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Tag Archives: 2014
Clickbank Reviews Vol3 Personal Use Ebook
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Eat Stop Eat Review
Product Description:
The name of this product is pretty interesting… Eat Stop Eat. But, it describes the program perfectly. Eat Stop Eat is a guide on intermittent fasting. This method of weight loss has taken the fitness industry by storm and is one of the most effective ways of losing weight.
The popularity of the paleo diet has also caused a rise in the popularity of intermittent fasting. When combined, the weight loss is staggering. The method itself is unique because you are consuming the same amount of calories as you would on a normal day but the time frame you will eat it in is different.
Brad Pilon sums up the intermittent fasting strategy in 91 pages flat. You are told everything you need to know to perfect this method of weight loss. In fact, you could adopt it as your lifestyle and you’ll notice that you do not gain weight easily anymore.
The Good Points:
1) The guide is written in a simple, easy to follow style. You do not need to understand complex biology to know how intermittent fasting will work for you. You just need to do what Brad says. That’s easy to do. It’s also a fun read
2) The program is not created upon BS theory. There are currently many fitness products on the market with hyped up sales pages, muscular models in videos and snazzy graphics all designed to hook the naïve consumer in. The products themselves are untested theory that do not work.
Thankfully, Eat Stop Eat, is not one of them. The official website is not hyped up. It gels with Brad’s easy going style. The guide also makes several references to scientific studies so you know that this is not untested rubbish.
3) This product is good for both men and women. Unlike some diet methods that are really harsh and cavemen like, this way of eating will appeal to women. You have much more flexibility and the sheer effectiveness of the method lends a certain laxity to eat. You will actually be able to eat a muffin or cookie here and there without adding 20 pounds to your waist.
4) You will be taught when to recognize if your body is truly hungry. We live in a world where people eat when they are happy, sad, bored, angry, etc. They eat for every other reason and very rarely because they are hungry.
5) It’s an online download so you get immediate access to the product. No shipping to worry about.
The Bad Points:
1) You will have to put in effort. This style of eating requires you to change your habits a little. It will take about 2 weeks for your body to adjust but once you’ve done it, you will love intermittent fasting..
2) It’s an online product. You will need a computer and internet connection.
Should You Get It?
Two big thumbs up. This is an excellent product and probably the best guide on intermittent fasting out there.
The fact that you can eat whatever you want as long as you follow the method is truly mind blowing. Of course, you will have to eat in moderation but unlike other diets which are restrictive and don’t allow you to eat carbs, sugar, etc… you have a lot of flexibility with intermittent fasting.
You just need to do it right. In order to do it right, you need correct, easy to follow info. Eat Stop Eat…has your name all over it
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Email Marketing Step By Step Guide Personal Use Ebook
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Broadcasting to your list is important if you have content that has a sell by date. Let's say there's a particular product that has just come onto the market and you want your list to know about it straight away. There's no point putting it into your follo w-ups because by the time most of your list sees the promotion, it may be too late.
Unlike follow up emails, broadcasts are one time messages that get sent out “once” to your list and that's it. If the response from a broadcast is very well received and the content has longevity, you can simply add it to your follow up sequence if you so wish to do.
Broadcasts are also used when people on your list finish the follow up sequence of emails and are not scheduled to receive any more from you. In this case you can segment your list into sections, where people who have finished your follow up sequence will just receive broadcasts from you in future. Of course, how you play this out is entirely up to you and something you will become adept at doing the more experienced you become at email marketing.
By now you should know more than enough to go out there and start to build that all Important list. I'm not finished yet though, here are 8 mistakes that I see so many marketers make when it comes to email marketing...
Mistake 1 - Being afraid to email your list:
This is something many seem to struggle with. They're not sure how often to email their list. It's simple really, you should email as often as you like, providing you have something of value to send to them. I would suggest that you send no more than “one” email each day though, and if you haven't got anything of value to send, then don't bloody send anything until you do.
