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Have you been thinking about launching your own online course but don't know where to begin? If so, you’re not alone.
Many people are curious about online course launching but put it off out of fear and anxiety. Little do they know that they are missing out on a lot of money and freedom by allowing their fears to stop them from creating their online course.
Why should you create an online course? Well, according to statistics from Coursera (an online learning platform), online learning has grown significantly in March – April, 2020.
Though creating an online course requires some tech know-how, the benefits of building an online course greatly outweigh the negatives. The reason for this is that online course creators are making a full-time living
selling their online courses. This incredible monetary payoff is worth the effort of creating an online course. All the while, education is increased for the students!
Luckily for you, launching an online course does not have to be difficult. With the help of this guide, you will learn key aspects of a successful online course launch. Let’s get started!
Chapter 1: The Basics of an Online Course
Before launching your online course, it is important to know the basics of online courses. Knowing these basics will allow you to determine if an online course is right for you and what you should be striving for in terms of online course creation. In this chapter, we will look at what an online course entails, the benefits of creating an online course, and the attributes of a successful online course.
What is an Online Course?
An online course is a mini tutoring session or class that you can take from the comfort of your home. These courses can be on a number of different topics, ranging from yoga to calculus.
These courses are created and taught by a number of professionals, which includes PhDs and hobbyists. To put it simply, online courses are often created by academics and hobbyists alike and accessed via a mobile device, tablet, or web browser.
What makes online courses so great is that they can be enjoyed from your home at your own pace. What this means is that you do not have to have a lot of time to take an online course. All you need is a way to access the course and internet connection. You can take it at your own pace, and you do not have to be embarrassed if you are starting from scratch on the topic. Another great benefit of online courses is that they can be free or cost little. This allows more people to gain a deeper understanding of a topic without spending a lot of money on classes. Additionally, some of these courses even offer certifications, which can be used to boost resumes or experiences.
How online courses work is that a creator uses their knowledge or experience in a particular topic to create lesson plans that are uploaded online. These lesson plans can include worksheets, readings, or video tutorials. They put these resources on a platform or website that potential customers can reach and then use.
Benefits of an Online Course
Online courses are beneficial for a number of reasons. They are beneficial to both the student and the creator. Here is why:
Online courses are beneficial to the students because it allows them easy access to more information. These courses can be used alone to further a student’s knowledge, or they can be used in junction with another class to help the student better understand the topic as a whole. More so, many online courses are free, which allows students to get an education without going into more debt.
At the same time, online courses are very beneficial to the creator as well. The reason for this is that many creators make money on their courses. On average, online course creators make between $1,000 and $5,000 a month on their online courses, but some creators make more than that. In fact, online learning is expected to reach more than $240 billion by 2021.
Attributes of a Successful Online Course
In order for the creator to make money off their online course, the course must have several attributes. Without these attributes, customers will immediately assume that the online course may not be worth their time or money. Here are the attributes of a successful online course:
? Quality Content: Online courses must have quality content. In other words, the content must be factually accurate and up-to-date. If the content is not relevant, students will not waste their money on it. ? Multimedia Use: Another attribute of a successful online course is the use of multiple media outlets. Since it is online, you have access to a number of different learning tools. And since there are many different types of learners, you should use a variety of multimedia tools in order to reach the most amount of students possible.
? Good Pacing: Successful online courses also have correct pacing. What this means is that the course needs to be structured so that way it is neither overwhelming nor underwhelming. You want to make the lesson sizes digestible but challenging at the same time.
? User-Friendly Setup: A user-friendly setup is another attribute of successful online courses. You do not want your students confused about where to go or what to do. Instead, they should be able to figure it out themselves because of the user-friendly setup.
? Self-Directed: The final attribute of a successful online course is that it is self-directed. What this means is that the student has to have enough space to be able to go at their own pace and learn the way that they see fit. The reason for this is that most online students are busy and need to be able to tailor the course to their busy lives. Is an Online Course Right for You?
With this in mind, you may be wondering, “Is an online course right for me?” To help you better answer this question, here is a series of questions you should ask yourself:
? Am I passionate about a particular topic?
? Am I highly knowledgeable or skilled on a particular topic?
? Do I want to help other people learn about a skill?
? Would I still teach people on this topic even if I wasn’t getting paid? If you answered yes to all four questions, then creating an online course is right for you. Even if you are unfamiliar with online course creation or technological skills, do not worry. The rest of this guide is designed to help you learn key tricks to creating a financially successful online course.
Chapter 2: Creating the Perfect Topic, Learning Outcomes, and Course Goals
To begin creating a successful online course, you must come up with the perfect topic, engaging learning outcomes, and quantifiable course goals for yourself. Without these three things, your online course will lack direction, which makes it less successful and engaging for both you and your students.
Picking the Perfect Topic
The first step to creating an online course is picking the perfect topic. This topic should be one that you are passionate about, knowledgeable on, and in high demand on the market. If the topic fails to meet any one of these three criteria, then it is not the perfect topic. Here is how to decide on the best topic for your online course:
First and foremost, you must be passionate about the topic you are teaching on. If you are not passionate about it, that will be reflected in your online course. As a result, your course will be bland and boring. If you are not interested in the topic, how can you expect your students to be? Furthermore, if you plan on doing this type of business long-term and you’re not passionate about the topic, it will lead to burnout and unhappiness.