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Linkedin Marketing Excellence – Upsell Personal Use Ebook With Audio & Video

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Before you go back to Linkedln to set up your profile - you need to add some content to your blog. Since we are trying to create a blog that will be an authority in a specific niche, vertical or industry - a good place to start is with press releases - BUT most press release sites do not allow you to reprint the full press release - and Google does NOT want to see another site full of press releases anyway - so what you are going to do is quickly 'curate a few press releases or news articles that fit your chosen topic.

If you are new to the concept of 'curation' it's really a very easy process: find a press release, then do a quick Google search (I start with a Google News search if it is recent) for the company in the PR.

Most sites that do press releases will have a news section on their website. You will often find not just PR for that particular company but also important news for their industry as well. This is especially true in the health or weight loss fields, and is a great way to find news regarding medical studies, tests, and new products in these niches.

Pick out a couple of articles (they don't need to be about the same PR -just related to the company or incident or even the industry) and copy those links to your blog post. I like to put mine at the bottom of the article with a ‘read more’ or ‘related articles’ title.

Google loves these kinds of outgoing links because most press release sites have good PR and Google considers them "authority" sites. I also try to find related news stories at a couple of good authority sites as well; ie: TV station news sites, CNN, ESPN etc.

If it is a major company, you can link to their site or check to see if they have posted the PR to their own news section as well.

Now, write a brief summary of the press release, and add a couple of personal comments as well. If there is a quote I will usually add it, making sure it is in block quote format. Be sure to put the story in your own words, and then clearly link to the site where the original press release is posted. I usually put this at the very bottom of the the summary, just above the links to the related articles.

Continue this process until you have a fair amount of content - I try to do 30 or so, and then set them to post over a couple of weeks. Once you get the feel for doing these - it will really only take a few minutes to do each one. I can usually do the entire site in a couple of hours.

Depending on the niche, I will also add 5 to 15 original articles and where available, I may also add a headline feed from an industry news site, but it really depends on the niche. Headline feeds are nice to add to a sidebar or to a ‘sticky’ post on your home page, and since they constantly update, it makes sure your site will always have fresh content. Unfortunately, in some niches it may not be possible to find the kind of authoritative news feed that you want on this kind of site. Remember -no junk or spun content allowed!

I have several sites that I have been very successful with that only have industry news, and are monetized through various industry specific affiliate programs - but the bottom line is that since you are creating authority style news sites - with lots of original content - you can really monetize these sites any way that you want from Adsense to affiliate programs, to selling your own products. The traffic is focused and targeted to EXACTLY the niche you are targeting.

Step 3: Creating Your Linkedln Profile

On most social networks it is still fairly easy to have multiple profiles, without getting banned. Linkedln is not one of those places. Linkedln does not like people to have multiple profiles and obviously fake profiles will definitely get you booted off, but you can still get pretty focused on your profile and market to multiple niches as long as they are related niches.

For the purposes of this guide, let me make this point very clear:

If you choose to create multiple profiles -real or fake - do so at your own risk!!

For example: Weight loss may be your primary vertical, but you can expand your marketing and branding efforts out to personal development, personal coaching, self improvement etc for the purpose of joining or creating groups.

Usually, the basic membership is enough at this stage - but if your project really takes off, you might want to consider the basic business membership as it does make it easier to connect with influential people that may not be directly reachable otherwise.

Profiles on Linkedln are very similar to your standard resume layout. There are fields for specific areas related to your professional life such as education and work experience. The resume can be easily edited later so you may add updated or additional information later. There are also prompts on the forms to give you ideas as to how best to complete the profile fields.

Complete your profile as fully as possible, being sure to use your keywords in the appropriate profile areas - without sounding spammy. In other words - write a description that sounds natural to readers, uses your keywords in a 'conversational' format, yet still manages to make good use of your niche’s targeted keywords -without going overboard.

And of course - you already have your website ready to go, so enter all of your website details, being sure to use your keywords, and enter your site RSS feed as well so that all of your updates will be displayed on your profile, too!

