Tag Archives: 2019

Passionate About Life Resale Rights Ebook

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You cannot become rich or achieve any other kind of success in life if you don’t have passion about what you are doing. Be it the simplest thing or the most sophisticated thing, you need passion in order to succeed.

Here we take a look at how important passion is and what different forms it must take in order to point our lives in the right direction, i.e. in the direction of super success.

Chapter 1: The Highway of Passion


What’s the importance of passion in your life? Where does it take you?

The Highway of Passion

“When work, commitment, and pleasure all become one and you reach that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible.”

You have a 9 to 5 job drawing a good pay, you have a good family and all’s well with the world. But deep inside, you feel like you are going nowhere. The job isn’t moving upward either. You are actually stagnating in your career and mentally and spiritually. Something is missing.

Passion. The one quality that textbooks and instruction manuals and company procedures will never talk about. Everyone is in such a hurry to make you fit perfectly into the machine like a well oiled gear, that they forgot you are a living, feeling human being. Even you have forgotten.

Ask yourself. If I had a million bucks in the bank, what kind of work would I be doing? Would I chuck this humdrum job and move on to something really exciting? Something that I have always wanted to do? Then ask yourself – why am I not doing that right now? Is it because of peer pressure or because I don’t want to move out of my comfort zone? Don’t want to rock my boat? You are half asleep in your boat already and in a few years, you could be put out to pasture! If the boat rocks now, you could be jerked awake and come to your senses. Your passionate senses.

In the aftermath of the recession of 2008, millions of people lost their jobs. Many of them took up new vocations and suddenly found that they were finally following their dream. Many of them are now highly successful in their new found professions.

You don’t have to wait for dire straits to rock you out of your present mediocre life. You can decide right now, that you want to live and work passionately and
make your life worthwhile. The Highway of Passion is an amazing ride. And Prosperity is just one of the landmarks on this route! Get ready for the ride of your life!

Chapter 2: Finding Your True Passion


What’s your real calling in life?

Finding Your True Passion

“Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.’

– Georg Hegel, German philosopher

So you have decided to break away from the pathetic monotony of your regular job. You want to live fully and passionately and reap all those rich rewards at the end of the rainbow. How do you find out what you are truly passionate about?

How do you separate the delusions from the do-able? You could be passionate about becoming the King of Spain, or winning the lottery or ruling the world. Indeed, there are people who have dreamt of that and done it. Alexander the Great ruled almost the entire known world in his time. But what is your true passion?

Here are a few steps you can take to discover the currents that move you deep inside:-

1. Read your own body language. How does your body behave at your present job? Does it tense up and ache all the time? Do you get panic attacks very often? Are you so bored that you doze at your desk? Do you keep looking at the clock as break time approaches? Then you are in the wrong job. You simply don’t have the passion for it. When you work on a job that you are passionate about, all your aches and cramps will dissolve. You will find yourself working extra hours, talking to your friends about your work and simply bubbling with life.

2. What did you love doing as a child? Your childhood hobbies and obsessions can indicate a genuine passion. Education and family pressures often move us away from our true calling. Did you love bikes or gardening or trekking? Then maybe a career in the automobile or landscaping or travel industries is where you should be! So sit back and recall your childhood and write down your memories. What made you smile then may still make you grin today and in the future.

Sell Your Photos Online PLR Video

"This is a fun way to earn income online. This video series was created to help you rise above the ever-increasing competition in online stock photography!"

Methods To Increase Search Engine Rank MRR Ebook

Sample Content Preview


If you are reading this, you have a website or would like to have one. You may be an Internet marketer or you may be someone that is just getting his/her offline business online. Your goal is to get customers.

To get customers, or visitors, to your website (which is called traffic), you need to let the world know that your website is there and that anyone can stop by and see what you have to offer. The problem is, the World Wide Web is huge, and in fact, there are millions of websites up. How will people find you?


Search engines are not something that you should be afraid of. In fact, they are one of the best tools that you have available to you online. Search engines that are most readily known include Google, Yahoo!, and MSN. AOL is another large one, but it is powered by Google. Another popular choice moving up in the ranks is Ask.com (former AskJeeves) In any of these options, one thing is common.

Search engines hold the power of your website's success in their hands. Without them, your website will struggle simply because people will not know it is there. The good news is that you can alert the search engine spiders (as they are often called) that you are there and that you want their attention. In fact, more website owners than ever are taking search engine ranking in their own hands.

