Tag Archives: 2010

Twitter Wonder Tactics Plr Ebook

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Twitter is all about connecting with people, which means that you need to learn how to join a conversation. Simply introducing yourself and expecting to be welcomed with open arms is not going to work on Twitter. You need to be interesting and provide interesting content first. Therefore, if there are people talking about a topic in your niche and you would like to join the conversation, you need to start by providing a piece of interesting information to show that you can add value to the conversation.

Being Interesting: Providing Quality Content

We have already established the value of providing quality and compelling content. But the question is where do you find that content? After all, you likely don’t have time to spend hours and hours on a daily basis to scour the net and find interesting content to provide your followers. And yes, you do want to offer your followers content you haven’t created as well.

Remember, you are building a relationship with people and if all you do is send people to your own blog, people will think you are only interested in driving traffic to your site. Additionally, the problem is that it can be quite difficult to create the volumes of fresh content you would need to keep your followers interested all the time. Therefore, you can leverage other people’s content and kill a few birds with one stone.

First, you will provide value to your prospects through excellent quality. Next, you will show your followers that you are interested in providing them value and not simply in selling. Third, you will also begin to build relationships with the owners of those blogs to which you are sending traffic. You will be able to leverage these relationships later on through joint ventures and ad swaps.

So, where can you find all this content? There are a few powerful tools you can leverage to save time as these are content aggregators from all over the net. One such site is StufftoTweet.com which is a content aggregator that lists the most popular content on sites such as Mashable, Lifehacker, Digg and more. You can re-tweet content that you think your followers would find interesting.

From Good To Excellence Mrr Ebook

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Many enlightenment students view body awareness as just a beginning point for their practice. They tend to jump over it in order to center on their mind states and emotions, trusting that’s where they'll experience the deepest insights. But the fact is, your body is the ideal mirror for distinguishing the great truths of suffering, change , and “not self”. All things needed for enlightenment.

There's one thing, that, trained and regularly practiced leads to a deep sense of urging…to the sovereign peace…to mindfulness and clear comprehension…to the accomplishment of right vision and knowledge…to happiness in present moment…to recognizing deliverance by wiseness and the realization of Holiness: it's mindfulness of body.

Applying mindfulness of the body is often neglected as an chance for awakening, even when the body is calling for tending. being aware of the sensations that come up in your body without adhering to them is all-important to spiritual practice. Whenever the body isn't mastered by meditation, the mind can't be mastered. If the body is controlled, mind is controlled.

Some may need to take a fresh approach to meditation practice for enlightenment and realize that a new relationship to body is possible. There are many ways you may make your experience in body the primary object of meditation. You need to begin to use your body as your teacher and if you make mindfulness an ongoing practice at work and in your family life, it will go on to serve you. But body awareness isn't an aspirin you take for pain relief. It's a practice that frees your mind from suffering, regardless of conditions and brings you to a new point in enlightenment.

In applying mindfulness of the body, it's your direct experience or felt sense that's important, not your judgments about your body, your wishings for what it may be, or even your stories about how your body came to be as it is. This is called “awareness of the body in the body,” intending that your attention has dropped into the literal physical experience instead of your views and concepts about the body.

This Is Flippin’ Amazing! Plr Ebook

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Domain hosting, like domain registration, doesn't cost very much. In fact, you can host a domain for as little as $10 or less per month if you find the right host. Most people recommend Host Gator but you should do your own homework so that you can find the best host for you. Again, choose one that offers good customer support.

You'll also want to make sure that the host offers Cpanel. This is a graphic interface that makes managing your websites much easier, even if you're not very technically proficient. If you don't know anything about websites, the host's customer service can usually walk you through most of it, and that's why you'll want to choose a host that offers superior customer service in case you get stuck.

You'll also want to make sure you host your domain on its own account. That's because hosting a domain on an account with other domains makes it more difficult when you try to sell that account and then transfer it. It's best to keep everything separate so that the transfer process as is clean and easy as possible. You'll also want to create a reseller account, which is designed for doing exactly what we'll be doing: flipping websites for profit.