Step 4: Join Those Groups

Now that your profile is complete and we have done our group/niche research, it's time to go back and join the groups you checked out earlier. A completed profile is very important because many group owners/moderators actually will review your profile to make sure you are an 'appropriate' new member for the group.

Article Magic Give Away Rights Ebook

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Chapter 5: Article Copywriting Tips


Copywriting is the art of getting your readers to carry out your most desired action. This could be something from getting them to click on a link, sign up to your mailing list or even buy a product.

Some Tips

In the context of article marketing, your job is to get them to do two things:

Fall in love with your content

Click on your self-serving links

There are a few things you can do here:

The first is the optimizing your headlines (refer to chapter 4). Remember, the body content of your article must relate to your article title.

Use bullet points to lay out key points and elaborate on them.

Give examples. Illustrating examples helps get the ideas across more clearly.

Ask questions. Asking questions gets their mind juice flowing and more involved in your articles.

In short, follow these simple guidelines and you’ll be on the road to them getting to click on your links and getting massive traffic to your website.

Chapter 6: SEO Article Writing


SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is the art of getting your articles found on the search engines. The current largest search engine in the world is Google, so you’ll need to know what Google likes in web content to be able to get your articles found.


The first thing you must know about SEO, is that you must be very clear with the keywords you are trying to target. High search volume + less competition would be a good guide. In short, don’t exceed 2% worth of keyword density for your articles.

Don’t just target main keywords, you can try long tail keywords (keywords with less search volume but virtually zero competition). These searches are normally highly targeted and these guys could probably be your buying customers.

If you want to include a link in your body text (see if your submission directory allows it), make sure you use anchor text links - Meaning that the words for the link is actually a keywords. E.g. if you want to link to your dog training website, an anchor text link would be “dog training tips”

The best thing about SEO, is that it doesn’t matter if you are submitting it to article directories, the same works for article you put on your own blog, other people’s blogs or basically any form of web content! One more thing... Google is getting smarter and smarter so content is equally important as SEO.

Chapter 7: Article Marketing Mistakes To Avoid


Article marketing can be a very powerful tool for generating massive passive traffic. But if you use it incorrectly, you’ll end up doing more harm than benefits. Here are some article marketing mistakes you should avoid at all cost:

The Errors

Over-doing the keywords. If you put too much keywords in your article for SEO purposes, you’ll end up coming off as spam by Google and this will hurt your rankings. Furthermore

Not optimizing your resource box. A lot of views are left on the table because people fail to optimize their resource box. A call to action must be followed by a self-serving link

Grammatical errors. This is a huge no-no and is shunned by article submission directories. Check your spelling and grammar at all times in Microsoft word before submitting.

Too short word count/too long word count. Let’s face it, short articles don’t cut it for most directories and long articles are a hassle to read. People’s attention span is short.

In short, success in article writing lies in adhering to good writing practices and avoiding silly mistakes. Don’t forget, content and SEO are king so you have to place a huge focus on those as well, while not overlooking the small stuff.

Chapter 8: The Road To Passive Traffic


Article marketing gives a great way to generate traffic, and that being said, you won’t get traffic instantly by submitting a few articles. The process to traffic building via article marketing is a long one, and you’ll have to consistently produce good articles, which meet standards and also is up to date with relevant information.

How To Get There

That being said, how does one generate passive traffic through articles? There are a few ways. For one, you can hire a ghostwriter to post articles for you. This cuts you out of the equation and can give you more time to focus on the marketing aspects of your business.

You can also pay to have your articles featured in websites or directories. This is a faster way to get a boost in your traffic by having your featured article put in front of the website.

Another way is to master SEO (or if you have the money, hire someone whose good in it) to optimize your web content so that the SEO will bring in long term steady passive traffic for your website.

Finally, you might consider partnering with someone. That someone will do the article-writing portion while you focus on the other aspects such as creating products, marketing etc.

Code Of Conduct Give Away Rights Ebook

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Chapter 4: Open The Lines Of Communication With Employees


Communication is one of the most important tools within the business arena, a without the avenue of open communication available at all levels within the business frame, many negative elements can develop. These negative elements can then eventually contribute to the down fall of the business venture itself, therefore encouraging an open platform style of communication is not only healthy but beneficial too.


