Tag Archives: 2013

Constipation Niche Blog Personal Use Template With Video

This Niche Blog Shows You About Constipation. These blogs are beautifully made and optimized to do one thing…earn you loads of cash in high paying niches! Each blog is designed around carefully chosen, high paying, HOT NICHES! You could have a big money making blog up in minutes. You can give it away, resell it or re-package it.

Bruxism Niche Blog Personal Use Template With Video

This Niche Blog Shows You About Bruxism. These blogs are beautifully made and optimized to do one thing…earn you loads of cash in high paying niches! Each blog is designed around carefully chosen, high paying, HOT NICHES! You could have a big money making blog up in minutes. You can give it away, resell it or re-package it.

Angular Cheilitis Niche Blog Personal Use Template With Video

This Niche Blog Shows You About Angular Cheilitis. These blogs are beautifully made and optimized to do one thing…earn you loads of cash in high paying niches! Each blog is designed around carefully chosen, high paying, HOT NICHES! You could have a big money making blog up in minutes. You can give it away, resell it or re-package it.

Overdrive – Paid Traffic Basics Personal Use Ebook

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Split testing your ads is so crucial to a successful campaign that it should not be overlooked. Too many marketers set up a campaign and then don’t go back in and check the performance of their ads, they often get frustrated because they are not seeing the results that they had hoped for.

The basics of split testing can be complicated to understand so we will simplify it here as much as possible.

Basically you want to understand that split testing means using more than one ad in your paid traffic campaign. You will have two different versions of your campaign and this are referred to as A and B.

An easy example of how this works relates to email marketing. You send 500 people one version of and email and you send a second version to another 500 people. Then you would compare your results. How many people opened your email and how many clicked the link inside your email?

Variations you would make include using different headlines and then making slightly different changes in your email. For example when it comes to getting them to click on a link you might want to add a deadline such as ‘Only Available until Friday at Midnight’ instead ‘Click Here to Buy’.

If you use sites like Google Ads and Bing Ads then they offer you the ability to split test your ads when setting up your campaign. All the major companies including Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Wal-Mart and E-bay all use split testing in their marketing campaigns.

Website Gymnastics Personal Use Ebook

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While you definitely can just sell your website you can potentially make some extra money afterwards. Remember that the majority of your buyers are people who do not know how to build their own website. They are looking for a readymade solution and you want to cash in on this.

Currently you have the website on your own hosting account, your buyer is going to need to create their own account. Why not offer to host if for them and you can sweeten the deal by offering them the first month for free.

To do this effectively you would need to upgrade your hosting account to a Resellers Account. This way you can resell hosting plans for $10 to each of your new customers. This works extremely well and you can expect to have lots of takers for this option.

At the time of writing a Hostgator Reseller account is around $25 per month so you would be in profit with just a couple of takers. Other sites where you can find Reseller accounts include Go Daddy, Blue Host and Name cheap.

You can offer additional services such as search engine optimization each month for a small fee. You can outsource this and increase the price a little to make a profit. The same could be done with article writing, offer a monthly package so your customer has ready to go content each month to add to their site.

Other services include setting up Facebook pages, setting up a mailing list and even writing a press release for their new site. While this brings you in extra money it helps a potential buyer see that their purchase has more value, i.e. they are getting more than just a website.

Branding Social Media Case Studies Personal Use Ebook

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Above all, successful social media marketing means "keeping it social." Of course, we all want to make money, and you will!

But the strong trend is toward inbound not outbound marketing. A good tip is to interact with your viewers as though you aren’t marketing at all. Be casual, be congenial, be friendly.

A rule of thumb is to make 75% of your content social and 25% marketing. If you’re a natural -born salesperson, you might object to that idea. But the 75% will pay off for you. People buy from those they "know, like, and trust." That's a well-known, proven copywriting maxim. For good reason, too...

Whom do you like to associate with? Probably people you like. Whom do you like to buy from? People you trust. What do you like to buy? Something you feel you know enough about so that you feel you're not being scammed. Is that true? It's true for everyone. The way to accomplish this is to let people know, like, and trust you through the 75% non-marketing content.

Furthermore, this works a lot better if it's genuine. People can tell if you're trying to scam them, and they’re very quick to opt out. On the other hand, people can be fiercely loyal once they know, like, and trust you and believe you care about their interests.

