Tag Archives: 2020

Peaceful Chaos MRR Ebook

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As a wise man once said, "the only constant in life is change." Even if we are sure to live transformation in our life, we are not prepared for the chaos that often comes with change. Since growth is often born of chaos, there is a need to find a state of peace and calm while we move through stages in life.

When we perceive that our life is chaos or when we apprehend change, it often impacts our emotions. One of the worst states we can experience is anxiety because it makes us feel like we are losing control over life. Anxiety can be a normal feeling of worry felt by all human beings; it can become disabling if it is not managed.

Even if anxiety can be considered a chronic disease, it doesn't have to be that way; you don't have to experience it your whole life. There are ways you can learn to master your emotions and reduce or even eliminate anxiety.

Anxiety is a state that arises from feeling our emotions. Since emotions have a life span of 90 seconds, we can learn to prepare PEACEFUL CHAOS 7 ourselves better to fully express emotions and not let that emotion paralyze us or control our lives.

In this book, you will acquire knowledge about the emotional body and how it interacts with your mind, your body, and also your energy. We will be digging into bodies of research to help you understand what you experience. But mostly, this book will help you put in place practices that have been successful in helping people master their emotions and live a peaceful life.

This book is not a substitute for the therapy, medical assistance, or medication that you are already following. It serves as a complement to what you are already trying. It was created to provide you with the knowledge, the skills, and the experience in embracing your emotions in a way that doesn't affect your quality of life.

We invite you to be open and try the exercises in this book, in the long run, you will see a big difference in your ability to cope with the chaos around. You will no longer cope but thrive with the idea of change.


As human beings, we are made up of several bodies; the physical body, the mental body, and the emotional body. All three are essential and need to be balanced on the physical plane.

Think of it as a triangle; when one isn't balanced, the triangle loses its shape and balance. When there is an imbalance in one of them, it brings conflict with ourselves and with others. That is why the emotional body is as important as the physical or mental body to find a balance in life and live a peaceful reality.

This book focuses on the emotional body, because it is the most difficult to manage and understand, and also because it's the one that has a large impact on anxiety and emotional imbalances.

It is also the emotional body that can make us do anything. It can influence us in making bad decisions, leading us into conflict.

When unhealthy, the emotional body can and even make us physically and psychologically ill because it has a great influence us. You can have a perfect body and yet be a total mess emotionally.

Humans can do so much harm or damage to themselves if they are not conscious or do not take the time to take care of their emotional body. Any deficiency creates a blockage, which inevitably leads to discomfort or illness in one of these three bodies. Let's see where you are scoring in terms of your emotional body health. Check the box that corresponds better to you.

Never Sometimes Often Very often Always I allow myself to be wrong without blaming myself I regularly take actions to achieve my goals I consider myself a creative person.

I am optimistic. When I desire something, I can easily visualize it as already manifested.

I can hope for the fulfillment of a desire, but I can't wait for that to happen to be happy.

I trust my intuition without letting myself be influenced by the outside or by my thoughts.

I dare to take risks to be able to manifest what I want.

I find life and people beautiful.

I feel surrounded by beauty in my daily life.

Among the people around me, I can easily see the good in them instead of their flaws.

I have all the affection I need.

I take the time to give myself compliments, attention, or gifts regularly.

I feel that I am making a difference in the lives of those close to me.

I feel at ease when I arrive in a new group or environment.

I am a "glass half full" PEACEFUL CHAOS 12 type of person.


Never Sometimes Often Very often Always

Determine your test result by calculating the points for each column. Here is the score by the answer:

Never = 1 point
Sometimes = 2 points
Often = 3 points
Very often = 4 points
Always = 5 points

30 points and under:

You must learn to trust yourself and recognize your power to change your reality. You have the right to have desires and to express them like any other person. You are an overly emotional person who lets the ego take over with all your limiting beliefs. These are blocking your sensitivity. This book can help you raise your score.

Between 30 and 45 points:

You often block your desires with your limiting beliefs. These desires are taking too much importance in your life. This makes you experience anxiety, frustration, disappointment, and many other emotions caused by unmet expectations. By not allowing yourself to manifest your desires, you want others to fulfill them for you. In this book, you will acquire a better understanding of how you can shift your mind not to believe all the limits you place on yourself and also better manage emotions.

Between 45 and 60 points:

you are in the right direction. You feed your emotional body quite well, but you lack confidence in yourself and the world around you. You do not believe enough that you have the right to desire what you want and that you have everything you need to manifest it. Sometimes you doubt it. Your head sometimes takes over your intuition and your feeling, which leads you to worry about the future. This book will enable this ability to trust more in your abilities to create the reality that you want and be more at peace with the world around you.

Between 60 and 75 points:

You feed your emotional body very well. You allow yourself to have desires, and you realize them very easily. To create your life, you use your emotional energy well, which is very magnetic. You are a person more sensitive than emotional. This book will still provide you with a deeper understanding of what you do right but also how you can help others be empowered to manage their emotions.

