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6j. Affiliates Into JV’s.
Finally in the affiliates resource crossing list, lets look at our final resource with a view to turn affiliates into a joint venture partners. This is real easy to do, and it's quick and painless for you. All it involves is either a simple phone call, or personal e-mail. Now we're getting into rare, doesn't happen every day, gotta make this meeting as personal as possible territory.
What you're looking out for is a high rate of sales through your affiliate software. A simple search should do that if you've chosen a good system. Pick out the top two percent that have really made a dent and will generally make up the numbers big time and keep them handy. Not only should you have already rewarded them, but you should keep them ready and waiting for your next product, especially if it's related to your previous one.
If they did a good job promoting your previous product, it generally means they have the resources and ability to continue. You should be there when they decide that with a pre-empted contact prior to the release of your shiny new product, offering first stab at promotion and higher commissions than the norm. You may even be able to figure something else out if they have something you want. I can't detail that here, every joint venture is different. Make of it what you need of it. The deal doesn't all have to be higher commissions and more money more money all the time.
If you could have anything right now that would move you towards your goals more quickly, or in an easier way, what is it? Does this person I'm dealing with have it? If the answer is no, a safe bet is always the standard higher commissions. And remember, why are you giving them a load of special-ness, over standard affiliates? Because they're valued affiliates. They probably know it already, but it doesn’t half hit home when you say it, especially, as in the above example in the customers resource crossing section, when they see the standard offer going out to all the other affiliates (they will be on the same list still after all). That'll sure show them that you're for real, they won't forget you either. Treat them right and they'll continue to make you a whole load of money for many years to come, and provide some really fruitful joint venture proposals and deals.
6k. What To Do With Your JV Prospects.
Talking of joint venture deals, lets move on now to the fifth and final section on crossing your resources over and talk about the do's and do not’s of probably the most lucrative marketing method in the business. Of the big five, your joint venture prospects and partners will likely be the least numerous of all your resources, but with the most stopping power per person. When you think that some of your JV's might end up being seen by lists of ten to a hundred thousand or more, it suddenly becomes clear how important this is. Lets look at where to take your joint ventures with regards to the other four resources, starting with affiliates.
6L. Turning Your JV’s Into Affiliates.
First up, you should keep in mind that most joint ventures that you receive after launching your fist two products will come from your affiliates anyway. As far as those who don't, they’re really glorified affiliates only. As with the difference between customers and long term customers, you'll find that even with those who aren't your affiliates, you'll be in contact with them pretty frequently anyway, whether they're on your instant messenger list, or you just fire emails at each other when you each launch new products.
Building up a circle of contacts that act in this way is extremely powerful in itself, just it takes a little more time to set up when it comes to product launches. Maintenance won't be a problem if you're using good affiliate software, so in this respect, keep your joint venture prospects separate. They're something special, and you'll likely find yourself in contact with them even more so than your long term customers, and they will be your first line of attack when launching future products. So when it comes to turning JV's into regular affiliates, don't bother, because they're all that and more already.
6m. Turning Your JV’s Into Your List
Secondly, turning joint ventures into your list. Not something to dwell on, because your joint ventures shouldn't be a list themselves. They should be a selection of business people that have access to resources that are beneficial to your business, not a bunch of e-mail addresses that you fire out ads to. Some may be on your list already, those that like to see what you're getting up to and when, and some may not. Either way, it doesn't matter, and you should never be thinking of your joint ventures as just a list of e-mail addresses. Things should be far more personal than that, at a cost of set up time to you, but producing some major profits and massive resource building potential.
6n. Not Turning Your JV’s Into Customers.
Moving straight on to the section I've been itching to tell you about, and that's moving joint ventures over to become your customers and long term customers. It's possible that some may have bought from you before, or even learned how to promote from you if your products are geared towards that way of thinking, however, your joint venture partners are way too important to go advertising to unless it's in a 'hey check it out, thought you might find it interesting' kind of way.
Let me tell you a little story about how not to do this. I used to work with a few people when I first started, and we were getting along fine, we created a few sites, experimented and compared notes a lot, and things were going great until I decided to branch out on my own. At regular intervals over the next three or four months whilst I was working on building my affiliate software, I started to receive interesting e-mails and messages from these people. Now understand that we were business colleagues, kind of like the people you talk to and hang around with and take your lunches with and had a laugh with at work.