Tag Archives: 2013

End Of Page Slide Offer Wp Plugin Personal Use Script

New wordpress plugin that will help you boost your online income, whoever you are.. Let me introduce new plugin that will help you to increase affiliate earning, amazon affiliate conversion, product sales, email list and more....

Dear All Marketers

I am here to bring you new tool that will help you to boost your online income. Let me introduce 'End Of Page Slide Offer' Wordpress plugin. This plugin can display your offers like what you can see on news site. On single post, this plugin will display slide offer on the end of page. It's so good to grab visitors attention before they leave your site.

This is a new brand plugin that can be used by all marketers; affiliate, product owners, amazoners, list builders, offliners, and whoever you are.

This plugin is specially designed to increase your conversion.. You can add unlimited offers and this plugin will display it randomly.. For more details, you can see the demo


Please look at the preview above. That box will appear after people finish in reading any article on your site. You can add up to unlimited offer and this plugin will display it randomly

Click link below to see live demo!

End Of Page Slide Offer Demo

End Of Page Slide Offer plugin is so simple but powerful.. You can use this plugin for whatever you want.

If you are affiliate or product owner, you can place your offer on it. It will grab visitor's attention. So, if they are interested they will click on your affiliate link

Not only that, you can also use it to boost your amazon conversion. you can place amazon products details on this plugin, and then let people to see it..

You can also use it to boost your subscribers.. You just need to enter your free offer and linked it to your squeeze page.. It's so simple

So, are you ready to boost your online income using End Of Page Slide Offer Plugin??
For limited time only! Grab this plugin for $20

Fakebook Alert Wp Plugin Personal Use Script

New wordpress plugin that will help you boost your online income, whoever you are.. Let me introduce new plugin that will help you to increase affiliate earning, amazon affiliate conversion, product sales, email list and more....

Dear All Marketers

I am here to bring you new tool that will help you to boost your online income. Let me introduce 'Fakebook Alert' Wordpress plugin. This plugin comes with Facebook alert style that can display your offers.

This is a new brand plugin that can be used by all marketers; affiliate, product owners, amazoners, list builders, offliners, and whoever you are.


Please look at the preview above. You can see a simple facebook style alert. That alert will appear after a few seconds, based on your configuration. You can add up to unlimited offer and this plugin will display it randomly

Click link below to see live demo!

Fakebook Demo

Fakebook Alert plugin is so simple but powerful.. You can use this plugin for whatever you want.

If you are affiliate or product owner, you can place your offer on it. It will grab visitor's attention. So, if they are interested they will click on your affiliate link

Not only that, you can also use it to boost your amazon conversion. you can place amazon products details on this plugin, and then let people to see it..

You can also use it to boost your subscribers.. You just need to enter your free offer and linked it to your squeeze page.. It's so simple

So, are you ready to boost your online income using Fakebook Alert Plugin??

For limited time only! Grab this plugin for $20

Drive – Developing Will Power Personal Use Ebook

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

Exercising on a regular basis can help develop your will power and your will power can help you exercise, talk about a two sided sword!

When you exercise endorphins are released into your brain which makes you feel happy. This produces a euphoric feeling which can last for hours.

When it comes to losing weight or sticking with an exercise program your will power often gets blamed for your choices, or lack of it. One way to deal with this is by setting small goals that are achievable and extremely specific. Instead of saying “I will lose 20 lb’s by December”, it is much better to tell yourself “I will cut out 300 calories today.”

By doing something which is immediate you will be in control and you will reach your goal quickly.

Other ways to stay in control with your diet include preparing easy meals in advance. By planning what you are going to eat all week you won’t have to think about your food choices. Plus your will power won’t be challenged with temptations.

By developing habits you will start creating healthy meals automatically, you will get out of bed in the morning ready to exercise. No more thinking or using your will power to force you into taking the right action.

Feeling guilty is a huge element which is directly attached to your will power. It is so easy to miss a workout but then you spend the rest of the day feeling guilty about it. If this happens to you regularly why not exercise with a partner? When you know you have to meet a friend to go running, you are less likely to let them down. Your guilt conscious will be nagging at you not to miss your workout appointments.

