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Ditto Personal Use Ebook

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How to Repurpose Content

Well, we've taken a look at a lot of things that surround the topic of repurposing content, including the benefits of content repurposing and where to find content to repurpose. Now, it's time to move on to the meat of this subject - how to actually repurpose content. However, before we begin it is important to remember the reason content repurposing is so important to your business, above and beyond the reasons we've already discussed. Repurposing content is important because it extends the reach of your marketng and promoton efforts. Therefore, as we go through the various ways of repurposing content, keep an open mind. Not all of these ways may initally make sense, or even appeal to you. Yet, if you give each of these ways a try you will be able to find which ones work for your own personal approach. Remember, the more you adopt, the greater your reach will become and the better your results will be! So, if you're ready, let's get started.

Create New Content by Expanding on Old Content

A little bit earlier we talked about going back through your archives to look for content to repurpose. While we touched briefly on the idea of updatng some of this content with newly developed informaton, if applicable, we didn't really explain how you should go about the task. So, now let's take a closer look at exactly what you should do with some of that old content.

When you write a blog post you provide the informaton in whatever flow makes sense at the tme. You may gloss over some points and give more attenton to others. When you repurpose that content you essentally change that flow. For example, if you originally put some informaton into bullet points for the sake of convenience, you can now go and expand one or more of those points into pieces of stand-alone content. Alternatvely, if you had a longer piece (or more than one shorter piece that are thematcally related), you can condense some of the informaton into a briefer follow-up artcle.

The idea is that you take what you originally had and alter the manner in which the informaton is presented. Shorter things get longer and vice versa. Brief mentions become stand-alone content in their own right. You aren't creating new content per se. Instead, you are re-arranging information in much the same way that you can redecorate a room and make it appear different and new without altering the basic structure one iota.

Create a Slide Deck

This one is fairly straightforward. If you think about it, the original content that you write or purchase can be easily broken down into main points. These "high points" of your content can then be re-communicated via a slide presentation or what's known as a slide deck.

A slide deck is what a speaker uses to visually communicate his or her "talking points" to an audience during a presentation. The blurbs on the slide deck appear behind the speaker and reinforce the message of the talk. When you do the same thing to your content and turn your talking points into a slide deck, you reinforce the message of your content in the same way

If you think about how you learned to make an outline back in grade school you'll get a pretty good idea of how to proceed. What you want are the main topics of your piece of content laid out in a logical order of presentation. If you already had topic or section headings in your piece of content then your job is nearly done. All you do is take those topic headings and transfer them to slides via a program like Canva and then into a viewable deck using a program like Powerpoint. You should end up with one slide for each talking point, plus an introductory slide containing your title and an ending slide containing your contact information.

Once you have your slide deck complete, you can upload it to a slide deck sharing site such as SlideShare. Once your deck is on SlideShare anyone interested can view it and contact you for further information. This is content repurposing at its finest.

Turn Your Slide Deck into an Infographic

Study after study has shown that people respond more positively to visual graphics. One of the best ways to present informaton visually is through the use of an infographic. Infographics have become increasingly popular over the last few years and people have come to expect receiving chunks of informaton in this highly digestble format. The good news is that it is relatvely simple to create stunning looking infographics on your own.

All you do is take the informaton from you slide deck and use those points as the basis for the informaton portion of your infographic. Remember, the info in an infographic needs to be brief and to the point. Statstcs work wonderfully if you have them, so do short info blurbs. Infographics work best with some dense informaton, this would be the tme to, once again, alter the flow of the way you presented the informaton in your slide deck. This tme, you'd go back to the original content that inspired the deck and add some of the content back in to beef up the points on the slides. Again, you're not creatng new content, your repurposing the original content.

For the graphic porton of your infographic, you can use a program like PicMonkey or Piktochart to set down your text and spice it up with some eye catching graphics. Alternatvely, you can hire a graphic designer from a site like Fiverr to do the job for you. Once you're done, you can submit your infographic to one of the many infographic aggregator sites, like Visual.ly, and extend the reach of your message even further.

Turn Your Infographic into a Videographic

Here, you can begin to see the genius behind the content repurposing process. You can take your infographic (which started life as old content, was repurposed into new expanded content, was repurposed into slide deck and then into an infographic) and alter the flow of the informaton yet again to make it into a videographic.