Ok, so let's assume your website is now registered, hosted and now all that's left is the actual building of the website, which is the most fun part of the entire process.

Social Media Profits Mrr Video

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Let me ask, are you....

Serious About Building A Long-Term Successful Business and want to make a full time income from home?

Worried That You May Not Earn Enough This Month To Cover The Bills and are in need of emergency cash to give you some peace of mind?

Frustrated With Your Sales because you're not earning a consistent and stable income online and anything that you have earned was just random luck?

Do you have a product or service that is targeted towards a certain niche or market, but don't know how to get the word out?

One of the most effective and easiest ways to drive traffic to your website and products is through Social Media Sites!

You don't have any name recognition...
You don't have any joint venture partners...
You don't have a mailing list
You don't have extra money to spend on making this work...

Social Media Marketing can be very profitable because you can reach an extremely large amount of people.

Here's a few stats:

YouTube: 1 Billion views per day
Facebook: 400 Million users
MySpace: 200 Million users
Twitter: 100 Million users

Social Media allows you to really interact with potential customers and clients. It allows you to market to them on a more personal level. People would rather buy from other people, rather than big companies.

Traffic Fantastic Plr Ebook

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It is possible to have too much traffic to your website? It is certainly not the worst problem in the world to have, but one you should be prepared to deal with at some point. You never know what could happen if a boost of visitors beyond the capacity of your little website happens to stop by. When a website is overloaded it can shut down, or you might be forced to pay extra to your web host because you do not have enough bandwidth to support the influx of visitors.

You are probably reading this thinking that you will not have that problem, but unexpected things do happen. As an example, a relatively small time blogger was recently invited to the White House by First Lady Michelle Obama to participate in a family and workplace forum.

This event was widely reported on various news sites, including big ones like MSNBC and CNN. Exciting news for the blogger no doubt, but there is also potential for disaster. Her sudden popularity could cause her website to crash, or to stop running smoothly due to the increase in visitors. While the added visitors are certainly a boon to her business it does not look if a popular site has crashed.

Luckily you can prepare for these issues. Do your best to make the necessary arrangements to keep your site from falling apart should it become popular all of a sudden.

One of the other problems you could experience with a website is called a Denial of Service Attack. This is a malicious attack that will flood your site with so many requests that it causes the proverbial meltdown.

Apocalypse 2012 Resale Rights Ebook

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While the Mayan calendar attracts the most attention, other native groups exist who have a body of predictive work that indicates the significance of the year 2012. The best known of these groups is the Hopi.


The Hopi are a group or tribe of indigenous peoples who live in the Southwestern United States. There are approximately 7,400 members in the Hopi Nation spread across 1,561,213 acres of land in the northeast corner of Arizona. Their Reservation came into existence at the government’s orders in 1882. Then and now, it is in the center of a much larger reservation – the Navajo Reservation.

The major source of income for the Hopi is land-based. While agriculture has always been important, the money currently comes from the natural resources within the land. This does create some problems for those who follow the old philosophy of the land as sacred. Another basis for financial stability is tourism. Visitors to Hopi land, however, must understand and adhere to the established policies based on culture. No cameras or videos are allowed to take pictures of specific ceremonies, rituals, or events.

The oldest Hopi village is Oraibi. It dates back to around 1150 CE. This village is of central importance in the cultural and historical development of the Hopi tribe. Oraibi was the site of the initial major split in the Hopi between the 2 distinct branches – still existing today. These are the “hostiles” and the “friendlies.” The former fought against the acceptance of the vision of an assimilated native population. These are the traditionalists. The latter were, as the name indicates, accepting of the entire process.

The entire matter came to a head in 1906. Rather than to continue to live in disharmony – something that is loathsome to the Hopi culture, the two groups agreed to a contest. Whoever lost the tug-of-war would leave Oraibi. The Friendlies won. The hostiles left to form their own center – Hotevilla. The Friendlies remained in control of Oraibi.

