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When it comes to hair loss, there are many factors that come into play, and there are many reasons that some people lose their hair and some do not. When it comes to general hair loss, most of it is caused by male pattern baldness. This is a cause for about 95 percent of all hair loss in men. Male pattern baldness happens to about half of the men in the world before they are 50. You’ll need to decide if you want to treat the hair loss or learn to live with it.
What is known about hair loss is several different ideas and several different factors that happen to work together to cause you to lose more hair than you ever thought that you would. Most of the scientists agree that in order to have male pattern baldness you have to have some sort of hair loss that is inherited from either side of your family, and that you also must have dealings with a certain chemical, which is found in your body, called dihydrotestosterone, which is also called DHT.
The DHT is a substance that will shrink the hair follicle. When this happens, you will find that the follicle gets too small to produce any hair, and therefore you are going to lose your hair. Once the hairs that you have die, which usually happens anyway after a few years, there are going to be no hairs to replace them, because the DHT has shrunken your follicles.
If you believe that your hair loss might be caused by DHT, and you probably have a good reason to believe so, you are going to have to make a few decisions. The best thing to do is to talk to your doctor to make sure that you are making the right decisions for yourself and for your particular brand of hair loss. The best thing that you can do, in situations like this, is to get your doctor’s advice, because there are many things that can be done about hair loss. You can have surgery, take pills, use certain shampoos, or simply let yourself be bald. No matter what you decide, it is most important that you do something so that you are comfortable with who you are and how you look. As long as that is true, then it doesn’t matter how much hair you have. So, in the end, your biggest decision is going to be how much hair you can stand to lose, and how much you need in order to be the person that you are. Oil Slick! - Dealing with Oily Hair
When it comes to hair loss, there are many different explanations. There have been several different studies that have been done, all over the world when it comes to hair loss, and many of these studies have found that there might be different cures and that there might be different causes to the same thing, the loss of hair.
One of these ideas might be that hair loss, in both men and women, is caused by an excessive amount of oil on the person’s scalp. There is oil, which is called sebum, and it might cause the pores on the top of the head to become clogged. When this happens, it will stifle the growth in the follicles. If it goes on for long enough, the hair root itself is going to die, and no new hair will ever grow there.
This might explain, in this study, why more men than women lose their hair. Because the follicles grow on the top of a man’s head, when he does not have long hair, the oils will slip back to his scalp, and therefore will clog the pores. Because a woman has longer hair, generally, the oils can slip to the ends of her hair, and will therefore not clog the pores in the scalp.
If this is indeed the cause of your own hair loss, the best way for you to make sure it doesn’t happen more is to make sure that you clean your scalp properly. Remember that the oil will become wax if it isn’t cleaned properly, and it will then clog your pores. If your pores are clogged, when you lose a hair, the hair that is supposed to come out of the follicle after it will not be able to come out. If this happens for a long time, the hair will die and no more will replace it.
There are several things that you can do if this is the case. You can try to use treatments or shampoos that fight the oils in your scalp and help to get them out of your pores. By making sure that you are cleaning your hair properly, you can help to alleviate some of the oils and get rid of them before they turn to wax and prohibit the growth of your hair. Remember that this is only one potential cause for hair loss, and should be considered as such.