There is a major problem with dieting today and that is that they require you to use so much of your will power. As we have already explained exerting will power is an effort and one that can really deplete your energy sources. This is why so many diets fail!

Attempting to force yourself into eating differently is an effort and eventually your will power fails and you slip back into your old habits. End of diet. This cycle gets repeated and you find yourself falling into the yo-yo diet syndrome.

By changing your understanding of how will power works you can make any diet work for you. One of the biggest mistakes people make is to pre-program themselves with the idea of a reward. If I am good all week I can have the doughnut at work on Friday.

When you tell yourself this on Monday you are programming your mind to accept the fact that you will eat that doughnut at the end of the week.

You want to learn how to train your will power so you can avoid circumstances like that from happening. The best way to do this is to think of your will power as a muscle, spend a few minutes each day on ways to develop your will power.

This is really not that hard to do. As we mentioned earlier if you plan and set goals you can increase the strength of your will power. By planning in advance you will know what choices to make when you are faced with food or exercise temptations.

The Goal Setting Success Guide Give Away Rights Ebook

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

Discover what you have to affirm yourself for: execute a self-assessment to decide what you wish to affirm yourself for. Identify one matter at this point in your life you most wish to accomplish.

Make your affirmations favorable: Once you've worked out the one matter you wish to accomplish in your life, you're now ready to author your self-affirmations. You need to write the affirmations in favorable language. You need to keep them short one-sentence statements. You need to keep them on the subject that you're working on.

Make your affirmations visual: You need to make certain that you are able to visualize the affirmation statements. You need to be able to envision in your mind what it would look like in reality once the affirmations are accomplished.

Author no more than fifteen affirmations per item you're working on: You need to write five affirmations in these three ways: I can...; I will..., I am...!

Author I can ... affirmations: The beginning set of affirmations are statements of your possibilities. They start with I can... You have to state that you have the potential to accomplish what you wish in your life. These statements are meant to give you hope that you will believe in your ability to accomplish that which you're affirming.

Author I will... affirmations: The next set of affirmations are affirmations of your dedication. They start with I will... These statements commit you to working hard on accomplishing that which you wish to gain in your life. These statements are meant to give you a sense of purpose and direction so that you've your goal in view all of the time!

Author I am... affirmations: The last set of affirmations are statements of your being what you wish to accomplish. They start with I am... These affirmations confirm that you are that state of being which you're working on attaining. These statements are meant to give you a behavioral rehearsal of thinking, feeling, and behaving as if you have already accomplished that which you're aspiring to attain in your life.

Put down your statements: Once you've completed the I can..., I will... and I am... affirmations put them down in your journal to be utilized in your self-affirmation work which follows for the following thirty days after you've completed all of the above steps.

Email Marketing Tips And Tricks Give Away Rights Ebook

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The Email Marketing Report Card - Do You Pass?

Anyone can through together and email and send it out to subscribers. Even building subscribers isn’t terribly difficult. Most people will sign up if you are offering them something of value that they want. But creating an email marketing campaign that’s highly effective and creates a high click through rate is not something everyone does well. As a result, many many people are wasting their time sending out emails and not getting the results they want.

Let’s have a look at this email marketing report card and you can decide if you pass or fail. You can also decide where you need to make changes to increase your click through rate.

#1 Does your email have a goal? What is the purpose of your email? Are you telling your subscriber what you want to share and what you want from them? Email should always be action orientated. And your message should be clear and concise. Test it. Ask someone not familiar with what you are doing to read your email and get their response.

#2 Do you have a real person, company, or brand in the ‘from’ name box? You need to make sure that your email is coming from someone real. These day’s people are much more cautious and if they cannot connect the email to someone real, it’s going to land in the trash or even in their spam.

#3 Does your email address come from a real person? You should not be using email addresses like admin@ or sales@ These will not be nearly as effective as using an email address that’s from a person like sally@ or john@. Subscribers want to connect with real people.

