on …

There’s an old Chinese proverb that does a good job at explaining why we need to watch what we put in our mouths. “When you’re thirsty, it’s too late to dig a well.” What this is saying is that you should not wait until you have an illness to start a diet, because by then, it may be too late.

The Need For Health In The Modern Age

There are many important reasons as to why you should get in shape today. What “getting in shape” means to me is you have strength, a baseline cardiovascular capacity, muscular endurance and flexibility, which all leads to a healthier life.

Believe it or not, the 21st century conditions could be damaging your health and you don’t even realize it. Let’s have a look at some of these modern-day health conditions being experienced …

Toasted Skin Syndrome

Have you ever heard of this? Have you ever balanced your laptop on your knees for a long period of time? Believe it or not, It can leave you with discolored skin!
The heat is generated by your laptop, it causes a rash that is similar to someone that has huddled to close to a heater in order to stay warm. Mind you, this has nothing to do with dieting or exercise – this is just showing you how our health is being affected in the modern age by technology.

Time Poverty

Oh yes, good old time poverty – so many of us are a victim of this. With family, work, running a home, and trying to take care of everything, we hardly find time to sit down and pause for a nice breath of fresh air. The more we rush, the further we struggle to meet deadlines we have imposed. The result? Our health. We deal with everything from insomnia, stress, depression and poor diet, which leads to obesity and many other health related issues. Many of us are simply doing too much and in return, this is taking a major toll on our health and well-being.

Living in Fear

Many will refer to this as “the 21st century fear.” Here we are, constantly staring at the threat of floods, disease, crime, hurricanes, terrorist attacks, toxic chemicals in food and so much more. We’re constantly focusing on those fears. We have become so worried about the things that “might” happen to the point that we have stopped enjoying life that is taking place in front of us. As you may already know, too much worry isn’t good for your health.

We may not be able to help you with toasted skin syndrome, other than tell you not to place your laptop on your lap for a prolonged time, but we may be able to help you with time poverty. This is where the TLC diet is going to come into play.

You see, in the modern day scenario, everything comes at a price. Our days and nights are filled with hectic schedules, unavoidable deadlines and innumerable hours of stress and excessive workload. With so much already on our plate, we cease to care about the food what we consume at the end of a long tiring day.

Most often, we are too tired to cook a healthy, nutritious meal post work and end up opting for the easier option: fast food and processed items. With the blooming technology, everything is just a click or a phone call away.

As we previously stated, most people settle for a comforting double cheese burger, pizza or fries to hush their roaring stomach every day. Although these food choices offer oodles of contentment and comfort, eventually they bring forth drastic side effects. Overtime, with continuous consumption, unhealthy food choices lead to several modern day ailments, such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, depression, anxiety, high cholesterol and other related concerns.

Most of these complaints start out small but gradually turn into unavoidable chronic conditions. The best idea is to wake up, take action and prevent such ailments from deteriorating your health and fitness further.

For all those facing similar conditions, this short beginners guide brings a suitable solution to combat most of our modern day problems. It introduces the concept of the TLC Diet or the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes program.

Are you ready? Let’s get started…

Chapter - 1 Everything about TLC Diet.

This diet focuses mainly on modifying the increasing or already hyped levels of cholesterol.

When the body contains an excessive level of cholesterol, over time it weakens the heart and causes several fatal conditions, like a sudden heart attack and stroke among other serious cardio vascular conditions.

It is highly recommended to take charge of your body and health before it worsens beyond repair.

This diet encourages healthy measures to lower cholesterol levels by means of diet, exercise and other related methods. It also brings successful weight loss in its wake. For all those struggling with weight loss or health conditions, the TLC diet is a great way to kick start your way to good health and wellbeing.

The Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes diet was initially coined by the NATIONAL Heart, lung and blood institute in the year 2001. Due to its beneficial nature, the diet has also been approved and encouraged by the American Heart Association.

