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Modern advances in technology have created a new breed of employee-the home-based worker. As the name suggests, they work from the comforts of their own home more often than not as freelancers. New they may be but they also face a few challenges of their own-some unique, others all too familiar. This section is dedicated to tips on how to improve productivity at home offices.
83 Establish a routine.
More often than not, the main problem of working from home is procrastination. There are simply too many distractions lying about. Since you do not have a work schedule, you will have to come up with one yourself. Only by implementing a work schedule can you lessen procrastination and thus improve productivity from home. When the time for work comes, the brain can quickly shift into gear and you will feel more inclined to work. Do this everyday and you have yourself a classic work routine where everything that needs to be done is done as second nature.
84 Find out when you are most ready for work.
Home-based workers are not necessarily working in 9 to 5 shifts. There is no need to stick to this time frame either. Some choose to work in the morning while others wait until nightfall. The important thing to consider here is when you feel like working. It is one important advantage that working from home has. Use this to your own advantage by setting up your work schedule to coincide with the time frame you are most likely at your most productive. Just make sure that it is a fixed time frame you will stick to everyday.
85 Plan ahead of work.
Home-based workers often get different workloads throughout the work week. This makes it a bit more difficult to plan the day ahead. Nevertheless, it is best to work based on a schedule even a tentative one. This way, you have an idea on how to go about the day and lets you accomplish what needs to done right off the bat. This makes procrastination and confusion less likely. It also serves as your plan of action which you can always consult whenever you seem to be lost and in need of guidance.
86 Itemize your workload.
Reading off the work for the day is often daunting and makes you want to not work at all. When this happens, you can always turn to an age-old solution-the to-do list. Having a to-do list lets you organize your work load and checking items off as you go is also encouraging. Online tools that can help you create such a list do exist. Still, you have the option of coming up with one from the ground up. To-do lists have been proven effective at clearing your head and preparing it for work so do not underestimate its power. It may as well be the answer you are looking for.