Tag Archives: 2015

Cpa Marketing Excellence Upsell Personal Use Ebook With Video

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

If your list is small, do make sure you have a few of these well-researched, well-promoted offers. It’s your best chance of making real money.

With “easy” methods like simple zip code or email address capture, the commission is so small you really don’t notice a difference unless you’ve got a huge list.

Don’t be intimidated at the thought of promoting these products and offers – it really is a lot easier than you’d imagine to get this stream of income going; and even though you might have to invest in a chunk of setup time (especially if you’re promoting high end products), once you’ve got your blog (the vehicle you’re going to promote them on) set up and running.

Part of this involves finding good keywords for the offers you are interested in promoting. Another essential step is to join as many CPA networks as you can handle. If you do this, one of the things you’ll likely notice straight away is that the same offers show up on other networks.

This is a good thing – it’s where diversity benefits you. It allows you to compare the various forms of compensation offered by competing networks. Do you want more points on Network A? Choose that version of the offer. Would you rather have the cash? Choose Network B. Jumping in and “swimming” with more than one network will quickly help you get a feel for CPA marketing faster than any other tactic. There are certain types of offers that convert so much more efficiently than others, it’s worth mentioning them: Debt relief, insurance, loans and credit. These are the easiest categories to start with, because they are simple zip code and email address submissions. However, what makes them a good place to start for the newbie: Their payout and reward rate is usually higher than any other zip or email category. To get people to click on text link ads and enter zip codes, it’s important to have that quality content we keep talking about on your blog – content that will encourage your reader to think of inputting his zip code as a logical next step. He clicks because he trusts your content. It doesn’t feel “fly by night” or “empty”.

Put yourself in the reader’s shoes, for a moment: He’s shopping around for insurance. He’s getting frustrated because he lives in Vancouver, B.C., and all the results seem to be for U.S. insurance. So he inputs “Canadian insurance quotes” into Google search, and finds your top-ranking site, “canadian-insurancequotes.com”. This is what the page he opens up looks like: It’s not hard to set up a blog with real content like our fictional example, above. Notice how the colors blend and balance, so that nothing is jumping out and screaming at you. The link to the gas card giveaway looks like just another interesting part of the site, and doesn’t feel like a “scam” because it’s totally relevant to the subject (cars).

Cpa Marketing Excellence Personal Use Ebook

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

Top Tips for Effective CPA Ads So now you know what CPA marketing is, you know all the various options and many of the related terms… all that's left is to design your ads and to make sure they're a success! Which of course is a little more involved than that makes it sound…

CPA marketing through any platform and of any kind will give you access to a number of tools and resources that you can use to ensure maximum success. Let's see what each of them does and how you make the most of them… The Importance of Tracking When you use any CPA marketing platform, it should give you some kind of tracking facility. This will give you the ability to see data and statistics for your adverts so that you can tell how well they're performing. When you're paying per click, this is particularly important to ensure that you are getting a good amount of ROI for your ads. On Facebook and Google you will be able to see your actual CPA, whereas in other platforms, you might set this amount yourself.

Other things you will be able to see with most of these tools include how often your ad has been viewed – called impressions – which will likely be somewhat correlated with how much you are bidding/paying per acquisition. The more advanced platforms might also let you see aggregated data – in Facebook for instance you find this by clicking on

Advanced Data. From here you can then see the age, sex, location and more of your viewers. Also available in Facebook is something called 'frequency'. This basically tells you how often the same people are seeing your ad show up. This is an important one to keep an eye on because of course if the same people keep seeing your ads, they're eventually likely to have either bought your item already or just be completely uninterested in doing so. Of course though, this might not matter so much if what you're selling is something you can sell multiple times – like a chocolate snack for example. Other figures include CTR which is your 'Click Through Rate'. This tells you how often people are actually clicking on your ads. So if you have lots of impressions but you don't have many clicks, your click through rate will be low. If nearly everyone clicks on your ads who sees them, then your CTR will be high. CTR is a particularly important stat because it is the one that most closely correlates with the effectiveness of your ad. In other words: is your advert compelling enough to attract attention and then get someone to want to click? If not, ask yourself what you could do to change. CPM meanwhile is 'Cost Per Impression' and this tells you how much you are paying for your advert to show. Some advertising networks can actually charge per impression but more likely this figure will be worked out based on your CPP, CTR and Impressions. As mentioned earlier, you should also be able to see a ROAS which is 'Return On Ad Spend'.

Stability For Seniors MRR Ebook With Audio

Ebook Sample Content Preview:


The third reason is aging. Yes... we have to admit that things generally slow down as we age. One important thing that slows down is our reflexes. When you’re young, your responses are much faster and swifter.

If you trip, you instinctively reach out to grab something to stabilize yourself. If you slip on a slippery surface, your feet may make a few quick backward steps to compensate and regain your balance.

When you’re old, before your instincts and reflexes can kick in, you’re already on the ground. Your reaction time will be much slower when you’re old. Regular exercise and sports can improve your reflexes.

Vision problems

Vision problems are another often neglected issue. Many accidents have taken place on the road involving seniors who are pedestrians. They’re often unable to see the traffic lights or the oncoming traffic clearly.

In the home, they may not be able to see objects in their way and may trip on them. Using spectacles may help but if the glasses are bifocal, there may be depth perception issues that could pose possible problems.

In cases like these, it’s best to keep the surroundings at home clear, easily navigable and well-lit. Most falling incidents happen at home.

Muscle atrophy and strength loss

As a person ages, there is a change in the body’s composition. People are more prone to weight gain and muscle mass decreases. In fact, men lose 1% of muscle every year from the age of 30.

