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Chris - Ok Joint Ventures - they're definitely a very profitable thing. You don't need to be a big guru or have a big e-mail list to get joint ventures. I have a couple of articles on my website about this, and basically what you want to do is spend a couple of hours in a day going through the top twenty sites. Type up your key phrase in 3 different search engines, go through those top 20 sites on each of the three search engines and find the name and the e-mail address of the site owner.
Take an e-mail template, insert their website and their name, personalize up the e-mail and send it to them, asking for a joint venture or a link exchange, or have them put your article on their website if they like it. You don't have to know the big guns to do it - in fact I just found the JV article and this gives you a six day plan on how to get JV partners in 30 minutes a day for 6 days.
Take 6 days and 30 minutes per day and you'll have JV partners. There's even an e-mail template in here that I've wrote and I've used successfully that you can just copy, paste and just personalize for setting out joint venture requests.
This works phenomenally well. You don't need to know a big guru; you don't even need to have big money to do this. It's great.
Rob - Excellent. Any other comments on joint ventures? Perhaps if you are a bigger person and if you are running a program, what are the sorts of things you can do to perhaps engage people to participate in finding people to come on board with your project and start working together?
Chris - A big one that works very well is prizes, contests, cash prizes work well, electronic prizes such as laptops, iPods, things like that. If you can set up a contest for thirty days, whoever generates the most sales in 30 days gets a 2500 dollar bonus or gets a free iPod, or gets this laptop, and have pictures of it.
That can really increase someone’s desire to do a joint venture with you.
Contests have definitely been the big booster that I've seen. They've been going on for a long time. Once a month I've always seen someone doing one, and they've always worked out well. Definitely try and do a contest, if you're a medium to large sized marketer and you want to get more people involved in promoting your product.
Rob - Ok that's interesting. We're very much going down that route here at co-op world with our treasure hunts where people can win prizes by clicking on ads and doing other things, but maybe we ought to take that a step further and get more prizes as rewards, get a few more contests going, not just with finding things, but perhaps with achieving certain goals.
All right, so there's some of the questions that I wanted to cover. I was quite keen to have this session be just under the one-hour mark. I will kick into a second one where we start to open up to the floor to ask questions, and if we've got time we may even move into the work shopping where maybe if you've got a business that you're promoting, and you want to get some advice from Chris on it. So Chris, do you have any other sort of closing comments on anything before we open up the interview for a Q&A?
Chris - Before we open up for questions, I just want to say that the biggest thing is that people need to get started. People read 100 articles online, buy 20 ebooks and read those, they get so confused that they don't know where to start and they never do start.
The number one thing is to put a website up. Put up a website, even if it's a crappy trashy looking site, put one up and modify it from there. Start now. You can buy a domain and get a free website template up, do it and build from there. It's a never-ending process. You're always refining, you're always tweaking, but the key is to actually get to doing something. Take ACTION!