So, what is search engine ranking? That is the answer to the initial question about why page rank matters. Let's explain. Search engines have to determine which websites are important. To do this, they have to browse through the millions of other websites and organize them. They do this in a process we will cover in just a minute.

What is important to know is that after organizing these websites, the search engines can then respond to the requests submitted by their users. You have used them in the past, most likely, so you fully understand the importance of giving the user the most accurate results possible. If you want a stove, you want a stove, not a lawnmower, for example.

To do this, search engines use the words that people type into search engines to help them. If you were looking for a stove, “stove” is the word you would type into the search engine. Search engines call these search terms “keywords.” Keywords are their method for ranking websites too.

When a person types one of these keywords into the search box, the search engines go into action to find websites that are relevant to the user, based on these terms. What you end up getting after that is called a search engine ranking page, or an organized list of links pointing to various websites. Your location on these pages matters.

So, why does all of this really matter to you, the simple website owner who just wants people to find you online? In short, the answer is that if you cannot place well in these pages, people cannot find you online.


Did you know that these search engine pages have both paid for and natural (or sometimes called organic) search results? At the top of this page, you will notice a number of companies, sometimes listed in a box or a colored section. The links at the top are paid for by companies who want to be positioned at the top of the results page.

See, these companies know that being on that first page is quite important. If you are not there, chances are good that people will not find you since most people only view the initial page, rather than moving on to others. Being at the top is critical, so they often pay a premium price to have their ads listed there.

But, the key that you should know is that 70 percent of website users who search for something will forgo these paid-for ads and click on those website links that are listed just below, in the naturally ranked pages. They are often a better choice and they are more specific. If your website is listed in this region, you are likely to get many more visitors to your website.

Therefore, if you want to get as many visitors as possible to your website, you need to work to have your website listed in the first positions that are naturally in the search engine results page. Anything else may not give you the location and the traffic you could potentially get.

The question has changed now. Now that you know the importance of being positioned at this point, it is critical to know how to get there. The good news is that there are a number of ways that you can successfully pull this off. In fact, you should have a plan that includes a number of methods.

Before getting into that, let's explain a bit more about how search engines work so you can tailor your methods appropriately.

Marketing For Free On The Internet MRR Ebook

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No matter what type of internet business you have, you need to be promoting it at all times. If you don’t make the effort to tell the right people about it (i.e. those people who are going to be interested in buying whatever it is you have to sell) then your business is not going to be seeing the number of sales it could be seeing.

And in the worst case scenario, you might lose your business altogether.

The problem is that marketing is expensive. Every advert costs money, and you could easily spend at least several hundred dollars on an advertising campaign if you aren’t too careful.

Or then again, perhaps not.

You see, despite what other people might say you don’t HAVE to spend a fortune on your marketing efforts. In fact, if your budget is tiny or you are just starting out, you don’t have to spend a single cent if you don’t want to.

It’s true – sometimes the best things in life really are free. And marketing your business online can be one of them. So let’s find out how it’s done, shall we?

Before you start marketing your internet businesses in the ways we are going to discuss, you need to think about who your audience is. There are lots of ways to market your business for free, but depending on your audience you may not need to use all of them.

For example, if you have a product that is aimed at retired people, the chances are you won’t find too many of them on social networking sites. Always know exactly who you are trying to reach from the outset; that way you won’t waste any time using methods that aren’t going to give you a good enough return.

In other words, a small amount of time spent figuring out who you are looking for and where you are likely to find them will pay huge dividends later on. So with that said, let’s move on to the next step you need to think about.


When an internet marketer is investing money in a marketing campaign, they tend to put a lot of effort into it. After all, they want to be sure they are going to see a good return on their investment.

But when it comes to marketing a business online for free, some people just don’t put enough effort into it. It’s understandable – after all, you aren’t putting any cash on the line so it doesn’t really matter if you do something and it doesn’t work. It also doesn’t matter if you forget to do something or you skip a stage when you are too busy with other things.

But you need to think differently. You need to take the same professional approach to a free marketing campaign as you would if it was going to cost you $10,000. Not only will you learn a lot by doing this, but your business will thank you for it too.

So start having a think about what you are aiming to achieve with your free marketing efforts. Start thinking about how you could develop your business in this way. And as you read through the rest of this report, you will soon find yourself starting to come up with fresh ideas and plans that could make you a decent amount of money in the weeks and months to come.


It’s not supposed to be done, and if you read the conditions of using most of these sites you will see that they frown on the idea of businesses using them for their own ends.