Mistake 2 - Not reminding your list who the hell you are:
We are all on many people's lists. I don't know about you, but I forget who's bloody who after a short while. This is why personal branding is so important. Start off your email by stating who you are. eg: Hi folks, Dr Lector here, today I want to eat your liver, you get the idea. Be memorable, and always communicate your story to your list. Building a real relationship is crucial to your success online.
Mistake 3 - Not selling enough:
A lot of people are afraid to sell. I find this incredible, but if s true. You must sell to your list, and you must NOT be apprehensive about doing so either. This is what you are online for right? To make money? To sell products? To promote? You should never have a problem selling if the product is high quality. So that's the key, only sell or promote high quality stuff.
Mistake 4 - Selling too much:
Yep, nothing gets me scrolling to the bottom of an email quicker than being sold to every day by the same marketer. How can they even make time to try all these products they are promoting. I think it's safe to say that it doesn't work long-term and it will kill your list very quickly. Personally I think it's a safe bet to have one promotion to every 3 content rich emails. You can also put a “ps” at the bottom of each email that subtly promotes quality products.
Mistake 5 - Being boring, not being unique:
This is a big part of the whole relationship building thing. It's important to inject your personality into your emails. People need to relate to you. Don't make the mistake of trying to sell, or relate to everyone. It's just not possible to connect with every person you meet. Remember the saying “If you try to sell to everybody, you end up selling to no one”
Mistake 6 - Not making “list building” a priority:
Probably the biggest mistake I see. Too many people leave it far too late in the game to build a list, and others just slap an opt-in form onto their website and hope for the best. List building “IS' t he most important part of your business, and if you haven't got a haven't got a business. Okay, that may be a wee bit over the top, but in 90% of the cases, it's absolutely true. Okay, that may be a wee bit over the top too, but in 85% of the cases, it's true. Time moves on, interests move on too, so it s important to have fresh leads coming into your business every single day.
Mistake 7 – Not having enough follow-up emails:
Did you know that the average person buys on the 7th contact you have with them? This doesn't mean you have to send them 7 emails and your job is done. You have to send 20 - 30 times if necessary. You are not going to promote the same offer within every email, unless you're a one trick pony that is. Follow-up is crucial to your business. Your offer must be seen by your prospects more than a couple of times. Make sure to schedule follow-up emails.
Mistake 8 - Not asking your “list” what they want:
One of the biggest marketing bloopers I see these days is when 'so called” marketers tell their prospects what they want, and then try and sell it to them. Take you goddamn ego out of the equation and genuinely try to get inside the mind of your prospects. You can do this very easily with your list by simply asking them what their biggest concerns are, what's holding them back from achieving their goals and so on...
There are plenty of free tools out there that can help you set up a survey so you can get what you need to help your prospects, and your business. When you find out what they want, go get that product and sell it to them, even better yet, create the product yourself.
So, there you have it. My complete guide to email marketing. You are all set, now go forth and build a responsive list. I no doubt have probably missed out on a couple of pointers along the way, but everything I covered in this report is all you need to be a successful email marketer. I wish you all the success in the world.
Easy List Building System MRR Ebook
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The Click Banking Method
This is the fastest and cheapest method to build your list. And in this method, you can literally double your list building speed. In case you don’t know what click banking is, in simple words, you find other marketers in the niche you're working in and trade certain amounts of clicks with them.
For Example, “I will send you 50 clicks or 100 clicks over the course of this month. And what you will do, is return those clicks all at once after I’m done.”
How to Find Click Banking Partners
Finding click banking partner is very easy. Just head over to Facebook and find all the groups related to list building. Usually people in these groups are used to solo ads, but you can find click banking partners just by posting a Simple status “ hi guys, I am looking for click banking partners. I have no issue delivering clicks first”.
Download Page Method
A download page is the page where your subscribers land after they receive their download link and looking to download their free report.
On this page, you can put your affiliate link to the product you're promoting. And you can include the link of your click banking partner. That’s a great place to get clicks for your click banking partner.
Guest Blog Posting Method
In this method, find 15 to 20 top blogs with high traffic and then ask their owners if they are accepting sponsored posts, which you're happy to pay them for.