The diet aims at reducing the LDL levels of cholesterol, also known as the bad cholesterol, which is held responsible for triggering cardio vascular complications.
The diet focuses mainly on healthy food options that have been coupled with suitable exercise and required lifestyle changes to help speed the process of recovery without any medications.

It not just keeps the LDL levels in control but also works towards providing the body the right level of HDL or the good healthy cholesterol that is required by the body for proper functioning, induced growth and development.

Although the diet does bring about some weight loss in its process, the goal is improved health by controlling cholesterol more than focusing solely on losing weight.
Well that’s a quick overview of what the TLC diet is, over the next few chapters we will cover exactly what cholesterol is, the benefits of starting a TLC diet program and what foods you need to include in your everyday diet.

Speak With Confidence – Video Upgrade MRR Video With Audio

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"Now You Can Get Instant Access To a 10-Part Training Series To Help You Get Ahead Even More..."

Download And Start Playing These Videos Tutorials Right From The Comfort Of Your Home!

Congratulations! You made a wise decision to get the guide.

What I have on offer for you are complementary video mini lessons to help you get results even further.

In total, you're going to get 10 helpful videos that you can watch right away.

Here they are:

Video #1: 5 Best Breathing Techniques to Calm Speaking Jitters

Video #2: 5 Secrets for Sounding Confident

Video #3: 5 Tips for Settling Nerves Before the Big Pitch

Video #4: 5 Vocal Exercises Public Speakers Swear By

Video #5: 5 Ways to Recover After Bungling Your Words

Video #6: How to Demand the Room as an Introvert

Video #7: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Video #8: The Power of Speech In and Out of the Office

Video #9: The Power Of The Phone-How Your Cellphone Can Help You Prepare For Any Presentation

Video #10: Why Nobody Wants to See You Fail

Sound Good?

Remember when I asked if you wanted the long way or short way?

Speak With Confidence MRR Ebook

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When you hear that you need to do public speaking and give a presentation in front of someone else, what happens? Do you get excited and ready to show off all of your speaking skills or do your hands start to sweat, your heart start to pound fast, and you get nervous? If you are like most people, then the latter probably describes you and anything to do with public speaking is not fun in your book.

Never fear though, anyone is able to improve their public speaking skills with a little bit of work. As you will see in this guidebook, the steps to becoming a great public speaker are not hard or a bit secret, they are there for everyone to enjoy. We will walk you through these steps and make sure that you are ready to take on the world and improve your public speaking skills.

To speak in public, you do not need to be born with the gift of gab or naturally be good at it. Sure, some people do seem to possess these skills and that can be frustrating to those of us who may have to work a little harder. But even if you are horrible at public speaking and have struggled with this for years, the simple tips in this guidebook will be there to help.

When you are ready to take over your public speaking skills and are ready to impress everyone with your knowledge and expertise of a topic, then take a look at this guidebook and see just what steps you need to take to help improve your public speaking.

Chapter 1: Speaking Plainly But Effectively:

The Key to Success

One of the first things that we need to work on when it comes to public speaking is to figure out the right way to get the message across. While there will be some variations in how you do this based on the audience and the topic that you need to discuss, there are some general rules that you are able to follow, regardless of the situation.

Many people who get into public speaking think that they need to be impressive all the time or no one will listen to them at all. They want to use big words and complex thoughts to get the point across. But this does not work all the time. It can make it hard for the audience to figure out what is being said and may ruin the message. Plus, when you are trying to be impressive, rather than focusing on the message at hand, you may get in over your head, which will make you more nervous than before.

Instead of worrying about all of that fancy talk and big words, it is time to take it in the other direction. Speaking plainly is going to be a more effective tool to getting the message out to the audience you are working with. This doesn’t mean you have to dumb down all of the information that you are presenting. It simply means that you can work with plain language and find that it is more powerful than some of the other options.