A videographic is nothing more than an infographic that moves. People love graphics. People also love moving graphics. A videographic gives them what they want and love.

Good Service Rules Personal Use Ebook

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

16. Know your business

The best way to ensure the answers and help you provide to your customer is accurate is knowing your business, and the products/services it sells, inside and out. You (and your employees) should strive to know every liPle aspect of it in order to best serve your customers, and connect them with the solution that is right for their partcular needs.

Being unable to answer a queston from a customer without first consultng a manual (or even worse, Google) leaves them with a poor impression of your company, because to them it will seem like you don 't know what you' re talking about. On the other hand, if you seem like you know just about everything when they ask you, the opposite will be true and they ' ll be highly likely to trust your knowledge and opinions.

17. Reward employees who perform well

Offering rewards and bonuses to employees who perform well is usually a great idea. In the customer service department, however, you need to make sure you ' re not just rewarding your service reps based on the number of cases they ' ve handled successfully in a given period of tme. The reason is probably obvious: this would encourage your staff to only do the bare minimum to resolve as many issues as possible, never going that extra mile that ensures customers come back to your business.

If you have the means to do it, try to set it up so you can easily gauge customer satsfacton (for example by sending out surveys). Then, base your rewards and bonuses on the actual feedback you get from your customers. That should lead to bePer customer service overall.

18. Deliver on your promises

This may seem like a given, but it ' s important to menton anyway. Never promise more than you can actually keep, or you' ll end up with some extremely disgruntled customers. Breaking a promise you' ve made is sure to turn a customer off from doing any more business with you, and it just isn' t worth it.

If anything it ' s always better to under-promise and over-deliver. If you' re not sure you can deliver on something, better be safe than sorry and tell them you probably cannot do it. If it later turns out you actually can do it, they ' re likely to be pleasantly surprised and feel like you've really done your best to help them out.

19. Learn to apologize frequently

When something goes wrong, apologize. Even if it ' s just something minor, like a one day delay in shipping an item to a customer. Apologizing is just another way of showing that you accept responsibility and that you, as a business owner, care about your customers.

In fact, you should probably make a point of including an apology in every interaction with a customer when it ' s been established that they have a problem that is directly or indirectly caused by you or your company. It doesn't require much effort, but will go a long way towards making the customer a bit less hostile.

Don 't overdo this one though, as it only works if it seems like you're being sincere. People are often able to tell when you ' re not being honest and you' re just telling them what they want to hear, so try to make sure you really do mean what you say.

20. Own up to your mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes - including business owners and customer service reps. What ' s important is to never try to put the blame on someone else. As a business owner, mistakes are your responsibility, even if they weren' t directly caused by you. Own up to them and try to resolve them without causing a fuzz; that ' s really all you can do.

It may be tempting to tell a customer that "oh it ' s this and that person' s fault, they ' re new here", but the reality is that customers really don 't care about that. They care about geEng their problem solved, and want to know that you (the business owner) are on the case, even if you didn' t personally cause the problem in the first place.

Sometimes it ' s also a good idea to assume responsibility even if the fault actually lies with the customer. PuEng the blame on them is a sure way to get them defensive, and by not doing that you may be able to turn an otherwise unpleasant interaction into something much bePer for all parties involved.

21. Treat your customer service reps well

You should, of course, treat all your employees well, but it ' s often a good idea to take extra care keeping your customer service reps happy. If they ' re not happy they will likely provide poor service to your customers, directly affecting your business for the worse. A good rule of thumb is trying to treat your employees like you want them to treat your customers.

That ' s why it just makes sense to pay them a decent wage and offer them a good working environment. Working in customer service can be quite difficult and draining, so keep that in mind when you' re evaluating their performance.

If someone makes a mistake, let them know how to fix it but don' t be too hard on them. The most important thing is making sure they learn something from it and don't repeat it in the future.

22. Take complaints and criticism to heart

When a customer comes to you with a complaint, you have three choices. You can choose to ignore it completely (probably not a good idea). You can rectify the problem and hope it doesn't happen again. Or, you can try to learn something from it to prevent it from happening again.

It ' s easy to get defensive when someone complains about your business, especially if they ' re harsh about it. However, by just changing your perspective from treating it like a personal aPack to a helpful lesson, you can find that complaints and criticism are two of the best allies you have in perfecting and growing your business.