The emotional body was created to feel, to be sensitive to what is happening in our material world. This role is for the sole purpose of helping us grow and recognize our strength and power that lies within. In the next chapter, we will explore the research that was done on emotions and what that means to you.

The Organized Life MRR Ebook

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Are you struggling to focus on anything in your life? Do you feel stressed and anxious? Are you finding it hard to motivate yourself to get anything done? The problem could lie in your cluttered mind.

Modern life is busier than ever before. Most of us feel rushed from morning to night. Dealing with family commitments, work obligations, a social life, and personal issues all take their toll. The sheer number of chores, tasks, and responsibilities that we have to fit into each day can seem overwhelming. It is precisely this that causes mental clutter.

The good news is that, even if you’re finding life hard to control at the moment, by putting some simple organizational techniques into practice you can make an enormous difference to your mental and physical well-being. You can take back your life, improve your focus, reduce your distractions, and eliminate your stress points.

When you banish the mental clutter and organize your mind, you’ll find that you’ll get more done and you’ll feel a lot happier overall. With greater organization comes greater control and clarity, so you can see more clearly the direction in which you’re heading and concentrate on the areas that are most important to you.

Chapter 1: The Clutter Effect

These days, we’ve all become more used to living with a lot of things in our lives. Yet, when those things get out of control it can lead to us feeling overwhelmed, becoming less productive, struggling to focus, and lacking in motivation. This is the “Clutter Effect”.

Yet, many people have no idea just how disorganized their lives have become. They have become so used to juggling the many elements in it, from relationships and children to careers and friends, that they can’t see the wood from the trees. Eventually, though, the confusion will become so great that they won’t be able to function effectively at all. Therefore, knowing what clutter actually is, how to identify it and how to eliminate it lies at the heart of achieving overall happiness and success.

What is Clutter?

When you think about clutter, you probably imagine piles of magazines and paperwork strewn over your countertops and mounds of junk on the stairs waiting to be taken up. It’s true that this is clutter – but it’s only the physical kind. Your mind can become cluttered too.

Intrusive thoughts, an ongoing list of “must-dos”, regrets of missed opportunities, unfinished work, and worries about things that might never happen are all examples of mental clutter that make us feel out of control. The less organized your mind becomes, the less you feel able to deal with the challenges that life throws your way.
There is an endless cycle formed between physical and mental clutter. The more disorganized your mind, the more disorganized your home, workspace, and life in general will become. Meanwhile, if you’re living and working in a cluttered environment, it’s inevitable that your mind will become cluttered and disorganized too. The vicious circle leads to ongoing problems as you lack the ability to break the chain, get rid of the mess and take your life back.

Which Areas of Your Life Does Clutter Affect?

As we’ve already pointed out, clutter affects both your environment and your emotional and mental well-being. Both types of clutter can have a major impact on various areas of your life.

The first obvious area that can feel the impact is your home. Mess can begin to build up as tasks get left undone. Soon, a pile of magazines has grown on the coffee table, a stack of shoes is thrown in the corner in the front porch, and clothes are piled up on the bedroom chairs. The more messy and more disorganized your home becomes, the harder it is to get motivated to sort it out, and the more negative the mental and emotional impact becomes of living in such an environment.

The second key area that is badly affected is the workplace. A lack of organization in the office leads to all kinds of issues. Low productivity, an unprofessional first impression for visitors or clients and poor morale are just some of the problems that arise from a disorganized working environment. Again, once the office has become cluttered, it becomes more difficult to take action to organize it. As the mess mounts up, the worse the associated problems become.

The third area that feels the impact of clutter is your personal relationships. This is something that can often be overlooked when considering the effect of disorganization on your life. A messy home puts a strain on your family life and can lead to serious tensions with your partner, children, or other loved ones.

A disorganized workplace can make working relationships with colleagues, employees, or managers more challenging and can lead to disagreements that cause long-term problems in your career. Not only that, but clutter in friendships can lead to toxicity, further stress and even more obligations that need to fit into your already overloaded schedule.

What Causes Clutter?

There are many causes of clutter. Some are physical, and others are emotional or mental. Some are also a lot more obvious than others.

Perhaps the first, and most obvious cause of clutter has to be excess physical possessions. Most of us are guilty of accumulating items simply because we can’t bear to get rid of them, even if we don’t really want or need them. There are gifts that we’ve received for birthdays and holidays, souvenirs from vacations gone by.

Odds and ends have piled up over the years that should really have gone in the trash but which have, inexplicably, been put in a drawer or on a shelf for later and allowed to remain there. The trouble with this type of clutter is that it builds up slowly over time, so you don’t really realize how much it has gotten out of hand until one day you look around and see the extent of the problem.

Facebook For Business MRR Ebook

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Maximizing Your Business with Facebook

The term “Social Media Marketing” is becoming common. While a year ago it used to be SEO or Search Engine Optimized content, which is basically content with a few specific keywords, put in here and there, the trend nowadays is with various social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to increase the profile of a website. The Internet is evolving quickly and something new concerning how you can improve your site's profile is coming up almost on a monthly basis.