But they are free (for the most part, at least, and certainly for our purposes) and they are easily able to accommodate people who have an interest in a specific subject and want to share that with like minded people.

So for example, you might have a website that regularly sells USB gadgets. And of course you would be fascinated by all the different USB gadgets that are on the market, wouldn’t you? So why not share your thoughts and knowledge with all the other people out there who like the same thing and have a growing selection of them themselves?

You will be able to have a link to your website on most social networking sites – in fact they usually have a specific place where they ask you to type in the URL if you have one! That’s fine by them – but what they don’t like is blatant advertising.

But you aren’t going to do that. All you are going to do is share your fascinations and interests with people. They will naturally follow you onto your website anyway, so you won’t even need to try and sell to them.

Outsource To Success PLR Ebook

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Face it; you can’t do everything yourself.

While it may seem like common sense, it’s not always so easy for new entrepreneurs to acknowledge. They tell themselves that they’ll save money if they just do it all themselves.

Perhaps it’s the control freak in us who wants to stay in charge of every aspect of our business, or the frugal shopper who wants to save money by just working on projects ourselves.

Regardless of how hard we may try to convince ourselves not to outsource, the bottom line is that delegating important tasks to qualified professionals is simply the fastest way to grow your business and skyrocket your income.

There’s another reason why outsourcing is important: when you try to do it all, you’re taking 2 big risks. The first is that some tasks and projects won’t be done as well as they well as they could be if you had more time, or the necessary training. This could lead to distributing inferior products or low-quality content that won’t help move the needle.

The second risk, and it’s a big one, is that you’ll simply burn out and not be able to stay on top of your market.

No matter how many skills are in your arsenal, or how many years of experience you have, there are always tasks that can (and should) be done by seasoned professionals. As the old saying goes, just because you can do it yourself doesn’t mean you should.

With an outsourced team, you can get the help you need to grow your business faster than ever before, and without worrying about human resources and employment taxes.

Better yet, if you stick with hiring professionals who are experts in their field, you won’t even have to train anyone to complete the tasks you assign to them because they’ll already be experienced and ready to take on all that you have to offer.

Outsourcing is the smart way of doing business, building an established presence in your industry quickly and developing a life-long brand that stands out and apart in your niche.

Connecting to seasoned professionals gives you the leg up, allowing you to compete, head on, with some of the biggest names in your niche.

In other words, it levels out the playing field.

In this special report, I’ll:

Show you how hiring experienced freelancers can help you dominate the market and grow your business quickly. This goes beyond the time you’ll save.

Provide some quick-start tips to help you start using freelancers the right way. This information will help you avoid the common pitfalls, ensuring your team stays focused.

Explain the anatomy of an effective job description (and tell you where to post jobs) so that you’re finding the best people for your team. Your job ad or description is one of the most important parts of your outsourcing strategy because it needs to be positioned as beacon that attracts the right candidates – the people who will help your business stand out.

Walk you through how to qualify the freelancers you hire to minimize your risks.

Show you exactly what should be in a freelancing contract to protect your business.

Outline powerful team-building strategies for working with freelancers so you can skyrocket your progress quickly.

By the time you’ve finished reading this report, you’ll be ready to get out there and build your power-house team of professional freelancers who will help you get to where you need to be.

Let’s get started!

Market Domination

So, you already know that hiring the right team of freelancers can help you take your business to the next level of success.

In fact, there’s no easier way to expand into new markets and test out new product ideas than with a team of freelancers at your disposal. And if you want to dominate your industry, then hiring seasoned professionals will help you do this in a way that might not be possible if you try to go it alone.

How Outsourcing Can Help You Grow Your Business

Freelancers can help you maximize your productivity by allowing you to focus on growing your business. You’re the one who needs to go out and attract new business. You’re the face of your brand and the voice and mastermind behind the product launches.

That’s a huge job in itself! And if you also consider the many different tasks often required in maintaining a stand-out brand, you’ll likely find yourself quickly running out of time. Then your business will suffer because you’re far too busy trying to micro-manage all the small stuff that you just don’t have time left over for what matters.

In other words, if you’re bogged down in daily tasks and administration, you won’t have time to effectively build your business on a strong foundation.

Outsourcing is, for many entrepreneurs, their secret weapon. It allows them the opportunity to expand into new markets they may not be experienced with, and to design, build and product extraordinary content, products, apps and merchandise that they could never create without a team of experts.

