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Designing Shirts
If you already know a little bit about graphic design, it shouldn’t be too difficult to create images for your t-shirts. Pretty much any design program (Photoshop, Illustrator, GIMP, etc.) is fine for creating t-shirt designs. Most systems accept image formats such as JPG and PNG, allowing you to use whichever program you prefer. Most systems also provide templates you can download to ensure you’re creating the right size image for your shirt.
You can look at existing successful t-shirts for ideas for designs. Obviously you don’t want to copy their designs. Just use them for inspiration as far as colors, layout, and the type of graphics you might want to use.
You could also hire someone to design your shirts for you. It’s nor difficult to find freelance designers that are hungry enough for work that they’ll create basic t-shirt designs for you for just a few dollars. Let’s say you pay a designer $25 to do a simple design. Even if you only sell a handful of shirts, you’ll still make a profit off that design.
Craigslist is a good place to start. You could always post an ad looking for a designer for t-shirt graphics. Mention how much you’re willing to pay, and ask for samples.
Many of the most successful t-shirts are nothing more than interesting text arranged in an eye-catching, pleasing way. Even a beginner can learn to create simple designs without much trouble.