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How To Write Better Sales Headlines
Did you know that on average for every 10 people that land on your page, 8 of them will read your headline, but only 2 of them will actually go on to read the rest of the article. This is why creating mind blowing, attention grabbing, ultra creative headlines is an absolute must.
Even if you only increase that number from 2 to 3, that's 10% more reads to your article from just changing a few words.
While there is no 100% fool proof method to creating a headline that will work (without extensive testing of course) there are some simple formats you can follow that have been proven to work time and time again. Here are 7 formats that have been tried and tested and are proven to work in any niche, for any person.
The "How To" - (eg: How to improve your golf swing by 50 yards) Humans love information, and when you start off your post with a "How To" you are instantly telling the person that your article is giving content (and more than that, value). While this only works if you are writing a tutorial type post, it gets straight to the point and people can appreciate that. Sites like "e-How" have created their entire website and business model around the simple concept of "how to".
The List Method - (eg: 7 ways to write mind blowing headlines) People love lists. Think about all the TV shows that are based around top 10 countdowns. It states a clear beginning and end, which allows the visitor to gauge their time and effort (which is crucial to understand when thinking about your audience). Try to make the number uneven and stick out so people are more interested. Think "101 ways to do something".
Relate The Headline to Current Events or Mainstream Media - (eg. The first rule of copyblogger) The power of association is unbelievable and will have people reading through just to see how you pulled it off. Everyone has seen the movie "Fight Club" and one of the most recognizable things from that movie is the 8 rules. Over at Copyblogger.com, a writer wrote a piece called "The first rule of copyblogger", used a giant picture of Brad Pitt, and framed the article around the 8 rules of fight club. It was extremely entertaining, and still accomplished what she was trying to portray.
Use Play on Words - (eg: The Beauty and the Blog) People love creativity, and it gives them the sense that you are upbeat and fun to read. I read an article a little while back called "The Beauty and the Blog" and it was about the up's and down's of designing your blog. Everyone knows the story of the Beauty and the Beast, and this play on words allowed the author to be creative and still keep on track with the general idea of the post.
A word of caution is to make sure you relate your headline to the actual post itself. When i first started creating fun headlines, i would spend a good amount of time creating outrageous and creative headlines and then forget to thoroughly relate the headline to the post. If you write "The James Bond
Method to Writing Blog Posts" as your post title, make sure the post gets your main point across, but also explains how James Bond would do it. It seems like a simple idea, but many people fail to properly incorporate it in.
Lastly, have fun with it, creating headlines should be a creative process where you think up ideas that will persuade others. It shouldn't be mindless busy work that you dread doing.
How To Write Killer Blog Posts That Gains Lots of Engagement
There is always a reason why you want to blog and this might be that you either want to make money or to share your views and also say something that is valuable to the blogging world. You can use blogging to attract and convert prospects into clients and clients into repeat buyers by creating and sharing free and valuable content.
The type of content that you share should be closely related to what it is that you sell. You are informing people so that they can know, be fond of and trust you adequately to do business with you. In case you are involved in marketing your business through the internet, you cannot escape understanding content management.
You need to give the readers a persuasive reason as to why they should return to the blog again and again.
You can have a landing page or a sales page and turn your traffic into subscribers. However, the best approach to making your readers to return to your blog is by writing content which is unforgettable and unbeatable. This way, you can begin making your posts go viral online. Bear in mind that the readers will only come back to the blog once they see some benefits from visiting it.
The more benefits offered the more traffic you’ll obtain. Traffic is something that every internet marketer/blogger or anyone who wants to survive online needs most. Your blog needs to have catchy headline, have quality content and contain either list posts or how to posts most of the time.
The headlines are the trigger points for any article that you post. If the headline is engaging or attracting then the chances of you getting the post go viral is increased.
All serious bloggers want to build a large community of passionate readers which is why search engine optimization is very important to your success. If you do not have a good search visibility, people who have interest in your content but do not know you might never find you.
While having a killer headline can result in obtaining more traffic to your blog in the search engine result pages as well as on social media feeds, you need to feed the readers with quality content regularly.
Content quality should be your primary concern for you blog. Posting quality articles frequently in your blog is bound to increase traffic to the site.
You can also guest post on other blogging sites in order to build readership. Make it a habit to comment on other blogs related to your niche.
Also consider user intent when selecting keywords to use because the most valuable blog traffic comes from browsers who have an interest in doing business. Do not overuse the keywords when posting text. The content that you write needs to be original since original content outranks the duplicate content by wide margin.