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Work At Home Auctions MRR Ebook

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3Finding Product to Sell

Now that you're all set up to sell, you need to find the product to sell. This generally takes place in 3 basic steps:

• Research the market segment you're interested in

• Find manufacturers or wholesalers that can reliably dropship product for you

• Select a few suitable products to sell that conform to your selected niche market

Of course, there's a great deal to each of these steps, but it is very important that you take them in order, being very careful not to skimp on the first two. There are no fast and easy steps to researching and planning your business. By doing careful planning and research at every step, you can avoid the most common pitfalls of dropship selling.

Dropshipping Basics

The basic premise of drop shipping is that you (and many others like you) are acting as a distributed sales force for manufacturers and wholesalers who either cannot or don't wish act as retailers. You will become virtual distributors for them, while they handle the physical order fulfillment and shipping, only. As such, dropshipping is lucrative for everyone involved.

Though there are countless items available for dropshipping, it's easy to get carried away with the possibilities. It's best to focus on just a few very carefully chosen items to get started. Not only does this keep you from getting confused with all the items you have for sale or being overwhelmed with auction fees before you actually sell anything, but you'll also be able to evaluate the feasibility of each item on a small scale before you become dedicated as a well-known seller of Norwegian Cuckoo clocks, or some such.

The same is true of choosing a dropshipping partner to work with. Don't just pick the first one that comes along and meets all your criteria as far as their merchandise is concerned. Shop around and find a few that will give you the best possible deal. Then, evaluate their performance before making any type of long-term commitment. It is, after all, likely that legitimate dropshipping partners will be evaluating your performance, too.

When doing business with manufacturers, it is very likely that they'll ask you some perfectly legitimate questions about your business, such as your Tax ID number. In the US, this means you'll be doing business as a Sole Proprietorship (until you register with your state as something else). As such, your Tax ID number is your Social Security number. Though this means you'll be personally liable in the event of trouble (unless you incorporate with the help of at least one and usually two other people), it also means that you can get right into business without filing any forms with government officials.

Finding Good Manufacturers And Wholesalers To Do Business With

Perhaps the hardest part of getting started with dropshipping is finding good companies to do business with. There is certainly no shortage of fly-by-night companies and scam artists who have sprung up in recent years, trying to take advantage of the many thousands of people who also hope to supplement their income without spending a bunch of money up front. This lure is so very strong that you need to be very careful when selecting dropshipping partners to work with.

There are a few that have been “approved” by eBay, but you'll quickly find that their entire product catalog is already well-represented on eBay by a large number of other dropshippers. No, it's in your best interest to do your homework and find drop shippers to work with on your own. Otherwise, you're sure to be operating on razor-thin margins that are just as likely to loose money in the long run.

Not all dropshippers are alike, even when selling the same items. When you do find companies that are willing to do dropship work with you, find out how long they've been in business and how long they've been doing dropshipping for clients. You may be the first test case of a company that's been in business for a long time. While there are great potential rewards for those who go into partnership with start up companies, you need to know the risks – it could be a very bumpy ride with a very new business Ask very pointed questions and evaluate the timeliness and professionalism of the responses you get. Companies that are able to respond to your questions in a quick, forthright manner are the same ones that will be able to jump right on an issue when a problem or dispute arises. They should also be able to tell you, in no uncertain terms, exactly what products they sell, if not all of them, are available for dropshipping.

Where To Look

Since most people begin their searches looking up wholesalers and manufacturers online, it may come as no surprise that this is actually not the best way to find companies to begin a dropshipping relationship with. In fact, very few companies that do wholesaling or manufacturing maintain websites, since that sort of thing is more suited to retailers. Many of these companies prefer to conduct business by phone or mail, with some not wanting to sign a deal unless they meet you in person.
You'll want to choose a company that lies somewhere in the middle of that spectrum, since you're looking to start your business up for as close to nothing as possible. Expect to get some leads of the Internet, but be resigned to do much of your following up on the phone.

One useful place to generate some leads on where to find dropshippers in the list of companies that eBay maintains on approved, legitimate resellers. You may, find the returns on items from these companies to be somewhat lower, due to the increased competition from other eBay dropshippers. You'll do far better to blaze your own trail.

While some websites offer lists for sale that purport to be full of hundreds or thousands of dropshipping companies, most such lists are, if not downright fraudulent, of poor quality. They usually contain inaccurate or out of date information that won't help you at all or will send you calling around on your own dime, only to be rejected, time and time again. Like finding contacts in mid-level marketing, if someone is offering you a list to make things “easy” for you, it is almost without fail far less useful than they claim it to be.