#4 Does your subject line contain an action oriented or compelling subject? Your subject line should contain a call to action. However, you only have 45 characters here so use them wisely.

A common mistake is to have a subject line that is too long. It then gets cut off and ruins your message. Go for short and sweet - keep it easy to understand. In this case, less is better.

#5 Do you have at least two links in your email? Have you made use of an anchor text link in the first sentence? You need to! You can place links with tracking URLs in the rest of the email.

#6 Does your email comply with CAN-SPAM Law? This is very important; otherwise, you’re going to find your email in the spam folders. To comply you must include your company name and address as well as an unsubscribe link. If someone wants to unsubscribe you must do this within 10 days of being notified.

That’s it - well did you pass? If yes - congratulation! If no - that’s okay, because now you can get to work fixing.

How to Create New Content for Your Email Campaign

Whether you have ran an email campaign for some time and are running out of ideas or you are new to email campaigns and aren’t sure what type of content to use, you’ll find these ideas offer a great way to expand your reach, keep your current subscribers, along with obtaining new subscribers.

Your goal is to generate leads from your site by offering visitors relevant content. You must always have in your mind the question "What’s in it for me?” That’s what visitors are always asking themselves before signing up for what you have to offer. Your job is to make sure you are offering something that answers that question in a manner that will have your visitor subscribing.

Types of content you can offer are numerous. Let’s have a look at a few great ways to hook your visitor.

1. E-book or whitepaper - Create around six blog posts that discuss a similar topic(s) and then combine them to make yourself an e-book or whitepaper. Depending on the length of the blog, you might need more post. Feel it out as you go.

2. How to Guides - People want to know how to accomplish all kinds of things. All you need to do is create a simple guide for your visitors that they can download. For example, perhaps you sell an analytics product, and then create a guide on how to effectively use this kind of product.

3. Top Industry Trends - This could be the top 5, top 10, etc. whatever you have to work with. Write a quick introduction on these new developments in your industry and write about these developments telling the reader what you think about each of them.

4. Create a video of the product - Videos have become very popular and at no time has it been easier for anyone to upload a video and then share it with the customer and prospects. Create a video showing all the features of your product, how to accomplish a specific goal, or whatever else. Then use that video to have them move forward in the sales funnel.

5. Checklist - You can create a checklist that is made up of steps that your visitor can use to solve a specific problem. For example, if your visitor is looking to use Facebook pages, you could create a checklist that walks them through the process.

You now have five types of content you can use to engage your visitors and have them commit to being a subscriber. Why not give them a try?

The Online Entrepreneur Motivation Personal Use Ebook

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

How To Write Better Sales Headlines

Did you know that on average for every 10 people that land on your page, 8 of them will read your headline, but only 2 of them will actually go on to read the rest of the article. This is why creating mind blowing, attention grabbing, ultra creative headlines is an absolute must.

Even if you only increase that number from 2 to 3, that's 10% more reads to your article from just changing a few words.

While there is no 100% fool proof method to creating a headline that will work (without extensive testing of course) there are some simple formats you can follow that have been proven to work time and time again. Here are 7 formats that have been tried and tested and are proven to work in any niche, for any person.

The "How To" - (eg: How to improve your golf swing by 50 yards) Humans love information, and when you start off your post with a "How To" you are instantly telling the person that your article is giving content (and more than that, value). While this only works if you are writing a tutorial type post, it gets straight to the point and people can appreciate that. Sites like "e-How" have created their entire website and business model around the simple concept of "how to".

The List Method - (eg: 7 ways to write mind blowing headlines) People love lists. Think about all the TV shows that are based around top 10 countdowns. It states a clear beginning and end, which allows the visitor to gauge their time and effort (which is crucial to understand when thinking about your audience). Try to make the number uneven and stick out so people are more interested. Think "101 ways to do something".