Boosting Network Marketing Relationships MRR Ebook

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

Chapter 4: Increase Your Opt-in rates

Crafting An Excellent Squeeze Page

This is an example of a squeeze page that will get opt-in subscribers to join your mailing list. If you want to increase your opt-in rates, here are a few principles you must apply to your squeeze page:

Use compelling arrows to inspire visitors to take action. Believe me, graphics and aesthetics make all the difference!

Craft a compelling E-cover for the special report or E-book you are giving away. If you are giving away an audio Interview, you can show a picture that displays an audio CD or DVD to increase the perceived value of the product people are downloading in exchange for their E-mail address.

Use a powerful headline to grab people?s attention.

Use checkboxes to inspire people to get involved with the benefits of your free product.

Remember to add a disclaimer below the opt-in box to assure people that they are not getting spammed or that their E-mail address will not be used for unscrupulous purposes.

Install Viral Friend Generator

Viral friend generator by Mike Filsaime is an excellent script that you can use to dramatically increase your opt-in rates. What it does is that it lets subscribers generate subscribers FOR YOU.
Here is an example of how it works:

You key in your name and E-mail address. Later on, you type in at least 3 friends? name and E-mail addresses in exchange for a free gift.

This is a “tell-a-friend” script. The friends will receive an E-mail that is sent directly from the referring subscriber to their friends on a one-on-one basis. There is also a security check box at the bottom where you have to enter a few letters or numbers to fight spam and ensure that the people referring the friends are HUMANS (after all, computers can?t read graphical images). Imagine if one opt-in subscriber refers at least 3 friends, and these 3 friends each refer 3, and so on. If you get at least 2 subscribers a day and each of those 2 bring in another 2, imagine how many subscribers you will get after 30 days? I?ll let you do the math!

Early Child Care PLR Autoresponder Messages

Are You Ready To Learn Valuable Early Child Care Information, Tips & Techniques?

The Early Child Care Newsletter will provide you with proven, effective information, tips and advice that will help you learn how to care for and nurture your child from the day they first come home!

Are You Ready To Receive Valuable Information That Will Help You Learn Care for Your Child?

Inside each issue of the Early Child Care Newsletter, you will receive easy to understand information many of the different aspects of child care from early infancy to terrific toddler.

The best part is it's absolutely free!

Don't Worry It's Completely Free! And your information will never be sold or shared!

Just take a minute and fill out the short form above and you'll start receiving your Early Child Care newsletter issues right away!

Meteora Theme MRR Template

Dear Entrepreneur,

If you look around, most of the WP themes out there plain suck.

The reason is simple: they are either not properly coded or too expensive.

What’s more, some of them are EXTREMELY complicated to use and you can get lost among dozens of complicated features.

However, today I am about to change all of that.

You Are About To Discover A Premium Wordpress Theme That Will Make Your Life MUCH Easier!

I don’t know about you, but I love simplicity when using Wordpress themes for my business, and since most of them are utterly complicated to use, I decided to create my own one.

After countless hours or testing and tweaking, I can safely say that I’ve created the definitive Wordpress theme!

Easily Create Stunning Blogs, Corporate Sites, Awesome Websites, Profitable Niche Sites And Much More!

It doesn’t matter what kind of online business you run, or even if you don’t have one yet.

What really matters is that you can use my exclusive Wordpress theme quickly and easily, without hassles or inconvenieces.

And that’s precisely what you are about to get today!

Social Encore Personal Use Software

ATTENTION: WordPress website owners who need more traffic....

"Improve Your Social Media Presence and Drive More Traffic to Your Website Without Wasting More Time on Facebook & Twitter!"

Dear Blogger & Website Owner,

We all know social media is important for traffic. Even Google pays attention to your social engagement when deciding where to rank your site, so you know you have to stay active.

More than just sharing memes and cat videos, though, you need to get your blog posts out there in front of those social audiences.

Social Share Buttons Only

Solve Part Of The Equation

Sure, you've added all the most popular social sharing buttons to your posts. You encourage readers to share their favorite posts with others with the simple click of a button. Maybe you even show off your share numbers for that all important "social proof."

That's a great start, and it will help get your content in front of more eyes. But it doesn't do anything to populate your Facebook page or your own Twitter feed. It doesn't get your content seen on LinkedIn, or breathe new life into an old post. And what about keeping your groups active.

In those situations, you really are on your own...and it's pretty overwhelming if you stop to think about it.

Hair Loss Video Site Builder Give Away Rights Software

"Instantly Create Your Own Complete Moneymaking Video Site Featuring Adsense and Amazon Ads, Unique Web Pages, SEO Solutions and Much More

...Built Automatically in 2 Minutes Flat"

This professional looking site includes many powerful features including...

120 videos sourced from YouTube. When you use the software, it fetches the latest selection of most popular videos for this particular niche. So when you build your site, you can be sure it will be fully up to date with the very latest videos.

Content provided by extracting random snippets from a set of 20 private label articles, ensuring that your pages are unique and contain niche-targeted content. (Most other video site builders scrape the content from YouTube, so the pages are just duplicates of the YouTube pages and rated as worthless by search engines).

Optional Adsense ad units, featuring your Adsense ID, on each video page.

Optional custom text ad units (instead of Adsense ad units) on each video page. You can advertise anything you want (such as affiliate links). The custom text ads are entered just by editing a simple text file.

A large Amazon ad unit, featuring your Amazon ID, on each video page.

Video site search box, allowing your visitors to search video titles for a particular word.

Randomly generated cross links on all pages to make the site structure different to that of any other website - and to ensure full search engine spidering of your site.

Professional looking home pages, featuring thumbnails of each video.

Quality header graphic automatically customized with your chosen text.

Site consists of ordinary HTML pages that can be edited with any HTML editor.

Site built automatically - just fill in a short form with your details and your site is built instantly, ready to upload to your web host.