Creating the comfortable and openness factor of information sharing within the organization help to foster closer ties between the employees and employers which would then have the positive impact on both parties working harder to make the venture a success.

When all communication is taken seriously and without prejudice the resulting feeling of worth is immeasurable. However designing a suitable method or style of communication ideas, feedbacks and any other vital information should be clearly drawn up to encourage such sharings without fear of negative repercussions.

Whenever possible avoid “close door” meeting as this often creates the element of speculation which more often than not results in unnecessary uneasiness for all those not privy to the meeting’s content.

Getting employees to put forth their ideas from time to time may eventually create awareness among the employers of the various yet undiscovered capabilities of their employees.

Whenever meeting are arranged, ensure time is set aside specifically for all those present to give their opinions and views on the subject matter of the said meeting.

By doing so the company creates a non confrontational platform for all thoughts to be tabled and aired and maybe even for new ideas to be put forth.

Tapping the communication lines between the various levels within the company structure often yields surprisingly positive information that would otherwise not be known. Also the fact that these ideas are cost virtually nothing is another reason to encourage open communication.

Chapter 5: Balance The Needs Of Customers And Employees


Everyone has their own individual needs and these needs will vary greatly from time to time, thus the company needs to be able to provide the suitable recourses to address the needs as and when they may arise.

Both the employee and customer play pivotal roles to create the necessary or desired success ratios of a business, therefore some serious thought must be put into keeping both these groups as satisfied as possible.

Unhappy employees eventually become disgruntled workers while unhappy customers simply resort to taking their business elsewhere thus effectively bring about the possible down fall of the company.


The following are some recommendation which can be used to address the need for balance between the two parties:

Through communication with both employees and as frequently as possible with customers, various support tools can be identified to assist the employees in providing better services to the customers and also keeping the customers happy because of the active interest shown, that is perceived to be respecting and prioritizing the customer.

Companies that work on shifts could also be encouraged to be more flexible towards shift swapping and time off for personal commitments. Employees who are given such privileges generally stay loyal and work harder for the company as they perceive the company to be caring and aware of their lives outside the work frame. This then in turn creates happy employees who willingly and consciously go the extra mile to ensure their customers stay happy too.

Though a little harder and maybe even perceived to be a little unnecessary, companies that plan their meeting away from the work place have been noted to be more effective and productive as the employees are able to muster better mindset and ideas though the more relaxed venues. Taking the extra incentive to invite families along again helps to foster the feelings of worth and care on the part of the company.

Chapter 6: Adjust With Trial And Error And Maintain A Positive Attitude


When venturing in to any business endeavor or even within an organization there are many tried and true methods one can follow in order to maintain a positive attitude. However make the necessary adjustments should be done as quickly and as positively as possible, while at all times maintaining high elements of a positive attitude.


Though sometimes the experiences can seem rather overwhelming making the effort to try new and more innovative methods to achieve the desired success is well worth the effort. It is possible to survive and even thrive in the midst of trial and errors that may seem costly as first.

Always advocating to remain positive, respectful and diplomatic will help create the mindset that is accepting of changes and newer styles that may be necessary to implement for the sake of better business revenues.

By forming good working relationships the impacts of trails and errors become less detrimental as these alliances will kick in and help to come up with ideas to try to correct the situation. Looking at the trials and errors as learning curves instead of setbacks also helps the individual retain a positive and productive demeanor which will eventually be the contributing factor to improvements made.

Learning from others who may have experienced similar predicaments also helps the individual try the same methods with the positive expectations that can play a role in ensuring its success.

Business Outsourcing Give Away Rights Ebook

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Chapter 5: Build Strong Relationships With Workers


A big part of ensuring a company is well run and making profits is evident in how it is keeping those working at the company happy. Happy workers equal good working environments and therefore better quality of work is produced.


The key to creating the ideal platform for the working environment lies in the ability to build strong relationships with the workers. When the strength of the relationship is evident the loyalty levels of the workers is also much higher and this is a very important motivational factor.