So, it’s content plus connection: Give people something of value (whether it's a free or paid product) and connect with them so they can get to know and like you. I hope that makes sense to you because it's the best formula around.

Pinterest Marketing Made Easy Personal Use Ebook With Audio & Video

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The first thing you need to do is clarify what your business is all about, what your brand is, and what your purpose is in the marketing world. The following questions will help you to clarify and understand what the marketing vision of your business is all about.

What kind of people are you trying to reach? I’m really sure you already know the type of people that your services are directed to. You see them constantly, they contact you as well if necessary, and that will tell you what kind of people they are and how you can treat them.

What do they look like? Are they fat or skinny? Male or female? Old, young or middle-aged?

What are they looking for? What is the final goal they are after based on the service you provide? What feeling are they trying to reach with it? Do they need it to feel happy? Do they need it to survive? A lot of needs must be taken care of for a person to survive.

What do you actually do for them? Maybe you are already offering a service for that audience. That will give you a great vision of what exactly you need to inform any new people that fit into that same audience.

What kind of information would they be interested to know about and pay for?

You already know the needs of your customers. You know exactly what kind of information will be highly helpful to them in order to help them to satisfy those needs. Why don’t you just create a great info-product about it?

How much money are they actually paying you for it? Knowing how much you usually charge them for your service is a very important indicator, because if you decide to create a product like a report, a training video, software or something directly related to your audience, you may simply be able to figure out the price tag you can easily stamp to it.

How would they like to reach that content? Is it Video, Audio, Written, or Blogging? This is important to know. You may just think about it. Think on their limitations to read, hear, watch or use the computer. If they can do everything you can, just ask them what they would like to know about stuff. Do they like to read? Do they like to watch videos? Do they like to hear audio? Do they like to use Pinterest?

Where are they from? Maybe you have an audience that comes from other cities or even countries. That will happen a lot on Pinterest. You need to target every one and adapt your information to all of them at the same time.

What are your competitors offering to your audience? In the marketing world, it is very important to study the competition that targets your exact audience. What do they generally offer? What things do they offer that you don’t? Do they have more clients? Do they work additional hours? Do they cover a lot more needs than you?

Can you offer a better service/product than your competitors? Once your know everything about your successful competitors, you can just offer the same thing but with your personal touch plus a lot more great things that they are not offering. You can have special offers, free samples, free phone consultation, special discounts, etc.

These questions are very important in deciding how to establish your business over Pinterest. You can position almost any kind of business over Pinterest because Pinterest is more than just a website; it is a large audience of people with real human needs who are waiting for you and your service to satisfy them.

Eft – Tapping Into Abundance Personal Use Ebook With Video

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EFT consists of two components – meridian tapping and positive affirmations. While you tap, you repeat your affirmations to yourself. This has a powerful effect on your mind. The affirmation is working its magic while the tapping releases your energies from their blockages.

The first step is to identify the negative thoughts with which you're sabotaging yourself. This is called your “target.”

“Sabotage” is a strong word. Why on earth would anybody actively prevent themselves from getting whatever they want out of life? If you want it, why can't you just get it?

The reason is you developed bad habits of thinking and they're usually buried in your subconscious. This means you can't access or change them (not easily, anyway – methods such as hypnosis must be used).

We are created with ingredients we didn't choose. In our early lives, we are shaped by processes we can't control. As a result, we grow up to become adults that are not always what we'd like to be.

You learned to cling to your pain, anger, frustration or self-doubt because it's comfortable for you. Holding to that self-doubt is a better option than the alternative – the unknown. Clinging to these negative thoughts is the basis of self-sabotage.

Here's an example – imagine that your car is cluttered. You open the door and an old Starbucks cup falls out. Without thinking, you pick up the cup and put it back into your car's cup holder – where it doesn't even belong in the first place! Of course, you should throw it away instead. But that cup has been there so long, it seems like it should be there. In other words, it's comfortable.

Wp Like Pop Plugin Developer License Script

Create your own social pop up widget for your WordPress blog! Take advantage of this offer to improve your social conversions. This product allows your PEOPLE to conveniently follow,like or subscribe to your social media page to keep informed about updates and new releases.

Upon reaching the bottom of the page your captivated viewers will be drawn to this convenient pop up. The variety of designs will allow you to select a theme that will match your WordPress blog which appears as a natrual feature of your blog. There are also eye-catching effects that will draw attention to the widget that will match your theme.