If you have an idea of what sort of product you want to list, you can look directly for manufacturers of such an item by checking out the Yellow Pages or finding a listing on the Thomas Guides. From these listings you can get a number to call where you can simply ask if there's a local distributor for the product in question.
Though somewhat disingenuous, call back later without identifying yourself and the earlier caller and ask if they do (or would consider doing) dropshipping. This question will undoubtedly lead to several dead-ends, but the fruitful calls are golden, since they often don't show up on any existing “lists” that people sell you the chance to look at. This type of “lead-generation” is invaluable. You'll certainly get the hang of it after the first few calls.

Once you get a list of companies that will dropship, take a look around on eBay and check to see if any of them are already selling there. It will be all but impossible to compete with them if they are. You may wind up crossing several suppliers off your list, but this will save you a great deal of time and effort, as well as money in dubious fees.

Next you'll want to see how each of the dropshippers you've generated a lead on compare as far as pricing is concerned. It's best to do this for a very similar or identical item, if possible. You'll be surprised at how much the price can differ from one to another. Be careful to consider any hidden shipping costs or initiation fees that may apply from one manufacturer to another. If there is a large fee to join a company's lineup of dropshippers, you might as well look elsewhere – there are plenty of manufacturers and wholesalers who won't charge – you just have to keep looking.

Some dropshippers maintain that companies that charge an initiation or subscription fee have a larger selection of goods to choose from, decreasing the amount of time you'll have to spend looking for such companies – it's up to you, but to really get the most for your dropshipping dollar, legwork on your part is money you don't have to part with.

Keto Diet Personal Use Ebook

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By now, you’ve probably heard about something called a Keto diet. Often, we hear the buzzwords and the extreme testimonials but don’t hear about the details. We’ve heard of it, but don’t know anything about it. The Keto diet has been making a resurgence lately. The words “keto diet” blurring into a single word that seems to carry with it its own sense of importance, as though we’re supposed to know automatically what it is, what it means, what it does.

Hopefully, this book will clear up the confusion. In the next pages you’ll discover:

- What is the keto diet, the origins, the way it works and how it’s all done

- Practical ways to diet, the benefits to this diet, why it’s gaining popularity

- Who should jump in and who might want to pass

- What to eat, and what to avoid

- And a look under the hood of macronutrients

Once you’ve gotten this far, you’ll be well on your way to a new thinner, and healthier you.

So, dive in, and be ready to explore. Hopefully, all your questions will be answered.

The Foundation of the Keto Diet

The keto (ketogenic) diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that is designed to change your metabolism. When you eat carbs (Sugars, sweeteners, breads, etc.) your body burns that for energy. Any fats that are consumed with the carbs (meats, cheeses, etc.) are stored in the body as fat for future needs. If there are no future needs, the fat remains stored. This storage of fat is what makes you heavier.

The keto diet is designed to remove the source of the body’s fuel – carbohydrates. The body then begins looking for alternative sources for fuel – namely the stored fat. This metabolic state is called ketosis. The body becomes effective at burning fat, turning it into ketones in the liver to supply energy to the brain.

While this sounds like a lot of scary chemistry, ketosis is a good thing. It not only brings a new source of energy into play that uses up those old fat reserves, but it can also cause a reduction in blood sugar and insulin levels. These three factors when including ketosis can have some remarkable health benefits.

How does this work?

Carbohydrates become glucose when digested. Because glucose is the easiest thing to use for energy, the body will naturally gravitate to the simplest source of energy. Burning fat takes more effort, so it’s stored until some future date.

When food becomes scarce, the body begins to use the reserves stored up. This is called ketosis.

Imagine this: a simple change of selected foods can make a big difference in your overall health and body. That’s because a Ketogenic diet is more than just a diet, it’s a way of “reprogramming” your system to burn fat, not carbs.

What is ketosis?

As mentioned, ketosis is the state of the body when the metabolism changes from burning glucose to burning fat. This can be done temporarily and with some risk by fasting, but that is not sustainable past a few days. Rather than run the risk of ruining your health, the Keto diet is a controlled and satisfying way to create this metabolic switch. When the body switches to burning fat instead of glucose, it creates ketones in the blood. When the number of ketones reaches a certain state, the body reaches ketosis, meaning a quick and consistent weight loss to a healthy weight.

Ketones are the product of the liver breaking down fat into fatty acids and glycerol. From there, fatty acids are further broken down into the energy-rich ketones. It’s a cleaner and less saturated feeling energy source than glucose.

