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Fat Burn Secrets MRR Ebook
Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Strategizing Your Diet
Now that you have learned the basics about fats, it’s time to learn how to design your own diet to shed those extra pounds. Creating a weight loss diet that caters your own preferences is the golden rule to a successful diet plan. Don’t go for an extreme diet plan just because you’re desperate for a drastic change in your weight - it’s unrealistic and you rarely get to your goal. Ideally, small changes in a healthy direction over time can work magic to your body. Winning Rule: Slow & Steady wins the race in long-term fat loss! Follow these simple magical steps to creating your own fat-shedding diet!
•Identify your current dietKeep a careful diary log of your normal food intake for 7 days. Eat as per normal but keep record of what you have consumed each day, how much at each meal or snack. For example how many bowls of cereal? One or two? How much milk? What type of milk? TIP: There are so many amazing Calories-Tracking Apps today! Simply download one and start tracking – The more convenient it is, the more likely you’ll track your food intake! Make sure you calculate the amount of calories intake for every meal, add all seven days’ total calories intake and divide by seven. This will give you a good idea of the calories intake you’re currently consuming at your current body weight. •Design a new dietDream big but start small. Be realistic and take small steps towards big success! A safe weight loss is one that will most likely be permanently consistent, is one pound a week. GOAL = Lose 1lb / Week Do your math. One pound equals to 3500 calories. 3500 divided by seven days a week equals to 500 calories each day. Identify your daily average calorie count and subtract 500 calories. My personal favourite formula to calculate my Average daily intake is to take my own body weight, multiply by 14 (Of course, there are other formula out there…more complex ones that is)
But remember: Keep things simple! That’s the key to easy weight loss So let’s say I’m a 180lb man. So 180X14=2520kcal Then, 2520-500=2020kcal. *So, I need to consume around 2000kcal per day to lose 1lb/ week.* If my weight loss progress is slow / hit a plateau, I’ll lower down my daily calorie intake to 1700-1800kcal. Simple. However, keep in mind that you should not lower your calorie intake to less than 1500 without advice from a professional registered dietician. •Play of substitutionDon’t quit food, don’t go into hunger mode! Think about zombies… what they do? They binge! So if you starve yourself for too long, you’ll BINGE! Learn to substitute healthier food that you like and reduce portions of high calorie food that you like so you can achieve the new lowered daily calorie count. Let’s just say you love burger and almost can’t live without it, its okay, eat it. But instead of eating the whole thing as it is, lower its calorie count by cutting the portion size or substituting certain ingredient. Eat half of it rather than the whole; opt for lean chicken meat rather than fattening beef patty, a sprinkle of chilli flakes instead of oozing chilli sauce.
The easiest and most possible way to achieve huge calorie savings is by changing the way your favourite food are prepared. Avoid frying and rich or thick sauces. Opt for steam, bake, broil, roast, or even better - just eat it fresh.
Fat Burn Secrets Pro MRR Video With Audio
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Get The Fat Burn Secrets Video Upgrade
To study all the secrets in the book, you must first read through the pages…
And I know this process can be extremely tedious for many…
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And I Don't Want You To Be One Of Them...
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Video is one of the most impactful way to transform your body…
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May Way Print Design Personal Use Template
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Lezato Print Design PLR Template
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Photographic Print Design Personal Use Template
"Beautiful Premium Stationery Design for Printing!"
Wealth PLR Ebook
Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Wealth Means More Than Just Money
When you hear the word “wealth”, what do you think of? Someone with a yacht, designer clothing and a beach house? To many people the world “wealth” means money and the good things that go along with it. But if we take a look into the real meaning of wealth, we will find there is so much more to it.
Wealth Is…
The definition of wealth is “an abundance of valuable possessions or money”, “the state of being rich; material prosperity”, “plentiful supplies of a particular resource”, “a plentiful supply of a particular desirable thing” and “well-being; prosperity”. Some of the definitions obviously refer to money and income, but there are many desirable things that have nothing to do with money. And from some of the definitions of the word, it appears that if you have these desirable things, you have wealth.
If this is the case, what are some of the things a person can possess that are considered desirable and make him (or her) wealthy? That depends on the person. Since money is not the only wealth, we can consider things like health, experiences, relationships and memories as desirable things that create wealth in one’s life.
Wealth is also dependent upon a person’s idea of what is desirable, so what may not be considered desirable to one person may be what another individual considers his greatest source of wealth. If you want to be happy in life, you need to search out and decide what you consider to be wealth, and make that come to abundance in your life.
Wealth can be finding the love of your life, having a large family, going on special yearly vacations to the places you enjoy the most, or taking the time to have a bubble bath at the end of each work day. What is desirable to you? What brings you pleasure and happiness? Make a list of your “favorite things” and then place them in order according to the amount of joy each of them bring you.
Truly desirable things will nurture you, relax you and leave you with a lingering sense of well-being. Wealth is how rich your life feels to you in the presence of these beautiful things that you do for yourself.
List Building Catapult PLR Video With Audio
Announcing a Brand New 9-Part Video Course
How Would You Like an Email Marketing Veteran to Show You the Secrets of Catapulting Your List Growth - Even If You Don't Have a List?
This video course will take you behind the scenes to help you understand how to start your list the right way.
Dear Friend,
- Are you sick of hearing how great list building is, and want to know how to get up and running?
- Have you read so many eBooks, but they only confuse you even more?
- Do you know what tools email marketers use, but don’t understand how to use them?
- Do you simply not know how to build your list?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this will be one of the most important letters you will ever read.
You may have tried but given up along the way because eBooks aren't really teaching you what to do step by step.
Don't you just hate when it doesn't work? Finally, you can get the answers to the questions you have constantly been asking...
You've heard it once, twice, ten, or so many times - “The money is in the list…” OK, OK, that's easy to understand, right?
Maybe. But if you are a newbie and you don't know where to start, it's often difficult to know where to begin...
Have you tried to learn too many times, but given up because you wish you could just watch over the shoulders of an expert email marketer?
Well, now you can, and you'll learn this expert's shortcuts as well.