Relate The Headline to Current Events or Mainstream Media - (eg. The first rule of copyblogger) The power of association is unbelievable and will have people reading through just to see how you pulled it off. Everyone has seen the movie "Fight Club" and one of the most recognizable things from that movie is the 8 rules. Over at Copyblogger.com, a writer wrote a piece called "The first rule of copyblogger", used a giant picture of Brad Pitt, and framed the article around the 8 rules of fight club. It was extremely entertaining, and still accomplished what she was trying to portray.

Use Play on Words - (eg: The Beauty and the Blog) People love creativity, and it gives them the sense that you are upbeat and fun to read. I read an article a little while back called "The Beauty and the Blog" and it was about the up's and down's of designing your blog. Everyone knows the story of the Beauty and the Beast, and this play on words allowed the author to be creative and still keep on track with the general idea of the post.

A word of caution is to make sure you relate your headline to the actual post itself. When i first started creating fun headlines, i would spend a good amount of time creating outrageous and creative headlines and then forget to thoroughly relate the headline to the post. If you write "The James Bond

Method to Writing Blog Posts" as your post title, make sure the post gets your main point across, but also explains how James Bond would do it. It seems like a simple idea, but many people fail to properly incorporate it in.

Lastly, have fun with it, creating headlines should be a creative process where you think up ideas that will persuade others. It shouldn't be mindless busy work that you dread doing.

How To Write Killer Blog Posts That Gains Lots of Engagement

There is always a reason why you want to blog and this might be that you either want to make money or to share your views and also say something that is valuable to the blogging world. You can use blogging to attract and convert prospects into clients and clients into repeat buyers by creating and sharing free and valuable content.

The type of content that you share should be closely related to what it is that you sell. You are informing people so that they can know, be fond of and trust you adequately to do business with you. In case you are involved in marketing your business through the internet, you cannot escape understanding content management.

You need to give the readers a persuasive reason as to why they should return to the blog again and again.

You can have a landing page or a sales page and turn your traffic into subscribers. However, the best approach to making your readers to return to your blog is by writing content which is unforgettable and unbeatable. This way, you can begin making your posts go viral online. Bear in mind that the readers will only come back to the blog once they see some benefits from visiting it.

The more benefits offered the more traffic you’ll obtain. Traffic is something that every internet marketer/blogger or anyone who wants to survive online needs most. Your blog needs to have catchy headline, have quality content and contain either list posts or how to posts most of the time.

The headlines are the trigger points for any article that you post. If the headline is engaging or attracting then the chances of you getting the post go viral is increased.

All serious bloggers want to build a large community of passionate readers which is why search engine optimization is very important to your success. If you do not have a good search visibility, people who have interest in your content but do not know you might never find you.

While having a killer headline can result in obtaining more traffic to your blog in the search engine result pages as well as on social media feeds, you need to feed the readers with quality content regularly.

Content quality should be your primary concern for you blog. Posting quality articles frequently in your blog is bound to increase traffic to the site.

You can also guest post on other blogging sites in order to build readership. Make it a habit to comment on other blogs related to your niche.

Also consider user intent when selecting keywords to use because the most valuable blog traffic comes from browsers who have an interest in doing business. Do not overuse the keywords when posting text. The content that you write needs to be original since original content outranks the duplicate content by wide margin.

List Building In New Internet Economy Personal Use Ebook

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

It is so important to provide value to your list. This means that you want to make an effort to give them gifts from time to time. But you want your gift to be something that is not available anywhere else.

One way to do this is by creating an exclusive content for subscriber only page or a Freebie Portal. Every so often you add a special gift to it and then email the link to your list. This link is only for people who have purchased one of your products and is used as your way of showing your appreciation and of saying thank you.

This has recently been done by Justin Popovic of Best Quality PLR and it is getting huge comments from his customers. They love the content and they love the quality of the gifts.

Different gifts could include how to videos, squeeze pages, reports and templates. Practically anything that could be useful to your subscribers. Don’t just slap up any product on this page. Make sure you use a unique product. This could be as simple as something as an interview recording or a private video.

You also want to let people know what their licence is to this gift. Is it just for their personal use, can they resell it or edit it and use as they wish? Each gift can have a different licence just be very clear what the terms are.