Workers are more likely to go the extra mile for employers who are caring and are concerned about their comforts and the working environment.

Some of the practices that can foster strong working relationships are noted below:

The manner in which “orders” are given is very important thus one should adopt the attitude of asking rather than telling someone to get something done.

Being clear with instructions and what is expected is also something that is highly regarded in the mechanism of getting the cooperation of others. Clarity ensures focused and goal centered work attitudes.

Being polite is a great way to gain the cooperation and respect of those working within the project. Without politeness there is a very real possibility of creating animosity with those people who are supposed to be ideally working together toward the same successful end.

This animosity can and usually does cause the working environment to be severely affected thus effectively damaging the relationship with the workers. Learning to refer to worker by their names is one of the best ways to warm their hearts as it projects the perception of their importance.

Recognizing and ensuring that there is no encroachment on the private time of the workers is important. Creating workloads that often require the workers to stay back late thus eating into the own private time will create resentment and this is not good for building stronger relationships.

Chapter 6: Provide Good Feedback


Providing feedback is one way of getting people to improve on their current work contributions and also getting people to be more aware of how they can improve.

However the feedback exercise should be done in a manner that is neither offensive nor condescending.

Frequent feedback given, if done with good intentions and in a constructive manner, will help any business or individual eventually make the necessary improvements which will then be reflected in the elevated success rates.


Most companies and employees value feedback especially if it is given in a timely manner. Where there are problems and expectations are not going as first designed then feedback provided can sometimes help to shed light on the shortcomings of particular contributing factors.

This is very important especially when the business projections are not being met and even worse, are on the decline. By the feedback given ah involved are able to take a step back and view the situation from the viewpoint of the feedback source therefore acquiring better understanding and making the necessary adjustments will be easier.

Striking a good balance in the commenting habit is also encouraged. In most cases feedback is only given when something negative has occurred, but a good feedback is also equally important if not more so. This is mainly because it will edify the person, group or company thus spurring them on the work even harder.

Providing good feedback can also be done in the form of dialogue. Very often the feedback is given in very much a one sided manner.

This is often not helpful to the receiving party if there is little they can do to change the current situation, therefore is the feedback is done in an open dialogue style both parties are better able to understand the situation and work out a solution.

Chapter 7: How Outsourcing Can Help Your Business


There are a lot of merits to using the outsourcing style to keep the smooth running of any business mechanism and it is becoming more popular to seek this kind of help due to its positive contributions to the business as a whole.

How It Helps

The following are some of the reasons why outsourcing can benefit a business mechanism:

Perhaps the most important contributing factor would be the one pertaining to cost. If a company had to explore the possibilities of setting up a separate department for a particular part of the overall work procedures needed for the project at hand, it end up being a rather costly affair.

This is mainly due to several issues such as the hiring of new staff, the availability of space for the new workers and the project they take on, the resources and possible assisting tools that may be needed and many more other connective elements.

All this when measured against making the choice to use an outsourcing option will in most cases prove to be cost effective.

The company can then focus all its efforts in other areas, thus bringing the business to more competitive level in the market.

More time can be spent on making the product or business more visible and thus gamering more revenue to the company.

There is also no need to have to file documentations that would otherwise have to be done on behalf of the hiring of the new badge of workers to serve in the project. This is a disadvantage when the services of the workers are only for a short period of time which does not justify the efforts for the above mentioned documentation process.

Faster processes can be expected, with the use of the outsourcing option, as the expertise provided will be based on the outsourced capabilities and contributions.

Endless Energy Give Away Rights Ebook

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Exercise for Energy

Now we've mastered sleep, it's time to look at something else: exercise.

Exercise has a complex relationship with energy because it is one of the most powerful tools there is for boosting energy levels. At the same time though, there are few things that are more difficult to do with low energy than workout. If you have low energy, you won't exercise - it's that simple. But this is a shame seeing as exercise is one of the best ways to improve your sleep, to raise your mood and to boost your energy efficiency.

In this chapter then, we'll look at how to exercise for energy and how to exercise with low energy.