From time to time there will also be complaints that are completely unfounded, and those are obviously safe to just ignore. Some customers are probably mostly looking to vent, and those are unlikely to be of use to you for improvement purposes. Listen to their complaints with a smile and move on!

Tube Inferno PLR Software

Monetize YouTube Videos With Ads or Opt-in's!

Not only can you place advertisements and optin forms in your videos, you can also use image backgrounds and create borders.

The example image to your left has a custom "film" background image and also a custom coloured border around the image.

You have full control!

Adjust the padding of the background image and also the border outlining it.

Now you can place custom made advertisements and even email opt-in forms on any embeddable YouTube video in about 5 minutes!.

This is WordPress plugin will allow you to quickly and easily monetize or add content to ANY YouTube video within your site. Perfect way double up your profits in a hassle-free way.

Place custom ads you create and control how they appear above or below the video.

Not only can you place advertisements and optin forms in your videos, you can also use image backgrounds and create borders.

The example image to your left has a custom "film" background image and also a custom coloured border around the image.

You have full control!

Adjust the padding of the background image and also the border outlining it.

Video Marketing Excellence Upsell Videos Resale Rights Ebook With Audio & Video

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

If you want to offer your videos to your website/blog visitors, there are several paths to choose from.

The most common is for a person to upload their video to YouTube, and then use the embed code from YouTube to include the video on a page or in a blog post on the site. The picture above shows you how to do this. This is the ideal solution for people who don’t have a lot of bandwidth, because your servers aren’t hosting the video.

However, because YouTube and other video hosting/sharing sites can delete your videos at their own discretion, and some people don’t like the idea of sharing a video branded with another company’s logo, there is a bit of risk involved with using a service like this.

As such, some marketers use a JW Player plugin with their WordPress blogs that will allow you to create a personalized Flash player that can be embedded anywhere. You can add watermarks to your videos, and even monetize them with Google AdSense®.

However, this method tends to eat a lot of bandwidth, and if you run out, your site goes down until the next month in the billing cycle. Before you opt to host videos yourself, make sure you contact your hosting company to find out what your bandwidth limits are.

If you have limited bandwidth and still do not want to use YouTube or another video service to share your videos, there is a solution!

Amazon S3

You can host your videos with the Amazon S3 Simple Storage System. The service allows for inexpensive unlimited data storage. This is an excellent solution for people who do not want to use their own servers to host large files.

You will pay 15 cents for each gigabyte of data you upload, and 187 cents for each gigabyte transferred (when someone watches the video, or downloads a file.) Essentially, you’ll only pay a few dollars a month for storage and use. Because there are no recurring charges or fees, you will only pay for what you use.

This service is incredibly cheap - $0.15 for each gigabyte of storage uploaded, and $0.18 for each gigabyte transferred. So basically, you can store dozens of videos for only pennies. Even if thousands of people view your videos, you will likely only have to pay a few dollars. There are no recurring fees or charges - you simply pay for what you use.

You can also use this service for music files, or to back up important files on your computer so you have them in case it crashes... and you will pay far less money than if you would if invested in an external hard drive, which could be lost or stolen.

Video Marketing Tactics

This is the last thing we’ll cover in this book, because once you learn how to market your videos, you will have everything you need to become successful with video marketing.

Keep your videos targeted. You wouldn’t write about cooking a meal on your dog/pet blog, so you need to treat your videos like this as well. Keep them focused and laser targeted on exactly what your visitors are looking for.

Deliver good content. Producing articles and blog posts with spun jargon may help with backlinks, but it’s not going to drive traffic, and it won’t increase your conversions. Your videos should be treated the same way. Crap videos will not offer ROI.

Tailor your video design to your target demographic.

Write eye-catching titles and descriptions. Instead of: “How to Make Money With....” Use “How I Made Over $500 With... While ASLEEP!”

If making a “how to” provide the basic steps, but don’t give it all way. Tease your viewers so they want more. This will help drive traffic to your website, and when they find what they need, it could turn them into buying customers.

When working on your next project, instead of the traditional eBook, consider making a video series. The content is still fresh enough to attract people who don’t feel like downloading yet another eBook.