If you’re panicking because you know someone who has diabetes and heard of ketoacidosis, this is very different. Ketoacidosis is a serious consequence of diabetes when the liver produces blood acid. That is a very different physical state. Don’t confuse them; ketosis is a natural and healthy state.

Benefits of Eating Keto

Among other things, this state of ketosis can help control type 2 diabetes and help to turn around a pre-diabetic condition. Burning glucose is a process of peaks and valleys, never having a steady consistency, whereas the keto diet is a steady pull on fats leaving a constant flow.

For that reason, it’s better for the mind as well. There are those who take the ketosis diet specifically for the brain boost it gives.

Since burning fat is steadier than burning carbs, your hunger becomes “normalized,” that is the sudden rush of energy, and the resulting crash right after is no longer the norm.

The keto diet has been used since the early 1900s to control epilepsy and is still being used to help children control their seizures today. In the past few years, there have been numerous studies indicating the positive effects ketosis has on adults with epilepsy as well.

There are numerous research studies to indicate that ketosis helps with: Cholesterol and high blood pressure. Ketosis has been shown to improve triglycerides and cholesterol associated with a build-up in the arteries. The same studies show a reduced instance of blood pressure problems and, as most high blood pressure is related to being overweight, ketosis helps on that end too. When the body adapts and loses weight, the blood pressure reduces.

Lower cholesterol and triglycerides mean a lower risk for heart disease, even for people who are obese.

Insulin Resistance. The cause of type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance has been shown in a great many studies to have been curtailed with a moderate-fat, low carb diet. Insulin is the key to burning food into fuel for the body to use, so even if you’re not overweight, a more efficient and effective use of insulin is going to give you better results in sports and daily living.

Healthier skin. One of the most common and immediate results of ketosis is clearer, healthier skin. There are studies that include acne, lesions, and inflammation all reduced or eliminated with ketosis.

Weight loss. Ketosis turns your body into an efficient fat-burning machine. Using fat for fuel is cleaner, more efficient and gives a better mental clarity than burning carbs. Also, diets high in healthy fats are more filling and feel less like starvation, meaning less hunger and less eating to assuage that hunger.

Cancer. While there are many markers that determine cancer, ketosis can “starve” cancer cells, according to some studies. Although more research is needed, there is a theory that while all cells can use glucose for fuel, cancer cells are unable to process any fuel other than glucose. Thus burning fat in the form of ketones means that cancer cells cannot proliferate and “starve.”

It’s not coincidental that some of the best known cancer-fighting foods are featured on the keto diet list.

Brain and neurological disorders. Additional to epilepsy mentioned above, ketosis has been proven effective in fighting Alzheimer’s symptoms. Patients with impairments in cellular pathways can find that their brain takes in the ketone energy in a different way, therefore bypassing the damaged cells. A European study suggested that a therapeutic use of ketogenic diet can alleviate symptoms in headaches, neurotrauma, Parkinson’s disease, sleep disorders, brain cancer, autism, and multiple sclerosis.

The study points out that though these conditions are very different from each other, ketones appear to automatically correct abnormalities in cell energy usage, in other words, making each cell more efficient.

There are also studies to indicate it can help with schizophrenia, normalizing the pathways that cause illusions, unpredictable behavior, and lack of restraints. It might even be that the lack of glucose alone is providing some sense of relief as many patients with schizophrenia were observed to eat something with high carbs before an episode.

More research is needed as the effects of ketones on some neurological issues remains unclear, but the anecdotal evidence is overwhelming. Longer life. Yes, there is growing evidence that a keto diet is a key for a longer life. In a study of 135,000 adults, high-carb diet was associated with a higher risk of overall mortality. Evidence suggests that saturated fat had the opposite effect, actually protecting heart health and preventing strokes.

With all this information it’s no wonder that the number of benefits from a steady keto diet has been proven over and over again with every test, study, and survey. It controls weight, lowers blood pressure and staves off type 2 diabetes. The mind becomes sharper, more focused and burns its fuel more efficiently.

Why is it Trending?

The ketogenic diet is trending because it gets results. It’s really that simple.

For many years, we’ve learned the food pyramid while in grade school. As it turns out, that pyramid was debunked. Many times. Over and over again, and still we’re taught that the food pyramid is the healthy way to eat. It isn’t.

The fact is, most of us have tried the pyramid way. We’ve regulated our intake, we’ve watched that the greatest amount of our diet is this and least be that. It simply doesn’t work. The myth that being overweight is all about laziness and overeating is wrong and foolish. The fact is that we’ve been told to eat the wrong things.