Specifically, with Facebook there is a lot of information floating around the net about how essential it is for businesses to be on their website. Yet, many businesses have an innate fear of social networking as such because of their concerns with data security. This is the dilemma that most SMB or Small to Medium Businesses face, whether to be on Facebook or not.

This guide's purpose is to discuss in detail what exactly Facebook is and how using it can help any small business become bigger than imagined through social networking.

What is Facebook?

Facebook is a social networking site that was launched in February 2004, by January 2011, it had garnered over 600 million users. It is now considered the third largest web based company in the US after Google and Amazon and usually has more visitors every day than Google.

Even though Facebook my not be considered large when compared to the behemoths that are Google or Amazon, its growth rate has been so fast that people now feel that ignoring Facebook is at their own peril. Even a year ago, Facebook was considered as some-thing for the younger generation – in fact when it was launched first by founder Mark Zuckerberg; it was a place where his classmates and then his college mates at Harvard could share information about themselves.

However, this has seen a radical change. While last year the under 25 age group made up 58% of the population in Facebook right now it is has come down to 40%. This is not so much because younger population is not using Facebook anymore; they still are at the same pace they used to, but because of the increase of other age groups in new registrations. A look at the registration statistics will show this. The those between the ages 35 to 55 has grown at an astounding 277% while the 55+ age group has shown a remarkable 195% increase in new registrations. This is definite proof that the “young” sheen has worn out of Facebook.

There are also other reasons for this, like Facebook's new initia-tives to include businesses, with their social plug-ins and authenti-cating user logins. Although their analytics tool is not as sophisticated as Google's it offers much more in details including demographic information that is invaluable for most businesses. It is not that everything is to the positive, there are negatives to using Facebook, and primary among this is the fear of data leakage in organizations. Yet, everything has its negatives, and it only remains to be seen if the positives are compelling enough to justify having a Facebook account.

This guide will be divided into three broad sections, the first would deal with why Facebook is important for most SMB's, the second will deal with how exactly they can use Facebook to their advantage, and the last will be the negatives to using Facebook.


I ncrease Web Presence

This is the most basic reason for you to do anything online, because it increases your web presence. Any business has only one objective, and that is sales, be it a product or a service. The only way to do this is to make people aware that you are providing a particular product or service. Companies spend between 3% and 10% of their total sales just to do this. In corporate parlance, this is called marketing, when you advertise in different venues so that you let people know exactly what it is that you provide.

With so much of money at stake companies are always looking for ways in which they can get the same kind of exposure without spending as much money and the web is giving them that opportu-nity. More than 75% of the population in Western countries has broadband connections at home; more and more people are going online for their needs. Sales are slowly but surely moving towards online, and many manufacturers are already taking advantage of this.

Amazon is posting a 15% growth each year, and their profits have skyrocketed in the past couple of years. In fact, even during the downturn, they were one of the few industries that posted growth.


There are a number of benefits to buying online, primary among them being lower cost and this benefit is hard to match in retail sales. Many organizations have taken notice of this growth and even though their online marketing budget is only around 14% of their overall marketing budget, it is a large increase from last year's 8%. Everyone realizes that the future is online, but there are still a number of organizations that are still wary. It has grown so fast that it has caught many companies by surprise.

46 Kitchen Tips MRR Ebook With Audio

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46 Ways to Modernize Your Kitchen

Modernizing your kitchen can take one of two routes. The first route is less expensive, but may take more time. It includes, painting, wall papering, and re-decorating to give your kitchen a modern facelift. The second route can be much quicker, but also much costlier. This route includes new appliances, new cupboards or even a new layout. Your only limit is how much money and time you have to give.

1 – Major Renovation

A major renovation is very expensive and would include changing multiple facets of your kitchen. A major renovation could include your cabinets, the layout of your kitchen, new appliances or windows. A contractor or subcontractor is usually needed to handle the arrangements if your modernization includes wall movement. You may be able to hire a project coordinator from a home improvement store to handle the details if you do it yourself and buy the supplies from them. Don’t undertake a major renovation without a plan in mind.

2 – Paint

New paint can add a quick boost to an old and dull kitchen. To properly apply new paint, make sure the walls are clean. Remove all nails, hooks or other protrusions from the wall. If they leave numerous or large holes, be sure to fill with spackle so it is flat with the rest of the wall. Allow the spackle to dry and sand until it is even with the wall. Apply primer or paint and then enjoy your new color! Light colors will make a room appear larger if you are having a color choice dilemma.

3 – New Wallpaper

In addition to or in lieu of new paint, wallpaper adds texture to your kitchen walls. Pick a design that coordinates with the other objects in your room or what compliments the new paint color. Wallpaper styles now include designs for borders, half walls, whole walls and even mural scenes. Certain wallpaper borders have scalloped or fluted edges to add texture to a design. Small patterns in the wallpaper are best if you have a small kitchen. Large patterns make a room seem smaller and darker.