If you are going to speak, write a script for the video before recording it. Too many videos feature marketers who appear as though they have no idea what they are hing to say. Not only does this make the video boring, it makes the person seem less credible.

If you will be featured in your videos, either as yourself, or just your voice, develop a personality to ensure your viewers will enjoy your presence. Many marketers are dull and boring. Add brightness and enthusiasm into your videos, even if you have to fake it.

Use videos to continuously develop your brand. Use a style for your audience. They will become familiar with you and your brand image, and if they like it,they will come back for more.


Well, I hope you enjoyed the report! This should give you a great headstart...

Video marketing is no different from every other aspect of Internet marketing, because it too, takes hard work, energy, time and effort to develop, master and profit from.

You won’t likely become a millionaire from one video. It will take creating consistently valuable content and using proper SEO to be successful with your video marketing, but this book has everything you need to get off to a running start.

If you want to discover how to make real money online by creating videos grab our advance video marketing guide “Video Marketing Excellence”

Adwords Annihilation Give Away Rights Ebook

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

Where to Send the Traffic?

We've said it a few times already but it's so important that it bears repeating. When you come up with your AdWords campaign or any advertising campaign, you need to be focused on results. That's why using CPA is a good strategy.

But what's key here, is that your ability to convert isn't going to be entirely down to your AdWords strategy. What's just as important if not moreso, is the page that you actually send people to. In other words, you can have the best advert in the world but if your eCommerce site is confusing, hard to navigate and doesn't look trustworthy, then you will lose customers.

For maximizing direct conversions there are two main places you will probably send your traffic: landing pages and ecommerce sites. Here we will look at how you can best utilize each.

Creating a Landing Page

The basic idea behind a landing page is to have a single page that converts your visitors into buyers. You've probably visited these sites before and in most cases they will consist of a long, narrow passage of text with a 'Buy Now!' button at the bottom and interspersed throughout the text.

These pages exist purely to make sales and as such they contain no navigation or anything that might lead visitors away from the page. What's more, they tend to use a number of strategies throughout the text to try and really sell the product.

The main objectives of a landing page can be explained simply with the acronym AIDA - Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action. Your goal then is to introduce your product/service, to explain what it is, to make the audience want it and then to get them to click on your 'Buy' or 'Sign Up' button.

Throughout the process, you will be fighting a natural inclination that those visitors have to simply leave. Most of us are in a rush these days and we all have very short attention spans - especially when it comes to surfing the net where we're constantly distracted by about 20 exciting looking things at once.

Your job then is to make sure that you grab the attention of your visitors and that means using large headings that tell the full story even if they skim read. It means using short paragraphs and a narrow format and it means utilize bold, capitals, colors and underlining a LOT.

Another good strategy is to create a narrative around your sales pitch. We are naturally inclined to be engaged by stories because we presume that the information can benefit us. If you want to prevent people from leaving then, you should real them with a personal and intriguing story.

And again, make sure that you focus on a) your value proposition (what is the emotion that they will feel when using your product?) and b) allaying fears (why can then trust you?). Try to really paint a picture of what life will be like after your product (the narrative structure helps with this) and make sure they know they can trust what you're saying. To help with the latter points, alluding to facts and appealing to authority figures can be very effective.

Applying time pressure by running a limited time offer or saying you have limited stock is also a good idea because it gets your visitors to act on the impulse to buy rather than going away and thinking about it. Ideally you want to create a situation where they are feeling desire, while at the same time a little anxious about missing out.

An example might start out something like this:


I don't know about you, but I've tried just about every workout under the sun to try and get an amazing six pack. Every time I was let down and found that I just couldn't shift that 'skinny fat' around my waist.

Luckily though, I discovered the work of world-renowned fitness trainer John Champ. John's 'Maximum Muscle' technique is aimed exactly like people me who struggled to lose the last inch of tummy fat to reveal a stunning six pack.

And trust me, when you see how easy and simple the technique is, you'll be blown away.

Since finding the Maximum Muscle technique, my life has completely turned around. I've never had so much confidence, I've been getting attention from the ladies and I've been waking up with more energy and enthusiasm than ever before. I finally know what it must have been like to be one of the jocks in school!

Simply put, I've gone from beta, to alpha male... and in just THREE months!


This program isn't like other fitness programs. Why? Because it's focused on simple results with a program that's easy to follow.

If you.