Even after much persecution of the Hostiles by the representatives of the United States Government – including prison terms for the dissenters, the group remains true to its basic ideology. Although education is no longer considered undesirable by the former Hostiles, the two groups still maintain a major difference in their philosophy regarding certain aspects of “modernity.” While the names “Hostiles” and “Friendlies” come into usage on occasion, the more common terms applied to the members are traditionalists (or conservatives) and progressives (or liberals). The Hopi also have specific names for them within the context of the prophecies. These, “one-hearted” and “two-hearted,” are discussed in the section defining and describing the Hopi Prophecy.

While the primary guiding principles of the Hopi continue to be harmony and balance, there are also vestiges of hostility between the two groups, even after this length of time. Largely, it rests on the requirements implicit in tradition and the fulfilling of the requests made by Maasau (or Masa’aw) regarding the Hopi Prophecy.

Traffic Go Mrr Ebook

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Chapter #9: Traffic Comes from Within -Improving Your Products

9.a. Why Good Products—Not Marketing-are the Key to Success

At the end of the day, good marketing is most effective when paired with good content and good products. In the absence of those things, good marketing is simply a cheap trick that can only work for so long. In this section, we will review ways to improve your traffic by improving your business.

9.b. Asking Customers for Feedback

If you are selling products regularly and/or have a consistent stream of traffic, then you should begin asking your customers and visitors for feedback. You might do it through a poll on your site. You might do it by asking for email feedback in prominent places on the site. Or you might do it by offering your newsletter subscribers to respond to a questionnaire (in exchange for some monetary or product incentive).

Soliciting, collecting, organizing, and analyzing this feedback is a key component of any good business. If you are not currently doing it, you should begin doing it, so that you can learn how to improve your products and your site.

9.c. Fixing Major Problems

Once you have received feedback, the next step is to get to work. You now know the flaws of your site and your products; and it is time to get to work fixing them. Allowing the customers to download a new copy of the product (be it an ebook or

piece of software) could go a long way in persuading them that you actually care about them and about the quality of your work.

9.d. Continuously Fixing Minor Problems

When it comes to many products (and, in particular, software and ebooks that contain rapidly changing information), continuously update your product to include newer information and bug fixes. Customers will appreciate this; and will reward you by purchasing future products without any hesitation.

9.e. Adding Features

One final way in which you can improve your business is to consistently add new features to your site and to old products. For instance, you might release an abbreviated action guide or a workbook to accompany one of your major ebooks. Give this away for free to your customers and they will remember you.

My Facebook Formula Plr Ebook

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People will not become instant fans of your brand, even if it's a product they adore and use regularly, if you don't offer them a reason to. In other words, you need to engage people and offer them an incentive to become your fans.

Some of the most common tactics include contests that require users to sign up to take part with prizes ranging from products to gift certificates, or offering discount coupons to those who join. The advantage to these methods is that once a customer agrees to input their Facebook information, a link to the contest will then be published on their wall as well, which leads to the contest becoming viral.

If you cannot afford to offer discounts or giveaways, another option is to simply ask your customers to become your Facebook fans. You can do this by advertising your social media pages on all your outgoing emails, existing websites and other advertising mediums you may already be using. You might be surprised how effective this approach is.

Remember that having a large following on Facebook is not simply about increasing sales but about increasing brand awareness as well. The more people are talking about your brand, the more sales you will eventually make because word of mouth advertising is one of the most powerful sales tools in the world.

Another interesting strategy is to use social media sites in a loyalty program. For example, you could offer customers two points for every purchase they make from you and another point if they become a fan and post about their purchase on their Facebook account. Once they reach a certain number of points you can offer them a freebie of some sort. The traffic and sales you generate will more than offset the costs of running the campaign and you will have the added advantage of having built a loyal following as well.