4 – New Theme

Another way to give an old kitchen a modern facelift is to change the theme. Some kitchens follow an elaborate theme, such as using all red appliances or having grapes on everything. Whether you have a strict code or not, look for modern replacements to the old rooster that’s been sitting on top of the cupboard for twenty years or whatever your theme was. Items to replace can include towels, trinkets, wall decorations and rugs. Trendy new themes include chili peppers, cherries, frogs, and bugs.

5 – Door Handles

Another small facelift can provide big and lasting results. If your cupboards are flat, try putting handles and knobs on them. If you already have doorknobs and handles, find a new design. Handles come in a multitude of colors and metals, including bronze, copper, gold, silver, pewter and titanium. Many styles ranging from ornate to basic can match the décor you add to your new kitchen theme.

6 – Faucet

Faucets are no longer just a spigot that provides water. Faucets are pieces of artwork now that have multi-functioning capabilities. Some of them have removable ends that spray water. Others have tops that lift off and move over. Water softeners and filters can be placed over nozzles to provide safer and tastier water. The selections are endless. Faucets can also come in plastic or metal, so the colors are changeable too.

7 – Clean the Clutter

A modern look is having the bare essentials or minimalist approach to kitchens. Very few knick-knacks are on shelves and the countertops are cleared off. Hardly anything is out to look at, keeping your view clean. Besides providing a new look, less clutter holds less dust, which requires less cleaning. Less small appliances and items on the cupboard make the room appear larger too.

8 – Ultra Mixer

Get rid of your tiny hand mixer and get an ultimate machine. A stand mixer has a lot more capacity and power if you are a faithful baker or cook. The price has lowered tremendously in recent years making them affordable. You can justify the price by how much that speed up your activities in the kitchen. Ultra-mixers have multiple speeds, attachments, and controls to mix virtually anything. The mixers are available in a rainbow of hues to coordinate with new paint or wallpaper too.

9 – Microwave

The big, boxy and expensive microwaves that first came out are gone! Or they should be. If you have a large, bulky microwave, it is time to upgrade. Microwaves now come in all sizes and colors, not to mention power levels. If you only need one to warm up food occasionally, a small one is for you. If you do a lot of cooking with the microwave as the source, you will need a sturdier one. Microwaves can be purchased at any department store, appliance store or even a grocery store. They can be plastic, metal or stainless steel.

10 – Cooking Gadgets

Every modern cook needs the newest cooking gadgets. Whether you use them or not is up to you, but displaying them may make you seem like more of a modern cook. One such tool is the corn husker. It is a square brush that fits in the palm of your hand with small bristles.

Car Care Black Book MRR Ebook

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Acar is an expensive investment, so knowing how to keep your vehicle in tip-top shape can save you tons of money. Overall, the cost of owning a car is a lot higher than many might think – there is the cost of car insurance, taxes, interest on the car loan, repairs, fuel costs, and the cost of the vehicle itself. By implementing all or some of these car care tips, you can begin to save a significant amount of time and money.

Just a little time spent on research can save you future repairs and tons of money. You don’t need to be mechanically savvy to detect common vehicle problems. You just need to be able to use your sense of smell and sight.

TAKE a Look Around

Are there stains under your vehicle? Do you see drips? They may not be a problem but if you see wet spots, it can be a symptom of something far more serious. What color is the liquid you are seeing? Is it blue, orange, yellowish green? Then it could indicate a radiator leak, damage from an overheated engine, or a water pump that needs repairs. Leaks such as these should be addressed quickly.


Black oily fluid or dark brown could indicate an oil leak on the engine. A bad gasket or seal can cause this type of leak. These types of repairs can quickly run into a lot of money so it’s a good idea to take your vehicle to a mechanic you trust.

A red oily spot could indicate power steering fluid leak or trans-mission leak. Sometimes you will see clear liquid, which is usually just condensation and nothing to worry about. If you see light smoke coming from your wheel while you are driving it could mean you have a brake that’s stuck and you should pull over. Any type of smoke means you need to see a mechanic regarding a vehicle repair.


Don’t be afraid to sniff around and see if you can detect a problem with your vehicle. If you smell burned toast it may be burning insula-tion or an electrical short. Don’t risk driving it. If you have a rotten egg smell it’s likely the catalytic converter and it will need to be repaired.

A thick sharp odor is often a symptom of burning oil. Have a look under the car to see if you can spot a leak. You may also see a bluish smoke coming from your vehicles tailpipe – you need to have this looked at as soon as possible.

If you smell gas after your vehicle fails to start the engine may have become flooded. Wait a few minutes and try again. If you continue to notice a gas odor you may have a leak somewhere in your fuel system, which can be dangerous, so have your vehicle taken to a mechanic as soon as possible.

These simple tips will help to alert you of a potential problem with your vehicle that should be addressed.


Part of keeping your vehicle in tiptop shape is to make sure you regularly check your fluid levels. In fact, monitoring of these levels is vital to the health of your car. It’s a great idea to read your owner’s manual. There should be diagrams of the engine there that will show you where to check all the important fluids. It’s a great way to get an idea of where the vital fluids can be found. You can also use the internet to pull up a similar picture that can help you.


