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Jesus having to go to Galilee, made up His mind to pass through Samaria. It was a long, rough journey, and at last they came near a town called Sychar. Near by was the well dug by Jacob when he lived in Shechem. Jesus was so tired that He sat down to rest on the edge of the well, while His disciples went on to buy food.
While Jesus was sitting by the well, a woman came there to draw water. Jesus asked her to do something kind for Him, He said ‘Give Me to drink.’ The woman was surprised, and said to Him, ‘You are a Jew, and I am a Samaritan. Why then do you ask me for water?’
Jesus said, ‘IF YOU KNEW WHO I AM, YOU WOULD HAVE ASKED ME, AND I WOULD HAVE GIVEN YOU LIVING WATER.’ Jesus meant the Holy Spirit. He gives the Holy Spirit to everyone who asks Him.
Then Jesus spoke to the woman about the bad things she had done, and she tried to make Him talk about something else. But she could not stop His wonderful words. At last she said, ‘I know that the Messiah is coming. He will tell us all things.’ Then Jesus said to her, ‘I THAT SPEAK UNTO THEE AM HE.’
Just then His disciples came up to the well, and they were very much astonished to see Him talking to the woman. The Jew men were too proud to talk much to women, even if the women were Jews; and this was a Samaritan. But the disciples did not ask Jesus any questions about why He talked to the woman. They brought Him the things they had been buying, and said, ‘Master, eat.’ But Jesus was so happy that He had been able to speak good words to that poor woman that He did not feel hungry any more. He told His disciples that doing God’s work was the food He liked best.
After this Jesus lived for awhile first at Nazareth, and then at Capernaum. There was a boy ill in Capernaum just then with a fever. It is so hot near the Sea of Galilee that the people who live there often get fever. That sick boy’s father was rich, but money could not make the dying boy well. His father had heard of Jesus, and when he knew that Jesus had come into Galilee, and that He was only a few miles away, he came to Him, and begged Him to come down to Capernaum and make his child well. At first Jesus said to him, ‘You will not believe on Me unless you see Me do some wonderful thing.’ But when He saw how eager the poor father was, He thought He would try him, and He said to him, ‘Go thy way, thy son liveth.’ Directly Jesus said that, the man felt sure in his heart that his boy was well. He did not ask Jesus any more to come with him, but he just went back home quietly by himself.
The next day, as he was going down the long hilly road from Cana to Capernaum, some of the servants from his house came to meet him, and they said to him, ‘Thy son liveth.’ Then the father asked them what time it was when the boy began to get better, and said, ‘Yesterday, at the seventh hour (that means at one o’clock) the fever left him.’ Then the father knew that that was the very time when Jesus had said to him, ‘Thy son liveth,’ and he and all the people in the house believed in Jesus.
The Jews could not bear paying taxes to the Romans, and they hated the publicans. They would not eat with them or talk with them. But Jesus did not hate the publicans. He only hated the wrong things they did. So one day, when He was outside the town of Capernaum, and saw Matthew sitting and taking the taxes, He said to him, ‘Follow Me.’ And Matthew got up from his work, and at once left all and followed Jesus.