Of course if you put this into action you do not want to encourage anyone to share this link or your email with others. So don’t add any social sharing buttons in this particular email.

You could also protect your page behind a password or have your list sign up to a no cost membership site where the content is displayed. Remember to make it easy to access so no-one has any problems in finding the page again.

Breaking The Habit Give Away Rights Ebook

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In order to assure that you get the outcome you want and stay motivated and on track, it’s critical that you record your progress and review and refine your Game Plan as you progress through your program.

You mapped out your Game Plan from a safe distance before you got into the heat of the action. There probably were things that you didn’t anticipate happening. It’s okay to make changes. Your Game Plan is a guideline, not a rule book. As long as it gets you to where you want to go within the timeframe that you have planned for yourself, it can be adapted and modified as much or as little as you like.

Just make sure that your program is progressing towards your goal, not backsliding back into the bad habit you are trying to break.

A Record of Your Success

Keep a record of your performance versus your Game Plan. I like to call this the “Victory Log”. This will help you measure and see your progress as you move through your program. It also will help you put together your next Game Plan when you are ready to break another bad habit.

In your Victory Log, record your performance versus your objective. Identify shortcomings. Be honest and unflinching. The Victory Log is for your eyes only.

Ultimately, when you reach your objective, your Habit Diary and your Victory Log can help point to the key elements that led to your success. These key elements can then be applied to other areas of your life so that you can make constant, positive improvements and move closer to realizing your Vision Statement.

Weekly Progress Reviews

Schedule a time to review your success each week. Make it a new good habit by making it at the same time and day every week, making it easier to remember to do it. Eventually, you will start to look forward to this time because the closer you get to your objective, the more likely it will be that the news will be good.

Weekly progress reviews should be as non-judgmental as possible. Update your Victory Log without emotion, explaining exactly what you did well and what you didn’t. Any setback of failure should be accompanied by a plan of action to correct those areas where you need improvement. These can then be folded into the Game Plan for subsequent weeks.

Celebrating Victories

The little rewards you built into your Game Plan are important motivators, so don’t skip them. Even if they are simply trinkets or tokens, because you had to earn them they will take on deeply personal significance.

For example, people who are struggling with alcoholism and who embark on the 12-Step program are presented with chips that celebrate various stages of their sobriety. These cheap plastic chips are presented for 30-days, six-months, one-year and 10-years of sobriety. While these chips may not have any actual monetary value, for the people who earn them they are among their most valuable possessions.

When your Game Plan has been completed and you have achieved your overall objective, it’s time to celebrate. Invite loved ones to join you at a celebratory dinner or throw a party. Not only do you deserve it, but celebrating your achievement will reinforce your positive behavior and make it easier to repeat the process when it’s time to address other bad habits you want to correct.

How To Win Friends And Influence Others Give Away Rights Ebook

Ebook Sample Content Preview:


Why You Need Friends

There are people who think whether they really need all the friends they have. These are usually the people who have a lot of friends and feel that they need to be left alone sometimes. Or, they are introverts—people who do not like to mingle with other people much. But, is that really a good idea? Why do we need friends after all?

Since this eBook is about how you can win friends and influence people, it is a good idea to answer this... why does one need friends anyway? Why should we put in the effort to make friends and then make more effort to retain them? There are people who think in a businesslike manner about this. If they invest in making and retaining friends, what are they getting at the end of the day? Are the returns commensurate with the ‘investment’?

Let us simply look at the ways in which friends are useful to us.

Friends Are Our Emotional Support and Anchor

One of the greatest reasons why we want friends is because they support us emotionally. Outside our family, who do we go to if we are exceptionally happy or exceptionally sad? Whom do we want to tell if we are angry about something? Whom do we like to share our secrets with? It is with our friends. If you have friends, you will realize how important they are to your life.

Our friends know what we want; especially the ones who have spent a long time with us know exactly what reactions a particular thing can evoke in us. It is because of this reason that they can comfort us when we are despondent and celebrate with us when we are happy. They know what can cheer us up when we are feeling low and what can make us miserable.