1. You’ll find towards the front of the engine a cap marked “Oil.” Check your oil with the engine off.

Remove the dipstick

2. Wipe the oil off with a rag
3. Put the dipstick back in
4. Pull it out and get your reading
5. There will be two marks on the dipstick – minimum and maximum – anything in-between means your oils good.

Below the minimum and you need to add oil. In older vehicles it’s a good idea to check your oil every couple of weeks. In newer vehicles check monthly.

Transmission Oil

If you have an automatic transmission you will find a dipstick to check your fluid level. It’s usually found towards the back of the engine. There are different methods for checking transmission fluids, which can be found in the owner’s manual. For most vehicles they have to be running and the transmission needs to be in neutral or park. To get a true reading the transmission should be warmed up so take it for a short drive to bring it up to operating temperature. Checking the level follows the same steps as with checking the oil. Check annually.

Bitcoin Breakthrough MRR Ebook

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Now is a very good time to take an interest in Bitcoin and invest in it. It has been going strong for 10 years and its popularity has soared. In order to make the best returns on Bitcoin investments you need to understand what it really is and how it works.

You also need to know the best way to obtain Bitcoins and the best investment strategies. This guide will show you all of this and more. Many people think that Bitcoin is a scam but it certainly isn’t. However there have been some scams in the cryptocurrency world and you will find out how to avoid these and stay safe in this guide.

We have worked hard to ensure that everything in this guide is explained in the simplest ways. Bitcoin and the underlying blockchain technology are fairly complex but you will be able to easily understand by reading this guide.

Bitcoin started out with a value of zero and has hit highs of $10,000. It is a valuable commodity and once you have your Bitcoins you need to keep them safe. You will learn exactly how to do that.

Although Bitcoin is a volatile commodity it should be possible for you to make a good return on your investment if you follow the advice in this guide. While there are no guarantees with any form of investing, the advice provided here has worked well for others in the past.

You have probably heard of Bitcoin but you may not be completely sure what it is. That’s OK because by the time you have read through this guide you will know what it is and how you can make money with it.

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency which is another term that you need to be familiar with. The other important thing that we will explain is the technology behind Bitcoin and most other cryptocurrencies which is blockchain.

Before we get into the details of Bitcoin, it is important that you understand what cryptocurrencies are and how they work.

What are Cryptocurrencies?

In basic terms a cryptocurrency is a medium for exchange online. A cryptocurrency has a number of cryptographical functions which are there to support financial transactions. Most cryptocurrencies use the blockchain technology platform (more on this a little later) as it offers immutability, transparency and decentralization.

Cryptocurrencies are not controlled by any central powers – not yet at least. This is deliberate because the whole idea of cryptocurrency and Bitcoin is that they provide immunity from government interference and control.

A cryptocurrency can be transferred from one person to another by using public and private keys. There are minimal processing fees involved with cryptocurrency transactions which are part of their appeal. Usually financial institutions have high charges for any monetary transaction.

Cryptocurrencies were invented by accident. The inventor of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, created a peer to peer electronic cash system and Bitcoin was a byproduct of this system. Before this there had been numerous attempts to create a digital cash system but all had failed.

The key to the success of Nakamoto’s system was that it provided a decentralized financial network rather than the established centralized system. If you wanted to set up your own digital cash system you would need to create a payment network that provided three key things: 1. Accounts 2. Balances 3. Transactions

A problem that all payment networks face is “double spending”. This is all about preventing spending the same amount twice. Up until the creation of Nakamoto’s system this had always been achieved using central server balance records (this is still in existence today).

With a decentralized payment network there is no central server. Instead every single network entity or node has to perform its job properly. They all need to have a list of transactions so they can monitor if future transactions are a “double spend” or valid.

All of the peers of a decentralized payment network have to agree on everything – there has to be complete consensus. If this doesn’t happen then the transaction will not take place. The problem was how to achieve this total consensus without a central server. Nakamoto figured this out.

The Transaction Properties of Cryptocurrencies In order for a cryptocurrency system to work effectively there has to be a number of properties in place.

These are: Immutable

After a cryptocurrency transaction is confirmed then it cannot be changed. Nobody in the world can change a cryptocurrency transaction not even presidents or monarchs. It is an immutable record.

Basically if you send money to someone else that’s it. There is no turning back. So if you make a mistake or get scammed then you are stuck with the situation. You do not have the opportunity to reverse the transaction.

Bitcoin Breakthrough Video Upgrade MRR Video With Audio

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46 Backyard Ideas MRR Ebook With Audio

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46 Backyard Play Ideas for Children

Children need to get outside and be away from the TV. Especially in the summertime, when they can get loads of fresh air and exercise. It is even more important if you live in areas that have cold winters, since being cooped up in the winter happens often!

Pediatricians have also recently concluded that children do not get enough free play during their day. One great way for them to have free play is by being in their backyards. Setting up play areas and giving them ideas for play is vital to their health, but now and for their future.

There are several ways to make any backyard area more fun for the kids.