That’s the best and cheapest method I have been using over the years to get laser targeted subscribers. If you use this method, you can easily get around 15 to 20 cents, per subscribers.
For example, head over to Google and type in “weight loss blogs” and start making a list of blogs, which have top ranking. After you sort out 30 to 40 blogs, head over to Alexa and check the traffic reports and list the blogs with high traffic. Start sending emails to their admin.
You'll need to pay between $40 and $50 per sponsored post. And if you choose the right blog, you will be ending up with about 150 to 200 subscribers in no time.
There are chances that you may fail on your first attempt because, finding the right quality blog with traffic is a bit of a difficult task. But, once you find a good blog, then you can extend the sponsored post to get even more subscribers.
The OPL Method
OPL stands for Other People’s Lists. In this method, you will reach out to list owners, who are already working in a niche with a big list. Ask them if they will send your ad to their entire list of subscribers. And of course, you will be happy to pay in return.
This method is different from buying clicks from solo advendors. In solo ads, you simply contact the Solo Ads Providers and get a certain amount of clicks, but the quality of clicks are not as good. The vendor is not only selling you clicks, but he or she is also selling solo ads to other people.
So if you get subscribers, who are also choosing to optin to other marketers' lists, and they are receiving daily emails from those marketers, then your click through rate decreases.
Instead, look for marketers who have been building their lists for their own marketing purpose and they are not regularly selling solo ad clicks.
Here is how I find out people with big lists. Just head over to Google and type your “keyword+newsletter” or your “keyword+ezine”.
For example: “Weightloss newsletters” or “Weightloss ezine”
Then find 40 to 50 blogs who are using optin forms on their website. Send an email to each blog owner and ask if you can buy a solo ad from them.
If they say “Yes” or “Maybe”, then tell them about your offer and ask how many clicks do they get per mailing and how much they would charge to send your offer to their list.
And then wait for couple of days. You will be receiving emails from blog owners with statistics. Buy a solo ad from a list owner who has a minimum of 3,0000 subscribers. I usually pay $100 to $150 for sending my advertisement to their complete list.
In this way, you're buying traffic, which is 100% super laser targeted, because they optin to a form related to a certain niche. And you're working in that niche, so you will get a minimum of around 1% subscribers (30,000 * .01 = 300).
See, you're getting 50 cent per subscriber and if you buy you will be paying somewhere around 35 to 45 cent per click.
The Free WSO Method
Launching a free WSO will literally double the speed of building list. The only downside is, you have to pay 40$ to launch a free WSO. But, you can get hundreds of subscribers day in and day out. Literally, you will get 1,000s of free subscribers every day.
If you're launching a free WSO, you don’t need a 15 or 20 page report. You can compile a 5 page report and offer it as a gift. Just create a simple sales copy and launch your free WSO. You don’t need to hire a professional graphic designer or html expert to really come up with an amazing sale page.
Just search the Warrior Forum and see what other people are doing. Try to copy their sales page, but write it in your own wording and that’s it!
Mantra 101 MRR Ebook
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Chapter 7: Practicing Mantra Effectively
Simply put mantra is the practice of chanting or singing out specific phases or words continuously and consistently until a level of ultimate oneness is achieved. This consciousness of being one with the positive energy around is what makes up the essence of mantra.
Doing It The Right Way
When practicing mantra the state of the mind is of foremost importance. Bring the state of mind to a calm and relaxed mode, is the prerequisite to commencing a mantra session.
A relaxed and concentrated state of mind is done by "emptying" the mind of all the cluttering thoughts and distractions for a set period of time.
When the suitable level of clearness is achieved, the mantra is the vocalized, with the speaker paying close attention to the words, sounds, tones, and volume of what is being chanted.
Ideally this state of mind when reached should be so intent that the individual is no longer aware of any other elements of negativity but instead completely in tune with the positive energy.
There is more than one way of practicing mantra. Following the tried and true methods is of course the best way to go. With a little research and reading, the interested party will be able to find many sources of the actual sounds or words that need to be chanted. There are very specific mantras that are used for each and every situation.
