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It’s no secret that ‘social media’ is a force to reckon with!
Because it’s powerful if you know what to do with it, millions have been made with free social media platforms.
Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn are constantly in the media and getting massive exposure.
But what does this have to do with making money?
The best way to boost your social status or even your career is to be the person who’s on the minds of everyone – and that means you need to be ‘seen’ as often as possible.
In this course, we’re going to talk about the basics of social media management for high profile clients such as actors, actresses, indie artist and even politicians.
These are clients who NEED to be seen in order to stay on the cutting edge in their business.
Here is a course outline…
How to Market Yourself for a Bunch of New Clients
You can’t make a lot of money until you find the clients with whom you will work.
We’ll talk about how you will attract the sort of attention to yourself which will allow you to have celebrities come to YOU for help, not the other way around.
Celebrities need to have social media managers, but they might not realize it.
They may not know how to use the social media tools they have available in the most productive way. And while this might not be a big issue at first, as celebrities continue to market themselves, they need to continue to be on the minds of the public – and the casting agents.
And why work with celebrities?
First of all, they have money to spend. They realize that there is a large ROI (return on investment) when they work with a social media manager.
They might secure a million dollar movie, even though they’re only paying this social media manager a few thousand dollars a month. Needless to say, the social media campaign can pay for itself, a few times over.
They Don’t Have the Time
Celebrities also need to outsource the work they have, so they’re looking for someone to handle their social media. There are some estimates which say that there are 10,000 people who need social media help for every ONE person who provides social media support.
Many celebrities don’t have the time to learn how to use the social media marketing tools effectively. They might be able to use Twitter and Facebook, but in order to get their name in as many places on the internet as possible, they need to have help.
Social media managers are in high demand, especially in the busy lives of celebrities.
Long Term Business
Celebrities also need to have long term social media management, which makes them ideal clients for someone who wants to be a social media manager.
To have a long and successful career, they need to have the buzz around them last for years, not just in the short term.
Starting You’re Consulting Service
Getting setup in the social media management world isn’t as difficult as it might sound to some.
Though there does need to be a bit of learning at first for those who aren’t already familiar with Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms, the learning curve isn’t as large as you might think.
Quick Setup Process
Most people can setup their social media marketing business in a day or so, without spending money or having to spend hours of their day sitting at a computer.
Because tools for social media management are available online from the internet, there is no need to head out to stores to find what you need and you won’t have to spend a lot of time downloading tools or learning how to use them.
The internet social media platforms are designed for all levels of computer user, so even the person with the least amount of online experience can reap the most benefits.
Just one weekend is enough to get you ready to market to and to manage the most important clients.
Running A Social Media Business On The Go
There are some who are able to run their entire celebrity social media management business right from a cell phone – and you can too. All you need are a few guidelines to help you get started on this setup process. We will bring you through the process step by step so you don’t make any mistakes at the start which could slow you down in the process of building your business.
Many smartphones already have the tools you will need to enhance your social medial management business while also allowing you to live your life the way you want to live your life.
Set Up Yourself As Well As Clients
Setup steps will include the setup of not only the accounts for a celebrity, but also accounts for yourself.
You need to brand yourself in order to ensure that others know you are someone who can help them – and you’ll learn how to do this well.
Managing Your Clients with Ease
Once you have the celebrity accounts setup, you then need to manage them in order to continue to draw interest.
This process is not difficult when you know what you need to do, when you need to do it, and what techniques are the most effective overall.
Using Technology to Create a System
Managing the campaigns can also be made simpler with social media tools which can do the work for you, even when you’re sleeping.
By using Twitter services, for example, which will tweet throughout the day, you can sit back and watch the buzz around a celebrity increase even as you’re not typing at your keyboard.