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Hello and welcome to our short, introductory guide on the power of the law of attraction, well more importantly…How to put the law of attraction into action for your life!
The Law of Attraction is a part of the New Thought Movement, suggesting that you can attract positive or negative experiences to yourself simply by altering your mindset.
If you remain positive, good things will come your way and your overall happiness levels will improve. However, if you allow yourself to become negative, your experiences will become worse and you will lose the happiness you once had.
Through the Law of Attraction, you must harness the power of your positive emotions and reject the negative feelings that may come your way. This will help not only in your personal life but also with your financial success
The bottom line is the Law of Attraction is real. It changes people's lives. It has a direct and profound impact on how people think, the things they say, and most importantly, the things they do.
The Law of Attraction has helped people get over fears, attain their desires, meet the right people, and otherwise make their dreams come true. It really all boils down to using the right framework.
In this short guide we are going to cover keys to focusing on your vision to achieve your dream life
Let’s get started…
Believe In Your Vision
Now, focus is not just a simple word. It involves heavy lifting in your mind. The bottom line? Your overarching goal with using the law of attraction in your life is to believe in your vision.
Believe That It’s Possible
First, you need to believe that it is possible. Yes, it's possible that there is a job opening in that corner office. Yes, it's possible that there is this huge mansion on the other side of town. It's possible that people can develop this successful business. Whatever your vision is, believe that it is possible. This is they key.
This is the bedrock of success because if you don't believe your vision can come to pass, then you're just wasting your time. You may end up undermining yourself or sabotaging yourself because, at the back of your mind, you are saying to yourself, "Well, I'm just playing mind games with myself. This stuff is not real. Who
am I fooling?" Then it all falls apart because you did not believe in your vision. Believe that it is possible.
Believe You Can Do It
The next step is to believe that YOU can do it. Not somebody else, not your friend, not your neighbor, not your brother, not your sister, not your parents, but YOU, individually, personally, can do it.
This puts you in the middle of the picture. You're no longer just looking at your vision as some sort of speculation. This is no longer in the realm of theory or things that "would be nice" if they happened. Instead, you're putting it right smack dab in the middle of your life, because it's YOU who can do it. That's what you believe.
Believe That Your Vision Is Clear
Next, you have to believe that your vision is clear. If you did Step #1 correctly, this should come easily.
A clear vision leaves no room for interpretation. A clear vision has no blind spots. Sure, there are spots that you have to fill in based on your set of circumstances, but there are no blind spots that will flat out surprise you or knock you back. Everything is clear, just like Michael Phelps' mental movie that he keeps playing for ultimate success.
Act On Your Vision
After that, you have to believe that you can act on your vision. This is extremely important. If you believe this, then it means that you have the resources or you can have access to the resources.
Also, it means that this is the right time because you can act on it. It isn't something that is speculative. It isn't something that is locked away until certain things fall into place at a certain time in the future nobody knows. Instead, you believe you can act on it, right here, right now. It doesn't matter whether it's a small baby step forward, there is an action you can take right now.
Once you're able to do that, and this is a big step, the next step is crucial. For the Law of Attraction to work for you, you have to believe that your vision has already happened.
This is where your faith really blows up because you know that you are just messing around and playing games with yourself if you cannot get it to this point. You have to make it to this point. Believe that it has already happened.
How? Very simple. If your vision is to meet a very wonderful member of the opposite sex to be your future husband or wife, I got news for you. People meet the "right one" every single day. If your vision is to become a successful business person, guess what? There are tons of people who are doing that.