Then too, when we try to diet, especially following the pyramid, we’re fighting our own body’s needs. With Keto, there are a large number of foods to choose from. Where with most “diets,” you end up craving everything you see others around you eating, with the ketogenic diet you’re left feeling sated and comfortable. In fact, there are no cravings once you’ve changed out your metabolism.

The fact is that we all want to be a healthy weight, we want the energy, the clarity of thought, the health benefits that keto brings. That’s why it’s trending because too many people have found it to be that effective and that productive.

As stated before, it’s trending because it works.

Who Should Consider Keto Diet?

Let’s get this out on the table right off the bat: Anytime you want to change your diet or reboot your metabolism, check with your doctor first. That’s just common sense. Ask, get some more info, teach your doctor what it’s all about if you need to, but get as much info as you can. Having said that, keto is probably for you if you:

Are looking to make a good thing better. Say you’re in pretty good health, you’re a little overweight, but not too much and you want to lose a few pounds and feel better, make your body more efficient and cleaner. You’re looking to make your mind work clearer and your thoughts to be sharp. Even if you’re already healthy, keto can benefit you.

You’re tired of being a slave to sugar. Face it. You have cravings. It’s as bad as trying to quit smoking, you need something sweet, and you need it now. Sugar is a drug, and it’s addictive. Keto is a diet that will help you break that addiction cycle. You’ll feel comfortably full, not continuously hungry as with most diets.

You need to stabilize your blood sugar. Hypoglycemic or diabetic, ketosis handles both extremes. It regulates the blood sugars and evens out the burn rate for cells. It also means no more sugar spikes and drops.

Healing. If you have one of the items listed previously and you’re looking to make a change to encourage healing, Keto diet might be just what you’re looking for.

You’re just looking for all-around better health. Ketosis burns cleaner and more efficiently. It will increase your overall mood, performance, and attitude.

The Art Of Living In The Moment MRR Ebook

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If you are in any way feeling stuck or powerless in your life, there is a solution. You can choose to live in the NOW or The Present Moment.

By understanding this skill and applying it to your life, you start slowing down the ‘treadmill’ of stress and pressure in your life. You're still running, you're still taking care of business, you're still being a responsible mature adult. That's not going to go away.

The big difference is you become more aware, so you are able to become more content and fulfilled in the present moment. You're no longer kicking the can down the road when it comes to your personal happiness and fulfillment. You learn how to live in the present moment and enjoy it and accept it for what it is.

Let me tell you, life is never going to be perfect. And if you are going to set yourself up where you will only agree to be happy when perfection enters your life, you're setting yourself up for a big letdown.

This book teaches you the valuable skill of living in the moment. Not tomorrow, not next week, and definitely not next year. Right here. Right now.

I'm sure you already know this, but the moment you close this book, you might get hit by a truck. You might suffer some sort of weird and nasty medical allergic reaction. You might eat some bad food. There are all sorts of things that may cut your journey through this life short.

Life is short. It is fragile. This book teaches you to enjoy every moment.

Hang on to it. Get a lot of meaning out of it. This is how you are able to keep running on that treadmill with a deep and abiding sense of peace and harmony within you.

Sounds awesome? Great. Let's jump in. See you in Chapter 1.

Reclaim Your Power of Focus

Your focus is probably the most important factor in the process of overcoming whatever challenges you face.

A lot of people think that they have to have the right IQ, or they have to be born with certain advantages, or some sort of other excuse. They think that there's all these circumstances and factors outside of them that would explain their success or lack of it.

And unfortunately, the more you focus on things outside of you, and I'm talking about your circumstances as well as the situations you find yourself in or the people you surround yourself with, the more you lose sight of your focus.

In fact, it can get so bad that you might ignore the power of your focus altogether. You might even completely forget how important personal focus is.

Let's get one thing clear: what you choose to focus on, grows.

If you don't believe me, look at people who hit the gym all day, every day. These are people who may be obese. These are people who may look like they're made out of over-inflated dough. But the more they focus on working out, sticking to a certain diet and lifestyle, the sooner all that fat melts off.

Similarly, people who focus on making money, sooner or later, end up achieving their dreams. People who focus on attracting members of the opposite sex tend to, later on, connect the dots and meet with success more often than failure.

In other words, you get out what you put in. What you focus on attracts your attention, which of course attracts your energy. When you devote energy to any kind of activity, sooner or later, you get good at it.

