ATTENTION: WordPress website owners who want to save time on content creation....
"How to Quickly and Easily Upload Endless Posts and Pages to Your Website and Stop Wasting Time With Copy and Paste Jobs That Take Forever!"
Dear Content Publisher,
It's no secret that the key to better search rankings, more traffic, and higher sales lies in having lots of content on your site.
Blog posts. Opinion pieces. Product reviews. How-to articles. The list goes on (and on and on).
And the more competition you have and the more sophisticated Google and other search engines become, the more content you will need. It's a good thing then, that...
You Long Ago Perfected Content Creation
As a blogger or affiliate marketer, you've already got systems in place to create the content your website needs to stay on top of the search results.
You set aside several days each month to do nothing but write. You hire writers to create some articles for you. You invite guest posts. You purchase private label content in your niche.
All of these are excellent ways to create a lot of content, but once that's done, you'll quickly discover...
Getting Massive Amounts of Content Into Your Site is a Huge Time Suck!
Think about it. You have to open a new post, copy the content from your text editor, paste it into your new post, select the category, select the schedule date and finally, click publish.
And then you start all over again for the next article. If you've got 10 or more posts to load, it could easily take an hour or more. Who has that kind of time?
Of course, you could pay a virtual assistant to do that for you, but now you're talking $25 or more just to post 10 articles. When you're watching your ROI, that's probably not a good investment.
And that's just for your personal blog. What if you run multiple sites, or content dependent affiliate sites? You'll spend all day every day just loading enough posts to keep those demanding sites ranking.
What if there were a fast, efficient method for loading all that content into your site easily? How much time would that save you?