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Dear Valued Reader,
Thank you for investing your time in this special book, which is likened to the key to your list building success! List building is very, very critical to the success of any business – online or offline. And it applies whether you own a small, medium or big-sized business.
Brick-n-mortar companies invest a great effort in collecting prospective leads. Network Marketers often begin with writing a list of 100 names of people they know. And as an Online Business owner, you should focus on building your Online Mailing List.
Now list building isn’t exactly a riddle… as long as you know what to do, and how to do it. Incidentally, that is the aim of this book – to show you how to get started on building your mailing list using multiple, unique and different techniques that add TARGETED leads to your database at as low cost as possible.
Yet you can profit wildly in the process. As more than one technique is discussed in this book, you have my word that at least one or more techniques would suit you – or anyone. Of course, it would be wiser to practice more than one list building technique simultaneously to observe greater results.
Without further ado, let’s move on with the first tenderfoot list building technique…
Chapter 1: Search Engine Optimization
Without a doubt, one of the most effective ways in which you, as a website owner, can set up a potential list of clients is to build an email list of those who visit.
SEO Introduced
By being able to better interact on a more “one on one” platform, you can quickly convert those who would otherwise simply browse around on your website and then leave into potential sales and money in your pocket.
The profit potential does not stop there though, as with a well constructed email list filled with people from all walks of life, you can even entice your subscribers to visiting your website more often than they normally would – setting you up to enhance your site’s moneymaking ability even more through various advertisements.
So as you can see, the email list is one of the most important tools in any webmaster’s repertoire and if you want your online business, no matter what it is, to be as successful as possible then you will need to spend a lot of time perfecting that email list.
Now, you are probably thinking that sure, an email list is great, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves – there are many more steps to be done before we can actually start directly marketing to people on an email list.
SEO – Step-by-Step
First, we actually have to get the visitors to our website before we can even dream of adding them to our mailing lists. A few years back with the rise of popular search engines like Yahoo and Google, a group of cunning marketers, probably not unlike yourself, decided that the best way to get random people and potential customers to visit their websites was to take advantage of search engine technology.
They figured that if you could code a website and write content for it that designed with the sole purpose of moving that page’s status in any given search engine to the top, then they would be able to receive far more visitors than anyone ever thought possible.
In today’s web design world, the theory of search engine optimization, or SEO as it is often referred to, is an extremely popular topic among web designers and online business owners from all walks of life – no matter what they are selling or if they are even selling anything at all.
With so many competing websites in your chosen field or niche the only hope that you may have to rise above the seventeenth page of Google is to make sure that your website is as optimized for search engines as it can possibly be.
Because SEO is so popular these days there are hundreds of different websites out there that claim they have the answers to make sure that your page is among the top ten on all of the big three search engines: Yahoo, MSN and Google.
However, if you take these tips and tricks on their own, you will quickly discover that there are far too many for you to take in. Perhaps the case is that everyone thinks they have the solution to the SEO problem – but nobody really does, so they just make things up hoping they will attract more visitors to their own websites.
Therefore, when scouring the World Wide Web for all sorts of information on how to make sure that your website is optimized for search engines, it is a great idea to compare and contrast the information you find at one website with the information you find at others.
Comparing and contrasting is tedious though, so to get you started, we have already done a bit of the tough legwork for you so you can jump right onto the SEO bandwagon and get your email lists up and running in no time.
Search Engine Optimization Tips
The first of our comprehensive SEO tips for those looking to establish their own mailing lists is to make sure that your website is as straightforward as it possibly can be.
Anything that deviates from the ordinary, whether it be Adobe Flash integration, crazy layout schemes or the use of dynamic URLs for certain pages under your domain can be disastrous to the budding web designer who is trying to take advantage of SEO for the first time.
Secondly, be specific with the keywords that you select for your website. Far too often, a person who is looking to get into optimization will select a perfectly good keyword but it will be far too general.
What you are looking for are specific keywords, keywords that are searched relatively often but lack the heavy competition of more generic keywords. After all, suppose you put “book” in as your keyword.
That’s all well and good, but to be perfectly honest, your website will probably never compete with the likes of Amazon or Barnes and Noble, so be more specific. Consider something more along the lines of “antique book,” “first run book” or something like that instead.
Finally, be sure to direct your entire website to the optimization cause. If you want to bring in the traffic (and keep potential customers around for awhile) you will have to have great content. That is a no-brainer.
But did you know that you can make other parts of your website work for you too? Yes, take advantage of adding your chosen keywords to the header portion of your HTML document, make the titles of your website contain the keyword too, and do not forget to use the “alt” image tags to proudly display your chosen keywords as well.
After you think you have a fully mature search engine optimized website up and running, your next step should be to focus on your mailing list. Tweak and tune your content to make sure that it is good enough to make people stick around on your website and offer visitors something that will make them want to join your mailing list.
Promise to give people on your mailing lists essential updates, one time only offers, or whatever else you think is good enough to make them sign up to your email list. Often, the most creative ideas are the most successful, so go wild with your ideas and you will have a successful email list in no time.