If your ideas are important, you should not try to hide them behind a veil of words just to sound impressive. You can use all of the fancy wording that you would like, but if the idea is hidden, no one is going to notice the great ideas. Some of the ways that you can speak plainly, rather than letting the speech get in front of the ideas, include:

Honor the Idea

Being able to speak plainly is going to start and end with your ideas. No matter what the main idea of the speech is, you need to make sure that the idea is front and center and let that do the work for you. Do not ruin all of that work by making it look fancy. A good idea can stand on your own. Try not to soften the idea either. Using things like “think”, “feel”, and “believe” can make the idea look more like an opinion instead and can make things harder to share with others. Research the idea and then own it during the presentation.

Be Yourself

When you are giving a speech and working to use all of the fancy information and words, it is because they are trying to appear to be something they are not. This can be smarter, better educated, more professional, cooler or something else. This causes them to hide behind their real self and act in a different way. This is going to appear a bit odd when you give the speech and can make the audience focus more on those bad actions rather than the message that you are giving.

Use the Shorter Word

Big words can sound impressive, but sometimes they will hide the true message that you are trying to share with others. Rather than letting that happen, you will need to pick the word that makes the most sense for your needs. When you have the option between two words, it is always best to go with the shorter one. That will ensure that your message is not hidden behind some of those big words and can be so much better for the message (plus easier for you to remember).

Cut Down the Description

There are times when you will need to use a description. But there are times when the speech giver is going to try and add some more “oomph” to the story. Adding a lot of adverbs and adjectives around the idea is going to just bury it in details that are not that important. It is usually best to just cut to the chase and save the descriptive language for something else. Your focus is on the message, not on all of the extra stuff that is all around the idea.

Communication is Your Top Priority

Sometimes when you are speaking or writing, you may find that there is an urge to step the language up. You may look at the work and feel like the language is not pretty enough or that the audience is not going to enjoy it as much. This means that it is working though. Unless you are working through a ballad or a poem, you need to keep your first priority to communicate the message, rather than make it all flowery.

Add the “You” and “Me”

Another way that you may be trying to use language in order to hide some of your ideas is a vain attempt to sound impressive is to use an impersonal and distant tone. While there are some forms of writing where you can do this, such as journalism, you will find that this is not the case often when you are doing public speaking.

To change this around a bit, you will need to add some I and me to the mixture. This is going to be a great way to make yourself seem more impressive and will help the audience to feel like they are being brought into the conversation more than anything else. You will see that it makes your conversation seem more human, which will engage the audience more than before.

You can also engage the audience more fully when you speak directly to and about them instead of using “one” or “we” in the sentences that you use. Instead of trying to make the speech done in third person, you should address them directly and see what the difference is between the two speeches. You can choose to work with a recorder to see what the differences in the two speeches before you make a decision.

While it is tempting to spend your time working with flowery language in order to get others to listen to you and be impressed, this can hide the message and will not help you to really showcase your ideas and what you want to say. Keeping the language plain and simple will not only help you to showcase your idea, but can make it easier to do a great speech where you do not need to remember all that flowery and complex language.

Chapter 2: Research And Plan, Then Research Some More

Now that you know it is important to keep the language simple when it comes to doing your speech and public speaking, it is time to work on some of the research. If you do not know a lot about the topic you wish to speak about, then you are going to be nervous. You may worry that you are talking about things the wrong way or that someone will ask you a question that you do not know.

People who are experts in their topics for the speech are the ones who tend to do the best. They have a wealth of knowledge to draw from and will feel more confident than others who may have just looked up the information a little bit and called it good. This means that you will need to go through and do as much research as possible about the topic before you ever think about what to put into the speech.

Think about a time when you got into a conversation where you did not understand the topic that well. Maybe you had never heard about the topic before or you were just not familiar with it at all. You may have been able to listen quite a bit, but if someone asked your opinion on that topic, you would have been lost and have nothing to say.

