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There are many ways to change or manipulate the karmatic conditions without being to legalistic about it. The following are some very practical changes, which if attempted with a sincere heart should bring about the desired results.
Perhaps the most important ingredient to having peace and happiness which is the prerequisite to good karma is the ability to forgive. Forgiveness is a great mind set to practice both for the well being of the mind and body.
When the mind and body are at peace, then the spirit will be too, and the results will be good karma. Even the slightest element of negativity derived from the inability to forgive shifts the energy force of good karma. This then becomes mirrored very clearly in the individual’s life.
Taking a step back and examining life and its challenges is also one way of gauging and manipulating karma. If a certain routine or environment is causing constant negative feelings, results or just a total sense of unease, then consciously changing the routine or environment or even making a few stubble shifts can affect the poor or negative karma conditions for the better.
Certain quarters recommend reading the horoscope on a daily basis to help the individual avoid or change the circumstances that may or may not cause a negative impact for the day.
It would seem that this is a great way to create good karma energy daily. By avoiding any possible obstacles and making wise decisions, good results are hoped for.
In this rush and hurried world, sometimes negative reoccurring events is nature’s way of alerting the mind, body and spirit to slow down and enjoy its gifts. Perhaps the lesson needed to be learnt could be as simple as having more patience.