Sure, in the beginning, it may look like it's impossible. It may look like it's just not going to happen. But the more you keep at it, the more you are able to figure things out. And, sooner or later, these baby steps turn into giant leaps forward.

What you choose to focus on, grows. It doesn't matter what it is. It doesn't matter how seemingly impossible it may be. As long as you give it the proper focus, eventually, it will give way. I can't stress this enough.

Unfortunately, people think that success is something that just falls into their lap. They think it's something that requires inhuman sacrifice and effort. No, it's not. Instead, it's just a choice of where you train your focus.

The Good News

Given how important focus is, I have some great news for you. Focus is a choice.

That's right. It's not something that you're forced to do. It's not something that you are tricked into or somehow coerced by your circumstances. It's something that you can choose. If you can choose it, then this means you have control over it.

There are so many other things you can choose to do, but you can choose to focus. This is power. This is control. This gives you some measure of input on how your life is going to turn out.

Real Focus is Never Desperate

A lot of people are under the impression that things will only change in their lives if they find themselves with their back against the wall. They think that once the chips are down and everything is desperate, that's when everything falls into place.

What they're really doing is they're looking for excuse after excuse to avoid lifting a finger to change their circumstances. That's all you're doing if you believe that you have to be pushed to make a decision.

Real focus is never desperate. It is never the product of desperate times. It's something that you willfully choose and it's something that you choose consistently and continuously over an extended period of time.

Don't think that it's some sort of magical superpower that you discover at the last minute. You will always have the power to choose and you will always have the choice of focusing. It is never desperate, no matter how bleak the situation may look.

Reclaim Your Ability to Focus

If you can wrap your mind around the idea that you can choose to focus, you can start reclaiming the power you get when you focus on certain things. Believe it or not, you can focus on your time to the extent that you can control the output you get when you spend your time on anything.

Web Video For Businesses MRR Ebook

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Your Recording Setup

Depending on what your audio-visual sales concept is, you may or may not use the information in this chapter. But many of the best audio-visual concepts do involve video recording, even if it's just a quick product demonstration or a testimonial clip tucked into the midsection of your sales page. So even if you don't think you'll use this information with your current page, it's not a bad idea to quickly browse this information anyway. If nothing else, you may get a few good ideas for a more elaborate direct sales site in the future.

Cameras: Dos and Don'ts

In order to really translate your idea into a video presentation that you can work with, you'll need to make sure your camera is equipped with a few vital functions, and you'll need to make sure and avoid a few common errors for first-time camera buyers.

Above all: make sure that your camera has a jack for an external microphone. We talked about the reasons for this in the last chapter--you need to avoid capturing humming feedback from the camera itself, you need to make sure you can record strong directional audio--but it's important enough to repeat here. Having an external mic jack frees you from dependence on whatever equipment you start with and lets you record audio in a variety of situations. It also--and maybe more importantly--ensures that you don't have to record and synchronize your audio separately, in the editing room. Anyone with painful experience editing video and audio together will appreciate the ability to avoid this extra step.

You can make sure that your camera is picking up both video and audio in a single chunk of data, you can avoid extra time and technical problems later, and you can ensure that your audio is of the highest quality possible. An external microphone jack: do not try to do without it!

A tripod seems as if it'd be equally as important, but in practice you can often get away without using one. Any indoor shooting you do will probably give you some opportunity to place your camera in a secure location, even if sometime it takes a little bit of imagination to do so. Outdoor shooting will invariably be more complicated and it's worth investing in a tripod if your sales concept requires a lot of outdoor shooting or testimonials that you plan to film on site. (Whatever you choose to do, make sure that you don't just fall back on holding the camcorder in your hands: it's shaky and irritating to watch and it just looks unprofessional.)
How your camcorder records film is another important issue. The choice of which recording method you want to use is going to depend on what software you plan to use to edit your footage into something you can put on the web. Ideally, you'll want to start with the highest resolution, frame rate, and picture quality that you possibly can--streaming or downloading video on the web always requires some loss of quality, and the more high-resolution your raw footage is, the better you'll do after compression.

There are plenty of different options for actually saving your video data. But in reality, there are two workable options: mini-DV tapes, or an on-board hard drive and a direct USB connection. (Don't even think about trying to use non-DV formats for filming audio-visual material: you'll have to invest in expensive "capture cards", you'll suffer a major loss of video quality, and you'll simply add endless amounts of hassle to your development cycle with no clear reward.)