That is the same thing that will happen if you do not research for your speech. You may only have a basic knowledge of the topic and you will be limited on what you are able to share with someone else. You may even have a stilted type of speech because you are trying to turn that little bit of information into a long speech to help you look impressive.

That is not idea, as most of us can agree. Now we can look at it going another way as well. When you are in a conversation and know a lot about the topic, are you the one who is doing a lot of listening or are you the one talking? You will be able to answer a lot of questions about the topic and can keep up with the conversation, leading it, directing it, and having fun in the process. You can even teach others a bit more about the topic because your knowledge is so vast on that topic.

This is a much better way to go into your public speaking role. Knowing as much about the topic you wish to present is going to be important. And surface level research is not going to do it. You should do as much research as possible in the amount of time that you are given. If you have a lot of time, then your goal is to become an expert in the field, getting as many points of view and references that you can find. If you are short on time, you can still do some research to find out as much as possible.

Your goal is to learn as much about the topic as possible. Even if you do not add some of that information into your speech, you will find that it can be useful along the way. It will help you to answer questions and to go off topic if that is necessary. It never hurts during the presentation to have too much knowledge than too little.

Knowledge is Power, And Power is Confidence

7 Peak Productivity Apps That Will Change Your Life MRR Ebook With Audio

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Everyone these days is talking about personal performance and complaining that they are just not productive enough.

Under the constant pressure to do better and achieve more in everything we do, we often feel overwhelmed. We strive to be more efficient, to save time on mundane tasks and to get more done. We want to be outstanding at what we do but still have time for activities that we love and spending time with our families.

This is why self-improvement gurus and self-help books are raking in millions by offering to share their "top productivity secrets". These usually turn out to be generic theories like the 80/20 rule or common sense tips such as delegating tasks or breaking up big tasks into smaller ones.

The big “insider secrets” are nothing more than bogus blabber.

If you want a more tangible and direct route to boost your productivity immediately, you're reading the right book! The best way to achieve peak productivity requires nothing more than your smartphone, tablet or laptop, and a productivity application.

Productivity apps are the hottest things on the market today. Software developers have cleverly identified the major pain points that people have when it comes to being more productive. The result has been an explosion of productivity apps geared towards tackling different hurdles to productivity.

Whatever your profession or niche, whatever aspect of productivity you want to boost, there is an app for it.

This book will present seven peak productivity apps that can help you achieve your work more efficiently and make your life so much easier. All of them are straightforward and super-easy to use. The only difficulty you might have is choosing which ones to use as they are all awesome!

Chapter 1: Overview

What Are Productivity Apps?

A productivity app is a software that is specially devised to help you save time, be better organized, be able to achieve certain tasks faster, leading to increased productivity. There are hundreds of apps available today that can help you become more efficient in almost every area of your life.

There are apps to help you organize exercise routines and workout times. There are apps to help you track calories and organize meal plans for diets. Some apps help you organize your social media activity while others help with sharing information and collaboration, as well as organizing daily tasks and schedules. Whatever you want to be more efficient in your life, there's an app for it!

How Do Productivity Apps Work?

Productivity apps simply make brilliant use of technology: lightning-fast internet, smartphones, tablets and laptops, as well as dedicated servers that help keep the apps functioning and up to date.

All of this comes together to provide users with a seamless experience with no effort on their part. In addition, productivity apps are designed for the average user and are simple and easy to use.

What Are The Main Benefits Of Productivity Apps?

Productivity apps are designed with one basic goal in mind: to help the user finish certain tasks efficiently and quickly. Some additional benefits include:

- Productivity apps are regularly updated automatically by the provider. You don’t' waste time installing manual updates or additional features.

- New features and improvements may also be added from time to time based on user feedback.

- Unlike traditional applications that require you to work on a desktop PC or laptop, productivity apps allow you to work on the go, where you are able to access information, email and documents via any device including your phone.