1 – Garden

The love of all things in nature can never begin too early. Start that love with your child’s very own garden. This garden can be very small or elaborate, depending on their age. A simple garden that is low maintenance contains sunflowers, green bean plants and tomatoes. Annual flowers like marigolds, petunias and zinnias offer bright colors and blossoms all year long. Give your child small chores like watering and weeding (with help). They can also be artistic and make signs to label all of their plants. A scarecrow can keep away the birds. In the fall, have them harvest any fruit or vegetables you planted.

2 – Garden House

The garden house is actually made from a specific garden design. The house is the garden itself. To make the house, you need to plant strategically. Plant giant sunflower seeds to form a large square or rectangle. Leave one gap to act as a door and the rest boxed in for a house effect. On the outside of those sunflowers, plant smaller sunflowers and bushy flowers like cosmos or zinnias. Once the sunflowers grow tall, pull the heads towards each other and band loosely with rope or string. The thicker the row of sunflowers, the more like a “roof” it will seem. The shorter sunflowers and bushes will provide a solid wall.

3 – Swing set

A swing set is the ultimate play machine. Swing sets are made in so many different ways, it’s hard to choose what you want. Well, what the kids want. There are metal sets, with the basic swings, slide and a glider. Then there are the deluxe plastic sets with slides, climbers and tunnels. Even more elaborate are the wood designs. They have forts, swings, tunnels, walls, ropes and everything a kid could possibly want. The only limit is your budget. If you can’t afford a pre-made set, plans are sold individually and you just buy the materials and construct it yourself.

4 – Sandbox

Every child needs to play in the sand. Sandboxes can be purchased as a plastic shape and ready to fill. There are dinosaurs, ladybugs, trucks and plain shapes available with different sand capacities. Sand for fill is available in five-pound bags, already screened and cleaned at toy stores, home improvement stores and some department store. Sand can also be ordered by the truck full from a landscaper or garden store. Make sure to buy shovels in a variety of sizes and buckets, tractors and other sand toys. If you don’t want to buy a sandbox, use 4 pieces of wood, nail at the corners and fill with sand.

5 – Trampoline

A trampoline provides hours of recreation, even for young kids. The jumping helps their coordination and flexibility, and giving them exercise at the same time. Kids can make up games when jumping inside with a group or just jumping alone. Some games could be leapfrog, popcorn or kangaroo. When buying a trampoline, you should also buy the safety net that goes around the outside perimeter. The net will keep all kids inside and prevent serious injuries from happening.

6 – Fort

A fort is a wooden structure, all by itself. Many boys like to play hunter with the fort, or act like a spy from it. The fort has four wood stilts built into a square and secured in the ground with cement. Support boards are put in place and then a floor over top of that is made of plywood or two by fours. Add sidewalls for security and to prevent anyone from falling out. A roof is optional. Make several small peepholes and a space for an opening. A ladder rests at the opening for easy access.

7 – Tree House

Every child has dreams of a great tree house. Tree houses can be simple structures made of cardboard or designs made of wood. Whichever route you choose, make sure it is sturdy and secured so it will not fall down. Tree houses can be just platforms, a floor and walls or a complete house structure with a roof. Make sure it has easy access with a rope or a ladder for exit.

8 – Chalk

Your child can use chalk to draw pictures on the sidewalk or driveway anytime. Make a contest with all of the neighbor kids to see who can make the funniest, scariest or prettiest picture. Of course, give out prizes to every participant. Chalk can also be used for games. Draw a hopscotch chart, write numbers for shuffleboard or draw a road for the bikes to travel down. Chalk opens up endless possibilities for creation and imagination. Large pieces will keep finger scrapes to a minimum too.

9 – Bubbles

Bubbles are a cheap and easy way to occupy your child’s time. To make your own batch of bubbles, mix 4 quarts of water, 1 cup of corn syrup and 1 cup of dish soap and store in a two-liter bottle. Label it so it is not mistaken for something else! To use, pour soap into a shallow bowl. Use straws or bubble wands and blow bubbles all afternoon. Hook several straws together and blow large, fancy bubbles. Bubbles can be stored indefinitely under the sink or in the garage.

10 – Basketball Hoop

A basketball hoop can be purchased for any level of player. You can have your hoop mounted to the garage or side of the house or have a freestanding hoop. More expensive systems allow for dunking and breakaway rims and then basic models to just shoot hoops through. If you have serious players, mark the garage where the actual free throw line would be. Hold neighborhood contests for free throws and two on two tournaments.

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Sample Content Preview

WordPress is an Open Source software system used by millions of people around the world to create beautiful websites and blogs. It is completely customizable by the use of themes and plugins.

Thanks to the great community of contributors and the constant development, WordPress has become a content management system that provides you with tons of features to build and manage your website.

You can use the application to build any type of website: from a small personal blog or business website to fully-featured eCommerce online store or gallery/portfolio website, the possibilities are endless. WordPress is the ideal solution to build your online presence, whether you are a newcomer or you already have some technical experience. As you have a great number of plugins to extend the functionality of your website, with no coding required you can create a professional website in just a few easy steps.