Mini-DV tapes have the distinct drawback of being expensive, unless of course you keep erasing and reusing old tapes. Doing that, though, eliminates one of the best advantages of the mini-DV tape format: archiving your footage. One man's trash is another man's treasure, and if you can't use that nice exterior footage you filmed for this project, you can certainly use it for a future audio-visual project without spending extra time on filming things twice. You also have a permanent backup of any critical footage (an interview with a difficult-to-contact but well-known actor who uses your product, maybe), in case the worst happens, you lose your edited movie files, and you have to start over from scratch. Over time, you'll likely find that the added peace of mind and convenience of having your footage backed up far outweighs the hassle and cost of buying tapes.

A direct USB connection is the other viable option. You lose the ability to store all of your footage, since you'd have to store it on a computer rather than on tapes, and your footage will quickly eat up too much of your hard drive space if you're filming at high quality. But you do save on the cost of tapes, and you do have the ability to quickly grab the day's footage from your camera and shoot it directly into your editing software without any hassle. Mini-DV tapes sometimes require complicated interfaces in order to get your footage into your computer, and transferring your footage from peripheral to peripheral can lead in a worst-case scenario to losing significant amounts of quality. If you don't want to mess around with this problem and you don't think you'll need to retain much of the footage you've been shooting for future projects, just make sure your camcorder has a USB connection (honestly, you'd have to work pretty hard to find a new camcorder that doesn't.)

The only other thing to remember when choosing a camcorder is, of course, to test it out before you buy it. Make sure you like the control options--zooms, resolutions, effects. Make sure you like how the camera captures and displays light: if everything looks overexposed and difficult to make out just in your test footage, you're not going to want to wrestle with the thing for your entire project. And again: make sure that the camera's resolution and file format works with your editing software, and that it's reasonable as far as how much memory it takes up. There's no point in getting perfect footage if doing so will inevitably crash your editing software.
The Face Of Your Product

No one expects you to hire John Gielgud to be in your software commercial. That said, though, you don't want to go as cheaply as possible where actors are concerned. It just takes one halting delivery, problematic accent, or other flaw to turn your site into the laughing stock of the Internet. Either use people in-house who you can rely on to represent your product, or consider investing a little bit of time in finding an actor or actress.

This isn't as expensive as it sounds, especially if you're near a major city. Any college town or large urban center will have a population of actors, many with impressive technical training, but few actual production credits as yet. If you find a sufficiently young and resume-poor actor or actress through online creative services sites (Craigslist being a classic option) or through other channels, you can often convince them to do a day or two of shooting with you for nothing but the experience of being on camera and a good letter of recommendation to future potential employers. There's plenty of talent out there waiting to be discovered, and there's no reason to let it lie fallow when you could put it to work for you or your project for almost nothing.

If you live in a rural area or just don't have a good local talent pool, you'll have to use someone in house. There are endless books written about the difficulty of casting, but as a general rule, pick someone with a pleasant, friendly face and pick someone who's easy to understand. It'll make your content seem more professional and it'll provide a more positive emotional branding for your product.

And if you simply don't have other options, don't overlook the power of testimonials. Get some friends of yours who've used your product and who like it to let you record them talking about how much they enjoy the product. In this case, their lack of technical acting training is an asset: it'll give your production an air of authenticity and make the testimonials that much more convincing. Plus working with friends is an all-time good deal, since they'll most likely be excited enough by the prospect of appearing in your "commercials" that they'll work for friendship, or for free.

The Art Of Living In The Moment Video Upgrade MRR Video With Audio

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Marketing With Aweber Made Simple Resale Rights Ebook

Sample Content Preview


There was a time where if someone wanted to do business with you they had to try to get your attention through direct mail, telemarketing or face-to-face.

The problem? Most of the time these marketing methods were completely unsolicited – they were “push,” as marketers pushed information to consumers. As a result, we often refer to these solicitations in a negative way and respond angrily. We use terms like:

'Junk Mail'
'Snake Oil’

So how is email marketing different?

The major difference between email marketing and the other marketing methods is that people opt-in – or choose – to receive your marketing message. This is GOLDEN. It’s like an open-door invitation to share your information and expertise with your customers. That, my friend, is something you just can't pay for.

Convinced it's time to pay attention to email marketing? Then let’s talk about where to start. In this report you're going to learn everything you need to know about starting your first email list with one of the most popular and best email software programs on the internet: Aweber.