- Many apps can be customized to fit your specific needs Common Productivity Challenges

Productivity apps help you overcome some of these common challenges:

- Distractions

- Forgetfulness

- Disorganization

- Crowded, overlapping schedules

- Email chaos

- Communication and information-sharing

- Re-doing work

Now, let's jump into what you really want to learn about. Here are the seven peak productivity apps and how they can benefit you.

Chapter 2: 7 Apps That Can Supercharge Your Productivity

APP #1: Cloud Magic Newton Mail

Who it's for: people with more than one email account. Almost everyone today has more than one email account, usually a personal account and a business account, in addition to others that fall under various business subcategories.

Jumping from one account to another to check emails can be more time-consuming than you think, especially if you need to check your emails frequently.

How it works: Cloud Magic gathers all of your emails in one place for instant access. You are able to see all of your messages in one place instead of having to switch to different inboxes.

Special features: Send Later, Read Receipts, Connected Apps, and Undo Send are some other brilliant time-saving features that make reading and replying to email less tedious and time-consuming.

The app also offers you the ability to organize your mail under different categories.

Use case: You have a 5-minute break and decide to check for any urgent emails. You simply access Cloud Magic to instantly review all the emails received from across your various accounts. You reply to anything urgent and voila, you have saved loads of time and effort!

Price: Subscription-based for $49.99/year.

Get it at: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/newton-mailemail- app/id721677994

APP#2: Letterspace

Who it's for: Anyone who has issues keeping paper notes in order, which are easily misplaced or lost - that's basically everyone!

In today's, digital world, dealing with paper is more of a hassle because we're used to access so much of what we want online. This cool app will easily get your paper issues sorted by organizing your notes.

How it works: Basically, it allows you to make notes for anything and everything; phone calls you need to make, appointments you need to confirm or shopping lists. You can even make a note to yourself about where you've put a certain document.

Breaking Bad Habits MRR Ebook With Audio

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Everyone has bad habits. Some of these are obvious such as smoking, drinking too much alcohol, eating junk food and so on. But there are some bad habits that you have formed over the years that you may not even realize are causing you harm.

Some bad habits can prevent you from getting what you really want in your life. If you procrastinate a lot then this can really hold you back for example. Maybe you have some bad habits which are limiting your social skills or preventing you from getting that promotion at work that you desire.

In this powerful report we will show you how you can identify your bad habits and then give you 5 proven ways to get rid of your bad habits for good. It will take time, effort and determination on your part to eradicate your bad habits but you can do it. It will truly set you free.

What are your Bad Habits?

If you don’t know what all of your bad habits are (it is likely that you will know some of them) then the best way to identify them is to ask yourself what they are. You may think that this sounds too simple to be effective but it really does work.

Your habits are stored in your subconscious mind. If you want to know what is going on in your subconscious then the most effective way of doing this is to ask yourself the right questions.

Your subconscious will be compelled to answer these questions for you.

So get yourself a pen and paper and go to an area where you will not face any distractions. If the TV is on then turn it off. Put your phone into silent mode so that you are not totally out of contact with the world. This is the most important question to ask yourself:

“What are my bad habits?”

Surely it is not that simple? Yes it is! You need to be committed to want to identify your bad habits. That is all your subconscious mind needs to provide you with the answers. Don’t do this in a half hearted manner as you will not get the answers. You need to be determined to identify your bad habits so that you can break them.

It doesn’t matter what answers you receive, write them all down. If you have a long list of bad habits then don’t worry you can break them all. Not receiving answers to the question is more concerning. Just focus on the question and keep asking yourself. Something will definitely turn up!

The Process of Eliminating Bad Habits

Every person has a number of bad habits and good habits. You are more likely to know what most of your bad habits are as opposed to your good habits. If you followed our advice in the last section then you should have identified your bad habits.

So what do you do now?