And that’s exactly what we are going to discuss in this training guide. In this guide, we will provide you with detailed information and instructions on how you can use WordPress to build your own website with ease. We will cover different topics like WordPress installation, plugin and theme management, and usability. Also, you will learn how to extend the functionality of your WordPress website and provide your visitors with feature-rich experience.
So let’s get started…

WordPress is one of the most widely-used blogging platforms available. WordPress is a factory that makes webpages is a core analogy designed to clarify what WordPress is and does. It stores the content that allows you to create & publish webpages only requiring a domain and a hosting site to work. Let’s unveil it in detail… 2.1 What is WordPress?

WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS), which is open source and was created to manage blogs. WordPress allows you to easily create and manage your blogs and websites content without coding and it can be used to create a fully operational website.

Today, WordPress is the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world being used by millions of websites. The best thing about WordPress is that it is an Open Source project which can be used by anyone over the web which means you can use it for anything be it your personal diary, your travel accounts or your views on any subject for that matter. WordPress is an excellent platform for building a variety of websites. Besides building a blogging site, WordPress can be used to build an e-commerce website, portfolio sites, business websites, new sites, and more. Famous WordPress websites include TechCrunch, Mashable, The New York Times’s blog, etc.

Some of the features offered by WordPress are private and password protected WordPress posts and pages, easy importing, WordPress installation and upgrades, a full WordPress theme and plugin system, multiple authors, spam protection and intelligent text formatting. So, ‘WordPress is only limited by your imagination’.

With its intuitive interface, ease of use and the great number of free and paid themes and plugins, WordPress is the preferred choice to build a professional website. All WordPress features are fully supported on all our WordPress hosting plans, so you can get started in no time and create your next successful online project. 2.2 What is Content Management System?

A content management system (CMS) is an application used to create and manage digital content. Content is what makes any organization stand out from the crowd, content must be regular and well organized in order to maintain any branding possible thus rather than doing it manually CMSes are used for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM).

An ECM is used for the collaboration in any workplace by integrating document management, digital asset management and records retention functionalities, and providing end users with role-based access to the organization’s digital assets. While WCM facilitates collaborative authoring for websites. It is easy to say that WCM is a more public content management tool whereas the ECM is totally built for more confidential contents to be kept secured within the organization. 2.3 How does WordPress work?

WordPress, like any other WCM system, is dynamically driven through the use of a database with multiple tables storing all the content information and the information required to specify the website structure. You must have the ability to create and utilize a database to use WordPress.

After learning about WordPress the first thing that comes to our mind is that where to use it? What kind of website can I create using WordPress? So let’s move on to the section straight away.

When launched, WordPress was nothing but a typographic improvement, but as time passed and the community got stronger and WordPress was developed by contributors from all over the world, now WordPress is a robust system that can be used to create and manage any kind of website to keep it short. To showcase some examples let’s look into the various implementations of WordPress already developed.

• E-commerce Websites: WordPress is really great for E-Commerce websites because of its robust structure and ability to categorize contents. With the proper theme chosen to create an E-commerce website is considered to be one of the best options available.

• Educational/Library Websites: One of the most important features of WordPress is to manage and categorize documents or other assets, though not

self-sustaining WordPress is good enough to create and run a Library Website. Using DMS implementation as well as WordPress one can surely develop Library Websites.

• Personal Websites: Whether it’s a small website containing your portfolio or a daily blog. WordPress is undoubtedly one of the best platforms to showcase your talent as it has dedicated sections for the contents and overall easy experience.
2.4 Features of WordPress
WordPress is considered to be the most popular content management system due to its characteristics:

• The most important features of WordPress are that you can create a dynamic website without any programming and design knowledge

• WordPress is theme based which provides you options for various open source and premium design themes, which can be integrated easily without any designing knowledge

• Plugins extend the functionality of WordPress, which can be used to add new required modules

• WordPress sites are search engine optimization (SEO) friendly, it means sites built in WordPress can be easily optimized for search engine listings • WordPress is Multilingual, which allow users to translate content in their language

• WordPress has inbuilt Media Management System which is used to manage images, music, documents, etc. and can be used with text content 2.5 The Benefits of Using WordPress Here are just the top 5 benefits of using WordPress:

• The software is free! How many times have you been given something for free that is fully functional and ready to use? And if you want to upscale your site a little with premium themes and plugins, you’re still going to save tons of money over what you would pay for a custom designed site.

• It’s easy to use. Seriously. If you can send an email, use Microsoft Word, or set up a Facebook account, then you can use WordPress. In other words, if you’ve already used a computer, chances are you are already skilled enough for the WordPress basics. And even better, it’s hard to mess it up. You can easily add and delete pages and posts without accidentally messing up the overall design of your

• You are in control. Owning your own site, and being able to make changes to it yourself, is the ultimate in online freedom. You don’t have to rely on an expensive web designer to make changes or fix a tiny error for you whenever they can squeeze you in. You’re in control of your site—and your wallet.