In this report we'll cover:

1. What Is an Email List?
2. How Do You Get Subscribers?
3. Why Build an Email List?
4. Why Use Aweber For Email Marketing?
5. HTML or Text Messages or Both?
6. How to Set up Your List & Opt-in Form in Aweber
7. How to Set Up an Autoresponder in Aweber
8. How to Send a Broadcast in Aweber
9. How to Set up a Blog Broadcast in Aweber
10. Finding Targeted and Interested Subscribers
11. The Rules & Laws Around Collecting Email Addresses
12. Email Marketing Statistics
13. Show Me The Money - How to Make Money With Your Email List

Recommendation: You’ll get the greatest value from this report if you follow along in real time as we discuss these topics. Even better -- you can sign up for a trial that gives you Aweber access for 30 days for only $1. Grab that and learn as you go here:


Just click 'order' and you'll see this:

All signed up and ready to go? Great! Let’s get started.

What Is Email Marketing?

We've touched a little on the concept of email marketing and how it can be a highly effective way to build your business. Now let’s dig a little deeper into the concept of what email marketing is.

Let's start with some definitions:

Email List: An email list is simply a collection of email addresses. Most marketers will also collect the person's first name with the email address so that the email can be personalized through automation software. ie. Instead of just saying “Hi”, you can say “Hi, Tom!” in the emails. It's also possible to collect information such as location or phone numbers so you can further segment your list and market to them based on certain criteria.

Opt-In Form/Squeeze Page: An opt-in form or squeeze page is an online form where visitors to your website or blog fill in their contact information to join your email list. With services like Aweber, that information is automatically added to your email list with no action on your part – automation is great!

Subscriber: Someone who has joined your email list, typically by filling out an opt-in form. They are now part of your “list,” and you can contact them via email with offers, information, updates, and more.

Email Service Provider (ESP): A company that provides the email software you can use to send out emails. In this report we're talking about Aweber, a top-ranked online ESP.

Autoresponder: A list of email messages that goes out in sequence, automatically. For autoresponders, it doesn't matter how many people sign up to your list or when they sign up. They'll get message #1 automatically, then message #2 a set time later, message #3 a set time later again, etc. It's a great way to automate parts of your business.

Broadcast: A broadcast email goes out at a specific date and time. It's different from an autoresponder as it's a one-time deal. Everyone on your list receives this broadcast message at the same time, regardless of when they joined your list. These are often used for sales notifications, special offers, time-sensitive announcements, and the like.

Like any specialty, email marketing has its own vocabulary. Knowing the basic terms will help you understand what people are talking about – including in this report!

How Do You Get Email Subscribers?

Having a “list” with a fantastic series of autoresponders and broadcasts that you update regularly is great, but if there’s no one on your list, you’re not going to be making many sales. You need to build your list – and list-building is a specialty in and of itself.

Ultimately email marketing is a way to market your product or service through email. You can build your email list in a number of ways. Here are just a few:

-Opt-In Forms. The most common way to build a list is by placing an opt-in form on a website or sales page and having people fill it out. Whenever someone visits your blog or website, there should be a clear place for them to subscribe to receive more information from you.

-Customer Lists. Many shopping carts, such as eJunkie and 1ShoppingCart, have automatic processes for adding purchasers to your email contact list. This is something you’ll definitely want to integrate, because customers are already a step above mere “prospects.” By buying something from you – even a purchase of $10 or less – they’ve proven that they want what you’re offering, they know how to purchase on the internet and are comfortable doing so, and they have money to spend.

-Forwards. At the bottom of every email you send, Aweber has an option for others to subscribe. You can add a PS or signature line that says, “Did you like this email? Forward it to a friend!” Then when that friend receives your email from someone they know and trust, they can directly subscribe to your list by clicking on the enclosed link. Just another reason to love Aweber!

-Buying Lists. It is possible to buy email lists from others. Even though this sounds like a great shortcut, I recommend against this practice, particularly when you’re just starting out. Many times, lists are extremely expensive, the names and contact information are outdated, the people aren’t targeted to what you’re offering, and they may see contact from you as spam. You’re much better off doing things with a little elbow grease and creating your own list from scratch of people who know, like, and trust you.

Getting people on your email list may seem difficult in the beginning. There are strategies for making it more compelling for people to give you their email address, such as by providing an opt-in bonus of some sort. We'll talk more about getting targeted and interested subscribers further in this report. For now it's important that you understand you need to offer high value to potential subscribers.

Viral Ipod Video MRR Ebook

Sample Content Preview


We hear a lot about viral marketing these days, and especially viral videos. This method of exposure is pretty easy to understand, actually; it’s just word-of-mouth, but on the internet. “Viral” refers to the contagious nature of successful viral marketing. One person enjoys it and spreads it to two other people, those two spread it to two other people, and so on and so on. This is why someone can post a two minute video on Youtube, show it to a few friends, and within a week have hundreds of thousands of views.