There are many people that admit that they want to stop all of their bad habits but the problem is they don’t really know how to go about this in the most effective way. They try different methods and find it to be a real struggle to rid themselves of their bad habits. If they make any progress it doesn’t last long and the bad habit returns.

The first step to ridding yourself of a bad habit is to know what a habit really is. In the most simple terms, a habit is a behavior routine that you repeat often that is triggered in your subconscious mind.

Because your bad habits (and good ones) are rooted in your subconscious it makes it difficult for you to identify them. This is why the questioning technique for identifying your bad habits is so powerful.

You are the sum total of your habits good and bad. To really eliminate your bad habits it is necessary for you to have some insight into how they originated. This is not as difficult as it may seem.

The formation of any habit is a process. There are 4 parts to the habit formation process which are:

1. The trigger

2. The craving

3. The response

4. The reward

When you are able to break down your habits into these four parts it becomes a lot easier for you to understand how habits work. In turn this provides you with a way to break a habit. The psychologists call this 4 step process the “habit loop”. It makes sense doesn’t it – something triggers your habit and then you have a craving to indulge in it.

The craving for the habit is so strong that it elicits a response from you which is a behavior or action. While you are indulging in this behavior you will send pleasure signals to your brain which will reinforce the habit.

Here is an example. You have had a stressful afternoon at work. This triggers the craving for a drink.

Instead of going home after work you go to the bar just down the street where everyone knows you.

You spend all night in the bar which sends pleasure signals to your brain.

The 4 elements in the habit formation process form a neurological loop which enables you to create new habits and put them on autopilot. As soon as the habit is triggered you will follow the routine automatically. It is not really automatic, but because it happens so fast it certainly feels like it is. The good news is that there are a number of effective ways that you can eliminate the bad habits from your life. Some of these are going to be more effective for you than others. This is because we are all different and have certain inclinations and unique circumstances.

So let’s take a look at the five most common ways of eliminating bad habits:

This is a classic way of eliminating a bad habit that has been around for a very long time. It is probably the hardest method out there and takes an incredible amount of willpower. A lot of people that experience a certain amount of success with the cold turkey method report that the bad habit returns after a while.

What is cold turkey?

Well it means that you just decide to stop the bad habit from this point forward. So if you smoke cigarettes you can just stop smoking them. Cold turkey is used a lot to wean people off of a hard drug addiction. You may have seen documentaries on TV about this. It can be a very tough road to shake off an addiction.

Eliminating bad habits using any method is not going to be easy. The reason is because all of our habits are deeply ingrained within us. Bad habits often trigger repeats and when this happens the old bad behavior quickly comes to the surface.

Unfortunately it is this triggering that makes cold turkey the most ineffective of the methods that we will share with you in this report. If you go cold turkey and you are unable to sustain the breaking of your bad habit then this can leave you feeling resentful and that you wasted your time. This can be a crushing blow for your self esteem. You tried and you failed. It wasn’t possible for you to pull it off. You do not have the resolve or the stomach for a fight like this. Can you see how this can happen?

That doesn’t mean that cold turkey never works though. A lot of people have quit smoking and other bad habits using cold turkey. They had to endure a lot of pain and anguish to achieve this but the reward for giving up smoking was so great for them that they pulled it off.

Breaking a bad habit with the cold turkey approach is very good for you as a person. It demonstrates that once you put your mind to something you are going to follow through with it. This sends powerful signals to your subconscious mind which will help you to persevere with other tough challenges in the future.

There have been a number of studies that have shown that the brain stores habits in a different way than it does other memories. With a habit, there is an emotion within you that creates a trigger which in turn creates a strong urge for you to behave in a certain way or take a specific action. So what does this mean?

Well one school of thought is that habits are hardwired into your brain meaning that there is no way you can remove them. So after you have formed a bad habit it will remain there for the rest of your days. This would explain why a lot of drug addicts return to their bad ways after rehab. But it doesn’t explain why some do not.