Notice how the writing uses very short paragraphs, how the story gets you to keep reading and how it encourages you to imagine what 'life with abs' must be like. It hits emotional points, it sounds official and it has a quality that makes it hard to stop reading.

Video Marketing Excellence MRR Ebook

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

Chapter 5: A Quick Guide to YouTube Marketing

Despite the myriad different options available when you're looking for a distribution platform for your videos,

YouTube is likely to be the most popular choice for the vast majority of businesses and entrepreneurs. Thus it is useful to have a basic understanding of how to gain exposure of YouTube and how to stand out among the crowd. Here we'll look at some effective ways you can do that.

SEO for YouTube

SEO stands for 'Search Engine Optimization' and generally refers to the way that websites can ensure that they show up in Google searches. As we've already discussed though, YouTube is effectively a search engine too and when someone is looking for your content here they will do so by going on to YouTube and searching for related topics.

Fortunately, a few things can help you to encourage your video to show up...


The single most important thing is to choose a good title for your YouTube video. If your video has a long obscure name then no one is going to search for it. At the same time though, if your video is called 'Fitness' then it is hardly going to be able to compete with the millions of other videos with that word in the title.

Your aim here then is to use a name that people are likely to be looking for while at the same time being distinct and descriptive. You can find keyword tools for YouTube that help you to identify these kinds of titles but unfortunately they often charge and aren't always reliable. The easier method is to use a little common sense, as well as to keep a careful eye on what suggestions come up when you start typing into the search box on YouTube, then take a look at the other videos there and try to see how many you'll be going up against.


When you upload a video to YouTube you will have the option to add a description where you'll write what your video is about. This is another opportunity to include your keywords and while the precise weighting/algorithm is unknown, it's generally agreed that the more content you can provide here, the more likely you video is to show up high on the lists (and this makes a lot of sense). A good description will also encourage more people to watch your videos.


Finally, you can also use tags which will further help YouTube to index and categorize your video and to make it more likely to show up as a suggested video. Here you can literally select the keywords you want to target and there's no limit - so add a few different ones that will help to describe your video.

Note that all these SEO techniques - the title, description and tags - will also play a role in helping your videos to show up in other search engines like Google.


The thumbnail is the small image that shows when your video is listed after a search or suggested next to other videos. If you want your video to get as many clicks as possible then you should create a custom thumbnail you can upload that will make your video look enticing. YouTube will likely also view this as a sign of quality and be more likely to help you promote the video.

In fact this is particularly important seeing as your thumbnail will also show up when your videos show up on Google as well as on social media and encourage CTR here as well.


YouTube is able to detect various measures of your video's quality. For instance, it can tell if your video is low or high res, if it's shaky or if it doesn't fill the screen. The better quality your video is, the better chance it has of ranking highly and this is only going to become more the case as YouTube's algorithms improve and it gets smarter at telling which videos are the highest quality.

Note as well, that YouTube will take into account factors such as how long your visitors watch your visitors for and this will obviously be greatly impacted by the quality of what you upload.


If you want to create a legion of loyal YouTube subscribers and get lots of likes (which you do), then you need to make sure that you respond to their comments and that you actively engage with them. Showing that there are real, living, breathing people behind your account will help to build loyalty and will make them much more likely to watch and to listen to your future content.

If you have a comment then, try to make sure that you take the time to respond personally as far as possible. If you start getting hundreds of comments a day, this is the sort of thing you may eventually need to outsource to a virtual assistant.

Social Sharing

Sharing your videos on social media is an important way to encourage more views and to help your videos spread. Fortunately, YouTube has a number of buttons ready to help you share quickly to Facebook, Twitter and other channels. Likewise, you can use tools like IFTTT (If This, Then That) to share your videos through even more platforms automatically as soon as they're uploaded.

Your YouTube Channel

When you become a publisher on YouTube you will get your own 'channel' which will act as a page where your visitors can view all your videos, learn more about you and find your links. This is similar to a Facebook page in that you can add a profile picture, a cover image and information to help sell yourself and this is important from both an SEO perspective and a general marketing one. Some things to do here including writing a detailed description about your channel, uploading attractive high-res images, having a 'channel trailer' (a video that welcomes new viewers to your channel and explains what your business is all about) and creating playlists to show curated content in categories on the page.

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