If there is an element of doubt or even an element of distrust or fear that is stopping an individual from attempting the mantra style therapy, simply repeating a positive word or sentence in one's own chosen language will also bring about positive results and will encourage the beginner to continue the journey of mantra.
Though mostly practiced in the Buddhist and Hindu societies, the Christian bible has also been known to have quotes that refer to the power in the spoken word.
Chapter 8: Effective Use For Healing
Mantras can be defined as energy-based sounds that are thought to produce thought-energy ripples or energy waves. These sounds are frequently utilized to aid in ancient healing rituals.
Mantras are utilized as tools of power and likewise tools for power. It's thought that everything in the world is made up of energy. This energy may be utilized to direct ancient healing practices for more effective results.
The Power
A lot of folks believe that syllables that make up words are carriers of power and they're often used to channel particular types of energy. Mantras can be chants used to hail the Gods and hasten energy flow.
Any sounds or mantras made by persons produce physical vibrations. Every word produces a different vibration. If the physical vibrations created by speaking a particular word are blended with a mental intention, the vibrations then produce the wanted result of the mantras. Mantras utilize a specific vibrations designed to produce a specific effect.
It's believed that the foundation of the mantras is Divine. As they were discovered during a time of higher consciousness, the mantras will carry any individual who speaks them to original state of consciousness where they were originally found. These particular words are utilized in many ancient healing practices.
The main ancient healing practice that utilizes these words is yoga. They're used in many dissimilar ways to assist in the practice of not only healing physical but mental afflictions that are treated by this ancient healing technique.
There are 11 different ways this ancient healing processes utilizes a mantra, but here are the top 5:
A mantra is frequently repeatedly chanted with feeling in the ancient healing exercise of yoga.
The ancient healing process of Yoga frequently requires that the mantra be chanted aloud but they may be internally said by those who choose not to speak out.
A lot of Yoga instructors suggest allowing the mantra to arise on its own when meditating without placing initial centering on it.
Yoga likewise teaches repeating the mantra really quickly for remembrance but as an advanced ancient healing process it ought to be allowed to come forth at its own rate and not be strained.
Yoga likewise teaches that a mantra repetition may be counted or not counted. By counting it is much simpler to clear the mind of clutter but without counting the mind may frequently wander to a higher ancient healing level and be more effective.
For as long as individuals are able to utilize a mantra for healing methods, so will it keep the ancient practices alive. These tried and true methods shouldn't be lost due to our inability to continue this ancient healing art.
Chapter 9: Investigating Mantras Further
Though the use of mantra is not directly related to any particular religious beliefs, it does sometimes have some degree of religious connotations. It is purportedly a universal mind and body connecting technique which uses the positive energy garnered to directly or indirectly address any issues.
Getting Deeper
This technique basically encourages the individual to go beyond the surface mental activity to experience slowly and progressively the finer stages of the thinking process. Ideally when this level is achieved the individual commonly experiences a deep sense of well being, peacefulness of body and mind.
Another aspect or goal for practicing mantra style therapy is when the spoken word or sound is induced to give very specific instructions or commands, which the mind will process and tune the body to. This form is popularly used when trying to arrest or heal a negative condition the individual's body in experiencing.
By speaking positive ideas into a negative situation the mind gets some relief from the current stress and anxiety and sometimes manages to change the thought process around to face the situation at hand more confidently.
Ideally, when commencing a mantra session, the individual should seek quite and distraction free surroundings. For the beginner to achieve any level of success at all, this is a prerequisite. The quietness of the mind is essential in the exercise of processing the positive words that are being chanted.
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Internet Marketing Coach Directory Personal Use Ebook
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Part 5: Researching Internet Marketing Coaches
Internet marketing coaches come in many different price ranges and with their own set of prestige. It would be nice for you to deal with only coaches that have made millions of dollars, but this is something far too expensive to justify.
Thankfully, by researching Internet marketing coaches the right way, you will be able to find a coach that is able to far exceed your needs and do so without having to spend thousands of dollars in the process or worse - be scammed.