We need that kind of support. We cannot live a lonely life. You may have understood that already if you have had to live alone somewhere in a new place. Or, if you have ever relocated, you will have felt what I am talking about. Despite of the fact that there are several people with us wherever we go, having just one friend can make things so much more easier.

Friends Are Our Company

We are social beings and for that reason we need to be with people all the time. However, strangers won’t do. We eventually try to make friends with strangers too—and that is the point of this eBook—but the truth is that if we have an already existing friend to help us through, it can make a lot of difference.

We need friends for being with us during all kinds of occasions. Even if it is a small thing, like company for going to a movie, we want our friends. If you are feeling lonely, what do you do? You simply call some friend up and hang out with them. This is how we are made. We feel comfortable with the people we have spent time with. This ties in with something I said earlier. we form habits in people. When we are with our friends, who have been with us for a long time, we have definitely formed some habits in them. They have formed some habits in us too. It is because of this reason that we like being with them. We feel comfortable and at ease when we are with our friends.

Friends Give Us Courage

A major part of our courage in life comes from the friends we have. Our friends are great people; they know us precisely well and for that reason they know how to encourage us.

True friends will stay with us through whatever we do. They will give us their support and help us by their physical contribution as well.

But, most importantly, by just being there they give us a lot of courage. We feel motivated to go on. When we are alone, it becomes very difficult to achieve things. But, with someone loyal to support us, things become very different. We are able to elevate our potential and reach greater heights of glory, just because someone was with us.

Most people who have become successful in life today have become so because they had people to support them already, or they influenced people enough so that they could support them in their efforts. In effect, these people already had good friends, or they made friends on the way. But, whichever way they went about it, the gist was that they needed to have friends. They understood the importance of having friends and stuck with them through.

Their friends proved to be a major contributor in their success.

Friends Help Us to Discover Ourselves

Outside the family, friends are the only people whom we can open out to. We do not mind speaking out our innermost thoughts to our friends. We tell them what irks us; we tell them what makes us happy. If there is something that has not gone down well with us, we can tell them. We can tell them of our lean times and our best times.

It is when we share so many things about us with our friends that we truly start to discover ourselves. When we are telling our friends things, subconsciously, these things are also playing in our minds. We are reinforcing our likes and dislikes, the lessons we have learnt, the emotions we feel, etc. We are telling us what we are like. By simply exchanging our thoughts with our friends, we get to know ourselves in a better way.

And that is how friends can help us in rediscovering ourselves. This gives us a powerful sense of self-expectancy and self-sufficiency. We know what we are about and we can play to our strengths. That is why, just by being with our friends and exchanging things with them, we can go a long way in our lives.

These are just a few of the most important reasons why we need friends. Speaking from experience, everyone has their own reasons for having friends. You will have your own reasons as well. Also, we have different reasons for needing friends at different stages of our life.

WordPress Security Guard PLR Ebook

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Another mistake people commonly make is using the same login information for multiple blogs. If you have several different blogs, be sure to use different usernames and passwords for each so if one is compromised, your others can’t easily be attacked.

Remember, there are websites that will allow someone to see all of the other domains hosted on your server, so if your Wordpress installations all reside on the same hosting account, it’s easy for hackers to find your other blogs in order to target them.

Don't Use Usernames or Passwords from Other Sites

If you are a member of a forum, social network, etc., never, ever use one of those usernames or passwords as your blog username or password! If the forum or website gets hacked and user data stolen, your blog could be compromised! Use something different for every site you register with, including your own!

Limit Login Attempts

One very simple thing you can do to thwart brute force attacks is to limit login attempts. There are plugins available on the Wordpress website that will let you limit login attempts. Additionally, you can get the Whitelist IP plugin that will let you add your own IP addresses to a whitelist to ensure you don’t accidentally lock yourself out.

You may experience some minor frustration if you accidentally lock yourself out if you forget your password, but the extra security is worth the potential of frustration! If you use the whitelist plugin and add any IP addresses you might log in from, this isn’t likely to happen.