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Here are ways to drive traffic to your squeeze page:
1. Social media- you can drive your Twitter and Facebook followers to your squeeze page through your tweets or your business’s fanpage. The wonderful thing about generating leads this way is that your followers can help you drive even more traffic for free due to the viral nature of social media.
2. Article Marketing- this free method works by submitting articles related to your business to article directories and providing a link to your squeeze page through the author resource box or through anchor text links.
3. Video Marketing- uploaded videos on You- Tube or other video sharing sites should have links that direct people to your squeeze page
4. Pay per click – if you can afford it, this is a very quick way to drive traffic to your squeeze page. You can place ads on search engines, social media sites or specific websites that have high levels of traffic in your target market.
5. Affiliate traffic- you can sign up affiliates who will do the work of driving traffic to your squeeze page in exchange for a fee per signup. You obviously have to consider the cost to benefit ratio before you use this method.
Having driven traffic to your squeeze page, it is now time to persuade people to sign up. How to do that is covered in our next article, “How To Build Your Local Business Email List: Part Two- Super Squeeze Pages”.