Look for Credibility
Credibility is worth its weight in gold. Anyone can claim to be a successful Internet marketer, but they may have never sold anything else but coaching. The goal is to find someone that is deemed an authority in your niche. Someone that works with PPC or CPA exclusively, or any avenue(s) you wish to follow. When this is done, you will be able to judge how credible a person is by talking to others that they have mentored. There are coaches that come and go every time a new Google update occurs, but the credible coaches are those that have stood the test of time. They have reviews online, they are not listed on scam reports and they have a massive name in the industry.
Be Careful of Forums
Internet marketing forums are both good and bad. When people sell themselves, or their coaching, on forums, it is very easy to hype up what they actually provide. The goal is to look through all of their posts, judge what they advise others to do and really dig deep into your research to see what others have to say about a potential coach. Oftentimes, these forum coaches make their living off of only teaching others, but they have no practical experience themselves.
Talk to Past Clients
Talking to past clients is of the utmost importance. This can be done by contacting people that have claimed to work with a coach on forums or other websites. Ask them what their experience was like, and if the coach was able to deliver on their promises. If you are having a difficult time with this on forums, start to look for reviews online. The industry is very critical and if someone has had a bad experience in the past, they will certainly make their experience known to others. Those that go about researching Internet marketing coaches appropriately will be able to make money and lessen their risk of paying a coach that simply has nothing to offer.
Internet marketing is something that every person wishes that they could fully understand and utilize. The idea of making money from the comfort of your home, or while traveling, is very enticing. However, most people will find that they simply cannot make their first dollar online, let alone make enough to quit their day job. This is not a case where a person is not trying their hardest to make money online, but rather that it can be difficult to learn the right techniques that will be profitable. Let’s take a look at how to choose an Internet marketing coach so that you can start to realize your dream of an online income.
Will Hiring An Internet Marketing Coach Guarantee My Success?
The first thing to understand is that there are a variety of coaches that have clients boasting about success, but there is one key factor that they forget to mention - the client’s will. Oftentimes, people will fall under the assumption that Internet marketing is easy. In fact, many people seek coaches believing that they will simply click a button and have a steady source of income. This is not the case at all.
Coaches should be seen as a type of tool that will take all of the guesswork out of the equation. Rather than learn from your own mistakes, coaches will show you how to make products or which products to promote. Furthermore, coaches will explain how to begin marketing your website or campaign to bring in the utmost leads and make a solid profit month after month.
The real success will only come when you realize that this is not a way to get rich quick. The stories that you may have heard from others that have made millions are not the norm. If you put the time and effort into your online endeavors, you will be able to turn this pastime into something that can make you a true living. However, all of the guidance and training in the world will not mean anything if you are not willing to put your all into it. Will hiring an Internet marketing coach guarantee success? The simple answer is no. They merely help you if you are willing to work hard.
How to Choose the Right Internet Marketing Coach
Choosing the right Internet marketing coach will be fully dependent on what your specific needs and desires are. This will also come down to the methods that you deem are most suitable for your type of marketing. Some people have a lot of capital and will be able to delve right into production creation of PPC. However, others may want to use a website and promotional techniques that are less costly. Depending on your needs, you will be able to find a coach that is best suited for you. Let’s take a look at some of the traits every coach should have:
Experience: Why would you hire a coach that has not been able to prove themselves? Above all else, you will want to find someone that comes with experience and a slew of testimonials. Oftentimes, these are the ones that keep more to themselves and aren’t seen pushing cheesy ads. Instead, they get right down to business and make money.
Tactics: What tactics do you want to use to make money online? Are you comfortable making adverts or would you rather build your own website? Do you want to make money through AdSense or do you want to use CPA offers? These are questions you need to ask yourself before choosing a coach.
Follow Up: Some coaches take your money and simply seem to disappear. They will promote a course where there is very little interaction or anything of the sort to help its members. This is obviously never warranted and will leave you stranded when you truly need help. Instead, find a coach that is willing to give their true time and dedication to helping you make money.
Set Up Your Own Search Engine MRR Video
"Video On How To Set Up Your Own Search Engine Powered By Google!"