Introducing: HIIT

If you have no time or energy for working out then the solution for you may well be HIIT.

HIIT is a type of training that is perfect for this situation for two reasons.

The first reason is that HIIT doesn't take very long. So if you have low energy, you don't need to try and encourage yourself to train for two hours - rather you can get a good workout in under ten minutes!

What's more, HIIT is highly effective at increasing your mitochondrial function. The mitochondria are the 'energy factories' that live inside our cells. They convert glucose into ATP and from there, they then allow us to use that ATP to move our muscles and even to think and run around. If you have more mitochondria and they function better, you will have more focus, better mood, improved memory, healthier sleep and more energy for working out.

As an added bonus, HIIT is also very good for boosting your VO2 max.

This is your body's ability to extra oxygen from the air and to then use it. The better your VO2 max, the less out of breath you will likely become. And like all forms of cardiovascular exercise, HIIT will also improve your heart health and thus your circulation.

So what exactly is HIIT?

Essentially, this stands for 'High Intensity Interval Training' and describes a type of training that involves short periods of high exertion punctuated by short periods of active recovery.

If you go jogging for an hour, this is what you call 'steady state cardio'. This type of exercise does have its merits and can be useful but it is less efficient than sprinting for 2 minutes and then jogging for 1 for a total of four reps. And that's what HIIT is all about.

A typical HIIT session then might last 20-30 minutes and involve periods of running or sprinting and periods of light jogging or slow walking. If you only have four minutes to spare, then you can use the incredibly intensive 'tabata workout'. Build up to this, because it's a big challenge, but once you have the baseline fitness this training involves sprinting for 20 seconds and resting for 10 for a total of 8 repetitions. It's brutal but it's highly effective.

Do your HIIT outside and you'll find that you also benefit from fresh air and sunlight that will help you to sleep better. Use it 4 times a week and you'll see noticeable differences to your energy levels and your physique in no time.

But I Don't Have the Energy!

As mentioned, HIIT is great for those short on energy and time because it only has to last 30 minutes at most. This means you can always squeeze it in when you're busy.

But that said, it's still very intensive and you won't always have the motivation to train like this when you're feeling tired.

So what do you do instead?

Well, consider HIIT the best tool for your energy levels but when you can't use that, know that anything is better than nothing. If you have low energy, then doing 10 press-ups before bed is still going to help. It may not be much but even this short amount of exertion can still burn calories, improve your energy efficiency and help to increase your energy levels for tomorrow. Moreover though, after you've done 10 press-ups, you'll almost always find that it becomes much easier to do a bit more.

Another tip for exercising when you don't want to?

Come up with some kind of exercise you enjoy.

If you absolutely hate running, then don't try and force yourself to do it.

How about skipping instead? Or playing tennis? Or punching a punch bag? Most of us enjoy some kind of physical activity, so just think about how you can make that into a workout. And if that means playing a Wii game... then

so be it! Actually, if you're going to be trying to lose weight on the Wii, then you may as well pick Zumba Fitness Wii - it's actually pretty good for weight loss!

Make your workouts fun and make sure to do at least something. If you make this your target for the first two months, then by month three you should have enough energy to start using low-level HIIT.

The Right Shoes

Another very important tip to help make working out easier if you're going to be running, is to make sure you invest in the right shoes. These can make a huge difference because when you get a light, snug fitting shoe, it will make you feel much more light-footed, faster and generally more 'springy'. This translates into more energy in the gym and on the roads and that means better workouts and better payoffs.

So what are the right shoes? This will depend somewhat on your natural stride but it's well worth looking into a minimalist shoe. This will be something like the Nike Free Run 5.0 or the Vibram Five Fingers. These allow your foot to move flexibly and they will bend and contort in all manner of directions. As a result, you can then allow your foot to bend and use your feet muscles as you run - which makes a massive difference to your technique.
Ebbs and Flows for Exercise

Now, if you're going to make your training as effective as it possible can be for your energy levels then it can pay to borrow some ideas from professional bodybuilders. Actually, we're going to borrow one idea in particular - that being the 'back-off week' or 'deload week'.