Leadership Strategies PLR Ebook

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Everyone has had the experience of working for a not-so-great boss. While it’s common for people to be promoted into management when they excel in non-leadership positions, the truth is that a lot of the people who get those promotions don’t have the skills they need to effectively manage their team.

In other words, they lack the must-have leadership skills that all great bosses have in common.

The good news is that they’re skills you can easily learn. In this special report, I’ll explain the five essential leadership skills you need to successfully manage a team, and how to set yourself up for long-term success.

These critical steps include: communication, adaptability, team building, strategic thinking, and delegation.

Are you ready to learn what it takes to become an effective leader? Let’s get started!

Skill 1: Communication

Without proper, clear and concise communication, you can’t hope to become an effective leader.

Communication is your best tool for explaining your ideas, setting expectations, and building your team. In this chapter, we’ll talk about why strong communication skills are essential for leaders and share some tips about how to communicate effectively both in writing and in person.

The Importance of Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal communication is what builds relationships. If you listen to employees complain about their bosses and employers, one of the top issues they’re dealing with is usually lack of a direct and clear channel of communication.

Of course, communication goes both ways. But, as a leader, it’s your job to set the tone for interaction within your organization or team.

Effective communication:

Minimizes misunderstandings and confusion
Ensures that team members know what you expect
Encourages communication among team members
Increases the chances that you’ll reach your goals

Any time you touch base with your team or with a client, you’re using communication skills. That means every phone call, every meeting, every chat, and every email reflects your ability to communicate and keep a pulse on how projects are going.

Tips for Effective Communication in Writing and Off the Cuff

What makes for effective communication? The hallmarks of a good communication are clarity, detail, and honesty.

Clarity means that you must be able to articulate what you want in a way that the person you’re talking to can understand. You’re not communicating effectively if the listener or reader can’t understand what you need or expect from them.

Detail means that you are specific about what you want, expect, or need to know. If you delegate a task and the team member still has questions about what to do or how to do the job, your communication skills have fallen short.

Honesty means that you must be truthful when communicating with your team. That doesn’t mean you need to tell them everything you’re thinking all the time, but it does mean that you cannot mislead them or deliberately omit information that might help them achieve the goals you’ve laid out for the team.

Here are a few tips for communicating effectively:

In writing, keep your sentences and paragraphs short
Think about what you say before you say it
Always keep your audience in mind. Don’t use jargon unless you’re sure they’ll understand it
Pay attention to how the listener reacts to what you say
Be available to answer questions and patient while you do it

These tips will help you be an effective communicator and enhance your ability to lead.

Coming up next, we’ll talk about why you must be adaptable if you want to become a great leader.
Skill 2: Adaptability

You’ve heard about survival of the fittest. It’s the principle that tells us that only those who can handle change and cope with adversity survive. In other words, adaptability is necessary – and it can mean the difference between success and failure in your business.

In this chapter, we’ll talk about why great leaders must be adaptable, and provide some tips about how you can increase your adaptability and learn to go with the flow.

How Adaptability Can Help You Succeed

In our professional lives, things seldom go the way we want them to. There are too many variables for that to always be the case and often, the things that derail our career or our personal lives feels as though it’s out of our control.

There have been many times in my life when I’ve had an expectation that hasn’t been met – and I’m willing to bet that’s true for you, too.

The bottom line is that what you do in the face of adversity is what’ll determine whether you’re able to quickly recover, reset and get back on the path to success.

If you have a setback, do you get up and keep going – or do you give up and move onto something else?

Great leaders learn to go with the flow. They understand that success doesn’t happen overnight. Their adaptability helps them get through failure and come out the other side a winner.

Candle Making Instant Mobile Video Site MRR Software

Candle Making Instant Mobile Video Site

Instantly Build A Mobile-Friendly Video Site To Promote Your Business On Autopilot, Without Creating A Single Video

Our special software will instantly build a professional looking video site, featuring your chosen ads and offers.

Your site will include many powerful profit-boosting features including...

- Videos sourced from YouTube. When you use the software, it fetches the latest selection of most popular videos for this particular niche. So when you build your site, you can be sure it will be fully up to date with the very latest videos.

- Content provided by extracting random snippets from a set of 20 private label articles, ensuring that your pages are unique and contain niche-targeted content. (Most other video site builders scrape the content from YouTube, so the pages are just duplicates of the YouTube pages and rated as worthless by search engines).

- Primary ad shown next to each video - promote anything you want, using a text ad, ad unit, or banner

- Optional Amazon search buttons under the videos, including your Amazon affiliate ID.

