Tag Archives: 2011

Premium Pricing Graphics V2 Personal Use Graphic

Dear Friend,

We all need certain areas of our websites or designs to stand out, and one of those things are the prices of our products.

So to help you make your prices stand out I created a brand new (v2) set of graphics. These graphics cover pretty much every way of how you can display your price.... you'll get pricing tables, price stickers, price badges, price bubbles, price tooltips, and more.

All of these graphics are brand new and specifically created for this package.

Here's a sample of what you'll get...

As you can see, these are really professional graphics. A lot of care and attention to detail went into their creation. The quality of these graphics is what makes this package different from most other similar packages out there. So even if you already have a graphics library, this will make a great addition.

All Of These Graphics Come In Both Web-Ready Transparent PNG Format & Layered PSD Source Files.

Since you get layered PSD files, all of the elements you see on these graphics can be modified. You can...

* Edit the prices and all text
* Change the colors
* Move things around
* Combine different elements from different graphics
* Resize anything
* And more

And if you don't have Photoshop, you also get web-ready transparent PNG files. The PNG graphics come in 5 colors and with a variation of different prices...

Really Easy QR Code Generator Mrr Software

Really Easy QR Code Generator will make creating your own QR codes a breeze. Simply run the small app, enter your QR details and this little app will create your QR code image for you. (Extensive description and sales page will be available VERY soon.)

Negate Negativity Mrr Ebook

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

Feelings are primarily the results of emotions, experiences and sensations and allowing these elements to surface without some control being exercised always can give way to some very unpleasant and uncomfortable situations indeed.

Therefore there is a need to understand and explore ways that these feelings can be expressed in kinder ways while still maintaining the severity of the intended underlying message.

Using specific words often help the other party to understand the negativity without being offended, provided the words chosen are not of a “character attacking” nature.

Being vague only gives rise to further irritation and an even worse situation. Another effective way of expressing feelings in a kind way is to address the issue that is being confronted first, rather than the actual feeling that resulted.

By using this method, the receiving party gets to understand the intention behind the reprimand rather than the reprimand itself. Always maintain a level of respect and avoid decretory connotations when expressing feelings, as this will ensure a kinder choice of words being used.

Expressing feelings rather than keeping them bottled up, also encourages less use of severe words and a calmer and gentler approach to making the said feelings understood.

Bottling up feelings will more likely result in an unpleasant outburst, which is often hurtful and damaging. By always opting to communicate displeasure in a kind manner, increases the likelihood of the receiving party being more open to listening to the grievances expressed, rather than becoming instantly defensive.

How To Build Your List For Big Profits Mrr Ebook

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Tip Number 68: Video demonstrations and tutorials.

By extension, instructional and demonstrative videos can achieve the same if not a better effect. It has the useful information that people value, and gives them a better look into who you are. It’s all about showing people that you know what you are talking about and that you want to help them in whatever way you can. They’ll eat it up!

Tip Number 69: Google Buzz is a simplified social networking framework owned by Google

The idea is to get people to talk about stuff that interests them. Connect with people who share interests, and get in the conversation. Be interesting, not obnoxious. At opportune times, share your links, and get those opt-ins.

Tip Number 70: Google AdSense is an advertising service from Google

It works because it delivers the right ads based on the type of webpage being viewed. That means that your ads only appear on pages that are related to your topic, so you get a better click-through and conversion rate.

Tip Number 71: Buy someone else’s website

Yeah, it sounds like a corporate takeover, and it might as well be. This works because you can then change your newly-acquired website to suit your needs. Whether you build it up as a separate product or use it to link back to your own website is up to you.

The idea is that you are trying to get the traffic that the purchased site was getting. At the very least, you can include the list of contacts in the declaration of sale, so you can build your list directly.

Tip Number 72: Buy expired domain traffic

Similar to buying someone else’s website, but also distinct. Expired domains are basically webpage addresses that were used but now are no longer in use. Think of what happens to a brand when the company drops it or falls altogether. People will remember the brand, and might look for it even after the company is gone.