This can make advertising or just making a video for fun and getting it to a wide audience a work-free endeavour. You put something out there, everyone likes it, and they start sharing it with one another, posting it on their blogs and MySpace pages, and, if you’re really lucky, maybe it gets featured in a mainstream news outlet or even commented on in a late night talk show monologue.

That is… as long as people do like it. It’s actually kind of tricky to stumble upon just the right idea, something that will hook the viewer and inspire them to tell all their friends “You gotta see this!” As such, we can’t guarantee any video you make will go viral, since nobody, not even the people who regularly reach millions of hits on their videos, know exactly what that special ingredient is. But, we can send you in the right direction, and you may just get that lucky break into the so-called collective consciousness.


The actual content of a viral video can be anything from a chimpanzee doing kung fu to a hilariously low-rent TV commercial to a really great guitar solo performed by some thirteen year old in his bedroom. With that in mind, go ahead and develop whatever idea you like. Whether you're marketing a product or service or you're making short movies for fun, just fill your video with whatever you find interesting because, here's the trick: If you find it interesting, someone else finds it interesting, too. So that's the one thing that all viral videos have in common; they're interesting. There's something to them that leaves the viewer either impressed, or laughing, or, sometimes, even touched on an emotional level. It's not all cute kittens and silly commercials, there are also viral videos like Christian the Lion, where an adult lion is reunited with the humans who took care of him as a cub, and Where in the Hell is Matt?, where a man records himself dancing in beautiful locations around the planet. Actually shot on location in forty two different countries, the video serves as a portrait of some of the most beautiful places on Earth. So whatever you have in mind, just go ahead and do it. Don't stop yourself and say "Well, who's gonna care about that?" because as long as you care, you can bet that there are thousands of people out there who will care, too. Great ideas always sound crazy until they catch on. - 7 -


Now... that said, we're not going to sit here and give you all this feel-good advice without also giving you some real, solid facts about what kind of viral videos do tend to garner a lot of hits. Even if this sort of video isn't what you set out to do, you can put a link to your website on the vid or just trust that the people who like it will click on your Youtube channel and see what else you got. So, yes, there are some types of videos that tend to get more views than others. However, none of these are a guarantee. Because it can be so hard to predict whether or not a video will go viral, you really can't take any advice on viral video making as a one hundred percent sure fire, guaranteed, fool proof strategy. Likewise, it's always possible to ignore everything and still get your video going viral. A lot of it comes down to luck. Really, all the advice we're giving here is meant to increase the chances of your video going viral. Nobody can outright promise that their tips will make you go viral, so we're not going to lie and say that we can. Anyways, on with the popular content!


If you look on YouTube, some of the most popular videos on there are tutorials. The appeal of these videos is a lot like the appeal of How-To books, which always tend to sell very well; people like learning how to do cool things. Heck, that's why you're reading this e-Book, right? If you know some really cool magic tricks, if you can flip a pen around your finger or play a tricky song on the guitar, any skill you have that most people probably don't, you can make a video sharing that skill with the world and it has a good chance at getting a lot of views, because who doesn't want to learn a new trick to impress their friends with in just a few minutes?


Think of the opening monologues on the late night talk shows. They're always focused on the subjects that are on everyone's minds right now. It's not the only kind of comedy in the world, of course, but it is the kind of comedy that always seems to get a lot of views.


As you know, one of the most popular types of video on the internet is the whole funny-mishaps category. Again, this may or may not be the kind of video you're trying to make, but if you've got a hilarious clip of your dad falling into the pool at the last family reunion, you can use that to draw attention to your other videos.


This one's a no brainer, of course. People love cute kittens, cute puppies, cute kids and cute babies. Look at Star Wars According to a Three Year Old. It's just an adorable three year old girl describing the plot of Star Wars, and it's just about the cutest thing you've ever seen. It was posted in early 2009 and currently has quite a few million views, as well as a number of parody and tribute videos, and has been featured on television. - 9 -


And that's the other thing that people love on YouTube. Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Doctor Who, if it has a huge sci-fi fanbase, then you can dip into that fanbase for some fans of your own. As an example, you've probably heard of Chad Vader, a series about Darth Vader's less successful brother. He's the manager at a grocery store. The internet series chronicles Chad's feud with his rival manager (a regular plot point is their battle for the night and day manager positions). The guys who make those videos have made several other videos, but none that have received the kind of viewership as Chad Vader, which regularly gets a few million views per episode.