- Optional ad unit from any source shown under the videos.

- Optional video site search box at the bottom of the pages, using your Adsense ID.

- Randomly generated cross links on all pages to make the site structure different to that of any other website - and to ensure full search engine spidering of your site.

- Professional looking home page, featuring thumbnails of each video.

- Site built automatically - just fill in a short form with your details and your site is built instantly, ready to upload to your web host.

Click Here To See What Your Site Will Look Like

Quick And Easy Site Building

To create your complete video site, just activate the Site Builder Tool, enter a few details into the simple form and click a button.

A complete website is instantly built for you, ready to upload to your web host.

Here's a screenshot of the Site Builder Tool:

Just enter your details and the site will be built automatically.

Upload it to your web host using the supplied Simple Uploader (or you can use your usual FTP program or website control panel) and your new site will be fully operational immediately.

Asthma Instant Mobile Video Site MRR Software

Asthma Instant Mobile Video Site

Instantly Build A Mobile-Friendly Video Site To Promote Your Business On Autopilot, Without Creating A Single Video

Our special software will instantly build a professional looking video site, featuring your chosen ads and offers.

Your site will include many powerful profit-boosting features including...

- Videos sourced from YouTube. When you use the software, it fetches the latest selection of most popular videos for this particular niche. So when you build your site, you can be sure it will be fully up to date with the very latest videos.

- Content provided by extracting random snippets from a set of 20 private label articles, ensuring that your pages are unique and contain niche-targeted content. (Most other video site builders scrape the content from YouTube, so the pages are just duplicates of the YouTube pages and rated as worthless by search engines).

- Primary ad shown next to each video - promote anything you want, using a text ad, ad unit, or banner

- Optional Amazon search buttons under the videos, including your Amazon affiliate ID.

- Optional ad unit from any source shown under the videos.

- Optional video site search box at the bottom of the pages, using your Adsense ID.

- Randomly generated cross links on all pages to make the site structure different to that of any other website - and to ensure full search engine spidering of your site.

- Professional looking home page, featuring thumbnails of each video.

- Site built automatically - just fill in a short form with your details and your site is built instantly, ready to upload to your web host.

Click Here To See What Your Site Will Look Like

Quick And Easy Site Building

To create your complete video site, just activate the Site Builder Tool, enter a few details into the simple form and click a button.

A complete website is instantly built for you, ready to upload to your web host.

Here's a screenshot of the Site Builder Tool:

Just enter your details and the site will be built automatically.

Upload it to your web host using the supplied Simple Uploader (or you can use your usual FTP program or website control panel) and your new site will be fully operational immediately.

Aquarium Tank Instant Mobile Video Site MRR Software

Aquarium Tank Instant Mobile Video Site

Instantly Build A Mobile-Friendly Video Site To Promote Your Business On Autopilot, Without Creating A Single Video

Our special software will instantly build a professional looking video site, featuring your chosen ads and offers.

Your site will include many powerful profit-boosting features including...

- Videos sourced from YouTube. When you use the software, it fetches the latest selection of most popular videos for this particular niche. So when you build your site, you can be sure it will be fully up to date with the very latest videos.

- Content provided by extracting random snippets from a set of 20 private label articles, ensuring that your pages are unique and contain niche-targeted content. (Most other video site builders scrape the content from YouTube, so the pages are just duplicates of the YouTube pages and rated as worthless by search engines).

- Primary ad shown next to each video - promote anything you want, using a text ad, ad unit, or banner

- Optional Amazon search buttons under the videos, including your Amazon affiliate ID.

- Optional ad unit from any source shown under the videos.

- Optional video site search box at the bottom of the pages, using your Adsense ID.

- Randomly generated cross links on all pages to make the site structure different to that of any other website - and to ensure full search engine spidering of your site.

- Professional looking home page, featuring thumbnails of each video.

- Site built automatically - just fill in a short form with your details and your site is built instantly, ready to upload to your web host.

Click Here To See What Your Site Will Look Like

Quick And Easy Site Building

To create your complete video site, just activate the Site Builder Tool, enter a few details into the simple form and click a button.

A complete website is instantly built for you, ready to upload to your web host.

Here's a screenshot of the Site Builder Tool:

Just enter your details and the site will be built automatically.

Upload it to your web host using the supplied Simple Uploader (or you can use your usual FTP program or website control panel) and your new site will be fully operational immediately.