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Chapter 4 – Are Carbs Really That Bad?
Although the low carb diet is extremely great, does it mean that carbs are bad for you?
Not necessarily. When we eat carbohydrates though, our bodies digest them to form glucose. Although it circulates throughout the body, which provides us with energy, we tend to eat in excess.
There is also a difference between good carbs and bad carbs. Good carbs will give you energy without being stored as fat, which can be found in fruits and vegetables. Bad carbs are usually processed ingredients that your body is not programmed to recognize and therefore is storing it as fat.
You may sometimes notice that after you eat chips or chocolate you have a crash where you don’t want to do anything; that is what happens when you eat bad carbs. Your body uses the energy it can get from the small amount of natural carbs in chocolate, for instance, but then has to work double to process the other chemical carbs that are found in it. This creates a loss of energy as the processed ingredients are processed and transformed to fat, usually. This up and down is extremely bad for your heart as it doesn’t give it a normal flow of energy. The heart is overworked on a constant basis, and in turn so is your body. This can create other problems as the body stops focusing on keeping the body healthy and instead focuses on processing the large amount of carbs that is given to it daily. This in turn creates health problem such as diabetes, hyperglycemia, or even heart problems. Keep in mind though that good carbs taken daily in a portioned amount is essential and good for the body. Large amounts of carbohydrates is what causes problems to the body in the long-term.
Complex Carbs vs. Simple Carbs- How to Tell the Difference
Okay, I understand, but what is the difference between good carbs and bad carbs? They can be differentiated between two classes: complex carbs vs. simple carbs. Think of it this way, the more complex the carb the better it is for you. I know we all like to live a simple life and not overthink things, but with carbs it’s completely different. It has to be complex in order for you to put it in your mouth.