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As a wise man once said, "the only constant in life is change." Even if we are sure to live transformation in our life, we are not prepared for the chaos that often comes with change. Since growth is often born of chaos, there is a need to find a state of peace and calm while we move through stages in life.
When we perceive that our life is chaos or when we apprehend change, it often impacts our emotions. One of the worst states we can experience is anxiety because it makes us feel like we are losing control over life. Anxiety can be a normal feeling of worry felt by all human beings; it can become disabling if it is not managed.
Even if anxiety can be considered a chronic disease, it doesn't have to be that way; you don't have to experience it your whole life. There are ways you can learn to master your emotions and reduce or even eliminate anxiety.
Anxiety is a state that arises from feeling our emotions. Since emotions have a life span of 90 seconds, we can learn to prepare PEACEFUL CHAOS 7 ourselves better to fully express emotions and not let that emotion paralyze us or control our lives.
In this book, you will acquire knowledge about the emotional body and how it interacts with your mind, your body, and also your energy. We will be digging into bodies of research to help you understand what you experience. But mostly, this book will help you put in place practices that have been successful in helping people master their emotions and live a peaceful life.
This book is not a substitute for the therapy, medical assistance, or medication that you are already following. It serves as a complement to what you are already trying. It was created to provide you with the knowledge, the skills, and the experience in embracing your emotions in a way that doesn't affect your quality of life.
We invite you to be open and try the exercises in this book, in the long run, you will see a big difference in your ability to cope with the chaos around. You will no longer cope but thrive with the idea of change.
As human beings, we are made up of several bodies; the physical body, the mental body, and the emotional body. All three are essential and need to be balanced on the physical plane.
Think of it as a triangle; when one isn't balanced, the triangle loses its shape and balance. When there is an imbalance in one of them, it brings conflict with ourselves and with others. That is why the emotional body is as important as the physical or mental body to find a balance in life and live a peaceful reality.
This book focuses on the emotional body, because it is the most difficult to manage and understand, and also because it's the one that has a large impact on anxiety and emotional imbalances.
It is also the emotional body that can make us do anything. It can influence us in making bad decisions, leading us into conflict.
When unhealthy, the emotional body can and even make us physically and psychologically ill because it has a great influence us. You can have a perfect body and yet be a total mess emotionally.
Humans can do so much harm or damage to themselves if they are not conscious or do not take the time to take care of their emotional body. Any deficiency creates a blockage, which inevitably leads to discomfort or illness in one of these three bodies. Let's see where you are scoring in terms of your emotional body health. Check the box that corresponds better to you.
Never Sometimes Often Very often Always I allow myself to be wrong without blaming myself I regularly take actions to achieve my goals I consider myself a creative person.
I am optimistic. When I desire something, I can easily visualize it as already manifested.
I can hope for the fulfillment of a desire, but I can't wait for that to happen to be happy.
I trust my intuition without letting myself be influenced by the outside or by my thoughts.
I dare to take risks to be able to manifest what I want.
I find life and people beautiful.
I feel surrounded by beauty in my daily life.
Among the people around me, I can easily see the good in them instead of their flaws.
I have all the affection I need.
I take the time to give myself compliments, attention, or gifts regularly.
I feel that I am making a difference in the lives of those close to me.
I feel at ease when I arrive in a new group or environment.
I am a "glass half full" PEACEFUL CHAOS 12 type of person.
Never Sometimes Often Very often Always
Determine your test result by calculating the points for each column. Here is the score by the answer:
Never = 1 point
Sometimes = 2 points
Often = 3 points
Very often = 4 points
Always = 5 points
30 points and under:
You must learn to trust yourself and recognize your power to change your reality. You have the right to have desires and to express them like any other person. You are an overly emotional person who lets the ego take over with all your limiting beliefs. These are blocking your sensitivity. This book can help you raise your score.
Between 30 and 45 points:
You often block your desires with your limiting beliefs. These desires are taking too much importance in your life. This makes you experience anxiety, frustration, disappointment, and many other emotions caused by unmet expectations. By not allowing yourself to manifest your desires, you want others to fulfill them for you. In this book, you will acquire a better understanding of how you can shift your mind not to believe all the limits you place on yourself and also better manage emotions.
Between 45 and 60 points:
you are in the right direction. You feed your emotional body quite well, but you lack confidence in yourself and the world around you. You do not believe enough that you have the right to desire what you want and that you have everything you need to manifest it. Sometimes you doubt it. Your head sometimes takes over your intuition and your feeling, which leads you to worry about the future. This book will enable this ability to trust more in your abilities to create the reality that you want and be more at peace with the world around you.
Between 60 and 75 points:
You feed your emotional body very well. You allow yourself to have desires, and you realize them very easily. To create your life, you use your emotional energy well, which is very magnetic. You are a person more sensitive than emotional. This book will still provide you with a deeper understanding of what you do right but also how you can help others be empowered to manage their emotions.
The emotional body was created to feel, to be sensitive to what is happening in our material world. This role is for the sole purpose of helping us grow and recognize our strength and power that lies within. In the next chapter, we will explore the research that was done on emotions and what that means to you.