In the context of the Web, when a site goes permanently offline, the domain no longer directs users to the website. As such, they are lost, and that traffic is wasted. Now if you could redirect that traffic to your website, then that works for you!

Spiritual Mantras Mrr Ebook

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Accepting the fact that the stubble sound is always present and that the vibrations emitted from it exists at a substratum level is achieved at a later and by the more experienced chanter.

These become more apparent during deep meditative sessions where the continuous vibrations from the ever sounding out of mmmmmm become loud yet serene.

OM is the basis for all other vibrations, sounds and mantras emergence thus creating the different emerging from and receding into phases. OM is also considered the equal link to the words like AMEN, AMIN, and SHALOM.

The eventual state of deep stillness and silence is experienced though the persistence of the vibrations from the intonations of the A, U, and M are still within.

The underlying vibration of the universe may be felt as coming from all places and through all things. Eventually most people attest to the pleasant sensation derived from the bussing or ringing sound that seems to be produced as an aftermath or the original lingering OM chant.

This vibration can be “heard” like the ending of the mantra and may vary in syllabilistic sounds until a more experienced level of practice is achieved. Listening to this with awareness of OM and its significance is a good way to start the vibration element of OM while getting a deeper sound of the mantra.

These vibrations can then be experienced in its fullest while at the same time still allowing for the mind to be unattached to any particular thought process but rather to focus on being neutral and relaxed.

Product Creation GOLD Mrr Ebook With Video

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

Select a background graphics. For this example simply choose the first one on the left.

You will be asked to click and drag a portion of the graphics to use in your ecover. For this example, click and drag the entire graphics in the screen.

A flat version of the ecover will be displayed on screen, the portion for the cover and spine will be indicated. From this screen you can now add text, additional graphics, upload an image from our PC, change background, change template, and finalize the ecover.

Now, click on Insert text. We wil keep it simple. Type “Product Creation GOLD” in the box that say “your text here” then click on GENERATE TEXT, you will see Product Creation GOLD in black. This is the default color but you can change it using the color options, you can even create a stroke on the text and change the font using the font option. Each time you make changes click on GENERATE TEXT to see the text on screen.

When you're done, click on the generated text and it will be added to the eCover.

You can click and drag the text on the eCover to resize it. If you want to add text to the spine, you can do item no. 7 and rotate and resize the text to fit the spine.

When you're done with the text, add some graphics. You can choose from the graphics provided by the site or upload some graphics from your PC. You can then drag and resize the graphics.

You can delete any items on the screen by clicking on it and clicking on the DELETE button just below the finalize button.

To see your finished eCover, click on Finalize. This will open up a screen that shows your actual eCover. From here you can resize your ecover according to your size requirement and then download it to your local drive.

That's how easy it is to create an eCover. You don't have to pay a graphics designer create one. If you're up to it, you can even create a Fiverr service where you can create eCovers for $5 an order.

The Idea Bucket Mrr Ebook

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

Most large business endeavors have systems in place where information is gathered by listening and watching what their customers and competitors are doing.

By doing so it is hoped that the information learnt will allow the company to stay competitive and perhaps even always one step ahead of the pact. Many new ideas, information, discoveries that are beneficial can be made through observing this exercise of listening and watching.

Products can be effectively improved, costs can be revised, and promotions can be effective and timely. Other aspects like the redesigning or complete change of packaging can have powerful impacts of the successful sale of products and this kind of information or guide can be gotten by actively listening and watching both customer and competitor.

In the business world today it is not unusual to find products that have been created by copying more successful examples. This is especially so, when the newer products boasts of similar capabilities but at cheaper prices.

The prime reason for this success is the ability to listen and watch what is currently drawing customer interests. However it should be noted that discerning how to effectively listen and watch and the sieve through and retain only useful information is very important as not all information learnt is beneficial. Overlooking this fact can prove to be costly indeed. Constantly keeping focused on the end goal of ensuring the customer stays happy should be the prime object in mind.

10 KILLER Infographics Personal Use Graphic

An infographic is an image you can publish on a blog, sales page, information page, ebook, social profile or anywhere else you want to gain some attention. The images are usually much larger than the average image you see on a website but that is for a good reason.