• WordPress has a search engine (SEO) advantages. Search engines love sites that are easy to index (WordPress is) and that have frequently updated content. That’s where blogging comes in to play so nicely. Just by running your business or personal site and communicating with your readers in a way that’s natural to you, you’ll be producing fresh, relevant content the search engines can’t wait to get ahold of.

• There’s a HUGE support community. WordPress isn’t just software, it has become a community. Some might even say a movement. In fact, WordCamps (1-3 day training sessions) have sprung up from grassroots efforts. They are informal, community-organized events put together by other WordPress users just like you. You’ll meet people of all backgrounds, ages, and nationalities at WordCamps. Plus, there are thousands of people and hundreds of resource and tutorial sites set up just to help you with your WordPress site. 2.6 WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org The one major difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org is who’s actually hosting your website. With WordPress.org, YOU host your own blog or website.

WordPress.org is where you’ll find the free WordPress software that you can download and install on your own web server. Getting your WordPress site set up involves purchasing a domain name, buying a hosting plan and then installing WordPress on your server. Most hosting companies provide instructions or services to install WordPress for you.

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With more than one-third of all websites powered by WordPress, there's no doubt that it's the most popular and widely used content management system around!

What was launched as a basic blogging tool quickly evolved to become an innovator in the digital marketing scene and a go-to platform for website building.

As an open-source content management system, WordPress comes with an abundance of customizable themes and plugins, making it possible for literally everyone to create unique websites.

Figures on how much of the internet is WordPress based get even more striking

when only the most successful websites are considered. These popular sites include TED, Etsy, Whitehouse.gov, Reuters, Yelp, The New Yorker, TechCrunch, and People.

That leads us to the most common misconceptions about WordPress is that it is just a blogging platform.

It is not.

WordPress has evolved from being mainly a blogging tool into the lifeline of global eCommerce.

Of all the site-building elements like photo galleries, chat forums, and social networking platforms, WordPress website stats reveal that WooCommerce is the most widely used.

That leads us to the conclusion, that you can create different kinds of websites with WordPress:

Start a blogging site

Build a business website

Run a membership website

Start an online store

Sell online courses

Beyond that, WordPress is a popular way to build ANY type of site – not just blogs.

And it’s also used by some of the world’s most highly-trafficked websites.
Sure WordPress is making the entire process of making websites easy, without having to have coding skills... But it’s not a Cakewalk!
Setting up a full-fledged, professional-looking website with WordPress is a little bit overwhelming with so many themes, customization options, plugins, and settings.

Though you don’t need any technical knowledge or coding skills, setting up your own website with WordPress can get really frustrating and you can get lost in its enormity if you don’t know your way around.

Hence to help you get started, on the right foot, we have put together everything with step-by-step instructions in our WP Training Kit HD Video Course that will show you exactly what you need to do to maximize your results on WordPress.


WP Training Kit HD Video Course Upgrade Package

Once you’ve downloaded and followed our WP Training Kit HD Training Videos, it will not take long to get there and outsell your competitors.

Take a Look at the Modules in this Upgrade Package…

22 Step-by-Step Training Videos (Value - $3000)

You’ll get twenty-two chapters of step-by-step training videos which are the continuation videos of the basic package and will show you exactly how to make additional settings in WordPress to create highly-converting websites without having a lick of coding knowledge. Everything is screen-recorded and well-explained. We have covered everything we think you need to know. Inside you’ll get...

Chapter 9 – How to create and edit post with new WordPress editor?

Chapter 10 – How to create and edit Content with WordPress Classic Editor?

Chapter 11 – WordPress Dashboard -Overview

Chapter 12 – How to add Categories and Tags in your posts?

Chapter 13 – How to add Media to the WordPress Library and into Your Posts?

Chapter 14 – How to Add New Pages and Edit the Existing Pages in WordPress?

Chapter 15 – How to Edit and Delete Comments in WordPress?

Chapter 16 – How to Search and Insert WordPress Themes?

Chapter 17 – How to Customize Themes in WordPress?

Chapter 18 – How to Use Wordpress Theme Editor?

Chapter 19 – How to Use Wordpress Plug-ins?

Chapter 20 – How to set Menus in WordPress?

Chapter 21 – How to edit and set Widgets in WordPress?

Chapter 22 – How to edit User’s Profile and Add New Users in WordPress?

Chapter 23 – How to use WordPress Tools?

Chapter 24 – How to change Settings in WordPress?

Chapter 25 – How to Create a Contact Form in WordPress?

Chapter 26 – How to Use Gravatar in WordPress?

Chapter 27 – How to Add Videos and Images to Your Blog Posts?

Chapter 28 – Static Pages

Chapter 29 – Favicon

Chapter 30 – How to Install Google Analytics?

With our WP Training Kit HD Video Training Upgrade Package, you get access to use our step-by-step tutorial videos to set up your own profit-pulling website.

You’ll learn everything about setting up your own website with WordPress that will help you to actually accomplish your ideas, create brand awareness, acquire new customers, and get your existing customers to spend more money.

So just use this incredible resource and reach the pinnacle of success.