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Having a positive attitude eliminates all the feelings of self-pity that will cause you to stop trying in whatever thing you are trying to achieve. Acting positive whilst in competition with other people is an intimidation to your fellow competitors whether it is in school, in class or even just your local weight loss challenge in your neighborhood.
When you always act in a certain way for a long period of time that action starts to embed in your personality, what needed a lot of effort in doing will turn out to become a reflex action that comes naturally.
Always attempting to be positive may be difficult at first because that small internal voice will be telling you that you cannot do it but the more you stick to having a positive attitude and being positive even in negative circumstances it will get easier and it will eventually become part of your personality.
Most people mostly feel negative early in the morning as soon as they wake up and realize they have a long hectic day ahead of them, they automatically feel challenged and helpless that is the perfect moment to incorporate your positive attitude.
Each morning you wake and assure yourself that it will be a good day and that you have total control over your happiness. You might not have control over what happens throughout the day but you have control over your reaction to what will happen.
Although your day may not turn out to be what you had wished for instead of becoming annoyed or even angry with yourself and feeling like you failed you just relax and know that there is another opportunity to try again tomorrow, incorporating these positive changes in your life every day and controlling the way you react to every situation around you may at first be just an act of being positive but after sometime you will realize that you are not acting anymore but you actually always keep a positive attitude.